Resolution 100-1980
RESOLUTION NO. 100 -1980
FLORIDA, has received an application from Paul Marrero, proposing
Construct about 300 1.f. of concrete block seawall waterward
of MHW and backfill with approximately 2400 c.y. of crushed oolite.
About 1,400 c.y. of backfill would be placed waterward of MEW and
the remainder landward. The purpose of the proposed project is for
shoreline protection and usage would be private. All equipment
and materials can be transported to the site over exisitng uplands.
The project site is located in a residential area, the uplands
of which were created by the excavation of adjacent canals, basins
and channels. The site shoreline (corner of canal and open water)
and undeveloped adjacent ones (for about 450' to south) are severely
eroded, expecia11y where exposed to open waters of the north and
east. Upland and shoreline vegetation is very limited or non-
existent and development of the area is about 50-75%. Open waters
immediately adjacent to the site are very deep (-30' MLW?) due to ex-
cavation and surrounding natural baybottoms range from about -3 to
-5' MLW in depth. Benthic habitats in natural areas include
seagrasses and hard bottom rock-cora1-a1gae-sponge communities.
The extent of erosion of the site shoreline back from the excavated
basin immediately offshore (see attachment) ranges from about 25'
on the SE corner of the site to about 60' on the NE corner. Depths
along this edge are between -1.5 to -2.5 MLW and then drop irregu-
larly into the basin. The edge of the basin is very irregular
indicating erosion of the uppersides of the basin. The shoreline
presently slopes gradually from MLW and sediments include we11-
sorted rock rubble and rock boulders. Vegetation along this
slope is limited to benthic algae (Laurencia, Penicillus, Halimeda,
Cora11inacea) attached to the scattered rock boulders in the
subtidal zone. A sparse bed of turtle grass (Tha1assia testudinum)
is present on the NE corner of the site at the edge of the slope.
There is no significant shoreline or upland vegetation. Similar
conditions exist along this shoreline for about 450' to the south
to a residence that includes a bulkhead recessed from the edge of
the basin.
The revised design of the bulkhead would place it about 8 ft. land-
ward of the edge of the deep artificial basin located out from the
shoreline. This will insure the integrity of the seawall over
time and protect the shallow-water benthic habitat and vegetation
immediat1ey landward of the edge. Riprap to be placed along the toe
of the wall will allow for some dissipation of wave energy and pro-
vide additional subtidal habitat.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, by the Board of County Commissioners
of Monroe County, Florida, that said Board hereby gives its approval
for the construction of the above mentioned project.
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DATED this
day of April, 1980, at a regularly
scheduled meeting.
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Attest:, ": )
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April 1, 1980
Paul Marrero
28 Miriam St.
Stock Island
Key West, Fla. 33040
Re: Monroe County, Seawall,
File No. 44-23429-5E
Dear Mr. Marrero:
As we advised you on Septermber 14, 1979 , your application is
incomplete without local approval, pursuant to Section 253.124,
Florida Statutes, for filling waterward of the existing mean/
ordinary high water line.
Please submit the enclosed copy of our biological comments
together with your permit application to the Board of County
Commissioners/City Councilor their authorized permitting
authority. Section 253.124, Florida Statutes, states that the
county commission/city council If. . .shall have in hand the
(biological) report and findings thereof." It further states,
"The report shall be read into the record and duly considered
at the same meeting at which the board of county commissioners
or other authorized body takes final action on the application
for permit."
You will need to obtain a copy of the minutes of the meeting
or an appropriate indication of the local approval. This
letter, resolution or copy of the minutes should be sent to
this office. Your application will remain incomplete without
valid local approval. If you have any questions concerning
this procedure, please contact us.
cc: John Carbon
P. A. Barbaccia
Environmental Specialist
DER Form 17-1.122(50)
Paul Marrero
Monroe County - Raccoon Key
Page Two
A. The applicant proposes to construct about 300 l.f. of concr.ete
block seawall waterward of liHW and backfill with approximately
2400 c.y. of crushed oolite. About l,toO c.y. of backfill
would be placed waterward of MHW and the remainder landward.
The purpose of the proposed project is for shoreline protec-
tion and usage would be private. All equipment and materials
can De transported to the site over exiRt;n(1 nnl Anrh
~. . '. 1 1 ' , J . 1 th. , l
b. _he prOject s~tf.' :is .<oC;i.~,t>l; lt1 ,i ,('SL e,Hla area, e UPl.'j'Y."
of which we::e created hy the exclv:1.tion of ad iacent can3l~ .
~asins and channels, The ~;ite sh0!"pline (corner of canal
and open water) and undevclop~J ~~jaccnt ones (for abcut 4~0'
tc"\ south) are :;pverel'l ercH.ied, c'-:,ccially '""here exposed t(
o~')en waters of the nurth :md east Cnland and shoreline
v~'getation is very l:i,,-'iLc'j or Ill'!: exist(>nt and jevelopmen
:-~e area is about 50-,;')"_, Oflen 1,,::Hcrs immediately adjacent t"
the site are very deep (-~l' ~~W?) due to excavation and
s'Jrroundinh natural bay:,')c,tt:,r:;,'i rl'~C~(' from about .-3 to -5' ~'~".,:
i ,", de p t h . B (' nth ~ chi..! t. ~ t, t sin ,Ll U 1 r a 1 are a s in c 1 u des e Cl ~~ r a:,; s <? c~
t"1:1d hard bottom rock-coraJ-,;!t;ap'-sponge communitieS.
C, The extent of erosio:i of the site s!hH'e1ine back from the
t2XCdVa ted bas i.l irr...Tlt'd i;H.C' 1 y 0 ff S hG H' (see at t achrnen t) ranges
from about 25' on the SE c~rner of the site to about 60' on
:he l~E corner. De'"'ths along this edge are between -1.5 to -2.5
~~.W and then drop irregularly into the basin. The edge of the
b~sin is very irregular indicating erosion of the upper sides
o~ the basin. The shoreline presently slopes gradually from
~~rw and sc d i men ts 1nc 1 ude \/P 11- so rt ed rock rubb Ie and rcc k
~ouldE!s, Vegr~ation ~long this slope is limited to be~:hic
c'llr,ae (Lau;:e!1cia, Pen" ~Ll.t;3, Iictlimedal Corallin<icefl) att,l(::lU~
to the scaltereu rock ~,)-i..llders in the subtidal hone. A S'),lL,0
",cd .-)f turtle gC1SS (Thdlassja tPstudinum) is presLnt on the :~F
corner of the site .:.1t,'-,r--:~Jt thp slope. There is no s~,~--
flificant .s~1Or(>line or \iDLmd ve~'et:ltinn. Similar conai: j(I~,:=o
e:-: is talon r, t h i ~ s h 0 r c 1 i n l' [ () r ; h 0 U t !~ ') (;' tot he sou t h r r ,I
"l'sicience th,]t includc"': : l"11;':1:l"ld "''.:cssed from the c',2>~.~ .-
. "1(~ h3s1n,
D. The revised of the bulkhead would place it about
8 ft. landward of the edge of the deep artificial basin
located out from the shoreline. ~his will insure the integrity
of the seawall over time a..,... 'cct the shallow-water benthic
habitat and vegetation immedi:ltely landward of the edge. Riprap
to be placed along the toc of the wall will allow for some
dissipation of wave encrEY and provide additional subtidal