Resolution 110-1980 RESOLUTION NO. IIO- 1980 RESOLUTION SETTING FOREIGN TRAVEL IMMUNIZATION FEES TO BE CHARGED BY MONROE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT. WHEREAS, Florida Statute 154.06 provides for the Board of County Commissioners to establish reasonable fees for services rendered by the Monroe County Health Department, and, WHEREAS, a new fee schedule for foreign travel immuni- zations should be established due to increase in costs of administering said immunizations, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLOIRDA, as follows: 1. That the reasonable fee for services rendered in administering foreign travel immunizations is hereby estab- 1ished as: Certificate Validation $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $ 3.00 Gamma Globulin Smallpox Cholera Typhoid Polio Typhus 2. That the Monroe County Health Department is hereby authorized to collect the aforesaid fee and that such fee shall be credited to said Department for its appropriate use ln accordance with Florida Statute 154.06. 3. That the Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to file a certified copy of this Resolution with the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services pursuant to Chapter 154.06, Florida Statutes. This Resolution shall be into effect immediately upon passage and adoption by the Board of County Commissioners. DATED April 22, 1980. BOARD OF COU~!Y COMM, ISSIONERS OF MONRO~~T~R, IDA By (J6J:', ~/? ~~~~~:"""'r~~_ --- (Seal) Attest: '---- , " -7' / ,\' , ,." / L.--/' /,,/ ~ . "",' ,._ / ';,,/r_ "---i__~.C?-0~. "/,__ ',,;;;' Clerk APPROVED O~J H- ' ~ "}. ~ 0 APMOV$ AI 10 f10IW AND UGAI<::t fFFfCfFNCY. BV ~~~A' ;f AttornllY" Office BOJK ,u__ P!1,'~;F___JJ.\'" ~-----_...-------._- --- ~~3