Resolution 121-1980 RESOLUTION # 121-1980 WHEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS of MONROE County, Florida, has received an application from Basil F. Dally to construct: 185 l.f. of riprap seawall waterward of MHW along an eroded open- water shoreline as a continuation of an adjacent riprap line in order to recover eroded property and prevent further erosion. An estimated 100 c.y. of limerock backfill would be placed waterward of MHW. Turbidity screens are proposed to be used during all filling and equlp- ment and materials can be transported to this site over existing uplands. Proposed for an offshore island immediately to the north of the riprap shoreline is a pile-supported dock measuring 85' x 5' (425 sq.ft.) with four mooring pilings, Usage would be private. The project site is located on the Florida Bay side (N) of Vaca Key (Marathon) along a shoreline that thas been altered for private and commercial properties by dredging and filling resulting in numerous shoreline discontinuities and deadend basins. Natural shoreline areas are few and two small rocky islands occur directly offshore. Adjacent baybottoms range from about -5' to -10' in depth and benthic habitats are predominately turtle grass (Thalossia testudinum) in soft biogenic sediments with scattered hard bottom algae communities. Spiny lobsters are trapped in commercial quantitites in local by waters beginning just offshore. Upland development is about 90% of available properties. The site shoreline is oriented to the north and forms a projection into the bay with an artificial canal and basin to the west and natural shallow embayment to the east with an artificial channel providing access to the uplands. The west side of the site upland property is riprapped along the canal and a red (Rhizophora) and black mangrove (Avicennia) shoreline occupies the east shoreline. About 120' of the open water shoreline is presently riprapped but erosion has removed some of the backfill placing MHW along the landward edge of riprap line. To the east is the shoreline proposed for riprap and backfill and it is doubtful if this shoreline has ever been bulkheaded. Portions of the shoreline has eroded back as much as 20-25' forming a pocket in the shoreline and a depression (to aboout -6 to -8') occurs immediately outside the proposed riprap line. Riprap would pass through a depression about -3' MLW immediately out from the pocket. During periods of sustained northerly winds thtis pocket accumulates large amount of floating seagrasses and debris. Rock rubble of various sizes is present along this shoreline and the subtidal zone is vegetated by the algae Laurencia, Halimeda and various lithophytic, filamentous brown algae. This subtidal area is probably stressed to some extent by heavy accumulations of floating organic debris but bottoms in the area remain well sorted and firm. It was during a period of heavy accumulation of seagrasses that this site was first viewed during a pre-application inspection with the applicant. Uplands at the site are old fill that were vegetated by pioneering exotics such as Australian pines (Casuarina) and Brazilian pepper (Schinus) but have recently been totally cleared from the lot by dozer. Substantial secondary growths of mangroves occur along the east side of the property and these will remain. No intertidal vegetation is present. Natural baybottoms offshore are heavily vegetated with seagrasses and algae. The project as proposed will result in the elimination of several thousand square feet of subtidal algae vegetation on rock rubble but will remove a pocket from the shoreline and create habitat by the placement of riprap below MLW. Stabilization of the shoreline will occur po<ssibly benefitting adjacent baybottoms. 2.'3 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, that said Board hereby given its approval for the construction of the above mentioned project. RESOLVED this 20th day of May, 1980, at a Regularly scheduled meeting. