Resolution 017-1981 RESOLUTION NO. 17-1981 RESOLUTION APPROVING ADOPTION OF GUIDELINES FOR VIOLATIONS INSPECTORS. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. That the Board does hereby approve and adopt Guidelines for Violations Inspectors, a copy of same being attached hereto. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting held on the 27th day of January, A. D. 1981. 7 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE UNTY, FLO~A ~ By c;~ ~!) d/lC .::U( alrman (') (Seal) At te s t :..-----) () ~. .7- ~~1f.y/LL -- .. /'C er ) APPROVED AS TO FORM AND ~~ $lJFFICIENCY. . ......... .' .... ///. ,/ ~1 ~ '~/' L:/~~~ .{:, ,,;~; Attorn.,'. it:8 8Y (~~ ( SECTIONS I, II, III ~ ( ( STATEMENT OF PROBLEM I PROBLEM Compliance with Monroe County Zoning Codes In the past, voluntary compliance via use of civil enforcement and methods has corrected the vast majority of zoning violations in our community. The cost of this type of enforcement has in many cases become prohibitive. The requirements fnr initial . detection and warning, subsequent checks for com- pliance, and eventual prosecution should compliance not be made represents a sizeable loss of man-hours. This is not to say that civil enforcement is ob- solete, but merely that some delineation must be made as to when civil or criminal enforcement'should be used. I I SOLUTI ON Construct a Policy and Procedures Manual ~hich will act as a guideline for civil and criminal enforce- ment. These policies and procedures should be written with the intent of creating more professional service to the community. It should also reflect the unified direction and confidence of the Depart- ment. It is therefore proposed that the Department design an Enforcement Policy and Procedures Manual to guide the Inspectors in the most serious business of Building and Zoning enforcement. Worthy of note at this juncture is that the manual cannot now, nor will it ever replace, good sound judgements by the Inspector. The proposed manual is merely a guideline and allows for flexibility. .' John Fay Violations Inspector .- ( - ~j ~ :;, .... . lit Co lI' ~ \0 lI' . . ~ +--, V'l -- "" -l :;, .... $; lit f1)i- -0 ~I -l I CD -- "0: c: :;, ....; -- 4It E:: r ~ 5-1 0 . I -- z -~I (;") -- 0 -l: 0 :;, 0 ...... lit :E f1) I .." ~:;, .." -- ...... n :;, -- lit ~ l~ r- :z 0 -l ~ ", l;l :;, .... - III a. f -,;;1 \0 V'l "0 . . ..... r- V'l ~ ... ", .... :;, .... ~ ClD Z lit f1) c: ..... ~ n -l ...... Z . r- ~ g., X c .. ...... "0 C Dt .... g., :J .... .... ""S Z CO g., lit E:: r Dt (;") ---- c: -,;;1 e- O ,.. r ::0 ~ ...... 'IP- 0 OlT1 r- :z 0 ." .....n 0 (;") :;, ." Z-l .... -O-l - (;")0 Z :;,0....._ 0 n :;IC (;") 1It:Ef1) ." ...... go :J: ~:;, ." ~ 0 ~ ""-- -- r- N n Z :z -- <: ~.1 0 0 ;:Q 0 ,:;, ~. :z c: 0 lilt o -- ..... , z ", N ,'t:J .... ~ I -l 0 t.& -< n z 0 .... ~ c: z --- 0 Z (;") .... CD 3: -l - :;, .... (;; ..... -< 0 lit Q. Z ::0 ~ \0 V'l -- ("') c;') -- V'l 0 $; V'l -t 3: ...... ", -l ~ 3: ...... :;, :t>> -- N lit f1) :z -t VI ~ -,;;1 n -l 0 VI -t . . ::0 ..... .... CD 0 0 .... c: z z :;, ..... ~ lit I r- r- 't:J 0 . - Q z Cl > -0 0 .' ::0 ~i ." -t I"? :J ." - I- n la ..... ~ '-,;;1 r- j; I' I \ ( SECTION IV .' .'