Resolution 119-1980 RESOLUTION NO. ll~ 1980 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO EXECUTE A EQUIPMENT LOAN AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES AND MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: That the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, is hereby authorized to execute an Equipment Loan Agreement by and between the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services and Monroe County, Florida, a copy of same being being attached hereto, for the purpose of loaning equipment. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting held on the 20th day of May, 1980. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By .' ~-" --- --:: (Seal) Attest: ,-) " ~I / ,7./~,. / //./ .. f' ...?: '. /.c...~ (/./,-";::1'1 .-/~. " ./ lerk APPROVED AS TO FORM ANO AtSUfAC~NCY .0 trf 2-;r<f :. '111m IPER ~QU IPMENJ~_LOAN AGREEMENT The Department of Health and Rchabilitative Services (herein referred to as the Department) and Monroe COlIDty the User) agree as follows: (1) The equipment which is the subject of this agreement shall be designated (herein referred to as by name and serial nwnber for each piece of equipment with a list of said equipment to be attached to and made a part of this agreement. f~) J1he equipment will be loaned without charge to the User to be-used in User's reasonabie discretion. (3) The equipment will be loaned to the User for an initial period of sixty (60) days. This agreement will be extended automatically lIDless either party gives notification of termination prior to the expiration of the inital sixty (60) y day period. (4) The equipment shall be available for inspection by a respresentative of the Department at any reasonable tnne and place. Such inspection shall be for puposes including, but not lnnited to, ascertaining the condition and frequency of use of the equipment. (5) The User will properly utilize and maintain the equipment while the equlp- " ........ ment is in his custody and will return it to the Department in the same condition in which the equipment was received from the Department. The User, however, v;il1 not be held responsible for normal wear and tear. (6) The User will assure at all times that the equipment is kept In a sanitary land -:t:leari. 'condition. A. .. (7) 'The User will supply the Department lvritten reports regarding the utilization of the equipment, the frequency of the utilization of the equipment, and the condition of the equipment, no less than once per quarter. (8) The User shal1 be liable, and agrees to be liable for, and shall indemnify, defend and hold the Department harmless from all claims, suits, judgments or damages including court costs and attorney's fees arising out of or in the course of the operation of this agreement or the use of the equipment which is the ~ 10' . subject of this agreement. (9) The User shall utilize the equipment to the equipment's maximum potential. (10) Paragraph nwnber notwithstanding the Department nBY terminate the agreement upon one (1) day's notice if the Department determines any of the following: (1) the equipment is not being used, (2) the equipment is being inadequately used, (3)_ the equipment is being improperly used, (4) or the User ~ . is not complying to the Department's satisfaction with the reporting requirements : ...._......~ t ~~ ~ -- ~ \. ,\ ~. ..... ." ,,- -........ ,. 2~S ~ ,~. \of' of p<lyagraph 7. If the llgreclOcnt j.5 t('lIl1l11;)t(~d pur:;1I;lnt to t.his section, the User f;h:1l1 retllrn the equipment to the lJl'p;ll~tm(,llt v.'ithill t\,'O (2) dil)'S. (11) The User shall be responsible for the traiISI)()rt<ltion of thc equipment. (deliver. and return) to a~d from the Departrncllt's designated place of custody for the equipment. The User shall also be rcsp~ll~lble for any cost incurred in the transportation of the equipment. (12) The User's business address is-11Olu::..OJ=~Q.un.t.y_-Em~rg~nc...y S ~rricps, 11 J 1 -.W_s.._Hwy.. Ma~. . The User's telephone number is (305) 74.3-6619. (13) This agreement may be terminated by either p3rty upon five (5) I-:orking ~. day's written notice. The equipment ....'ill be returned to the Department within three (3) working days following the effective date of termination. /} 1 / I~ q,OCJ (14) This agreement shall become effective on---L>LI.~ ~-<)( !oj / t'CL v / < IN WITNESS HEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals. 1J~~ . User Represcntatlve Don Schloesser Chairman ~~ rL{J~JL~ // Director, Emergency Hedjlf-1/~ Services Program; Depart~~nt of Health & Rehabilitative Services Title 14~1f!!-Jf , .-_.-~.~ ] I' .~ " ........... . (.;.;. ._, c..), /' ~......... ~~~i";;;~S ~~ 3/ /80 TYPE OF EQUIPHENT . H . R . S. 1. D. Num 1,> er - Thumper Accessories: 105937 (A) Backboard (B) Carrying Case (C) Oxygen Holder Thumper 105941 Accessories: (A) Backhoard (B) Carrying Case (C) Oxygen Holder Thwnper 105952 Accessories: (A) Backboard (l3)Carrying Case (C) Oxygen Holder "2.~ b