Resolution 122-1980 --... RESOLUTION # 122-1980 WHEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS of MONROE County, Florida, has received an application from La Vonne Bouthilet to construct: 60 l.f. of concrete block seawall about 15 ft. waterward of MHW and backfill with about 60 c.y. of clean limerock fill. About ~ 10 c.y, of riprap will be placed along the toe of the seawall. The proposed wall will be placed about 10' landward of the edge of the adjacent peripheral channel. Additionally, a wood deck measuring about 10' wide x 20' long will be constructed waterward of the seawall for access to the channel. All equipment and materials can be trans- ported to the site over existing uplands. The project site is located on the open water, oceanside shoreline of Summerland Key in a residential area created by fill from the excavation of a perpheral channel and upland canal systems. Residential develop- ment is about 30-40% of available upland area and commercial development is located along U.S. 1, a short distance to the north, A deep perpheral channel is located immediately waterward of the shoreline and adjacent bay bottoms are shallow (-1 to -3' MLW) and are either seagrass or hard bottom-algae-sponge communities, Adjacent shoreline are artificial or altered, The project site is the applicant's residence and the uplands are old eroded fill with little or no vegetation. Shoreline and intertidal vegetation is absent. The MHW shoreline has eroded back about 25' from the channel edge due to its exposure to open-water and orientation to the south. Wakes from passing boats probably also account for some erosion, The intertidal zone is gently sloping rock rubble and is about 10' wide. The subtidal zone from MHW to the channel edge is about 10-14' wide, and vegetated by turtle grass(Thalassia testudinum) and shoal- grass (Halodule wrightii) where adequate sediments exist and by the algae Batophora, Penicillus as well as various red algae. Observed within this zone were two species of attached rock anemones, juvenile barracude (Sphyraena) and snapper (Lutlanus) and silversides(Atherinidae), This vegetated subtidal area provides abitat and a food source to nearshore organisms in addition to binding the sediments and filtering upland run-off. The extent of existing vegetation is limited by unstable conditions created by wavewash and erosion. To the west of the site is a similar eroded shoreline with a dock from the uplands, scattered riprap boulders at about MLW and a seawall landward of MHW. To the east for 60' is an unaltered eroded shoreline and then a concrete seawall located about 1 to 2' landward of the channel edge, Several hundred feet to the west is a concrete seawall at about MLW with established subtidal vegetation in front. Inspection of 3 existing boat basins in the general area and the same shoreline revealed that all three function to some extent 'as debris traps collecting floating organic material and have no established benthic vegetation or apparent animal communities. Creation of these bottom discontinuities has caused the establishment of sediments that instead of being well sorted rock rubble are essentially soft, silty marl sediemnts overlying rock rubble. The placement of the concrete seawall as proposed about 10' landward of the channel edge with riprap along the tow will allow the applicant to recover a portion of the eroded uplands and as well protec the most heavily vegetated protion of the subtidal zone. The placment of riprap to a foot or so above MHW will serve to reflect and absorb wave energies and will allow the continued existence of the vegetated zone. Habitat will also be provided by the riprap. 