Resolution 108-1980 RES 0 L UTI 0 N No. 108-1980 A RESOLUTION GRANTING PERMISSION TO (1) FLA. KEYS AQUEDUCT AUTHORITY TO DO THE NECESSARY DREDGING AND FILLl~G IN CONNECTION WITH THE (2) vJater Pipeline WHEREAS, the (3) (()unty of MONROE has received an application from (4) FKAA ,-' , a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of ( 5 ) FLORIDA and duly authorized to do business in the State of Florida, to do extensive dredging and filling and excavation as described for filling under Chapter 253.124, Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, this application has been reviewed and it has been determined that the project entertained would not: 1. Violate any statute, zoning law, ordinance, or other applicable restriction, nor 2. Subject the natural flow of the navigable waters as defined in Section 253.12, Florida Statutes, to harmful destruction or alteration, nor 3. Create harmful or increased erosion, shoaling of channels or stagnant areas of water, nor 4. Cause material injury or monetary damage to accrue to adjoining land; and WHEREAS, the (6) County of MONROE , has determined: A. Whether the project will interfere with the conservation of fish, marine and wildlife, or other natural resources to such an extent as to be contrary to the public interest; and B. Whether the destruction of oyster beds, clam beds o~ marine prOductivity, including but not limited to destruction of natural marine habitats, grass flats suitable as nursery or feeding grounds for marine life, including established marine soils suitable for producing plant growth of a type useful as nursery or feeding grounds for marine life, will result therefrom to such an extent as to be contrary to the public interest. APPROVED ON_ \) !:L~J~O PAGE \ LS B08K_ Lsr It has also considered other factors affecting the public interest; and WHEREAS, the biological survey of the Department of Environmental Regulation designated in Section 253.124, Florida Statutes, has been considered and read into the record at the same meeting at which final action has been taken on this application; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the (7) County of MONROE , hereby gives its approval to the construction of the above project, subject to the approval of the Department of Environmental Regulation, pursuant to Section 253.124(2}, Florida Statutes, and the approval of the United States Army Corps of Engineers, ,pursuant to the Rivers and Harbors Act, and all other applicable federal statutes. PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED This (8) 22nd Day of April, 1980 , at regularly BY ( 9) scheduled public meeting. ~~ ~ ATTEST: ~~ {10~f7/~ . . APPROVED AS TO FORM: (~1) $$a%A , 2-5 C_