Resolution 163-1980 RESOLUTION 1ft 163-1980 vlliEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS of MONROE County, Florida, has received an application from Neil MacDonald to protect and restore: 105' of eroded shoreline along a 13' deep manmade channel in front of Single Family Residence. Boulder riprap, capped with 4' concrete walkway will constitute the bulkhead and approximately 58 cubic yards of fill will be placed behind bulkhead. Applicant will control turbidity (and reinforce riprap) by placing "clean" boulders at bulkhead line and grouting the landward surface before placing the fill. To keep owners boat out of channel, davits will be installed (personal communication with contractor). Equipment and material will be brought to site over existing roads and owners uplan~. Top of bulkhead will be the elevation of owner's lot. This is an area of Single Family Residences, approximately 60 percent developed. Nearly all occupied lots have some form of shoreline pro- tection/boat mooring facilities. Vegetation on undeveloped sites is pioneer - Australian Pine, Brazilian pepper, buttonwood, while ornamentals have been transplanted around existing residences. Adjacent lot has concrete block seawall with boat ramp. Interestingly, the growth of Batophora sp was thicker on the face of this seawall than on the stones in front of project site. Project shoreline has been eroded (see photo) and a few large boulders remain in the area. Most of the substrate is small coral stones with a sparse (3 percent) covering of Batophora sp. A small (3 sq. ft.) patch of Thalassia testudinum is present adjacent to seawall on the east, but should be outside of proposed boulder line on the edge of this 13' deep manmade channel. Individual plants observed: three small black mangroves (Avicennia germinans), three red mangroves (Rhizophora mangle), one broken buttonwood (Gonocarpus concordia) four Borrichio sp, four Sesuvium, six Salicornia, and three railroad vines (Ipomoea pes-capral). Due to the wave action along this exposed shorelines, sediment has been removed from the area below MHW line. Wrack collects (see photo) at and above MHW line. No ffs'hps Here observed in the area. Impace of this project will be stabilization of this wave washed area and provide attachment sites for vegetation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, by the Board of County Commissioners of MONROE County, Florida, that said Board hereby given its approval for the construction of the above mentioned project. RESOLVED this lst day of July 1980, at a Regularly scheduled Meeting. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ATTEST ..--:/ w~v-- Cler <- . APPROVED ON BY n.-I I gc 'Vlce Mayor and Chairman AI1L lIGWD AS TO FORM ..~. ~NCY. ., ~~~/ , -- . vff1Ce t'}-l-~o BOOK \J I-:AGE '~8 ~ 4<f