Resolution 015-1981 RESOLUTION NO.IS - 1981 RESOLUTION REGARDING REQUEST FOR AN INCREASE IN THE MOTOR VEHICLE INSPECTION FEE WHEREAS, Chapter 325, Florida Statutes (Part II, Safety Equipment Inspection of Motor Vehicles), established the Safety Inspection Section of the Department of Public Safety, effective July 1, 1968, and WHEREAS, said Statute was amended effective July 1, 1969, from a semi-annual inspection to an annual inspection, and WHEREAS, under Section 325.24, a fee of three dollars ($3.00) was designated, and WHEREAS, additional items have been required to be inspected since the program's concept, and WHEREAS, since July 1, 1969 there have incurred substantial increases in labor, materials, equipment and utilities, and WHEREAS, to maintain the required standards as set forth in Section 325.19, Florida Statutes under Part II, and to take every measure to insure the safety and well being of its citizens and their property, this Board feels that it is neces- sary and proper to request an increase in the motor vehicle inspection fee, and WHEREAS, there exists an ever present threat of major financial deficiency in the operation of the State Motor Vehicle Inspection Program, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. This Board hereby recommends that action by our legislative delegation be taken to increase the Vehicle Inspection Fee under Section 325.24, Florida Statutes, to a fee not to exceed five dollars ($5.00). Page 1 of 2 Pages 2. That the Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida is hereby directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to our legislative delegation and to the Vehicle Safety Inspection Association of Florida. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida at a regular meeting held on the 27th day of January, 1981. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF ~OUNTY, FL~A C) / / /' /. I.... ,. f..., / ~/ ( /, BY~' "7ctir:n' \~ / ' - ':1'... "to /--; -' .' (SEAL) Attest: RALPH VJ. L "\~ f"'v\. p~ o.c. ~ Clerk ' APPROvED A$ TO FORM ANDLf~AI. StJFf!C/~NCY. / .~.' /' . ;/..'./ // // . /"L' I ev / .,.&:....<...i..:~~~:- .' c' ,_L-..- /" AltofiU'I!',~ Offi,~p Page 2 of 2 Pages