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE TY ORIDA By (Seal) Attest: '-~:~'''- -\.,/ /: /^'.- >~ / , ,/> .// ,/ , ~;cei~ik~ / ~,r,t: ->-</ AI'MOVED AI TO FORM 7.~ SUFF/CJIi. NCY. '~-~/ BY 0Ifit:e ~, ~'Y < , / d .-;;:-:.-.-:...-.:::....y~" ~, .~ '.~ ,1 ,. ;~.,.-'\~\ !~(' ". "/~,- j,!:\ \~'~', ~,_J ;.' \ . ' IiZ:L.Wf / , // '. .1"-4,., oa~ _.Offl/ BOB GRAHAM GOVERNOR JACOB D, VARN SECRETARV 3201 GOLF COURSE BOULEVARD PUNTA GORDA, FLORIDA 33950 STATE OF FlORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION SOUTH FLORIDA BRANCH OFFICE April 15, 1980 Mr. Basil F. Dally P.O. Box 757 ~~ Key Colony Beach, Fla. 33051 Re: Monroe County, Rip-Rap Revetment, Backfill, & Private Dock, File No. _ 44-28402-5E Dear Mr. Dally: As we advised you on March 11, 1980 , your application is incomplete without local approval, pursuant to Section 253.124, Florida Statutes, for filling waterwarc of t~e existing mean/ ordinary high water line. Please submit the enclosed copy of our biological co~~ents together with your pe~it application to the Board of County Cc~issioners/City Councilor their authorized pe~litting authority. Section 253.124, Florida Statutes, states that the county commission/city council n. . .shall have in hand the (biological) report and findings thereof." It further states, "The report shall be read into the record and duly considered at the same meeting at which the board of county commissioners or other authorized body takes final action on the application for permit." You will need to obtain a copy of the ~inutes of the meeting or an appropriate indication of the local approval. This letter, resolution or copy of the minutes should be sent to this office. Your application will remain incomplete without valid local approval. If you have any questions concerning this procedure, please contact us. Sincerely, FB/wb v Enclosure ~cc: John Carbon , ,-t'~1 -:i) .f J :'Jj"1'~&A.~.., Fred Bartleson, Dredge & Fill Supervisor ~ER Fo~ 17-1.122(50) ").. ~ 5 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGUL.1\TION PERMIT APPLICATION APPRAISAL ~Pr< 141~ DEI: so, RA. DISTRICT SIWIQl OffICI .....- F'l N 44-28402-5E ~ eo.; County: Honroe Date: 2/29/80 Applicant Name: Basil F. Dally Address: PO Box 757, Key Colony Beach, Fl. 33051 Agent (if applicable): N/A Address: Location of project: Section(s) 9 Township 66S Range 32E Section(s) Local Reference: Marathon Water Body: Florida Bay Township Range Water Classification of Project Area: III Adjacent Waters: III Aquatic Preserve: N/A Outstanding Florida Waters: N/A On site inspection by: Curtis Kruer Date of Inspection: 4/8/8f) Original Application: Yes X No_ l/ldji)() Revised Application: Yes No X Date: Date of 2nd Insp. Biolooical and Water Qualitv Assessment - - A. Description of proposed project and construction techniques. Quantify area of project which extends into waters of the state (including the submerged lands of those waters and the transi- tional zone of the submerged land) as defined in Section 17-4.02 and Section 17-4.28, Florida Administrative Code. B. Biophysical features of general area. Include comments concerning extent of development of adjoining properties as well as relevant historical facts about the area. c. Biophysical features of specific project site and spoil site if applicable. Include identification of bottom types and any relevant historical facts about the area of the project. D. Potential impact of project on biological resources and water quality. Address long-term impact as well as immediate impact for all aspects of the project. E. Suggestions, where appropriate, for modifications that may reduce or minimize the potential impact of project. PE~~ l6-l0(Rev.6/79) "'2- tt c, DALLY, BASIL F. tf44-28402-5E Monroe County - Key Colony Beach P age Two A. The applicant proposes to construct about 185 l.f. of riprap seawall waterward of M}fiv along an eroded open-water shoreline as a continuation of an adjacent