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Resolution 160-1980
RESOLUTION NO.160 -1980 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO EXECUTE NOTICE OF GRANT AWARD BY AND BETWEEN THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AND ACTION FOR THE CONTINUANCE OF THE RETIRED SENIOR VOLUNTEER PROGRAM. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: That the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, is hereby authorized to execute Notice of Grant Award by and between the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners and ACTION, copy of same being attached hereto, for the continuance of the Retired Senior Volunteer Program. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting held on the 1st day of July, 1980. (Seal) Attest: C:erk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By_ .. / 1 /3'-(� Vice CH -airman APPROVED AS TO FORM AND L L SUFFICIENCY. EJY A t vnWS. 0 APPROVED ON BOOK PAGE - '31 a Q W AcnON NOTICE OF GRANT AWARD a y Constant n o a P7 g Data Code O F Z Pur. Cost. 1O m u ;s E o mro > o m 9 o > LL U r9i Co m Z f- F- U Cc 2 LL 1 2 1 3 14 1 5 6 7.18 9 110111112 13 14 15116 17 118119 20 21 22 23 24 25 G I I IG I I 1 1 1210 12 Under authority of P.L. 93-113, Title II, Part A and subject to pertinent Legislation, Regulations and Policies applicable to: National Olden American Volunteer___Proerams ' (Program) 1. PROJECT/PROGRAM TITLE RPHrPrl SPninr Vnittnf-ppr Prnmrnm 2. GRANTEE ORGANIZATION 3. GRANT NO./BUDGET PERIOD (26-33) 4. AMEND. NO. 134.35) Monroe County Board of County Commissioners 440-4641/5 1 04 5. BUDGET Froth M M D D Y Y Thru M M D D Y Y Monroe County Social Services PERIOD (36-41) (42.471 P. 0. Box 1680 06 30 81 6. PROJECT PERIOD M M D D Y Y Key West, F1. 33040 BEGINS (48-53) 09 30 76 7. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT B.STATE CITY COUNTY 9. TYPE OF 1 - New 15 1 FL Monroe GRANT I L.2-J 2 - Renewal 3 - Continuation 4 - Revision 10. NAME OF PROJECT DIRECTOR Annptte Mobley (54) d', Augmentation 11, VOLUNTEER INFORMATION 12. EMPLOYER I.D. NO. 13. VENDOR CODE (67-73) No. of Volunteers Budgeted (55-59) 290 16. GRANTEE A -State H -Community Action 36 000 TYPE B - Interstate Agency Estimated Volunteer Manhours l60 661 ! C - Substate District I - Higher Education U D -County Institution E - City J - Indian Tribe F - School District K -Other (specify): 14. APPROPRIATION NO. 15. ACCOUNTING CLASS. CODE 4400103 )� 80-74-4101-170 (74) G -Special Purpose District 17. AWARD COMPUTATION (hederal Funds ONLY) 18. CURRENT BUDGET PERIOD INFORMATION A. Amount Awarded Prior Budget Period $ 76 120.00 A.Total Approved Budget $ 41 182.00 B. Amount Previously Awarded B. Non -Federal Share $ Current Budget Period S 0 C. Federal Share $ C. Amount of This Award (10-19) $ 24 443.00 D. Total Volunteer Expenses S 8,221.00 E. Non -Federal Volunteer Expenses $ 575.0Q D. Total Amount Awarded Project Period $ 100 563.00 F. Federal Volunteer Expenses $ 6 6 00 19. This grant award, consisting of PART I - BUDGET PLAN and PART 11 - CONDITIONS, will be administered in accordance with the following documents which are hereby incorporated by reference: 1, Grant Application dated 04-22-80 as negotiated. 