3/0 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of MONROE County, Florida, that said Board hereby given its approval for the construction of the above mentioned project. RESOLVED this /cH.... day of May, 1980 , at a Regularly scheduled Meeting. Attest: ,I / ./".;. .'''' ..,..../,,/ ./"" - /,,..":',.. .~. ./ ,,'u'.6 / t. . /. ^~. I. ~-" ...''- _' .. ,f / ../ ler By .; .. , (Seal) .. '"7 ~--~ ;/. ,-/" -". // ,,- MfAOVID AS TO 1fJIIII n~ ~ A 3ft \ :. TO. . . . . . . . FROM. . . . . . SUBJ...... LEGAL.... . " KERMIT LEIHN JOHN CAR130~ ,BOUTHILET - SUH:1ERLAND, ~.JATER\.JARD FILL SU'PfETlLAND KEY COVE, BLOCK 4, LOT 8 This RU-l property affronts Summerland Cove, and is composed of nreviouslv filled land. ~. ,.' c:j;._.__._...__,__~,... ..'. ",~,',,,"",~"'., Biota within the area intended for backfillin~ include: Anthrozoa (anemone), Rhinocephalus, Acetabularia (algae) and some Thalassia (turtle grass). 9 Adverse effects would be short term until biota re- establishes itself; long term effects are beneficial as the shoreline is established and further erosion is abated. Reco~mendation - approval . -- Hold for DER bio-assessment. 0/<- i .. Ll.'1 d. ") . . [0 <:. :~ I ,;, _, ,{ )J! j ,/ J~j .. ,-( ii I , .,.;.- ;'f.-v../ I -,....-, -~.-" /''''\ I ./ ~ 7<( J-L/\, "~'I /,A...,i'.-:j {' \ il tl I I (" C /, '7 ('.;' ) J /v'.-\"."-1 ; / ~)~ '1 I '. . L....'J t;.t'( t,' ..-: ~ \ / l,: _~ 11 ~'" ."" '.~._h.~.""':--' " "'l. f. ~ \ e h, , ... .\. . . ,"'~;-~~,,~,.l:::."~.:::::~ _~=~~:'~-'-""~----- ._-- ~- -- -,_.- --".- _. _.'"~"'e_" ..~. , \~ ;~::Yfi;.~:~ .... ~.. '\:,~:"~'''\s.'_.''~,~>Q-:.' .r;:'!>>""'~~"'.~~!:'~.:.:r,'.A~.',".'; '~~.' 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E>:CJ;'1/\TIC'j.\1~ T~-': D~FO~,lT CF;~I:!~" Q~ )JRlJ:(f!J~{tiC-AtT ~S Pl Tl!E WITEr.:S ':)~I, '::ETLI"\,;DS OF :~O::ROE COUNTY addre-s's---T2TDafe------T~or uepa rtment 1.-::::' Uctober 79 i \3) Pha~~o~~mber )1 I 745-1302 address & phone number Use Onlyj :) Property O\'mers name &. l11a i 1 i ng ~rs. LaVonne H. Bouthilet Post Office Box 250 Summerland Key, FL 33042 '~) Contractor or agent's name, mailing ECOLOGICAL TECHNOLOGIES -J c/o Lynn H. Kephart 523 Elizabeth Street Ke West FL 33040 305 294-8719 j legal description of property: . Key, Summerland Subdivision, Summer land Key Cove Section, 3.5- Lot, 8 Block, 4 Township, 66 Street, road or mil e marker, Caribbean Drive Range, 28 (if acreage) S) Describe the proposed activity, methods of construction & amount of material, (in cubic yards), to be excavated or discharged. Rip-rap seawall and boat slip. 54 and 13 cubic yards to be excavated waterward of Hm'7 and 54 cy to be placed behind seawall. 