Resolution 244-1980RESOLUTION NO.244 - 1980 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE STATE OF FLORIDA, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND REHABILITA- TIVE SERVICES, AND MONROE COUNTY TO ADMINISTER FEDERAL FUNDS UNDER THE TITLE XX SOCIAL SECURITY ACT. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: That the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, is hereby authorized to execute an Agreement by and between the State of Florida, Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services and Monroe County, a copy of same being attached hereto, to administer Federal funds under the Title XX Social Security Act. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting held on the 23rd day of September, 1980. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE CO NTY, FLORIDA By CIT-5—irman (SEAL) Attest: State of Florida Department. of Health and Rehabilitative Services AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, entered into this 26th day of September, 1980 by and between the STATE OF FLORIDA, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES, hereinafter referred to as the "DEPARTMENT", and MONROE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as the "DONOR"; W I T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS, the DEPARTMENT, by authority granted in Chapter 20 and 409, Florida Statutes, 1973, administers federal funds under Title XX of the Social Security Act which must be matched with state and/or local funds in accordance with Title 45, Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter II, Part 228; .or if, said provisions are revised, revoked and/or transferred to a new Part in the Code of Federal Regulations, said funds must be matched in accordance with. the provisions of the new applicable Parts of the Code of Federal Regulations; and all amendments thereof, and, WHEREAS, DONOR wishes to make a financial contribution to the DEPARTMENT to be used for the provision of services, said contribu- tion of the DONOR to be matched by federal funds, and WHEREAS, services will be provided to those eligible to .receive said services under the standards of eligibility of - the DEPARTMENT, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual undertaking and agreements hereinafter set forth, the DEPARTMENT and the DONOF: agree as follows: 1. Donation A. DONOR shall contribute to the DEPARTMENT the sum of $10,296 in certified public expenditures for the purpose of obtaining federal funds in the amount of $30,.888 for a i:otal of $41,184 to be used for the provision of legal services to those eligible under the standards of eligibility of the DEPARTMENT. DONOR's contribution shall be made in twelve (12) certifications of $858, with the first of said certifications being made on .October 31, 1980 and subsequent certifications being. made on' the last day of each succeeding month. B. Certified public expenditures may vary from contribution to contribution but the total amount of the certified public expenditures at the end of this contract period will not be more than the agreed upon 44Y total contribution due under this contract. Certified public expend- itures used must be eligible to be considered as certified public expenditures under the applicable federal regulations, and rulings by the Office of Human Services Development of the United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Said certification shall be on the forms and in the manner designated by the DEPARTMENT. 2. Use of Donation This donation is for the provision of legal service to those who meet the eligibility requirements of the DEPARTMENT, by Legal Services of Greater Miami, Inc,, in Monroe, Florida, DONOR guarantees. these services are not available without cost. (County) 3. Expenditures of Donated Funds In consideration of the DONOR's agreement to make the finalacial contribution, DEPARTMENT represents and agrees that it will use the contribution, after matching said contribution with federal funds, for the purchase of the aforementioned and described services. 4. Termination A. Termination at Will - This contract may be terminated by either party at any time, with or without cause, upon no less than thirty (30) days notice in writing to the other party. Said notice shall be delivered by certified mail, telegram, or in person. B . Termination because of Lack of Funds It is further agreed that in the event funds to finance this contract become unavailable,. the obligations of each party hereunder may be terminated upon no less than twenty-four (24) hours notice in writing to the other party. Said notice shall be delivered by certified mail, telegram, or in person. The DEPARTMENT shall be the final authority as to the availability of federal or state funds and as to how any available funds will be allocated among its various prcviders.. 5. Effective Date The effective date of this contract shall be October 1, 1980. This contract shall cover a period of twelve (12) months from the effective date of the contract and shall end on September 30, 1981. 