2. Policies and Procedures for Business Management of Project Grants, ACTION Handbook 2650.2. 3. Sponsor's Handbook_4405.92 fV 4 cc U 20. REMARKS The difference represents $1,557 of FY78 unexpended funds. Your FY80 Federal annualized level is $26,000 21. ACCEPTANCE 1,7.--/ ( Date 7-1-80 Signature of Authorized Official Vice Chairman (hllc) Board of-)Cou mmissioners /6 rr l lmfi_atluru Q t .ACTION FORM A16.1 [Rev. 2178) 22. AWARDED tit M Date D D Y Y (1b25 sn BV (20-251 Grants officer, R� Wa_.Hickey ACTION _ Region IV Page 1 of 11 38 GRANTEE ORGANIZATION Monroe Count r Gs;;,Nr No. 0-461 Al.1_rlo. No. 04 Board of Countv Commissioners CV U 1, VOLUNTEER SUPPORT EXPENSES PART I — BUDGET PLAN -►. I A. Gn_;.NTEE PERSONNEL EXPENSES Tide (1) Annuol SJIJry (2) % Time Spent on Projact 13) Feddrai Total Funr.s Co;,, R- cQ—stwio Non FeCsral Raourees Director Secretary Coordinator (MK) Coordinator (UK) 10,000.00 7,343.00 6,999.00 6,999.00 - 100 75 50 50 F0,000.00 5,507.00 3,495.00 3,495.00 38,750.00 -3,000.00 -0- 1,683.00 31,250.00t 2,507.001 13,495.001 1 1,812.00 I TOTAL PERS0.%NEL EXPENSES `-`T3— , 3� 1 . Ot�1�77� � 2�v9 7__ 13, 4.33. 00 I 9 02-LL0 0 —1 S. FP'tNGc SENE: FI S -- 1 4, 730. 00 ! 2 , 28 1 . 00 2,449. 00 C.-0) GRANTEE STAFF LOCAL TRAVEL I 1 , 362. 00 I 1 , 362. 001 -0- C. (2) GRANTEE STATE LONG DISTANC_ T iIAVEL - I 866.00 1 866. 001 F. CC .T9ACTUAL SERVICE IK 1 864. 00 1 -0- 864 . 00 G. OTN�-R: I -- I I — CJmnur.-cat:o�s 500, 0 1 5 Q 0• 00 �— Printmq & P o s t a e L,n3n on i i,nsn_nn TOTAL VOLUNTEER SUPPORT EXPENSES 32 , 961. 00118, 354. 00 i 14, 607. 00 2. VCLUNTEr-R E\PE':xa A. P-P-r z-XPE^'S=S I 1 ! �ticarc� I j L.v t r n A::a Frd o' S�rv•ra Alln--ncs rOC� 2nd LoC:!na i.l!^•,,anC? __' EN I TS 1,691_00r 1,9 1—al U-.!orrrs 699.00! In;'Jr3nc+ _--599.00 ' I _ OG'•-r: Recruitment Advertisement (I'K) 1 75.00 1 I 75.D-0 I, C. TR V _ L _— 14,_686._00 14,-136. 00 _. 500.00_ D. Z2'j!a:'--NT SUPPU_S --�F. F . r:� -�r- TUAL I C:-: yRecognition_ G. orl-� _ _ I — 8Z0 0�00 8,221.00 7,646.001 575..00, TOTAL VOLUNTEER EXPENSES TOTAL DIRECTCOSTC: (Ad-1 16 21 419182 26,000 I 15,182 I TOTAL INDIRECT COSTS: l ee F)ge 41 1 .0., TOTAL CGSTS 41, 182.00 26,000.00 15, 132.00, 3. PERCEIWAGE: 1CC.N 63 x 37 % I 4. VG1-U::TEER STi1E?:i:TH: Estimet�d Volunt?�r manhours: 1st it, �.�n000 2nd qtr-9-._0-0-0--Jrd Vtr_�, 5(l� 4th rytr--Ry-inn __. �/ 3/. 000 Cud pied number of Volurteen i 9 0 r Pogo 2 of /All orher editions of 0,'s form any Msolnu and will not be used.) + PART I1— CONDITIONS NEW AND CONTINUATION ACTION PROJECT GRANT AWARDS Conditions Checked ap Applicable to this Grant: © 1. Request for funds will be submitted on S F 2 7 0 "Request for Advance or Reimbuno- meat" in an original and two (2) signed coples. (See Chapter 9 of ACTION Handbook 26S0.2.) []x 2. The executed copy of the "Notice of Great Award" must be signed and returned by the grantee to the Grants Officer before any funds an be provided. Immediate return of the executed