riprap line in order to recover eroded property and prevent further erosion. An estimated 100 c.y. of limerock.backfill would be placed waterward of MEW. Turbidity screens are proposed to be used during all filling and equipment and materials can be trans- ported to this site over existing uplands. Proposed for an offshore island immediately to the north of the riprap shoreline is a pile-supported dock measuring 85'x 5' (425 sq.ft.) with four mooring pilings. Usage would be nrivate. B. The project site is located on the Florida Bay side (N) of Vaca Key (Marathon) along a shoreline that has been altered for private and commercial properties by dredging and filling resulting in numerous shoreline discontinuities and deadend basins, Natural shoreline areas are few and two small rocky islands Occur dir,ctly offshore. Adjacent baybottoms range from about -5' to -la' in depth and benthic habitats are pre- dominately turtle grass (Thalossia testudinum) in soft bio- genic sediments with scattered hard bottom algae communities. Spiny lobsters are trapped in cOmmercial quantities in local bay waters beginning just offshore. Upland development is about 90% of available properties. L- -- c. The site shoreline is oriented to the north and forms a pro- jection into the bay with an artificial canal and basin to the west and natural shallow embayment to the east with an artificial channel providing access to the uplands. The west side of the site upland property is riprapped along the canal and a red (Rhizophora) and black mangrove (Avicennia) shoreline occupies the east shoreline, About 120' Ot the open water shoreline is presently riprapped but erosion has removed some of the backfill placing HInv along the land'tvard edge of riprap line. To the east is the shoreline proposed for riprap and backfill and it is doubtful if this shoreline has eVer been bUlkheaded, Portions of the shoreline has eroded back as much as 20-25' forming a pocket in the shoreline and a depression (to about -6 to -8') occurs immediately outside the proposed riprap line. Riprap would pass through a depresSion about -3' MU-l immediately out from the pocket. During periods of Sustained northerly winds this pocket accumulates large amount of floating seagrasses and debris. Rock rubble of various sizes is present along this shoreline and the subtidal zone is vegetated by the algae Laurencia, Halimeda and various lithophytic, filamentous brown algae. This subtidal area is ~'7 DALLY. BASIL F. 1!44-28402-5E Monroe County - Key Colony Beach Page Three probably stressed to some extent by heavy accumulations of floating organic debris but bottoms in the area remain well sorted and firm. It was during a period of heavy accumulation of seagrasses that" this site was first viewed during a pre-application inspection with the applicant. Uplands at the site are old fill that were vegetated by pioneering exotics such as Australian pines (Casuarina) and Brazilian pepper (Schinus) but have recently been cotally cleared from the lot by dozer. Substantial secondary growths of mangroves occur along the east side of the property and these will remain. No intertidal vegetation is present. Natural baybottoms offshore are heavily vegetated with seagrasses and algae. D. The project as proposed will result in the elimination of several thousand square feet of subtidal algae vegetation on rock rubble but will remove a pocket from the shoreline and create habitat by the placement of riprap below MLW. Stabili- zation of the shoreline will occur possibly benefiting adjacent baybottoms. "2-'~ MEMORANDUM TO . . . . .. KERMIT LEWIN DATE. . MAY 5, 1980 SUBJECT.... DALLY - FILL BELOW M.H.W. FROM.... JOHN CARBON LEGAL....... Wl/2, SWl/4, Sec 9, Twp 66, Rge 32. KEY VACA Application has been made for the establishment of a bulkhead line of about 175 linear feet, with the necessary back fill, 100 cubic yards of which is proposed to be placed below the mean high water line. The property