10 cy of rip-rap will' be placed watenvard of NHW, Boat slip will be dug by backhoe and rip-rap will be placed with cherry picker. Fill from boat slip will be placed, as indicated on dra\ving, in spoil site behind seawall. Spoil will be leveled with bulldozer. 9redaed/excavateQ filled/deDos~ riprap spoil c,y, 0 c,y, waterward landward of M.H,W, of M,H,W. \"hose property affronts ....- volume of material: """, 10 6 7 0 '~ 5 4 c,y, c.y. waterward landward of M.H.W. of M.H.W, code of adjoining property owners 7) Name, address & zip water way. Enid C, Officer Post Office Box 216 Sumrnerland Key, FL 33042 Dwight Sumner Post Office Box 27 Sun~erland Key, FL 33042 This completed application form '\,,rilT'beaccoi11panied by the following, or it will ~CT be proc2sse~. i : '. a) Two (2)4setr of drawings, on 8 X 10~ paper, showing location, plot plan, top view and cross section.of proposal, drawn to scale. b) Application processing fee as follows: . $25.00 for dredge, fill or structures on, or affronting natural bodies of water, $10,00 for seawalls on man-made bodies of water, $25,00 for any combination of'cbov2 activities per site. Application is hereby made for a permit to authorize the activities described herein, = certify that I am familiar with the information contained in this application, and ~o ,the best of my knowledge & belief such information is true, complete & accurate. : further certify that I possess the authority to u~dertake the proposed activities, All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with, whether specified herein or not, The granting of a permit does not presume to 1ive authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any county, state or federal law regulating construc~19n or performance of construction of this type of facility, \ or Department Use Only, 79 '..L~....... . .... ~ I ~ ~;~ . , . Fee &. receipt # Approved by Assistant Director 2rson accepting application Cost of permit Estimated cost of construction ~ . (9 \ ~ J r" L.,l1/ \ ~ V t: R r~~~Lt LL),:tS l.~) ~s ~~ <-02.CJ A\ ~(1' ~ L - 1-1 ~ r ~/iJl\ ,_~ ~ L~o\ \~~ ~~ k~~~\ ~CQl~~'( ~:tvJ.gr @-""t2- ~ 2D ^.- --'-(.'~-+'~)~+ 4p -, 313 . ..... "~. ~... .. ~ j I II' ,MAN 1"\ADt. GUT" . .. . . (r~'~"" .' .J '.."~ .\ ..,:1 ...\. ""1.-:." .,1rl ~ ..."aiI..~~' ;~...f.oj ~ <oft .t."w""';."~l' .;'~ P~T" ~'NE. CRO~:)~ \:)~Ol="\ l i~ --.-. - SCA.LI:'_: 1.":. 10 I >.. ~ ~~.:. "'I' /~ ::~ ;e....c.c..E..cr~~ - \~ Gu.'{o~, /.. II " ~ ~. . . ,.-" ";; ,( "> , -2.6 ~ C. \-\ A. ~T / ~::-C~~k ,'B 'O~A.N "D~~. N ., -------., "-.--.-, -. --.,',',...,-----.'.- --,----."1----- . 0Q ---------- ,r' L ,g ""I I I ),1 P~PCbEcO ~LI<-WAL.L.. .....J/RIP-RA~ ! . -- ~')POSEO I'~OA.T <":>I.I\" . !1:;"x'2.0'X.-,\-'M,S,L. ji - S4 ':'0.,/05, , I , , . . _~C:E.S"''' t.a,..... \0 x;;I. "'''i!J, :t>~..; / - \~ c:u,,/OS, --~:~ =,{:"~--'--;(,,I 1'7 '--""^'\.H,v-.J '=1 ~:'C.A'-E ~;~> ry[/'," -iJ,./ . .j."=4o' ,:,,~- "v "J I --f.A --'---... .''\, ',,1.-"''''-1, --_ ::t: . ..,. E)( I"!.T HJ IJ" WALL :2..' . ~~I' ....) ;r------ . - ._LF~(lf~4~-jc;'''>- '---f. -. by plAT-;::r---- _ 25 t -. ;1.5 M ;:,r1 . M P.;cE.. - CUT , ( ...... ~ ~'fr .... i' ---- ~ M.... . oN . -=-:. "D~ ----- -2.5 I ~~PO~E.. ~ ?::.OAT O,~S\N', RE-CL_AII"\ \::..RcOE..D LAN~) ~ ~RO'n~(;.., +1<0",", +u-tvR.