--., I / ( ( , // . / ~ \ ., " See. 19.%5. Eafortement. Tbe zoning offielal lhall cause any allegl>d violations of this chapter, including any applicable performante 8tandard!l, to be investigated. If there ia found to be a reasonable ~ound that a violation exists, luch violation shall be noted and all neeeasary actioDl to usure enforcement of and conform.mea with this chapter shall be taken. (Ord. No. 1-1973, ~ 1 (Art. VI,14.S) ; Ord. No. 20-1971, 122) . -...-..".... ,/'/ .' .. '- , 7 . //' / \ I ( ( ... ~ Sec. 19.26. \'ioIaUona; peaa1tie8. Whenever violations of this chapter occur a completo in. vestigation shan be conducted by the zoning official or his designated agent. Violator. shall be ploRecuted in the county court in the name of the state by the prosccutorinl officer thereof and upon conviction shall Le punished by a fine of not lp.ss than fifty doll..\t'S ($50.00) or not more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) or by imprisonment in the county jail for not more than sixty (60) days, or by both such fine and im. prisonment. Said violations shall be and constitute second de- gree misdemeanors under the provisions of F'!orida Statutes Chapter 125. In addition to said misdemeanor and/or im. prisonment, civil proceedings may be instituted in the appro- priat. court for appropriate relief or to insure compliance with the provisions of this chapter. (Ord, No. 1.1973. ~ 1 (Art. VI, f 6.1) ; 01'd. No. 20.1975, A 23; Ord. No. 3-1977, ~ 15) ./ .' \ >If , , _. 7 . ': ....____~.....l__.# . -} \ .; I ( " I - - I 19-100 MONRO"~ COUNTY CODE See. 19-100. Authority to enter upon privat<<: aJroperty. Any member of the buildin. and zoning department, in the performnncc of his dutiea und.. tb. provisiops of this chapter may enter upon public or private property and make proper examinations and surveys as deemed necessary in the admin. istration and enforcement of tbia chapter. (Ord. No. t-1973, fi 1 (Art. VII, I 8)) / .' .' ... , I ( \ -\I'I'F:-WIX A-LA WS UF 1';.()IUl ^ ,to \' IV (4) DIVISION 3, VIOL:"'TIO~ CITAT)O~S CHAPTER 76..I:.l!Y HOUSE mLL NO. :1;,!)7 AN ACT rehting to :Monroe County ; IlIithorjzill~ ('Ollllty buil.l- ill){ und zunillg enforc:cment officials tu i~M1H' l'ilations fur \,j(llatjo/l~ of county ordin:mcclI; providing prcl('~dllrc:i for tile di:ll'osition of citation. anti fnt pr(l~etlltiun~ th('refor; Pl'l,\'illill~ nn effective date, Rl'1t ";"nd,'1i IlJI tI!6 Lf(Ji81ature of t/l(' .""'"tt! "/ Florida: ~l,ctilln 1. Any ~"oll""'e COU:1ty uui:dinK (If zonin~ enforce- ment official del'lignatccl by rCHol'Jtion IIf tht' Bm,l'd of COllnty Commillsioncrs of Monroe County nw)' i8~ue dtalion" for ,'il,Iations of finy Monroe County ordinnnce: providl'.l how- tl\.l'l', th~,t such cnforccmC'nt olfidnl!l loihall not h~,ve thc) PI)\\"l'1" of arrest nor he subject to t',.} jll"/\'isioll!l of !l, ~:;.I,fil-l:;'07iJ, "'.8" rdating- to the Police St:and:ml:i Btlanl. Sed ion 2, The citdions llhall UI! lIniformly ~,ri,tel! Rll1J Jlrt'llllmhetcd ill qll:uJruplil'ntc ,lilt) :;h:dl list br ol'dilllllH"! 