6. Source of Funds DONOR guarantees that none of the amounts donated for matching under this 'contract are federal funds, or are derived from or in lieu of -2- ql5 federal funds except as to federal monies received from federal sources authorized by Statute as acceptable for matching with federal funds. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this three (3) page agreement to be executed by their officials thereunto duly authorized. STATE OF FLORIDA, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES Date: By: Title: Date: Date: Ala MONROE COUNTY, a political sub- division of the State of Florida [POLITICAL ENTITY SEAL] By: Uh4 aWord of County Commissioner Attest: e k oard o County Commissioners APMOMAf f0 faDa Af AAA U M/ SOM ENCY. Af ftwls Office -3- T�� LEGAL SERVICES OF THE FLORIDA KEYS B U D G E T 1 October 1980 - 30 September 1981 EXPENSES I. PERSONNEL Attorneys (Note A) $49,584.00 Paralegals (Note B) 12,634.00 Secretaries (Note C) 23, 222.00 85,440.00 Fringe at 15.7% 13,414.00 TOTAL PERSONNEL $98, 854.00 II. NON -PERSONNEL Travel 3,600.00 Space Costs (Note D) 9,797.00 Consumables 2,000.00 Photocopy 2,500.00 Litigation costs 1,500.00 Telephone (Note E) 6,250.00 Postage 1,100.00 Library Upkeep 1,452.00 Other Costs 2,500.00 Asset Acquisitions (Note F) 3,000.00 TOTAL NON -PERSONNEL COSTS $33, 699.00 TOTAL EXPENSES $132,553.00 REVENUE Legal Services Corporation Regular Grant 69, 457.00 .$69, 457.00 Title XX New Federal Funds 45, 000.00 In -Kind Match (Note G) 10, 296.00 Cash Match (Note H) 4,704.00 $60,000.00 Filing Fees (Less Cash Match) 3,096.00 PROJECTED AVAILABLE RESOURCES $132,553.00 TT7 NOTES A. The Key West Office is ,staffed wth two attorneys, Susan Gates and Jeanne Elias. The Key Largo area is served by one attorney, Carolina Lombardi, who rides circuit to the area on a weekly basis. The Key Largo office was closed in April, 1980 because of insufficient numbers of clients to justify maintaining a full-time office. B. One paralegal, Yvonne Leon, is employed in the Key West Office, C. The budget provides for two secretaries in Key West (one of whom functions as the Office Manager) ; and one half-time secretary for the Key Largo attorney. D. Space costs include in -kind, estimated at $6,243, for space at 600 White Street, Key West, used as Title XX match; and a portion of the rental costs of the Homestead office which houses the Key Largo attorney at $3,554.00. E. The telephone budget includes in -kind match, estimated at $4,053, for telephone costs at Key West, plus a toll -free number for residents of the Upper Keys to call the Homestead office and telephone charges for the Key Largo attorney at $2,197.00. F . The cost of asset acquisitions will increase this year due to office space changes required by the Fire & Safety Department. Acquisitions include two new air conditioners, a rug and additional chairs for the client waiting room. Acquisitions also include the supplements and updates to the library. G . The in -kind match represents the estimated value of space costs and telephone at the Key West office. H. The cash match comes from the filing fee ordinance. Together, the in -kind and cash match produce $45, 060 in Title XX fun6s. AD4k -2- qq LEGAL SERVICES OF THE FLORIDA KEYS Au ust 1980 Statistical Data TYPE OF.PROBLEM Number o Number % This Month This Quarter Administrative 1 4 2 5 Family 6 26 17 40 Housing 6 26- 7 17 Employment & Consumer 8 35 11 26 Miscellaneous 2 9 5 12 Total 23 100% •42 100% RACE White Black Cuban Other Total AGE 0 - 25 26 - 35 36 - 45 46 - 59 60+ Total SEX Male Female Total Clients + Dependents Total _ Number This _ Yea 25 17 30 20 4,1 27 32 21 23 15 151 100 17 74 32 76 98 65 4 17 6 14 41 27 2 9 3 8 10 7 0 0 1 2 2 1 23 100% 42 100% 151 10C 5 22 5 12 5 5 22 14 33 39 27 5 22 9, 21 49 32 4 17 8 19 - 35 2- 4 17. 6 15 23 1` 23 100% 42 100% 151 10C 11 48 16 38 57 3(, 12 52 26 62 94 61 23 100% 42 100%. 151 10C 23 42 151 29 60 213 52 102 __364_ Financial Eligibility Guidelines A. A client's net income may not exceed the amounts indicated.* (For family units in excess of ten, add $1,375 annually for each addi- tional member.) Number in Family Weekly Monthly Annually 1 71 309 3,703 2 96 417 5,006 3- 122 529 6,347 4 145 628 7,534 .5 170 735 8,819 6 193 836 10,027 7 216 936 11;232 8 241 1,043 12,517 9 264 1,144 13,725 10 289 1,244 14,922 B. In determining net income (take-home) you may deduct only the following items from gross income: 1. FICA (Social Security) 2. Payroll Withholding 3. Union Dues 4. Pension Contributions 5. Health Insurance Contributions *Senior Citizens - (60 or above) whose income is above eligibility guidelines are eligible for services if: 1. Their total income from whatever source does not exceed the maximum Social Security benefits they would conceivably get: a. Single person 542.50 - monthly b. Husband -and Wife combined. 813.80 - monthly C. Total family unit '949.50 - monthly 2. Their liquid assets are not in excess of 2,500 or cost of - obtaining private counsel would reduce liquid assets to under 2,500. �S �