~ E:iW5\ot-1 IN ,~ \ L I'- ~~ T \ c.. OCE.t-\N ,b..D:y p..,<::. E. N. '\ 't:N-J. N E.. R. S ~ ~, Enid C. Officer ':2.., Dwight Sumner j " ~I- I ! .j -~ .......----- ,.. .....-- '~i .0(,._ l .:. ~~:.l . ..41 ... SHl:.E.T L or .L 'DA..TL: \Q -7-5 --:EL--,~~PLlc.~t{T;LaVonne Bouthilet ~SSL--- " ,; *J'" '. I :hl,t,w,'i~~r, ",. "t"'" r,... : ..' ,.:= , . . . -----~..~"'_.-__"'O"_~__=----.u...........;........;'...::h.:.~:~:.\ . . . ....:,... .-~:,..:. .~~......_. ........, ._'_' 4. _, ...,.;.....~:,':...::::.:~.::-:.:,'~ ~-,":. ~. . ".'-:;-.,..:, .;:u~<D '.:>^~;;;:;:C+~!'.~~i;,;~:~r~~:i}:l1i~..~trj~f~ ~~'~r:~.f".4~"~~1~~~~%~~,~?~YA" "1. w.....~.",.._ r J i /'. . ,. ., ""\ oi, . -q.. - ~=--~-~---:-~:=.~=:'=.==.'7'-'~'-~-'----~~ ~~,~-_=~~---:-:-~..,._.~,- "-t:~ . ~~:;"l~~~f,2:~t:.: ~;;'~:;i;::~)7,~~' ',:~~S:f2;';~;~~:;~:';;'~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . '~?~4"~' , ~ .~~4~~~ "f~''7 '"''''~.r~ '~~,,:~"'("o""'f':--r~iI:...~;...,.~~, l ~~~~,..~~~f4,......,..r/~":~,.~'~~,..-..:t'~~~<<J...:::;.-~~,~~:~ .'......~.4 ~ . ,~~::.i;"~~-e....;..1 ...~....~.~,,~:_....,..:,.~~, S.,.. .','.'!\....,,. ".. ""~~~~'~''''f'' .'...":f.t"'t~~~~~.:~/~7.~~~.,"';.~'\.,~~':..> :,~"""" ......::',.:"':,.y':",.~. "-~", 1-i$f!~':..~..\,.'I'I'PlrJ'~l~.ft'-.>.. ',...l\"..h ?S',!,"..."" ,!. V' , ::~,}~~":~,"''''~!~;''':~~'''''Z':~:j,'~:",,,,,'ri....'~;:i''...J~ ..~-' .""." v",;~ ..~I .' -t", PUBLIC NOTICE SAJOD-RP-S ------ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Jacksonville District, Corps of Engineers p, 0, Box 4970 Jacksonville, Florida 32201 Telephone: 904-791-2211 OFe 0 7 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION South Florida Branch Office 3201 Golf Course Boulevard Punta Gorda, Florida 33950 Telephone: 813-639-4967 Permit Application No, .~. J- 79K-1519 Permit Application No, 44-25249-5E . Authority: Section 10 Df the River and Harbor Act of 1899 (33 U.S.C. 403) and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act of 1977 Authority: Chapter 253 and/or 403 of the Florida Statutes Comment Peri od Ends: JAN 07 1980 Project Manager: Jim Bajek Comment Period Ends: JMJ (17 7980 DER Contact: Mike Nowicki , TO ~JHOM IT MAY CONCERN: An app1 icaticn for a Permit has been received by the above agencies and is being processed jointly in accordance with the applicable Federal and State regulations, APPLICANT: Mrs. Lavonne H. Bouthilet P.O. Box 250 Sum~erland Key, Florida 33042 WATERHAY & LOCATION: Hawk Channel (Straits of Florida) along the south shore of Surnrner1and Key, just south of Highl",ay U.S. 1, Section 35, Township 66 South, Range 28 East, Monroe County, Florida WORK & PURPOS~: To construct approximately 100 lineal feet of concrete bulkhead, with return walls on both ends, below mean high water and backfill with ap~roximately. 54 cubic yards of spail material that will be obtained by l]1echanically (backhoe) excavating a 12 foot wide by 20 foot long by -4 feet ~ean sea level de~p boat slip with access channel in naYig~ble waters. Also, to place approximately 10 cubic yajds of rock riorap along the waterward toe of the bulkhead. Turbidity screens will be used during project work. The purpose of the project is to reclaim and to protect the eroded shoreline and provide boat dockage for a private residence. SAJ fL 642 8 Feb 79 NOTE: Florida residents may contact this office for information on a 24-hou~ basis by calling toll free, telephone #1-800-342-5950, Comments or objections should be submitted in writing. ~r. ~ , . : .' \ , ". . - ,,:;;rr:~-:- .