11LI1llber mill sectioll lIud by :'lIOn li'''t'rip1i\'I' \\"rdill~, tll(' (,'ollnty ortlillancl' or or,linalll'e:ot \'iol:dr'd, alld ~h:dl i:. lkatl~ lIll' name IlIld :\lldrcl'l,'4 of t h,: C'OIIIl! J' I "1Ir1 wherl' U.,~ vi'l!at jllll :-;110\11111' tl'il'd, th" Ilalllf'le of till' is.'llilw "Ull"l'!' and ,'it..t1Ilt'r- Nlm, anti the datI' l.r the vjfJlati'lll alld mandatory ('('I:l't al'- pea ranec. ::-;edion :t, E\'('ry t1clli~natt!.1 MOllr!:\' ('nUll' y lll'dinlllll'l: ('1.- fOI'I'l'nlPllt OHll'it:!, upon i:iRll\J!~ :In ordinance vir,lHtiC;ll cita- tion to an n"('I~f'd violator ~hnll ell'posit th(. ori~in:'1 alii I one copy of /llIch fJl'din:mce citation with the connty court having juri!4llil lion over the aUc".ed oruilllllll'C \';olatJon ()ff"n~t!. Serlion 4, Upon the deposit of the nri~illal antI one copy of Ifurh ordinance citJltion with the l'ourt having jurilidirtion o\'cr the allc~ett offenao a" afor~:il\itl, th.. oriKinnl or copy of such citation may be disposed of only by trial in the court Of other official action by . juqe of the ~ourt including the irn- position of D tine or imprlaonment 111 provi"ed by law, 1683 r.w:-:nOE COUNTY corn: Art. V Serlion 5, Upon receipt of thr.- orisdn:1I alld I,IH' copy of ~lIch ordinallce cjt:ltiOli~ the Clerk of thl' l'IIllllty lom"t Mllal) imm"Ili:lll'!Y forward the copy of ~ajtl ci l.1I ion tll t Ih' (lr(l~e- cutorhl officer havjl1~ jotJri!ldiction to prllse~ute ills;jid \'OllJ't. Sr'ction 6. The f'ilation OI);'C ~n fill'd wlt.h tll\' I'Il'rk of tlw cOllrt shall rlln:ltitllte the Ul'CUHfji'.v ill.-;ll'llllll'lll :lIld dorkf'!. ellt r,v IIpon ",hiI'll Pfll~l!l'ulion nnd l,'inl m;IY llll nwd", Sl'rtion 7, Thi~ Ill'! shall t:lkc dfed 111'011 1'l't:omill.L:' a law. necame a In\\' without th(' (;onrnor":ot approval. -.... 1G8.j ( SECTIONS V, VI .' ( ( V ADMINISTRATIVE (CIVIL) ENFORCEMENT ;-- Civil Enforcement is guided by Section 19-25 (Manual page number 1, Section IV) of the Monroe County Ordinance. Basicly this Ordinance charges the zoning official with investigating alleged violations and taking enforcement actions to correct violations. The Department has designed many forms, notices, etc. to aid in its compliance with its charged responsibility. Some of these forms are dis- played in this section on pages numbered 1 thru 5. Enforcement can be formal (written notices) or informal (verbal warnings, page 6). A great degree of responsibility rests with the inspector to determine which course to follow. .' ."} II __. ~ ., _l /' ..~. ~ . " I , /' - NO I I THIS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ VIOLA rES MONROE COUNl'Y '. ZONING REGULATIONS. CO~ITACT ZONING OfFICE AT ----------------------.------------------------------- NOT LATER THAN _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ POSTED ____________________________ DO Nor REMOVE THIS NOY;CE. fJiONnOF. COUNTY ZONING DfPAnTMEt~T .' . 8y _____________________________. .f # ~'I<~'"t"i'o.~~; , " .. ~ ........ ~~ ~ ~ . ....~. _4 I l , " j /' '--', - ~ , '; ~~: t; ~ ~ i,.. '.'~.; f:'~'; , :,< , ,~..~ .', . 