Notice of Grant Award copy and Request for Advance or Reimbursement will expedite the receipt of funds. []x 3. Grantee will report quarterly disbursements on ACTION Form A-451 "Financial Status Report" in an original and two (2) signed copies within 30 days of the end of each fiscal quarter (June 30, September.30, December 31. Much 31) and the final within 60 days of the close of the grant budget period. (See Chapter 10 of ACTION Hand- book 26S0.2.) o 4. All Frantees, except State of Local government grantees, will submit the Addendum Sheet to the Financial Status Report, ACTION Form A-451a, with the Financial Status Report. Gant No.440-4641/5 Amendment No. 04� El S. Grantees will submit an orip;fW and two (2) signed copies of S F 2 7 2 ` "Report of Federal Cash Transactions" no later than 15 working days following the end of each quarter. (See Chapter 10 ACTION Hand- book 2650.2.) 6. Stipends cannot be reduced without prior written approval of ACTION. ® 7. Specific written approval for lease or purchase of vehicles is required by ACTION. 9. The grantee's authotnzation to purchase a vehicle is limited to a(nx}nsert type) vehicle. The purchase prim shall not exceed $ ® 9. Unexpended funds from prior budget period should be applied to reduce the amount of the first advance. The amount of the unexpended balance and the computation of how it will be applied should be explained in Item 12 "Remarks" of the "Request for Advance )r Reimburse- ment" ACTION Form A-259i:?,:[ 10. The State Program Director for Florida shall act as the Project Manager on this grant. He/she has full authority to represent the Grants Officer in connection with the operations under the grant; however, he/she is not authorized to issue orders, either wirtten or verbal, which change the work to be performed hereunder, the compensation, or the budget or project periods, nor does he/she have the authority to waive any requirements of the grant or to give any approvals specifically reserved for the Grants Officer. 11. The Grantee shall be entitled to reimbursement for costs incurred on or after , which if incurred after this grant had been entered into, would have been reimbursable under the terms of this grant. �J 12. All property and equipment purchased under Grant # is to be transferred to this grant. ACTION Form A-16 (Row V74) Pqp 3 of_ .:,:. : i C .� : K ; . } 7.. ` .."-,ry..m.-.-7- -•-•- .-. npTw-v c.r-nc ►.e�.e- jNMI'!r. r--•-. �nrf-• m- 9 I FEDERAL ASSISTANCE n'!n -0. 11 �03 Juiy �sl J. .vumurr 3 STATE i CAIAPPL, APPLICA CANi$ SAI 8 0*-1327 1 TIP! C; - ACT;CN PR EAPP LIGATION APPLICATION APPLI• CATION o Data ):,:r •n: •rr•r _ I 19 •IC'J IOc:I TI• FIER ° Z. Yt:/ Hoorn JJv 8.0 3 7 •^�/:J(f Q NOTIFICA i :ON OF INTENT (Oot.) Lrave - :ot/ LI REPORT OF FEDERAL ACT IO ON a L_GAL APPLICANT(RECIPIEVr MON S FEDERAL E%IP'-OeEq ;OE'r T:F,CAr;Crr %0, A. AooleamN,me BOARD. OF. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 59-6000749 °. c,;,n ,,(at.on a^,tMONROE COUNTY SOCIAL SERVICE o e 5ir"'P ° eo, PUBLIC SERVICE BLDG . Pao' { J •��T=fr 17!2 I • 0 1012 I a C", .. Caunlr MONROE STOCK ISLAND ORArA ° T"r 1 St. q ZIP a h. CJnIKI Perinn r\'amr FLORIDA 33040 Fr,K FeJe•af iZETIPEll SENIOR VOLTNTEER :cie. ANNETTE MOBLEY, DIRECTOR `r PROGRAM TITLE AND C«SCRIPTIGN OF APPUCA:rtS PRO. ECT a TYPE CF APPL,7A•,L�E-:'P+E',r - Z I7 i`IONROE COUNTY RETIRED SENIOR VOLUNTEER rAct—A.r— C I W PROGRAM Ir!)•r I .n .:'f• _: L]i•O,n)inl:,ly'•an C-S—It, •, J-In:,, •- = I Y TO PROVIDE AN OPPORTUNITY FOR RETIRED I•':�',",;`"' ` i ., -c cr ou F,r.•Ja. ID " •^ I SEMI/RETIRED CITIZENS 60+ TO CREATIVELY' : v:r .rr(r• '- : CONTRIBUTE TO THE COMMUNITY THROUGII _' IA_a„,<•r,nt C_,n,.,^_r ' MEANINGFUL VOLUNTEER SERVICE. i° 7 °'<nrn:n Earl E-.=°-.r Fn:r•=:=•,' , U I N I 'J AAEA CF PROJECT IMPACT .•c•nrJ 2/ cfrfe(..0'njfJ. Sr:: ff. :I- E7T�'.1A i_•) ••qER .:; TYi: CF APPL,:A-, j :•r I I11 - efci OF u50%s cvc. Flnr;•,, I A-N... III MONROE COUNTY FLORIDA 290 ll_I I I: -oCPCSZD FUNDING 14 - JICT5 ,:F £,rrr si TYPE OF ^. - ,_. .,. r:eJ a %.ce•„ I S 20 l'0 =71a Apolcan, ;° 7. cle<r A•I r'<•er.e Curt F-;Ine• :: rn;:/ . 19--reenr J�• an 13 6°2 ---'FIFTEEN (15)I FIFTEEN 15' -.R;;r ;'a`„�� N/A —- �c Sv•e :9115 PQO.ECT 5TA•:i I r PF •� c-- —.— E �rcr�at an OATI r •r ^t rt••' TDc•.l_ I I c ..-E8 a •x,l .�, L �Tf4{VG' ��;< •e-9 I [ "•^r• I j �( :C I'9. EiiMATED :a:c TO Y'4,. - ^.Horn Jv i') E.Y1571:.r; _:ERA--•7:: I,_.: TIC •r •.0 :• Lld;S Imo' _1-••.�1�.0 aE S.•EV.I:TED TO T'L S [[ 1 1 g �' :91 FEDE,IAL AGENCr 3� 1980 10 4 1 4 4 0- 4 6 4 1/ n - c.RAL ^ GE•:Cr ,. •iE "'v tk iEG:,: ST.5 Cc,:r, 1 ACTIONSTATE PROGRAM OFFICE, ORLANDO, FLA'. ^ C•• I a. To in, o- ,, o, nr .^.n,an— I o. II rrounrC °r A.U9 C.�cu„r A 7E ton ,co�•ci•on ,,,,n wtr+�t:ra p�rrwnl •:' - }o rr. ' GItta o,f C0.: Cq^A<Crfn,nl n OEOr yhOMto nn PI C'ra'OnnF;nn�fnIrRAL`Gn r0,f1V Pn ,4rroc.vr :IU: afJ fl. anti Ca -!. ur•faf BUJO RL`r AHI.0 STATE NTEEENfjT Alr 1,LL _°T Ccp71F'5 or,�ol—lana:n .RI'NK^�11f M- s;-HA-� RELATIONS TALLAHASSEE FLORIDA f , I �� I+n<r•taoord.en 7) SO.FLORIDA REGIONAL PLANNING C COUNC Z •' i J TYPED .'JAMi A:,D r,T,a ° SIGNA;,JRF ° •`�-T'cYIr,G on Schloesser <A / Yrn ^loom Ja. I tur i SE4TATIvE 'zm,2 n---�_o_ unty Comm -T----" 80 April 22 :a ALE•ICY NAME `J .-nal•LA (rJr -rJnln :J I ACTION I' !a ECS, v ED'19 Z I_ti .,nGAlil[A;IUNAL IJNI.T Grants & Contracts I:7 AW.1iNi,j`Rarp,E -F,CE 1:3 •:- �iL _ T:F CAE:•:•+" L I 101 Marietta St., N. ld,,_Atlanta, Ga. U :: i`-:•C.V rAKEN 13: F'JNIiINLi I ---_---- )r:r rl,fn In •• :rr 1r:f--.: nf, .JI < a, ::�,� Ar_:I(:fJ °ATE > ,g) ,% N J 6 ... - ,9 ° A——I- 13i682 CCvra- PC,At,AL l::r ^Pn!', :J• 11 i �f1Yr n.r7 F�f C .".:l tf t—• A••M nL•m.Kl I.Jmf :nJ fr'pn{n-,I ]rrl E'•r..l: i I U• _ - _ Henry Jibaja rf " -___ 41 S 182 .o (205) 420 6117 I a In r)u••T L^.J., aa.J, Jn. cO---, •Ke,. r , , _ __—_,,. I I .+, rrnln�.. v, .. .. r. - '.rti L GE'.=•.. n•., C:AI FE:EAAL AGENCY I VCr•eo ': 14-cl 'ftpU r,f •, A.f unary or o.,,,on, J, P"III. 95 (r'r.^^oor .'•O r ' • ACTION I 11 — Ur^ -1 fx•ny r- i 95 ,..r '1. ACTION Form A•263 IA,. h7°f 5ru.vA AO cl,u Ittee I` iIj Y5•� - lrflcr.SrJ .t.1 (•SJ F'r: AJ/ �(1,,.•[f-Kf^r L.rl`1:Jf �l: • � 1