Resolution 192-1980 RESOLUTION NO. 192 -1980 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO EXECUTE LICENSE DACA01-3-80-2 FOR KEY WEST DEFENSE AREA SITE NO. KW-65 AND FIELD TRAINING AREA MILITARY RESERVATION, FLORIDA BY AND BETWEEN THE SECRETARY OF THE ARMY AND THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: That the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, is hereby authorized to execute License DACA01-3-80-2 for Key West Defense Site No. KW-65 and Field Training Area Military Reservation, Florida by and between the Secretary of the Army and the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, a copy of same being attached hereto. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting held on the 29th day of July, 1980. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ~ a rman By (Seal) Attest: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SIIFFICIENCY. A ~).,"...'J' ,,,'" ~ ~-~-~" BY 91 ~~.>~/ < J 1\ te, DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY LICENSE DACAOl-3-80,.2 KEY WEST DEFENSE AREA SITE NO. KW-65 AND FIELD TRAINING AREA MILITARY RESERVATION, FLORIDA THE SECRETARY OF THE ARMY hereby grants to BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA \-..~-} ~i.) c::: :J. ,... ,~ ~ '"'- a license, for a period of one year commencing on 1 June 1980, and "'," endi ng on 31 May 1981, but revocable at the will of the Secretary of the Army, to occupy and use, for airport safety purposes,_a parcel of land comprising approxi- mately 5.34 acres in the southeast corner of Tract.C of the Key West Defense Area Site No. KW-65 and Field Training Area Military Reservation, Island of Key West, Monroe County, Florida, as described in Exhibit A and as shown in red on Exhibit B, both of whi ch are described as follows: attached hereto and made a part hereof, and Exhibit A: Parcel of Land Licensed to Monroe County, Florida, Board of County Commissioners - Tract C, Key West Defense Area Site No. KW-65 and Field Training Area Military Reservation, Florida. Exhibit B: Drawing No. RE-3020, as last revised 2 July 1973, Key West Defense Area Site No. KW-65 and Field Training Area Military Reservation. ~,":~.'~; ,....... THIS LICENSE is granted subject to the following conditions: Dt thE.' , eel;upaytl.. nitti~s:~S C[, . atiDe amount of: Pa hal va. 'ec ",.., t', Conditi on 10 r'o;' 2. Tlutt the exercise of the privileges hereby granted shall be without cost or expense to the United States, under the general supervision and subject to the approval of the officer ha1,ing immediate jurisdiction over the property, hereinafter referred to as "said officer," and subject also to such reguUttions as may be prescribed by him from time to time. , . :t;,':(~~ , \ " :J. That any property of the United States damaged or destroyed by the licensee incident to the exercise of the privileges herein granted shall be promptly repaired or replaced by the licensee to the satisfaction of the said officer, or in lieu of such repair or replacement the licensee shall, if so required by the said officer, pay to the United States money in an amount sufficient to compensate for the loss sustained by the United States by reason of dama,qe to or destruction of Government property. 4. That the United States shall not be responsible for damages to property or injuries to persons Il'hich may arise from or be incident to the exe,.ci~'le of the privileges herein granted, or for dama,qes to the pr'operty of the licensee, or for injuries to the person of the licensee, or for damages to the property or injuries to the person of the licen..'lee's officers, a,qents. serrants, or employees or' others 1t'ho may be on said premises at their invitation or the invitation of anyone of them, arising from governmental activities on the said premises, and the licensee shall hold the United States harmless from any and all such claims. I!HG FORM 808 , DEe t52 (ER 405-1-860) ~ 1 ,;;'.~..':"" ..",l <. - , l '1t}: ,; 5. That, on or, before the date of expiration of th:'s (ianse m' its )"~""II/.'li,;J;1::ent by the licensee, the licensee i>hall racate the said Gorernment premises, 1'emOl'C all7J1"operty of thr liccnse~ therefrom, alul restore the premises to a condition satisfactory to the said officer, dnmages beyond the control of the licen.see and due to fair wear and tear excepted. If.. howevel', this licensc is revoked, the Ii"f';see shdl vacate the premises, remove said property therefrom, and restore the prem1:scs as afOl'o:aid 1cithn surh time as the ScaeulI")! of the Army may designate. In either event, if the licensee shall fnil 01' nco{ed i'l /"I'move said property (Ind so restore the premises, then, at the option of the Secrerory of the A I'm?', "~id r'('!'