-... - . . . .~~'{:).~~~?:~~~.-:. ,- ...'.."e.- .......'\1'", .. ,.' s..~";"''''~V' ',' _ .I- ,".... ...' .:...... ... . .:........' ,:o.l.-.. . .~. _'_' ......:__;,__,,"r.. " .:-!-.~- .~. ~ ~ ~-~~ - ~ -,.,. ~~..- ~ ,.,~:.,..,.~~ ,':;':.,..w.. -, 37($ ,---._. ".._..---~.....,..',._,-,-~. -- ...,.., .j.. . . ;F . . . . ~ t. . . activity will not degrade the oua1ity of the contiguous or receiving wnterbody. If the impact of the proposed ilct.ivity can be expected to affpct the a'luatic or marine hinlo9ical resources to such an extent a<; to be contrary t.o the pub1 ic int.erest, resul t in harmful shorl1 in~l or erosion of adjacent property, result in harmful obstruction to, or algera- tion of the natural flow below MH\oJ in navigabl e bodies of water, or result in violations of State water quality standards in any waters of the State, then a permit may not be ~ranted. Corrrnents regarding the National Considerations should be submitted in writing to the District Engineer, Corps of En~Jineers, and those concern- ing State Considerations to the State of Florida, Department of Environ- mental Regulation, on or before the date of the comment period to the appropriate address as noted 'above, - .. J- You are requested to ~ommunicate the information contained in this notice to any other parties whom you deem likely to have an interest in this matter, If you have any questions or desire additional infonnation concerning this application, you may .call the Corps of Engineers' project manager for this appl ication or the Florida Department of Environmental Regula- tion contact at the above telephone pumbers, REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARING: If the proposed activity involves the discharge of dredgec1 or filled rreterial, any rerson rrey request a publ ic hearing, The request must be submitted in writing to the District Engineer or to the State of Florida, Department of Environ- mental Regulation within 30 days of the date of this notice and must stat~ the specific reasons for requesting the public hearing. On other projects, any request for a publ ic hearing will be evaluated as to whether additional, publ ic input is required in order to make a final decision, -- FOR THE DISTRICT ENGINEER: ~~~e./d ~ G!\ IL G, GREN Chief, Opel'ations Division i .. . , , . A. ~ 3 ! . , - .. < .1 ..~, "'"~ 1 ~ "~,,,.,..l ,':r"""'f , , ',>' 'X . ~, iI,. ~..~=-==.~:..::~-=-:-:---'..,~.~~;~~' ~ 3/1., . . '.i~~,~: 7%1:;:>.~.2'~.'~':~:>~'=: '-:.'.~ ~Ii_'_~~~'~ ~'.: -' . v.' . '.' 'if"';"~.;$""!-,_,""<.~"", '"",w'r. 0'-"" " ".~. ..... ,.,.;,.,.,,'~ .-~,\ 1- ,- , :~;~S~r'Y~-',"~i:~;:~:)~;:",~~:~~~'~~~~~~t~~~\r=:tt~)~~.~~~~~~~~~. .... ~"'.,O"',._ . ,',' , . ~...i,. ,"M. "ifis!.t-.,,,...,. '~~'f,:~ri..Ir.;~\...jf:r,..r,);&j:'",::',~ c- . .'. -./r;;!;:,jIi~~;;:r1;.~~~~4"'~:;,',}.:~)~">.. "'~"-"'_....~~~~,~;~~~~14~':~,~,:~~- :. .... -: -........ - ~ -... ." . , ~..' ',-.......