in question is composed of previously filled land. and the shore portion affronting Florida Bay has eroded. The pocket which has resulted from the erosion, has deposits of organic debris, and accumulations of various flotsam. Macro-biota within the area intended for filling is sparse; the algae Halimeda so., and PhaeoPoyti~ and Rhodophytic algae were noted. Extending toward the north, or into the Bay, the benthic biota does become diversified, indicating the support of various fauna and flora. As the proposed fill would not extend into the diversified communities, and the bulkhead and fill would tend to prevent further erosion and eliminate a pocket, recommendation is for aoproval. Both COE and DER permits would be required. Hold for a DER bio-survey. ~~, 00' .:' 13 () f/0 /7' . ~ e.'~) ;fcS/~'i2tlf/~h o/~ C,,)ltl" J?j; //,'0'/1 JV/~ ".,... , \ / / / J\ /; t..!..{J. r ~ /'..r: J' / 1f,1 ) I~~ yd,' of rJ(J::;f (-//1/3 /' (''-., 1- ' // crm~hl- j~/) IT 1'// /!E,,(pr-, " A---~-I~j-~//' , : l U "~" rio" ( -/1-/'5 _ ;/1 ~, ;;i/ fler 1d e;g'!(. /' ",!}Mc j II/Ie) M//Ile ,c/fc ~v/) .,' <~ ----'.; ...._~ ---- \ r--~ \'- \ ~-'\ '- \ V'~\ ~-> \. \ \ G \~ \ ~ \ -- \ / // ;, ~ j..-,-, <<1) jJ. ~ , I " . x '- -J/}<.1 l~:;~ ." {)t: /J;OV rOll cI f/(.(){('Y e.t /s 't /0 v' (j,.;-....;.._1 C e i'nf2/7 r- s;? ({ (~}{/, /1 C 1/1 / Gr;yf ~ c: / 6' '-'C/ 'e~.<.)' j; ;.~ <t~ <-:/'/. ,~~':,X . l/ \... ( " .') , . './ go:~' l $/, ,{.~f< , /( f./20c:. (("Je" ~ ~'f"':' C f'V/ rVl\ -- /'-' '11 ' .,... '"7'\ / . i,/' I /(/";; {1 f I'-A i./ /1/ d/~ ~~, /:/;{,'5/i- tJ / die ,jrI5~ I .V / .:t:... \ ~\ ..-; -~ ,'~ , /.' l' \ \ ';;(}C'uf/O/ yh>>;/-,I! .. 1 ((' ,1 - .--' ~~~:J:!--I ) ---- ~ ".1r . I f ~,c..Icv,; (';// .>~~ . ~ ----~ ,r 'c \ /i(/,,) -----~ (I. ' hi' '-_', " \;--.;:..~ r { -'~"--:-~-,? '-" ~, /~// ~ ;/';1/ \ .' . \ CJCj)()51 r \ .. / ' \ . (;' \ \ (/f. \I r r-r .,' . .... ,_, " . .'_ L/!fdh!;fl' e~ '\.~ty,. ,- i;c.-':,:;;~,' :'~'_:,<:~;-->,-~xE:>7":_.~'~~{>\}!r-:~t' :;'.~>~':~::\'~:":~'i,':--,'~:-~'~t';~~:'~_.";;:;'~~~i;''c"'~'4-~~~~~\t~"~~~:~~~_~~~" ,,~'. ~ I i \ ;:;e 1/ (/ f.. \..)#<, ({ t r /"1 .,.\ . I'C;'O" / I -....; t5e~ ( /oi-: '1 /./' ~. ~J ~'/rj/, ~. .,.; " ~..., .I, /) CI :J '- v'." {;G: !4~ or 6/\ 1/9 c'1.f .':A.. ,.... '."b,'-A ,_':~_''':,,-l:<.,.-" t/J f" ,," " ",- , ,.?c ..,~" v;, ~,_... ,/ ',' FLOR IDA BAY '/2' 11' Proposed Restabilization ~~4 iron stakes mark rip rap outside sea wa/l~ ... '~.. ;'1__:; 14' -.." ~-- :~ lJ ___ ," ,ii' 10'" ..,r~~. / .'....' , ,;,.....1.;........... ,'. J \;~{;/:.r ~ 'd d ,~l' '::!-:- . o;,ro e area ':'< (, -. :fil-' U I 'j ~ ,~ ~;'~' t..t, Sca La 0 1 ("Or-:'",J 'Ii ~ -" mangrove \ Previously Filled ~:!r \ Up land:S:;,', :Yacht\~..~iginai Rip Rap J/) ; S I. i p ~) fj o If) PU,,?CSE: Restabil.iza~io4 ., n /\ " i1 , , ~ ;:'\ f i\', J \ '( I i 8' I, :~\ ('f . l! 6' -.'1 '\ ~'5'1 Proposed Dock 112'" (. ~". .' ' " ~. 3 ' 5' T i da' Flow --~ Bay Bottom 5' 5' DATU;,\ Mean sea 'eve I,. 1 ADJAC~NT PRC?ERTY O~NERS; CD .John Bran tner /' Q) Gaorga Gibson .-.~- -......-.- ,'" .' " -'--..-- .~_._--,_.--...:-.~. / T;'::j.":-":;,;""'': ':;,'11:,."".., ., 'f r i 7";:':"'''~' l -, (;;';"(:";';"";';';':?':'/~'" j.'J 'l PR~O~ECT:'( ,;, 'r l.r.,'",..,',;:",....I,..,I,_:,.,.,::,',~,:,:",~.F.I~ 7.,._.~,~..,:..~..;.:/-;.... {:'~""-"'IO ~'.,. ()1\':i:n~~Qn' '",- "-"....- 't ".10 I '''', " ' .1/.,; ."U, .J ~, " '- .<:':;.Z~~ ;":J 'I.' .:.:.:~'.- 3., ,.:.:;:;:'.~':..I.'\.::' '_.....'.'.,,',~..:.0,;,,'~1J :","::\'. 'd' . ,I .. ,:.,"",<>~ :;/ ;~:;I : ;". ....., "i~:::; ~-S~~: j:~:('17 "~'.. ,,,,.... ---. . '';''0< ,,' '~/'-:/ .~ !,J- 'I. - 1<;~,::;~o~~c,,\"2:~"6\,~;2:~f~ <~,;,,::;::~.,~i;:: f" \ ...... , ,\., (.{,<! ':.1'/" ~/ \..:... \ "~ ..-:; . 1\1:::":'; ;",~'.:t~;;),~~~;j~~8{;'.,):>:::.~;};":;;,':'; J\I~r,v.rn...'i1ic; .:. ....... 7 .... .-; ~,') ')0". Scale 0 '~ ;1:.NM NA TlONj.,L CC::;"N SURVey CHART j) '/'J ':";;2 Propo:.;.::d Rip Rcp Cross Section Wi~h Back-filL ,e)' '" "~-'~ \" ,-" / ~j/--..:.,:!::..!.