Resolution 120-1980 RESOLUTION # 120-1980 WHEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS of MONROE COUNTY, Florida, has received an application from Sam Humes to: Place boulder riprap from the adjacent seawall (to north) to the eXistin~ southeast corner of his lot. Clean fill is proposed to be placed ehind the riprap. Existing mangroves, at this corner, are to be preserved. Width of this fill is to be approximately 15' wide, adjacent to the seawall, and taper to the width of the boulders at the southeast corner of lot. Length of the riprap is approximately 100' along the west face of applicants lot. Total depth of fill is five feet. Applicant~s agent calculates waterward fill to be 111 cubic yards and upland fill to be 27 cubic yards. Riprap and fill will be transported by truck to applicant's site over existing roads and owner's upland. Riprap will be placed by clam bucket. Fill will be spread and compacted by a bulldozer. Applicant say turbidity curtains will be used. Upland's vegetated with terrestrial weeds, except where adjacent land owners appear to have mowed a strip of grass regularly. Neighbor to northeast has a concrete seawall with davits, neighbor to southwest has his left shoulder wild except for a 15' wide concrete boat slip. The applicant's irregular shoreline is vegetated with buttonwood, black mangroves, and Borrichia sp. and appears to be approximately 12' to 15' landward of adjacent property owner's (to north) concrete seawall. The bay bottom in area of proposed filling is nearly devoid of vegetation except for scattered Batophora sp., Thalassia testudinum and brown algae. Bottom material is firm sand-shell fragments and small stones in this area of heavy boat traffic. A shallow navigation channel exists waterward of proposed riprap seawall and fill. Juvenile fishes, minnows, a Sargeant major, barracuda, and gastropods were in this channel at time of inspection. The impact of this project would be minimal as this area is of lower productivity. The installation of a riprap seawall may, in fact, reduce turbidity from wave-wash of boats using adjacent channel. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, that said Board hereby given its approval for the construction of the above mentioned project. RESOLVED this 20th day of May, 1980, at a Regularly scheduled meeting. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE CO TY, E RIDA ~ By (Seal) Attest: / /;:~ /~/ t..-/ ." c~> // Clerk --~~:".--'.-'~>fi~- .,. -; -,,' ,/ / ./ .._,.-7" APPltO'ItD AS' TO 10RM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY. n /4~~ 2..Cj(7 :. 0' \~...,,,'l! ""V'-ri'~ ", .. ~. ,I. - s :;[ '.h '';.'11, 'I '. ~ \v q/.1/.J, l,~.\:;':{..." \/".{ '- "'L~_ ..."1 · "'h"'-:~l "If. :.\JJ;, ..,if/ JIll c-~ H( BOfl GRAHAM GOVERNOR 3201. GOLF COURSE BOULEVA PUNTA GORDA, FLORIDA 33950 JACOB D. VARN SECRETARY ST A TE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION SOUTH FLORIDA BRANCH OFFICE April 16, 1980 Sam Humes c/o;,.pa1.