Resolution 154-1980 RESOLUTION NO. 154- 1980 RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE APPOINTMENT OF A RESIDENT OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO THE GULF OF MEXICO FISHERY MANAGEMENT COUNCIL AND THE SOUTH ATLANTIC FISHERY MANAGEMENT COUNCIL, WHEREAS, Monroe County is directly affected by the activities which occur in and around it's waters; the Gulf of Mexico, the Florida Bay, and the Atlantic Ocean, and, WHEREAS, the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council and the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council have jurisdic- tion over the Federal waters in and around Monroe County, State of Florida, and WHEREAS, appointments to said councils are made through designations by the Governor of the State of Florida and other appropriate agencies, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1, That the Board of County Commissioners does hereby request the Governor of the State of Florida to take such actions as is necessary in order to provide for the appointment of a resident of Monroe County, Florida, to the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council and/or the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council in order to provide for direct input to said Council from the area directly affected by said Council activities. 2. That the Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of M0nroe County, Florida, is hereby directed to forward a coPy of this Resolution to the Governor of the State of Florida, the United States Department of Commerce, and such other agencies and officials as is appropriate. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting held on the Ist- day of July, 1980. APPROVED ON_ ~J BOOK ----- ~~_____L~ ~ 0 PAGE__- 16'"J-- BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS --UF. MONROE., COUNTY.. .FL~.AA/ . './ By. /2=-1 I,_-'-~_, Chairman - Attest: __, ~ ) ( ~,,"......,,/' ,.):. r'.~;~ /' ~,;.- /' ./ '- . /' -._-. -<"~rf/~." - ~-- - - / MJ.JltIt. J'OmRM ~-1IIt'Ir ~I6NCY. IN ~.,I ':' - '. ~_..".._-,.- .. ~'$ OR ice 15