-C;, ./<::-<./, OO.C,Y/ :" Y' .<,: , '/ ".,.',.,. ~'-j)J' ,:~,,-,,\", -""'" '-""'.\'" ",ac.rr i..._t t M L V / 0 I C:"'; \ >"";.--:-....;...,--......-'~ -.;~.,.",-- , ?O f I ~ ,~'.. ."",."........4~ Widest Poi.nt /,,/ N ~ ~ Bay 8ottom j" Florida /Jay Key Vaca ..,. '" CC"NTY cFMonroe STATt: Fla. Ai'?LlCATIC;; r,y Basil. DaLly S'C:c~ 1 ,,- 2 2'~, 15 F0b cQ - ........' ...-,-,~.. ....._~~.,_..__ ._u~_____...,__.~."'..__._._,__" . .~;.. . 3/)1 I ~ /1 / 2 iron ~tckes on isLand a~/'~ proposed s i ia ...-;,'" /-:::;::;:- . . ___ ":,;-:-r /.. " .-=: _~ - 'I - '~-------==---- ' 1-::-:.\ C"-:-'^ '~~l~ FANNY r '\.' I I u J Ii I) - --=::-:: DOCK 70 I Long to; extend to 5' Bay dap-;h !:JLVI o Sea le--/~inch ~ 10 feet KEY /1 2 Pili.ng 'J 5' apar'~ 1.-, l.~.:-- ; C:~.O I', "', .- -I , " '0:.=- ~J 0 '\;_ i':1 ;'--,~ ,. C --,- 0 ...V R0mo~e P; l i.ng ~ I-! ), ~ (;'-['<1 '; , oC~~20 4.6 - 1/ .;,-:,.~-_--:,: i 8,~ JJ' 'II , I' " wi d~ 2XC" Dock P ~cnk I ': '! 2~8"i S ~ringers : Iii I 21\.51/ Cross Brace", i ; i' D ,~J , ,.., ~ ,\ .' 0 r ' , oe ,0( \",.... 0 S S ... "'... .. ", Not. to sca~__ ~~.-.- r:;.> II p, / ':-. '.~ 0;::;"' I I! ! j ; j ;.' ; i 2' above ' """ '--'.-" :7'~'-'-' ;------~--: i-" '... --..1.__,.,. , . I/, ri.],-'u_~:~. ~ ~'. -: i... 1~:: ~: L~~t-:-~~- __.d1L..fL "---1'..-..-----1'-----,' ,-----.-;.I-,~,' ~--><-1 i---."--____'..,._____'.....,.,'-' - - l:.j _. - -:_~::~ o"'~= - -li .?~_ u~o=:- u~ :- :___~~~~~c E?g~i '':'''..8ay Bot tom .--...'------ Dock Sidf! View No~ to sea le PURPOSE: Island Dock Mean sea level OATUM ADJACENT PRCPERTY OWNERS: CD John Brantner GD George Gibson ----- --""t'-- - , IN F~orIdc. Bay AT Key Vaca COUNTY OF Monroe STATE F la. · AP?lICAT ION BY Bas i l Do. lly ! SHeET 2 CF 2 :~.,.-:: 15 rcc20 ! ,302- 'f' ': ~ ~~ 1) Property 0I'Ine:2 name & ma i 1 i ng /~ / \ 'I ',' ,/ "/ \[,(1.: / I <:/// '/ ~---.., -_./ I.- / .-':{/) ,\ "--.,.-~,.-.--:< ... ,-'" \'.. '(- MONROE C.O U l"'T Y , PLAiJNUJG. BUILDING ,~ zGrnr:G DEPP.RT PERMIT APPLICATION FOR EXCAVATION. Inc DEPOSIT OF FILL. OR STROCT1nRA[~CTIVITIES IN THE l~ATERS OR vlETlANDS OF r1mIROE COUilTY address 2 Date For De artment Use On1' -' r I,., - j ,"..) _', ,I :, /,- .~.' I ' / 1 (' / ~ ,~-- I ~ -J . /-,-~'r'~l~l ''ff':' \,/',,;--,-,./-I __ -:/..i, ,...........,'(- _.,/,,1 4 C~ntractor or agent's name, mailing address & phone number i ' / 3) Phone number -.' (.' . -;, ) ~~ . -" .. / . . ......----.. 5 Legal description of property: Section, '_/ Key, I .' j , !,/"J .r Subdivision, I,. Township, / , , '; , ." \, ' Lot, Block, Range, l) ,..-. -/ /,-;; ,(/ \' ,/ (:. (if acreage) Street, road or mile marker, /) (1 ~d///' /: ,:/? ---7 ,'\ <) ./ /' / ./ - .- "/-."./ 6 Describe the proposed activity, methods of construction & amount of material, in cubic yards), to be excavated or discharged. ..; ~/ ^ , " } , 'J, ,'_(. -r', /" - _::>:;",/,,' ,>",/C), /' ,/,.,. ,/ "" r-.. ' '" ,/., , 1/, -: /'::: {, i/ r ., 'f ~ V~ ,/' ,-" . .' /} ( :..... L..~/~1 ,~"> .. ,_ ,7,'" (, '- r . (....~ / ' ': ....,. "H_" ~ co! ... ,/ '~/ /, i'; ,_" ., ,j / / ,~ . " '. , . / ", J), --,--- / /, .. , '__ v</ 0(,0' /r- \)/IL)~( _.;: y-iJij 1// ,'/.7tl v/ //''',,1 ~ X'I./" PI' {'I /lJ ./ ,n.:-:I;/('/ /';7'?,d~ /;j (/' / / /.' ~ , / - . / V ~,' /; '.."", ,_, i' I ' . / .../ r -. j" 'I 7 (',i ("'\" I / / .-' ,/ ,'/, /;. //";1( ~ 'I /\ C " ;',(1/1 ~a II,' h ,) "k [/6/ / 1/" / ;>1' " I ' 1 /,. i/ (....., ,:' ./ - ',~'.--:j. '"A 1/, '/', /. :/'., ! -""/;:' -'T.'?, , , '. ----:' .,' f "I - <) '.:' ,-'" /"!", /";, F.' /'// ~;' /1"/ ,., /' '..' (,r' t; v :7 ~ <I::) /:::' //>1 (i7t I'jt>, - 'd~edqed1ex'i:~vated - / _':...'~' !' fi 11 ed/depos ited v d/'~'"", vol'ume of material: '. r- '''1- c~, C . Y . c . y . /~/ / c. Y , , ; ,>'1 '" c . y . ! .". i ..-r"" I;' waterward landward waten/ard landward " of M.H.W. of M.H.W, of M.H.W. of M.H.W. 7 Name, address & zip code of adjoining property owners whose property affronts water way. >?,/;4'J1r7 l~. "/,~' ~ /:7;:: ;7 {;I.' ,'I' /,. //~/(,' I,~,~/ /!I;/I.