Resolution 136-1980 RESOLUTION NO. 136- 1980 RESOLUTION REQUESTING GOVERNOR GRAHAM AND THE LEGISLATURE TO INCLUDE MONROE COUNTY IN THE LEVYING OF A 1% SALES TAX. WHEREAS, the Governor of the State of Florida has now recognized the problems existing in South East Florida, and; WHEREAS, the Governor has publicly requested that the Legislature authorize Dade County to levy a 1% sales tax, and; WHEREAS, In many respects the problems of Monroe County, Florida, have been fostered by the same conditions; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: That in addition to Dade County, Governor Graham and the Legislature include Monroe County in Legislation to permit the legislative bodies of both counties to levy a 1% sales tax. In the case of Monroe County, ~ of 1% to go to each City in Monroe County, Florida, collected within it's corporate limits. Passec ~nd adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting held on the 3rd day of June, 1980. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNl'Y ;"FLOtmA"" lZ~~ ~ . ~f'f1'lf Ii rrr;-:::- \ By ---- - (Seal) Attest: .---/ __ '~ " ) (/./. ,c'/~< .' ~rk ~AI tORJRM ~~~ 8'1 . (//~_ Al'tomey',S Offke APPROVED ON BOOK V ~'3.'i?O PAGE~ 382.