Resolution 139-1980 RESOLUTION NO.139 -1980 RESOLUTION REQUESTING FEDERAL AND/OR STATE OFFICIALS' ASSISTANCE IN REGARDS TO ROAD- BLOCK/CHECKPOINT PRESENTLY BEING MAINTAINED ON U. S. NO. 1 FOR TRAFFIC LEAVING MONROE COUNTY, STATE OF FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the Federal and State officials have established a roadblock/checkpoint on U. S. No. 1 near the Monroe County/ Dade County, State of Florida, border, and WHEREAS, such roadblock was established to control the Cuban refugee Sea Lift flow of aliens into the United States, and WHEREAS, such roadblock/checkpoint does infringe upon the rights of United States citizens and its visitors under both State and Federal Constitutions, and WHEREAS, such roadblock/checkpoint as now established creates a safety hazard and increased energy consumption for all the citizens of Monroe County and its visitors due to the extended length of delay caused by such roadblock/checkpoint, and WHEREAS, a more efficient procedure and/or system should be established to process the traffic leaving Monroe County, Florida, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. That this Commission does hereby request that the Federal and/or State agencies presently maintaining the road- block/checkpoint on U. S. No. 1 for traffic leaving Monroe County, State of Florida, to establish a more efficient procedure and/or processlng of traffic such that the delay to each traveler is held to a minimum. 2. Further, that such agencies and the U. S. Government assure that the roadblock/checkpoint does not violate the Constitutional rights and guarantees provided to each person under both the United States Constitution and the Constitu- tion of the State of Florida. B OOl-'~ -Q Co. 3 .~O IS.S ~Jl 3gcg AP?RO~gON1 of 2 Pages PAGE 3. That the Federal and State Legislative Delegations provide immediate assistance to the Federal and State agencies if the roadblock/checkpoint on U. S. No. 1 is gOlng to be continued such that additional personnel and resources are provided to process traffic through the roadblock/check- point on U. S. NO.1 leaving Monroe County, State of Florida, in such a manner that minimum impact is incurred by all motorists. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting held on the 3rd day of June, 1980. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONR07 -.~OUNT.:, FLORI DA By k;J~ ./ Chairman (Seal) Attes~: /' / /' ,/_~; .~ .r~~~/~'~ /~.~_- ./ ;.:Ei.:.' /~s If) FCR/l~1 ANDLEGALSUFA~ENC~ BY ~~/~ ,/ AltOlNY". 0fIi<<J Page 2 of 2 Pages 3~cr