Resolution 016-1981RESOLUTION NO. 16-1981 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO EXECUTE SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN DAVID M. DILL AND THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: That the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, is hereby authorized to execute a Settlement Agreement by and between David M. Dill and the Board of County Com- missioners of Monroe County, Florida, a copy of same being attached hereto. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 27th day of January, 1981. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COU TY, FLORIDABy Ma r hairman (Seal) Attest: _ Clerk v� S E T T L E M E N T A G R E E M E N T pWHEREAS, the County of Monroe of the State of Florida ('hereinafter "County") and David M. Dill (hereinafter "Dill") a._resident• of. the City of Key -west, located in the aforesaid Coull,ty, h?ve been, and. are, parties to certain matters now pendi.7T..1.i�•:i:gat-ion acid regarding the application, enforceabil- ity, possilS'-1e existence-'af default, and validity of a certain lea::,e docunie`nt executed between the parties and conveying to Dz a �ieasehold in and -to the certain real property:and prom- is,s knol.n to the parties as the Airport Restaurant and Lounge, lo-.,--ited in the 'A,onroe County .Airport, ,situated in the City of Key ,'est... Florida; and specifically being cases No. 79-767- CA-07 in tha,,Circuit Court of the 16th Judicial Circuit in and for Morir-,)e Count-;, Florida.and No. 80-138-CC in the County Court o the...161:I. Judicial Circuit in and for Monroe County, Florida, and others; and -VI-IEREAS, said.•.County and Drill are desirous of forevc.r and complc:.tc•ly Settling the aforesaid disputes, litigation, • i and all issues arising therefrom to the, greater benefit of each Ltnd,_tha'ticitize.ns of Monroe County and WHEREAS, the parties hereto, either individually or through t.heiir duly authorized representatives, have met, made fulrl disclosure of all relevent matters each to the other, an,, negotiated the following terms and conditions in a. good faith effort to attain'the desired settlement, aforesaid; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the faithful perf_ormance.'by the parties of the respective promises, covenants, and obligations devolving to each hereunder, the parties hereto PROMISE, COVENANT, AND AGREE as follows: Page 1 of 6 Pages ,-.•dam 1. "The.'aforesaid LEASE AGREEMENT, by and between the -parties a' hereto and.heh-etofore the subject of the aforesaid disputes and lit'igation.between the parties hereto, is, and shall hereafter be deemed to be, duly executed and in full force and effect in all of it.s terms and conditions, save and except as the same shail be'modified herein.. To the extent that the terms."of_ this SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT shall modify, be inconsis- ter.t with, or confIict'with the terms.. of the said LEASE AGREEMENT,., -tie terms of this SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT shall govern and pre_va41:1 2. The parties acknowledge the existence o.f inflation at the rate of twelve percent (12%) per year/per year during the two -- years since Dill offered, and County accepted, Dill's bid, recogniz'Yng:�.4ts impact upon the necessary construction costs to conform to the construction requirements of the original agreement be.tiaeen them; and the terms of the resulting lease . agreement, aforesaid:. To compensate Dill, in part, for the said impact, on such construction costs in. improving the.lease- held premi.ses, County herewith agrees to apply the inflation factor of`•twelve percent per year/per year to the amount to be credited A-c Dill by•County_under the,terms of Item 31 of the lease agreement, thus increasing said amount by the sum of thi.rteen thousand and fifty dollars ($13,050), from forty-six thousand,. five hundred dollars ($46,500)-to fifty- seven, thousand, five hundred and fifty dollars ($57,550). The amount of this in.crease,($13,050) shall. be paid by Clounty to Dill, in cash, contemporaneously with the com- mencement of -'the construction of the leasehold improvements Page 2 of 6 Pages con te"MtFi' 'te 1in the aforesaid lease agreement and herein, or s.kall, at. the election of County, conveyed to Dill upon the-executid"n hdreof, be credited against Dill's leasehold rental payment as provided at Article 31(c) of the aforesaid lease agr•eem.ent in the -form of an additional monthly credit oT two huUdred .and fifty dollars ($2S0.00) per month.. To the�eKtei-1 that the monthly credits provided for at Article 31af' Elie, skid leases agreement, together with the addition- al credit provided for herein, shall exceed the rental obliga- tion provided at Article.2 of.said lease agreement for any given-month,'Dill shal.l.be additionally credited with such excess (or any accumulated excesses),; against the next month's or successive months' rental payment(s) until such excess(es) + shall he absorbed., In the event that.County shall elect to credit Dill. as set forth in this article, the remaining and reducing unpaid balance of this additional credit shall bear interest at the rate of tlie',highest lawful rate of interest as allowed by State of Ploridai� law governing: municipal..or public boards as of .the date of JLr`uary '41,7, 1*981, Article 26 of the lease agreement notwithstanding. Such interest shall lie compounded annually and included in the additional $250 monthly credit set forth herein, the