/Tty shall either become the property of the United States without compensation therefor, or the S; r;rcft!l!l of the ,4rmy may Ca1.lSe the property to be removed and the premises to be so restored at the expense of thp licensee, and no claim for damages against the United States or its officers or agents shall be created by or made on account of such removal and restoration work. ""..10,',,"- 6. That the licensee shall pay the cost, as determined by the so.id officer, of producing andjor supplying any utilities and other services furnished by the Government or throu!Jh G01JITnment,oluncd fa.cilities for the use of the licensee, including the licensee's proportiona.te share of the co,~t of oJJcrution and maintenance of the Government-owned facilities by which such utilities Or sen,ices arc }ll'odur,d (lr supplied. The Govern- ment shall be under no obligation to furnish utilities or services. Payment shall be made in the manner prescribed by the said officer upon bills rendered monthly. , , ~~1h, 7. That the United States shaU not be responsible for damages to pro!,' ,.ty ()r injuries to persons wh~h may arise from or be imident to the construction, maintenance, a,..,d v.se of the facilities constructed by the licensee on the said premises. 8. That this license ma,y be terminated by the licensee at any time by ,qlvin[l to the Secretary of the Army, through the said officer, at least ten (10) days' notice in writing; provided tMt, in case of such termination, no refund by the United States of any renrol theretofore paid shall be ma.de. rt~" ~ 9, That it is to be understood that this license is eff ectit.c only insofar as the riahts of the United States in the property involved are concerned, and that the l~ensee shall obtain such permission as may be necessary on account of any other existing rights. 10. That this license is granted without compensation in accordance with current regulations and directives governing licenses to states or local governmental agencies for a public purpose. 11. That the phrase "or officer of the Government having jurisdiction over the property "sha 11 be understood to be i ncl uded after the words "Secretary of the Army," whenever they appear in this license. ~ ~~.'~~~ .~ - ~ 2 . ;..,.:, -.J.':---' ""'.;.,: ~.': 'j,. -::. -"1".;: I ";\ C>,..,,'.,.,'~, t -:10 ,.. l. , , "";"', '1~ I .. C_.. .._~.~."'~ added ro< That Condition(!t) No.(X>1 was deleted and Conditions 10 & 11 ~U (were) (J,iA,Xfk'JU..before the executwn of this License. This License is not subject to Title 10, United States Code, Section 2662. 1I:,"'~J.:.: this IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto se] my hand by authority of the Sect'etary of the At'my /6 MY of ~'r '10 ~ ~~~~~- DO ALD L. BURCHETT Chief, Real Estate Division U.s. Army Corps of Engineers Jacksonville, Florida, District -.'"'....... ~~S-~~,;~ The above instrument, together u,ith all the conditions thereof, is hereby accepted this 29th day of July 1980 APPROVID AS TO FORM AND SUFFICIENCY. . ~~ Vtt:~ Attomey's Office BY: l BY Don Schloesser - Chairman (Typed/Nam~~) ,"'7 ~~i~~T~,~/~~c({~~, ~ 3 U.S. GOVERNMENT P'RINTlNG OfFta = IN-o-soD7. ....1U \..~.}!--~~ ~':'I ~:~ "'"l '".11.0>-'0. "~<)~, '-", )' ~ 3 >; " ,." 1'1'~~:, Exhibit A, License DACAOl-3-80-2 PARCEL OF LAND LICENSED TO MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS - TRACT C, KEY WEST DEFENSE AREA SITE NO. KW-65 AND FIELD TRAINING AREA MILITARY RESERVATION, FLORIDA Commence at the northeast corner of Tract C and run thence southerly along the easterly boundary of said tract a distance of approximately 550 feet to an unmarked point 60 feet south of the center line of an existing road, said unmarked point being the POINT OF BEGINNING of the parcel being described: thence westerly on a line 60 feet south of and parallel to the center line of the existing road a distance of approximately 360 feet to an unmarked point 60 feet west of the center line of an existing road to the south; thence southerly on a line 60 feet west of and parallel to the center line of said road to the south a distance of approximately 575 feet to an unmarked point of deflection 120 feet southwesterly of the center line of the existing road as it bears in a southeasterly direction; thence southeasterly on a line 120 feet southwest of and parallel to the center line of the existing road bearing in a southeasterly direction a distance of approximately 140 feet to an unmarked point on the southerly boundary of Tract C; thence easterly along the southerly boundary of Tract C a distance of approximately 300 feet to an unmarked point, being the southeast corner of Tract C; thence northerly along the easterly boundary of Tract C a distance of approximately 640 feet to the Point of Beginning. The above-described parcel comprises 5.34 acres, more or less. EXHIBIT .1t- \80