//lf~/" /~.~/;; l ~'c~.7 (; '~'7) ./ '" I, ' ,./; ,_ .' l~--:--> - f ;' ~ ,.....' 1 r; -... ~'" (~'" '.,.,. ~ " ./ ' 1. ,. I 'f / -. ,":- 1_.... . I. - _ ' This completed application form will be accompanied by the following, or it will NOT be processed. a) Two (2) sets of drawings, on 8!z X 11 paper, shO\~'ing location, plot: plan, top vie\\' and cross section of proposal, drawn to scale. b) Applic~tion processing fee as follows: $25.00 for dredge, fill, docks OR any structures affronting natural water bodies. $~C.CJ for vertical seawalls onlTIan-made bodies of water. $25.00 for any combination of the above activities per sit,;. Application 1S hereby made for a permit to authorize the activities described herein. I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in this application, and to the best of my knowledge & belief such information is true, complete & accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the proposed activities. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with, whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any county, state or federal law regulating construction or performance of construction of this type of facility. ('.--..,-", '-:7-- ..' ,. J_. .. , . ,', -. // X r-:~ ,~~' I _ ", (/.-":, -'.J -;::--:-"'.. .. " ~ - ..' 51 nature of a licant a ent 1 - . /,i :~' J''' / , 'o' , For Department Use Only " " ..., ... Date Person accepting o ;<~. u1)~> ;2'( '-:; /-,3'3 7 applicati~ Fee & receipt # Approved by Assistant Director ^~ OIl r(~[\I{ IT Cost of permit Estimated cost of construction ;,:.J -l..",;i":.,'.'h,t~ f"):::: I,C.',:"~,,,,:,,-, ','':.') \~- 1--'/;' '{I,L :"""':~I.lJ'<11.',', I~ :;)"'/; {., '-1((::1)--:- '-"'r '-/',r/ T'J (),0J /"{ J _ ' r - _FIVI'1 :, -f "::::V-I', r'~;: :' 'r'l_ '.<., F "'1 ,.,'" (~D J),:;,!,),::-c' i';- (.1:. hA'1 L ij ;::.; V) ,"Y \', lfH i-:'IJ)/ FI /1 . i 2) fA R' ,;j) (] ~ J1~C" ( i(j::7"! ~D'" ).J?,' i't f !I ! iI/-':].' ,~T'~.l, ," T:U~E J(''...-, "'-::-' ~ ..../ -/"\ -~I.! I '-I ~ ~Y / i , , I I 30J ~ PUBLIC NOTICE SAJOD-RP-S UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Jacksonville District, Corps of Engineers P. O. Box 4970 Jacksonville, Florida 32201 Telephone: ,904-791-2211 Permit Application No. 80F-0870 MAR 2 6 1980 , STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION South Florlda BranchOfflce 3201 Golf Course Boulevard Punta Gorda, Florida 33950 Telephone: 813-639-4967 Permit Application No. 44-28402-5E . Authority: Section 10 of the River and Harbor Act of 1899 and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act of 1977 Authority: Chapter 253 and/or 403 of the Florida Statutes COfl1Tlent Peri od Ends: APR 2 ~ 1980 Project Manager: Forrest Fields Comment Period Ends: APR 2 5 1980 DER Contact: Philip Barbaccia TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: An application for a Permit has been received by the above agencies and is being processed jointly in accordance with the applicable Federal and State regulations. APPLICANT: Basil F. Dally P.O. Box 757 Key Colony Beach, Florida 33051 WATERWAY & LOCATION: Florida Bay at Key Vaca, Section 9, Township 66 South, Range 32 East, Marathon, Monroe County, Florida. WORK & PURPOSE: To stabilize an eroding shoreline and to provide a boat berth by placing approximately 100 cubic yards of rock riprap and backfill along 100 linear feet of shore; constructing one 8-foot by 70-foot wooden pier to provide a boat berth. No dredging or filling is proposed. The pur- pose of this work is for private use. The surface area of the fill is less than one acre. SAJ FL 642 8 Feb 79 NOTE: Florida residents may contact this office for infonmation on a 24-hour basis by calling toll free, telephone 11-800-342-5950. Comments or objections should be submitted in writing. \""',),"-i~::h"""""''''',~ '",' i''''''''''''iI''''il:~~Y., ,'~ '...., --_c_,.4"':"/;:''''~~'''ff~'',"""(~i~:~;;:-''~'''i,,,;~~.!'~M;~.~ , I' 3' I/,-\ ( -.'" ."