balance of such monthly credit being applied to redAice the principal sum. Any unpaid balance of the princi- pal� amount of the additional credit provided for herein shall be paid by County to Dill upon the expiration of the initial ten-year term of.the'lbase' agreement,or upon the termination of said greement.'for any reason whatsoever. The first of said.payments and any interest thereon shall begin accruing thirty (30) day.5 from the effective date of this Agreement. Page 3 of 6 Pages The., parties hereto stipulate that as a result of County's ini-tial refusal to execute the lease agreement in June of 1J'9,'and -the subsequent disputes and litigation between the parties, . Di-.11, has incurred. legal fees, costs, . and expenses in excess of forty-three thousand dollars ($43,000), and will need to barrow a like amount to meet his construction and deposit " oblig�iti,';gns"to County.under the terms of Articles 31(a) and 34 of the -lease.. agreement, and the subsequent conversion of this construction loan to a mortgage at prevailing interest rates. i In consde-ration of Dill's waiver, granted herewith, of any claim he mdy.now have or assert against'County arising out of r this necessary borrowing, and the resulting interest costs and expenses, County herewith grants to Dill, in addition to the ten-year. renewal option provided at Article 32 of the lease agreeient, a second and subsequent renewal option.of an addi- tional thirty (30) months. upon the same terms and conditions sit forth - in said Article 32, which option sha11 be subject to notice.at'.-iQa.st six months prior to the end of the first re- n.:•wal term, rind which option shall fail entirely in the event Dill sliail fail to exercise the first renewal option. In further"consideration of Dill's aforesaid waiver and forebear- ance, County herewith grants Dill th.e.right, subject to the approval of the Airport .Director(s) and the Federal Aviation Administration, at Dill's expense and without liability to the .County,.in conformance with any County building code then in effect, to make further ,leasehold improvements to the leased premises including,.but not limited'to, the construction of storage and office space.to,the east of the existing building; the•coiistruction of an observation deck, lounge, or other .facil- ity above the existing leasehold premises; the construction of Page 4 of 6 Pages a covered-tytlkway between the leasehold premises and any terminal?facilities to -the east thereof, and specifically to the existing PBA terminal, not withstanding the fact that such additioriai leasehold improvements may increase the.area . o demised. 'Ally such leasehold improvements shall not obstruct or impe.de.any access routes or emergency routes now in existence and ,such leasehold'imprbvements shall be subject to the approval Of the'Director of Air•.po'rts for Monroe County, which approval shall .not' b`1 .unreasonably withheld in accordance with this Agreement':.J—!iy such leasehold'improvements actually made by., -.Dill -during the term of this lease agreement and any renewals thereof shall be., and become,.a part of the demised premises and shall. revert.to County uDo.n the termination. of' _ the lease agreement for any reason whatsoever. In -VIhe..event that County shall determine to construct such ,a connecting walkway or other connecting structure to the east, Dill herewith'.agrees that air passeiigers and the general public, shall have ingress and egress through the existing east door of -the leasehold premises or any extension, replace- ment of, or':'improvement thereto,'and'shall have access to. and from the existing terminal from the leasehold premises during all time peripds . descr,ibed in Article"2a of the lease agreement. _t 4. The impro�venient deposits required -at Article 34 of the lease agreement shall. be made not later than thirty days .from the c�ay of the dismissal.of-the aforesaid pending litigation in which -County is Plaintiff. Dill shall have 150 days from the day of deposit to substantially complete the requisite - leasehold improvements. Honoring the request of County's Committee of One, made during negotiation of thi"s a.greemen.t, upon the approval of the Airport Director, and. during the term of Page 5 of 6 Pales a. c;tirt•'ii-ctdcj , Dill will open temporary facilities .and such usable.recon.structed areas.as may be feasible. S. The lease term,. as set forth at Article 1 of the lease agreement, and the date for initial payment of rent and any requested deposits other than those provided at Article 34 sha,1l ca„imence the completion date set forth in Article 4 herein,unless sooner,.terminated in,accordance with the lease agreement.:. 6. The`p.arties hereto will dismiss the litigation respect- ively -initiated by each, with prejudice. 7. The terms• o-f -this agreement shawl 'be binding upon the p rties l.er.eto, their successors, transferrees, .legal .represent - a Ives, he.ir.5, assigns, or corporations created by For p urpos--es of fulfilling the aforesaid lease agreement. I`, WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed,. or caused: the execution, of, thi.s settlement agreement at Ivey West,•Countj, of. Monroe. and State of Florida, effective this 31st day '.of 'January, 1931, and at the dates shown at the respective execut'iorns below. WITNESSETH:'. • COUNTY OF MONROE, STATE OF FLORTDA Clerk { / ,M- y o r and C a rman o I)atc) Ae Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, - Florida (SEAS) Page 6 of 6 Pages