Resolution 137-1980 RESOLUTION NO.137- 1980 RESOLUTION REQUESTING EXPEDITIOUS HANDLING OF THE RELEASE OF VESSELS SEIZED IN THE CUBAN REFUGEE SEA LIFT. WHEREAS, hundreds of commercial fishing vessels have been seized during the Cuban refugee Sea Lift, and WHEREAS, there has not been an orderly procedure established for early releasing or paroling of seized vessels to allow them to be used for commercial fishing pending further legal proceedings for the alleged violation of the laws of the United States, and WHEREAS, such inaction is a lack of reasonable due process of law as provided by both State and Federal Constitutions, and WHEREAS, the continued seizure of the commercial vessels IS depriving the owners and their employees of their liveli- hood and/or will subject owners to possible loss of their vessels due to loss of income, and WHEREAS, idling of the vessels has already had a severe negative impact on the economy of Monroe County, now, there- fore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. That this Board does support the immediate imp1emen- tation of procedures and/or policy by the United States Govern- ment and its agencies to provide for the orderly handling of boat seizure problems being incurred due to the Cuban Refugee Sea Lift such that due process of the law in accordance with the Constitution of the United States is achieved. 2. That such procedures and/or policy be immediately imp1e- mented such that commercial fishing vessels will be allowed to be released or paroled or allowed to post a reasonable bond pending further legal proceedings for alleged violations of the laws of the United State in order to assure that irreparable economic impact will not result to the citizens of Monroe County. BOOK \c~ 3 ,~'{) ~ '5~ 3~{; PAGE 3. That the Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners 1S hereby directed to forward a copy of this resolution to the State and Federal Legislative Delegations and the Presi- dent of the United States for their appropriate action and support to implement the aforesaid. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regulat meeting held on the 3rd day of June, 1980. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE C~~NTY, F1~~DA /// 1 /C~ By iff )~t-~.f//~ ""-' Chairman (Seal) Attest: . ' ) ~ , ~r //j'c<'<//. <" /.;;;/ ,/-;-- . '.. /' Ie' 6 ..~ L N_/ /.t'/;".t,,""_...... , / lerk .' APPROVED AS TO 'ORM ANtJ U(1AL SIHFICIENCY. '/,.1 .' /d, -. , ~<iL/.,(/z.:/ .If r L ~.~- Page 2 of 2 Pages 3'11Y DAN r F, n. r ASCELL , ;H4 DISTPUCT, FLORIDA CHAPL", --' 1','pr(~^N AOMINrSTRATIVl: ....S:.ISTANT COMMrTTEI::S. GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS MEMIIE.... LEGISLATION AND NATIONAL SECURITY SUBCOMMITTEE: ~ongre55 of tbe ~niteb $tates ~oU5t of lttprt5tntatibt5 ma~bington. 1D.Q!:. 20515 Pending - State release of boats Cubans r.OREI~N AFFAIRS CHA1HMAN: INTE"NATlONAL OPERATIONS SUBCOMMITTEE MEMBERl I",""ER.AMERICAN AFFAIRS SUBCOMMITTEE COMMISSION ON SECURITY AND COOPERATION IN EUROPE May 29, 1980 CHAIRMAN CANADIAN-UNITED STATES I NTERPARLlA M ENT ARYGROUP CHAIRMAN, U.S. DEL.EGATION Dear Mr. President: . 'From the time Cuban fefugees began fleeing Mariel, I pressed Ambassador Palmieri'and the White House staff for clear guidance for operators of vessels capable of transporting refugees to Key West, and uniform enforcement of penalties. Your statement of May 14th spelled out national policy and clear penalties for violations and ordered uniform enforcement. It was a courageous and correct action, and most boat owners responded promptly and positively. The flow of boats to Mariel stopped and some boats already there were able to return empty. Boats in Mariel at the time of your statement, which later returned with refugees (nearly 700 so far), have been seized or placed under constructive seizure, i.e. parolled to their owners. The condi- tions of the parole, however, not only prevent the boats from being used for further trips to Cuba, but also prohibit them from being used for fishing unless the owners post bond in the amount of tho highest possible fine--in most cases more than the value of the boat. There are approximately 250 commercial fishing vessels affected. The situation is particularly critical for individual owners dependent on the revenues from the boats to meet fixed expenses and large mortgage pay- ments. Tying up their boats is an extreme financial penalty, quite apart from any fine or penalty they may eventually be assessed. Deprived of their livlihood, many will quickly face the 10s8 of their boats. Beyond individual hardships, idling the vessels has already had a severe negativ~ impact on the economy of Key West, and community leaders fear that if this parole procedure is maintained for commercial fishing vessels through protracted hearings, the effects on the economy will be truly devest~ting. r . There is real justification for those fears. The economy of Key West depends entirely on tourism and fishing. Seafood processing houses are already reporting layoffs of personnel because boats that supply them cannot work. Suppliers and others who support the fishing industry are experiencing drops in business. Other businesses will suffer as we experience the ripple effect of layoffs. All this ~s happening at a time when the tourist industry of Key West has fallen off dramatically due to exagerated fears of disorder in Key West in connection with the boatlift. 3KS Tbe President May 29, 1980 Page 2 During the last week I have raised these problems wit a the White Bouse ataff and with the Office of the Attorney General and suggested thetpparole procedures be changed for commercial fishing vessels 80 as to allow owners making a firm commitment not to send the boat back to Cuba to use it for fishing with .pecial, temporary papers issued by the Coast Guard. I understand that modifications of the parole procedures along these lines are now being considered. I am writing to you directly because the need to do this is truly urgent. We need.to restore to the boat owners their capability to earn a living 80 that the people of Key West can put the boatlift behind them and get their lives and businesses back to normal. Sincerely, DANTE B. F ASCELL Member of Congress The President The White House Washington, D.C. ,.J (2/ _)--- 3Yb