Resolution 145-1980 RESOLUT ION NO. 145_ 1980 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSINERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO EXECUTE A SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT BY/\AND BETWEEN THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND M. VINCENT PROTHEROE, P.E. FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY CO~~ISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: That the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, F10rida, is hereby authorized to execute a Supplemental Agreement by and between the Board of County Commis- sioners of Monroe County, Florida, and M. Vincent Protheroe, P.E. for the purpose of performing professional engineering services. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting held on the 3rd day of June, 1980. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE NTY, FLORIDA ,/ ~, -' By (Seal) Attest: / ,/ L-,L-.,--- .l;K: -----... y .... "..P' .;/ / ' />,/ ". /' "~~' ,/, "', ,,- ," / :~ " /'{' ;-" e r C-/ -- I"l.~< ,/' Z ,--" ,__..r>" ~..1011fJRM BY~ , A '"~. 'ietI APPROVED ON BOOK u It,,~ .~O '" PAGE: 15 10 .. ~/5 \" QUoe.L) ,...., ,/j - ~ #- /<{'5-I'1~o SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT NO. I TO CONSULTANT AGREEMENT This Supplemental Agreement, made and entered into this :,rll day 0 f June , 1980, by and between: THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA (hereinafter referred to as "County") and M. VINCENT PROTHEROE, P.E. CONSULTING ENGINEER 123 N. W. 23rd Street Gainesville, Florida, 32607 (hereinafter referred to as "Consultant") WITNESSETH: In accordance with the Consultant Agreement dated the 3rd day of June , 1980, by and between the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida (County), and M. Vincent Protheroe, P.E. (Consultant) under Article 1. - Scope of Services, Consultant hereby presents a scope of services to provide Continuing Advisory Consulting Service. A. SERVICES Consultant agrees to serve In the capacity as general con- sultant to the County for all continuing advisory engineering ser- vices that the County may need, which services shall include: a. Providing representation at scheduled and special County Commission meetings to advise the Board and its staff on engineering, land surveying, and planning matters; b. Maintaining a local office in Key West to provide for prompt performance of duties; c. Assist the County in the preparation of the overall County Road and Bridge System Management Plans, project scheduling and annual budget recommenda- tions; d. Providing assistance to County Engineering Contrac- tors Examining Board including acting as Secretary of said Board if deemed necessary by Board. Page 1 of 3 Pages 'flip r \ . , e. Furnishing assistance to County staff in processing subdivision plats, reviewing and preparing recommen- dations for updating the County Code with respect to engineering, land surveying and planning matters and standards. B. CONSULTATIONS The Consultant shall be available to the County on a day to day basis to give advice and council with the County on all of the enumerated subjects as listed above in Section A. This would in- clude attending, at the request of the County, any or all meetings of the County Commission or other technical or administrative group in order to assist and partake In discussions wherein advisory con- suIting services are involved. The Consultant shall maintain an office in Key West. C. COMPENSATION For the work described above in paragraphs A and B, the County agrees to compensate the Consultant by taking the Direct Personnel Expense of all those persons engaged directly on the County's work and adding a surcharge of 1.75. Direct Personnel Expense is defined as the salaries of professional, technical, and clerical employees engaged on the Project by the Consultant, and the cost of their mandatory and customary benefits such as statu- tory employee benefits, insurance, sick leave, holidays, vacations, pensions and similar benefits. The County shall reimburse the Consultant for all out-of- pocket expenses directly chargeable to the County's work at actual cost incurred, and such charges shall be itemized and included in the monthly invoices for time charges and shall be paid as provided for time charges. Typical reimbursable expenses include travel from the Consultant's office (as prescribed for public officers pur$uant to Florida Statute 112), printing and reproduction costs~ survey supplies, special electronic devices, etc. Reimbursement for other expenses incurred while traveling in the County's behalf shall be in accordance with appropriate State Statutes. Page 2 of 3 Pages ~'7 .. . , r. ,,' " The Consultant shall submit invoices to the County for charges for the work accomplished during each calendar month which shall be due and payable upon receipt. The Consultant agrees that the total sum of all charges for the services itemized In paragraphs A and B above shall not exceed $30,000.00 for each County fiscal year while this agreement is in effect. D. TERMINATION This contract may be termjnated by either party giving thirty (30) days notice in writing to the other party. In the event of notice of termination, the Consultant shall do no further work, and he shall be paid for all work then in progress up to the date of termination. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents to be executed the day and year first above written. Singed, Sealed, and Delivered in the Presence of: BOARD OF COUNTY CO~WISSIONERS OF MONROE ~0UNTY, FLORIDA g;/.. //Ui; ,,' oIf /, /Y j By ci L'(;~j{'<( ~,./ \.j C 'El"lYman (Seal) At t est: ---~'" '~~-7- /'/ / ..';': ..p ,./, ,.... // / \;;:.-/ ',' /7/" ,--- d"/../ ,~ ,;c"';; .~/ c: f(;r ff": -":^~< /' C~d~~ --.Wia-- Jd~w. Itness M. VINCENT PROTHEROE, P.E. CONSULTING ENGINEER h~ L a:r? /?!j~/~~/-'-d;;;:P~ ./ r A"'41 fOlICRM ~~~ 8Y~./ Page 3 of 3 Pages ~\~