__",,,.,,"M'"'' , ,C/ .....) ') 2 b. State Considerations: The decision whether to issue a Department of Environmental Regulation permit will be based on an evaluation of the impact of the proposed activity on the aquatic or marine natural resources and water quality of the receiving or adjacent waters of the State. The applicant is required to provide reasonable assurance that the proposed a. Federal Considerations: The decision whether to issue a permit will be based on an evaluation of the probable impact the proposed activity would have on the public interest. That decision will reflect the national concern for both protecting and utilizing important re- sources. The benefits which reasonably may be expected to accrue from the proposal must be balanced against its reasonably foreseeable detri- ments. All factors which may be relevant to the proposal will be con- sidered; among those are conservation, economics, esthetics, general environmental concernss historic values, fish and wildlife values, flood damage prevention, land use classification, navigation, recreations water supply, water qualitys energy needs, safety, food production, and in general, the needs and welfare of the people. If the proposed activity involves the discharge of dredged or filled material, evaluation of the impact of the activity on the public interest will also include applica- tion of the guidelines promulgated by the Administrator, EPA, under authority of Section 404(b) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act. A permit will not be granted unless its issuance is found to be in the public interest. IMPACT ON CULTURAL RESOURCES: Review of the latest published version of the National Register of Historic Places indicates that no registered properties, or properties listed as eligible for inclusion therein, are located at the site of the proposed work. Presently unknown archeo- logical, scientific, prehistorical, or historical data may be lost or destroyed by the work to be accomplished. EVALUATION: Independent evaluations will be performed by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers and the State of Florida, Department of Environ- mental Regulations in accordance with applicable Federal and State regulations and considerations. IMPACT ON NATURAL RESOURCES: Preliminary review of this application indicates that an Environmental Impact Statement will not be required and that the proposed activity will not affect listed endangered or threatened species or their critical habitat. Coordination with U. S. Fish and Wildlife Services Environmental Protection Agency, National Marine Fisheries Service, and other Federal, State, and local agencies and environmental groups generally yield pertinent environmental in- formation that is instrumental in determining the impact the proposed action will have on the natural resources of the area. !Et...:;,. _.";~"""'"'''''''''' , " . .. .., !}fiw.;st . ~::/'~~;p",,#.,rJ($\',~~t~~.! !'~. ,.," ", <<-, ....:~ , "_" ,";'_~' ;i, .',...... ......: ,..;' " ,c'-,"" _ .....,~....' _,'-",- _""t - ,", .'- ,', ,- -. ," ...:'> ....'...,." ,-:< .' ," .<..:'...-.,.... ....". ;'~. .',..,..........: .-',." .' ': .' gOF..O.8i-O ~4-2g'+02-.sE FANNY K~Y # 2 o 2 iron stakes on island at proposed site "x. 1 rt ./ ~J ~- b--=- 1~:1 Pi Ling 15' apart d.:- () l~ --I 0j8r ~ "- :lLo~r~lin~-=M ,8d' 2X6" Dock p,anl<l1l~( 'i WI e J I 2)t8", Stringers I ' 2X6" Cross Brace II I Dock Cross Section Not. to aea If' ,.. .~ DOCK 70' Long to) extend to 5' Bay depth $LW Scale--~inch : 10 feet Bay Bottom 2 I above .~,.. .....' ~l' " , AA U w I .,..,~;l. "1; , ~".JL H... ....._.. ~~_~_____._ j___" '--~,--, -:'7.",,-' -, ~ ~. ~ . I ~ -----. -- ~ .' --- - --- Dock Side View Not to scale PURPOSE: Island Dock Mean sea LeveL OATUM ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS: (i) John Brantner CD George Gibson IN FLorida Bay AT Key Vaca COUNTY OF Monroe STATE F La. APPLICATION 8Y Basi L Da L Ly S EET 2 OF 2 DATE 15 Feb80 -,-\,-,,'-.