'S>-4"'; I f ... / I ( .. :'~UM~IJ{ --i1521l_ NOTICE OF VIOLATION DO NOT REMOVE R E<;ARI11 N(; .______ ___________,_ ___ --~.- - ..._.._._--~_. ._-_.,--------_..~- -_._.*~._'-~---_.~.-.._._------ _.' - '-----., --_. -----.----. -.. -. - - -. .------..-. .------.------------- - .._.__._-~-- -------- _._~-_. --"---'- CONTACT MONROE COU.~Y ~ONIl\G OFFICE AT _.___ NOT LATER THAN INSPECfOR __ ., . . DATE '.____ # ( , ...~ ,....-r,..... I '. -- ( ~. TOP, . WORK '. ~. : ,. ....... I . ~ - ',,' . f ,; .. :,,";,,'. ,a ..'~ ,~.... :',,~ "}:!,<~,:. ",' . . :~. .,r;: . " , . , , , COUNTY'OF<';MONROE '., ii, .., ,. '" . ".,.J';; ',i,' (;.~.:. .... ',,' ';., .i .r ' · . STATE,~tFLORlDA . " ,::. :. '.. ~ ''"'',';, ,,:' " '"i;~:' 'J';'{ !.irri',: " " ' , ' " omCE OF BWLDING omCIAL:"\7'>::~t: ' . '. "NOTICE · ..,;::~ -. This Building hu been inspected and D Permit Card not displayed o General Construction o Conr.rei~, Masonry and rmish Cement Work o Lathing , 0 Pluterm, ., o Ele,aton o PlumLiD. :" o Eledri~ WiriD, o Mechanical IS NOT ACCEPTED , , ,;, , ~ ';, . ~; .. PI.... correct .. noted ~low before any further work i. done. - NOTE - Date In.p.dor . DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE J I ( \ - - ~",~ -- -" - - - --; '''y: I1V I "~.nwtlV . ~. .' IIla.7' ' nv "~- ~P' --, ~'~-- -: '"' - - . h'; - ~ '" "', . . ,.,,~t_;fj~Hjf;'~1!~~~~k' .. : ':c';;j~!;f.~'rttti:1!;!~(~~;".,n:.' __ ......!hi. ~"oJ c.a WIth y~ . .:;',', . ~. ,I'" . ' ~,' ,;i~, . '_.:~\;~~"/,j"~"1 ' 'LocatiO....... , ,;" : .~. '.,~;~?::!.. c.,', . '-', t.;, t.' .J ,~,\!, Date Office of the Building Official Monroe County , ,'~ 1n8lHdo1 .' .... \ ....--- -, . //. ,/ ./' '\ ',- " .',,- '" , I / ( \, ( , ~/ . NOTICE o Electricll 0 Building 0 Plumbing AN INSPECTOR FROM TIlE DIVISION AS CHECKED ABOVE, OF MONROE COUNTY, CALLED 10 MAKE ~" INSPECTION, BUT COULD NOT GAIN ACCESS TO THIS 1UILDING. PLEASE CALL TIlE COUNTY BLDG. DEPT. AND AD- VISE WHEN mE INSPECTION CAN BE MADE. !., . INSPECTOR ,'" /, ~. ,~-~'1( P~L>Yl hj~ t ! I, ,. , ' \!.~... d ...p .JJIl, ~<.# '.1 .~\,,<,.~J DATE ,. / .' \ ~ , ( NOTICE .-- This buildinsfis UNSAFE end it's use or occupancy.... . , ",.' i, ~'.' . has been prohibited. by~ .' '. the Director of the Monroe C;:ounty Building and Zoning Department , , This notice shall remain posted until required repairs have been made or demolition is completed. It shall be illegal for any person, rum or corporation to remove this notice or enter this building without the written per~ssiOD of the Bui.1ding and Zoninl Director. , 'ti ., ",., .,' , \ . ...~ . :..' '~'. ,,1' 1.<i:-<' "tt if': !-. \ ,j ~ 1 ..' ..; . ", .' . . .- J . Director t Building and Zoning . '""i.: ~.,,:<< ~,# '''; J / ( C.ONDEMNED, Use of this electrical equipment. ckcu.it or installation '. is herewith forbidden under penalty of the lAw of the. Count, 01 Mouroe. DO NOT ~EMOVE THIS TAG. : Slgnld...___":..__. .._n.h....____..__.. .... ... ___... .. ...._h. . _'._ IItctrtc.t IMpeICIW Dat..~._...:..