Resolution 212A-1980 RESOLUTION /1 212A-19 80 WHEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE County, Florida, has received an application from Richard D. Baker to: Place a curved boulder riprap seawall below MEW line, across a shoreline discontinuity created in the past when lot to west was filled and riprapped. Riprap and fill will be brought to site over existing roads and applicant's uplands by truck and positioned by bulldozer, at low tide (MLW line is waterward of proposed riprap). Applicant states the Avicennia germinana and Rhizophora mangle seedlings and propagules will be transplanted (in peat pots) among the riprap for habitat stabilization and improvement. This shoreline of Grassy Key has been altered through the past decade, with docks, boat basins and concreted boulder riprap. Apparently, many lots were cleared because vegetation is Casurina equisetifolia, Schinus terebinthifo1ius and terrestrial herbs, weeds and grasses. On some of the undisturbed areas, Key Hammock species are dominant. The occupied lots have ornamentals and some hammock species. The applicant's lot has Conocarpus erecta, Laguncu1aria racemosa, Avicennia germinans and a small number of Rhizophora mangle plants. Single family residences exist, or are under construction on lots to east, while lot to west is riprapped and filled, creating the jetty which collects the detritus. The area the applicant proposes to fill is gently sloping, eroded coral rock with no visible vegetation, as the area is buried under organic material (see Photo 1). Just northeast of the proposed riprap area, a few Avicennia germinans seedlings are sprouting. A few Rhizophora mangle are also present in this area, but not directly in the fill zone. Four mature Avicennia germinans are adjacent to MEW line, applicant proposes to retain these, if possible. Impact of this fill project (recommended by this investigator during pre-application visit in January 1980) will be to remove a debris pocket and restore a curved shoreline continuity. Although the riprap toe will be above MLW, new marine habitat will be created. Applicant's proposed plantings will stabilize area and provide habitat. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, by the Board of County Commissioners of MONROE County, Florida, that said Board hereby given its approval for the construction of the above mentioned project. Resolved this 26thday of August , 1980, at a Regularly scheduled Meeting. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY ATTES>~?U/ dz- Clerk AflTl.WJWD M 70 I'OIIM -~- ., , J~ 25i.f1t