}l C. Kenson P.O. 92 Marathon, Florida 33050 Re: Monroe County, File No. 44-25055-5E Dear Mr. Humes: As we advised you on November 6, 1979 , your application is incomplete without local approval, pursua~t to Section 253.124, Florida Statutes, for filling waterward or the existing mean/ ordinary high water line. , Please submi t the enclosed copy of our biological comrr.ents together with your permit application to the Board of County COwr;1issioners/City Councilor thei::- authorized pe~,itting authority. Section 253.124, Florida Statutes, states that the county commission/city council". .shall have in hand the (biological) report and findings the::eof." It further states, "The report shall be read into the record and duly considered at the same meeting at which the board or county co~~issioners or other authorized body takes =inal action on the application for permit." " ....--- You will need to obtain a ccpy af the ~inutes of the meetlng or an appropria te indication of the local approval. ';'1is letter, resolution or copy of the minutes shculd be se~t to t~is office. Your application will remain incomplete without vk1i~ lo~~~ approval. If yo~ have any.questions concerning this orocedure, olease contact us. ~. . S incer e10f ! PAB/wb Enclosure cc: John Carbon ~' -';:" -, .. /.~' .--,. /._./ ~/~;;:0'_:-'; //._/~ ~.;.~- ./.-~ '-'--..-/~ --...- .- -- / ~ Philip'A. Barbaccia, Environmental specialist .' DER Fo~ 17-1.122(50) . , "\ ", l. '..,... ~.- "".::' \,..~#~.... .. J' -'~ - -- . .' zg& :. .s AN Hill1E S {J44-25055-5E Monroe County - Lower Matecornbe Page 2 A. Applicant proposes to place boulder riprap from the ad- jacent seawall (to north) to the existing southeast corner of his lot. Clean fill is proposed to be placed behind the rlprap. Existing mangroves, at this corner, are to be pre- served. Width of this fill is to be approximately IS' wide, adjacent to the seawall, and taper to the width of .. the- boulders at the southeast corner of lot. Length..of the ,. riprap is approximately 100' along the west face of appli- cants lot. 'Total depth of fill is five feet. Applicant's agent calculates waterNard fill to be III cubic yards and upland fill to be 27 cubic yards. Riprap and fill ,.,ill be transported by truck to applicant's site over existing roads and owner's upland. Riprap will be placed by clam bucket. Fill will be spread and compacted by a bulldo~er. Applicant says turbidity curtains will be .used. B. Upland's vegetated with terrestrial weeds, except where adjacent land owners appear to have mowed a strir> of grass regularly. Neighbor ~o north ea~t has a concrete seawall with davits, neighbor to south west has left his shoulder wild except for a 15' wide concrete boat sliF. C. The applicant's irregular shoreline is vegetated with buttonwood, black mangroves, and Berrichia sp. and ap- pears to be approximately 12' to 15' landward of adja~ cent property owner's (to north) concrete seawall. The bay bottom in area of proposed filling is nearly devoid of vegetation except for scattered Batophora sp., Thal- assia testudinum and brc~n algae. Bottom material is firm sand..=shell fragments and. sP.lall stones in this area of heavy boat traffic. -A shallow navigation channel exists watenvard of proposed riprap seawall and. fill. Juvenile fishes, minnows, a Sargeant major, barracuda, i an.9 ga~t.ropods were in this channel at time of inspec- .. tion. -- D. The impact. of this project T..vould be minimal as this area is of ldwerproductivity. The install~tion of a riprap seawall may, in fact, reduce turbidity from 'wave-wash of boats using adjacent channel. . . , ........ ~ ~ ~ . ........' ~.. ... '.:,' ". \ . ~.. ... .J'" --..... ,. 2-g; :. MEMORMmul,\ TO. . . . . . . .. KERMIT LEWI~ DATE. . .. . . MAY 6, 198 0 '? .: SUBJECT:...... HUMES - FILL BELOW M.r: FROM. .. .. .. JOHN CARBO \ \I 1". LEGAL.... TOLLGATE SHORES, BLOCK 5, LOT 7. LOWER MATECUMBE Appl~cat!on was made for the establishment of a bulkheadlin of rip-raILnature, about 140 'feet in length, and for about 250 cubic yards of necessary back-fill, which is intended for placement below the mean high water line. This RU-l property is situated On previously filled and dredged land. The shore, which faces the bay, has eroded. probably facilitated by boat wave action. There are some wetland vegetative species populating this shoreline which are of a secondary nature.\The area immediately watenJard of the Hlfw line is relati'lely void of nacro- biota, h~;ever, dense and diverse benthic communities of various indigenous types of ma~ine biota are prevalent beyond,the areas of eroded fill. . Discrepencies submitted within th~ origicnal application have been modified and cor- rec ted. The construction and presence of this proposal would not adversely affect the adjacent environs. Recommendation - aoproval -- Both COE and DER permit ting 'Mould be required; at tached is DER survey. , .. . . ... -......., _.~tr...... " ~ . .. /. . .,.... _"'_'_~ '__.' ._._. -0'._.,-- _. _,_ _______...__...:._._,_.._... ,,"""'....."...u;.;:;" ..,=....~..~:. -:~~::::.: :...~~.~ ..--":;::..:~::":':7~:':~':"":'~~: ~-;"'~: . .. ____~___. .,,_..___. ~. ..._-....._. ..... .._.. ... .~~1..":-'_ ,.~..:.;,~;. : ;~:1~~;;:~~:,_.:;)~~~:..~t2;~f. ., -....... -~. --"P~:- '-e. .....,..-:c <.. ,-:.. ':-;:;. - ~ -,-' .....,.. ~- _.;r .,''..:' .sM.: \ r"" ~c;..w;:FC<l"~. ... " 'I.~:-;~i~_'~.'~:'. 4 SAM HUMES 100 IRWIN PLACE iAWRENCEVILLE, N~~ 08648 /. " f . \ ,i,1 !,/ Contractor or agent 's'-name, ma i 1 i ng PAUL KENSON, JR & ASSOC., INC. P.O.B. 92 MARATHON, FL. 33050 ,.' -. Ii .-, ,-...-- PLr\:J:!I';~_ !,I"I,flIiIC,~ ZO~Jlr:G DEDf:RT~'1E:lT P[t-~i'iIT',i'r!I'nIC;1 FOR neAI/AIIO" - DEPOSIT OF ilLL. OR STRlTcTmf;;C-;;'JI,,<~IES ,. I N THE ',J~ T EF~-S--()R ~'J ETLMi5S-OF~':1orlROE COU:lT'{ aJdn:>ss - -l;-Oa te For Depa rtment Use 6nT)1 JO/1/79 ~4~ //t1 ". 't1 i '}7.,.n . J,r. ~ 1) Property O\'mers name & lIlalTi ng MaNRaE~ .- COUNTY .1>i'SCI'Eru...C\-.!5 ;t--J c~\d.,~ J.~~~~'~'-"" 1"-1I-JAt.. kod.\F\C"'... \MS d1A ~/'6/go. J1 3) Phone number 609-771-0879 address & phone number 743-3585 5) Legal description of property: '. Lot, 7 Subdivision, 1QLLGATE SHOF~: Block, 5 J- Key, LO\"er t-jatecumbe Secti on ,;.' Township, Street, road or mile marker, Range, ( i faCreag e) 6) Describe the proposed activity, methods of construction & amount of material, (in cubic yards), to be excavated or discharged: 9 SEE DESCRIPTION ON DIAGRAM SHEET dredqed/excavated fill ed/deDos itpd volume of material: -- -7-) 'I:'a-.-r;',~ f ~ ,_. , . c.y. c.y. waterward landward of M.H.W. of M.H.