Resolution 230-1980 RESOLUTION NO.230 -1980 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY CO~~IISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO EXECUTE CERTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE OF SUB- GRANT AWARD FOR PUBLIC DEFENDER INTERNSHIP PRO- GRAM. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: That the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, is hereby authorized to execute the Certi- fication of Acceptance of Subgrant Award for the Public Defender Internship Program, a copy of same being attached hereto. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting held on the 11th day of September, A.D. 1980. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA 4e~ By - (Seal) Attest :~~----;> ~ //'" /' - ~ ~., ,~~4/,;<^ /_~ Clerk AtiPROVED AS TO FORM AND I.EG4l.. StHFfCIENCY, BY -_.II 1 J.. ~ ... -.~_.......__ A~. Offic8 3~~ CERTIFICATFJ:: . OF ACCSPT';:JCE OF SUB(;Rl\.:.JT A\v';:'PD Th~ s~tgra~te2, through its authorizedrepr~scntative, ac~::owlodSs~ r~c_ipL and acceptance of subgrant award nUfnDcr CF-79-17-3701(79-AA-17-DGOili) (6td) amount of $ 1 Jnn nn ) *, for a project enti~lel Public Defender Internship P~ogram for t:-.c: period of 12/1/79 to 11/30/80 , in a=cord~~ce wit~ th~ st<1ter.'JrLt of work. contained in the subgrarlt applicatio:~, c:::d subj,~,t_ to tLe Bc.rcau of Criminal Justice I s attached standa;rd s~Lqru:.t ::0I1,.:itions gover:1i:lg subgrants, as well as any attaclled special :::o:,::'li '-ions. Acc<::pt..:d for Lie Subgra.'ltcG: September 11, 1980 (Dz:tc of l\-':c:':l,ta~-Lcc) Don Schloesser, Board of County ~ . (Typecl :;am~d TiUe of Qf ',1) Atte,~: ;//- / /<J. ~' L_.~/it'~ U ~ / *Rr:',2UIR:2D .lATCH Cler' Chairman of the ComIflissioners of S~at~ G~ncral R~vcnuo $ Loca~ Hard Cash $ 133.00 ~ Af';.'/ll,,}\/CU.....:J ,t.l ANDLEGALSUFAC~NC~ BY A".,."... Offit;e 3Y1