Resolution 001-1981 -,/ ... RESOLUTION NO. 1 -1981 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING THE [.IONROE COUNTY JAIL REFORM COMMISSION. WHEREAS, recent events, including breakouts at the Monroe County Jail, raises serious questions about the public safety and welfare of the citizens of Monroe County, and WHEREAS, the Monroe County Commission, Sheriff's Department, State Attorney's Office and judicial system as well as various State agencies have indicated that matters affecting the situation are wide in scope, and WHEREAS, the concern for public safety and welfare requIres joint action be taken to assist in the resolution of any problem(s) which might exist, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. The Monroe County Commission does hereby establish the Monroe County Jail Reform Commission. The Commission shall consist of the following: a. A Monroe County Commissioner to be designated by the Monroe County Commission. b. Sheriff of Monroe County. c. The State Attorney of the 16th Judicial District. d. The Chief Judge of the 16th Judicial District. e. The Public Defender of the 16th Judicial District. f. Representative of the Division of Correction. g. Representative of the State Sheriff's Association. h. Representative from community to be selected by the Board of County Commissioners. 1. Chief of Police of the City of Key West. 2. The charge of the Commission is as follows: a. Outline an investigation process that will deter- mine the physical, administrative, legislative, and/or monetary problems and needs. Consider long range development of Jackson Square and other sites in light of previou's Jail study. Page I of 2 Pages b. Develop recommended solutions to the present and long range problems, including: (1) what administrative and/or procedural changes need to be made in the various offices. (2) what mlnlmum physical plant needs are required now and in the future. (3) recommend reasonable cost requirements and revenue sources which can be used to meet the needs. (4) recommend any legislative changes deemed necessary. c. Provide on-going monitoring of any changes or solutions developed. 3. The Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of this resolution to the Governor of the State of Florida and the Sheriff's Association such that the Governor's Office and Sheriff's Association will provide technical assistance to assist the Monroe County Jail Reform Commission in carrying out the responsibilities for which they have been charged. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a special meeting of said Board held on the 5th day of January, A.D. 1981. By BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF M~ROE ~NTY, FLOR1Q~ ./ ~.,.. / _i ~--""----4' J-' C--. or""! Ch~rm~n ...-~, \; I .,/ \ I ", I' ,-' ""'\. I (/~"..... (f I....-~ _./ ' . ;. c':'L (Se al) '/ ,t"""\ \) " Attest: A?PRCN'tD ,;lIS 1"0/011/.,1 ':'G,,1l. $UPF!CiEt./C\(, Bl' Page 2 of 2 Pages