~. address & ZlP code of adjoining property owners 250 c.y. c.y. .. -- waterward landward of M.H.W. of M.H.W. \'Ihose property affronts 't/a ter vlay. LOT 6 PHILIP BRYAN 3140 HALLANDALE BLVD. HALLANDALE, FL. 33009 LOT 7 RICHARD RUGGLES, ET AU 11201 SHAKER BLVD. CLEVELAND, OHIO 44104 This completed application form will 'be accolnpaniea by the follol-ling, or it vlill NOT be processed. , . . a) Two (~) s~ts ot Cira\'iings. on. 812 X 11 p~lpeY. sho\.ing loc~ltion, plot pLlI1, top vic\\' . and cross sectiQn of proposal, droMn to scale. b) Application processing fee as follow:; . $25.00 for dredae fill docks OR any structures affronting natural water bodies. b " ~ $10.00 for vertical seawalls onman-made bodies of water. $25.00 for any combin~tion of the above activities p~r site. Application is hereby made for a permit to authorize the activities described herein. I certify that I am familiar with the information conttlined in this application, and to the best of my knowledge & belief such information is true, complete & accurate. 1 further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the proposed activities. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with, whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any county, state or federal law regulating constr:u~~ion or performance of construction of this type of faci] ity.'.. ~~>cuJ '2k;~0Y-- of applican / aqent Date ;.-IFor Department Use Onlyl ... / . ~).. -. '/'~' w.. Fee & receipt # Person accepting application Approved by Assistant Director Estimated cost of construction Cos t of permit " . ~. .. . ~ '::' '... .. -........___.1 ~._ L-.1f .~ ~---_._----_.- . . . .IOLL (;;i6..TE.. . 'BLVO \0 ~ I ~ r iI CD 4~/ 1.1L~ 4 II~~ ,.-- ~LOT 7 I~S ~\$~< ~ ~ . lJ....J 1\ 19 if.. ;-' .\\,~ / \) r \r' -'../ )..\~/ ~ ~ t3 -I )i~ G tl:r ' / ~j;~\~ =P'Co t":. - I, 1 Ro P. ?~~:Lfl~~~;;?-A ~ ~.~,k-~\~r 1I:1PRt.P ~..L, L= -- - "c,", il- L }.J.C~f~t""',,,,uFC.~iM" ' 5' T S , SO" ~ LU&' I' I 2.4- ~2'"~ & LOT C7 BLt<. 5 .:-rOLL c; l,.l"t:: 5HO~~ ...COCAIYO~ .5e"" '- 'C - I=" 6"'" ,- , 25 J .:)0- -~ 'IOD r -:=.:.:: . u _5 C. AL E: - -,.-p. <:;:: DS. - " ~I f. .. :n ~Oo 10DO 10DO , FR.OM ~OAA. \\.. \\4-5\ P L_ 6.. \--l ~. ~ 50. , I ~ t', V ---.. , 5 15\' hVG, 1 ' . - . j f1 ... \\ _ c8.! ~l c...~:t. -t~l ~ ~ 3"1-.~...\L.O '-'('1... "' 2.1,l. c .'1. -- ,:,)( \50 'i~ '2.." ::11I,~c.'(. ,) )'1 Ji:.. ..:::R.Tl'" lZ: 1> r r L ~ ___ gx.\~T \;;;,'??t- Cl..-U,~ ~U . . . ., ""......./ . ,~~.~ _ Muw.fJ.O '>"- J-:-'\~L-\ D.O., ~~.Q- . .I..:::C? \ C. A. L _ ~ \0:'.. C. T \0 ...:s \"" \ O' ,- ~SG.'''''Jt.\.L ~ \: lLL ~~. t4,O!-'l':;;.L .M':;;.\.,; ,/ /" I 1: I OJ' . .,' l, PURPOSE: St.abiliz'2 Shor~l;lne J . Mean Sea Level ,I. .'. DHUM , ;~:, A~JACENT PROPERTY OI'lNERS': . /\....~%-,;>hi1 & Merle Bryan ~ 3140 Ha!U..a,ndale 1 ,jr;:/} Ha,11andale, Florida 33009 ~K ' Richard Ruggles, et ux, 1~201 u~......./ Cleveland, Ohio .44104 c:...:.._~-oci~"e ~T t-:==__:...c=:=I o & Ie 1:5 ~N~ ..15 /J u: H.e~:!> L IN 6 ~ I '-'- COo 1- ..:: 'l 'tE ~ D I &:l \1> A:,.:) 't EoG' t.l1){ I<:- <- b "'" W'> .:l C\:l \"t4 ~ -9l1o /80 IN Bay of Florida LOw'er. Matecumbe .. .~ pK 8~039 f\ w~L.. ~~yI,m ~ AT COUNTY oFMonroe STAHFlorid Shaker -131 vctPPL ICAl ION BY Sam -,Humes SHEET !l or1 DATE 10~20::"7 REV-I - \\- \6-''1 rz ev. 2 I - :22.:50 M<-.DJ- 3 3 - ~~ & EEv - 4 <\. - 2 - 8C> . _0 _. - --.--1"""'.....--.'.... .-. -,-----~.-.- ....-..- _.~~,._-...-_..--,..: .-'. . __'.'<o'''_~__ -~.:-- __ .. .' . \ . ,: <; ......,~ , . , \ . '. ,- 1'1 - . '. -. .:.. :". ... . 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