-; . ,,' ,~O."" ;'.,.-~.;:-1-)f,:..:';;';"'.~......_",..:--'~':"" ,~. '''.,Y'' . /', fIr.- - ~'. ...., ,'. :~"c.;" " ,>..,r ""',;r"'~""';;!'.:~~~'J;ii,,~,Jll!!~_!il~~~f DEFENDING OUR FREEDOM-DEVELOPING OUR RESOURCES A FIGHTING ARM MILITARY CONSTRUCTION hi , ., NAVIGATION t POWER a FLOOD CONTROL :.r. 1 ' RESEARCH a DEVELOPMENT ". l:A . . ,.... -~-,'~ _:c,~-=:~~~~~" ~ RECREATION a WATER SUPPLY MAPPING THE WORLD U, S, ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS 1lF,J b,,;~ dB 'Jeln3J!3 e ION S! slQl INV IBOdW I ooE. '3sn 3J.VMtid tiO.:! A.L'VN3d 553NI5ns 'VI:>I.:I.:IO l~(,:€ VOIHO'.:I '3"I^N05>1:>vr 'W.. $.. .":-000 it .UOtY BlU .dIO .LN:BN.L1fVd30 alYd 8311.d aNY 3DY.LSOd 3"I^NOS>l:>vr '.L:)IHJ.510 H33NI~N3 AIIIHY '5 'n AWt:lV 3HJ. .::to J.N3WJ.t:lVd30 ~~ ~ OLtlt. xog '0 'd " .~'~~ .: "_,~i::-;'tu~,;.:>:,.;i!t:".,:i';';; .J;l!)~"..,^"._ ;;"',"',I"1""oiifi~' .~~. ' , " ' "i"-'-'\l'f~'""" .,.;,.,.; .,~,.,,_c. :, ,'<i '.",.... .. .. rr::- activity will not degrade the quality of the contiguous or recelvlng waterbody. If the impact of the pro posed act ivity ca n be expected to affect the aquatic or marine biological resources to such an extent as to be contrary to the publ ic interest, result in harmful shoaling or erosion of adja~ent property, result in harmful obstruction to, or algera- tion of the natural flow below MHW in navigable bodies of water, or result in violations of State water quality standards in any waters of the State, then a permit may not be ~jranted. Comments regarding the National Considerations should be submitted in writing to the District Engineer, Corps of En9ineers, and those concern- ing State Considerations to the State of Florida, Department of Environ-. mental Regulation. on or before the date of the comment period to the appropriate address as noted above. You are requested to communicate the information contained in this notice to any other parties whom you deem likely to have an interest in this matter. If you hJve any questions or desire additional infonnation concerning this appl ication, you may call the Corps of Engineers' project manager for this appl ication or the Florida Department of Environmental Regula- tion contact at the above telephone numbers. REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARING: If the proposed activity involves the discharge of dredged or filled rmterial, any person rray request a public hearing. The request must be submitted in writing to the District Engineer or to the State of Florida, Department of Environ- mental Regulation within 30 days of the date of this notice and must state the specific reasons for requesting the public hearing. On other projects, any request for a public hearing will be evaluated as to whether additional publ ic input is required in order to make a final decision. FOR THE DISTRICT ENGINEER: ~A~ Gt\ IL G. GREN Chief, Operations Division 3 12' 11' Proposed RestabiLization 4 iron stakes mark rap outside sea wall .. J. .;. -!~ 14' ~\" ~- ,J ,) ..... . ,..",...;... 'I J. ,".: J ~(A~(r'. ~ i', I~ ,~.; Eroded ,:}\J \' r~.' , Sea Le 0 100Ft~:': mangrove " ,t<l~ O 1 j " \ f ~ ~ " ' ;','\ , ,~ .:r,j l 0, Prev i OUts Ly Fit led Yh;.1 I f)'l Up Land tft). I T' ~}JI IYaeht~lo~ig~a l Rip Rap f'~".'.\ . \ \ I <-1 j S Lip Q I)) '~Q 'r~ PURPOSE: Re stab i L i za t i 01\. COUNTY oFMonroe STATE FLa. APPLICATIOI,6Y Basi L DaLLy SHEET 1 OF Z OATE 15H Feb80j FLorida Bay Key Vaca AT IN Bay Bottom Attention - Picture #2&3 East & West Views of eroded area ~ Proposed Rip Rap Cross Section wi th Back-f iLL W :~R .' .,:<)<':1oo.Cy,5<X -Eo . ". '''< ~... ;. .'x...... W - \ -- '.;....,.C Learr Fi " ,~....-,~- , ~ -< ,~O ft...... ~ Widest Point MH M L Sea La 0 f ~.,NM NATIONAL OCCAN SURVeY CHART # 11452 i I r '1' ,::',;" ;-'" """ ' I " ... ~ - I' I t' ( . , )'..'.:' .., . . ;''''' '.i:,\ '" .;....... . ...,' ....! , "..,." .,... .. - .....,' " ..' I PROJi "":": " ' 7, ".1. 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