Resolution 112-1980 RESOLUTION NO.112-l980 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING REPRESENTATIVES TO MEET WITH THE GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION AND THE CITY OF KEY WEST, FLORIDA, PER THE REQUEST OF THE GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION. WHEREAS, the City and the County have submitted separate plans for the redevelopment of the Truman Annex Surplus Property, and, WHEREAS, the General Services Administration has requested the County to meet with the General Services Admini- stration and the City of Key West, Florida, to discuss and try to resolve differences, NOW THEREFORE BE IT, That the following County representatives are hereby authorized to meet with the General Services Administration and the City of Key West, Florida, to discuss differences regarding the Truman Annex Surplus Property Redevelopment: a.) County Commissioner as designated by the Board. b.) County Attorney c.) Dr. David Greenberg That said representatives shall have the authority to negotiate such matters as are in the best interest of Monroe County. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting held on the 22nd day of April, 1980. BOARD OF CO~N Y CO,M. MISSIONERS OF MONROE!2' ~RIDA ;'1 _..-~ ./,,/"""'" / ;/~ ..., By _ ('i:"~" /,/<<. ~t'al~"" ,~ 11 ft"---. ~"":=-,,-:-:-:: "__ __..:._ " (Se al) Attest: -'''------:> ( ~ef1< ~c<)2~ -- APPROVED ON' SOOK 4,. ~)..go Ii .'_ PAGE:__-LL~_~ AfAPROVf!DtlS TO FO.I:?M AND LEGAl.. SUI-HC/liNCr. BV k4./#~ 7 'AttOrner". 0/f1t;fI .4A .......... L. (,.. ~