Resolution 217-1980 RESOLUTION NO. 217-1980 RESOLUTION DESIGNATING JEFF FISHER AS THE COUNTY'S REPRESENTATIVE TO APPLY FOR FUNDS FROM THE BOATING IMPROVEMENT FUND. WHEREAS, there exists in the Department of Natural Re- sources a Boating Improvement Fund from which requests for funding can be made for various boating improvements in Monroe County, and WHEREAS, it would facilitate the processing of all grant (Fund) requests to designate a particular individual to act in the County's behalf as well as to monitor each project to assure proper completion thereof, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. That Jeff Fisher, Monroe County Extension Director with the Florida Cooperative Extension Service is hereby designated as the individual authorized to apply for all grant requests and execute all documents necessary to obtain funding and further to act as the liaison officer between all agencies to assure full cooperation between all agencles. 2. That prior to any grant application being made, each grant application shall be presented to the Board of County Com- missioners prior to submittal to the Department of Natural Re- sources for their concurrence and approval. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting held on the 26th day of August, 1980. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE ~OUNTY, FLORIDA " {(, . /// .' /,//;.; ~ .~ 'w;2.' ~_ . c~~man --- By (SEAL) Attest: -;, ~. .7 .,/ ,..;"" /' : i .... /' _ // ~ .................... ~frt/q, -, ' AlWfOVED AS TO FORM AII/IJ $lJHJClENCY. Cd: ~L ~ 0fIit>> ", 303