___ _.....u.... .._...._. .' , (6) ( ( VERBAl WARNINGS When it is determined that a violation exists and the inspector has decided to enforce compliance civilly he must further decide if a formal written document is required (pages 1 thru 5)i or if the violation is minor in nature and the violator is cooperative, issue a verbal warning. Again, the charged responsibility is to assure compliance. If in the inspector's opinion a verbal warning will correct the problem, it may be used. A certain amount of caution is warranted in the use of verbal warnings. On the surface, verbal warnings may appear to be an easy way out.' In truth, verbal warnings improperly used may reflect lack of commitment on behalf of the Inspector and Department to assure compliance. Verbal warnings add an extra step (consume more man-hours and fuel) should.compli'lIlCl' not be made. .' . --- (7) r' \ ( INJUNCTIONS AND CIVIL LAW SUITS The manual will not deal in detail with in- junctions and civil law suits. These matters are for Departmental Attorneys as they require a great deal of legal expertise. It is, however, necessary that the inspector be aware of this enforcement avenue should other civil methods fail, or should a violation occur that must be stopped immediately in the public interest. ~ VI ( FILING OF PAPERWORK The essence of Civil Enforcement is the follow-up aspect. When dealing with any substantial quantity of complaints it is necessary to maintain a record of complaints and official Departmental orders that have been issued. This record should be easily accessible to the local supervisor and issuing inspectors. When any official Departmental Civil Notice is issued a copy of same should be filed after having the case number affixed to it. This case number will be the'same as the Complaint Disposition Form, but snall be filed separately. The purpose of this system is to aid the Supervisor in personnel management while maintaining a logical order of cases and actions taken to aid the inspector in the follow-up of his cases. .' ( CIVIL AND CRIMINAL CASE COMPLAINT AND DISPOSITION FORM c Dist.# Investigating Inspector 1) Alleged Offender Last Firs t Middle Address Phone 2) Case # 3) Type of Complaint 4) Date of Complaint Time of Complaint Month Day Year 5) Action Taken: Date Month Man Hours . -- Day Year '. 6) Date of Verification of Compliance Month Day Year Man Hours . -- 7) Criminal Citation # Issued Man Hours Month Day Year -- 7a) Type Offense Charged Co. Code # 7b) Court Date Given Time . Month Day Year -- 8) Type of Preparation for Criminal Case: (to include dates,persons met with.man houl expended) 9) Depositions for State Attorney Man Hours . . -- Month Day Year 10) Depositions for Defense Man Hours . .' . -- Month Day Year 11) First Hearing Results: Man Hours Month Day Year 12) Subsequent Hearings: 13) Charge Verdict Sentence --- Month Day Year Month Day Year Total Man Hours : Total Estimated Mileage-- VI ( CIVIL & CRIMINAL DEPARTMENTAL COMPLAINT AND DISPOSITION FORM This form has been designed to encompass four of five stages of complaint investigations. Stage #1 - Initial receipt of complaint A. Applicable blocks: 1) Block #1 ~ Complainants name, address and phone number 2) Block #2 - Case # to be assigned from,case log upon receipt of complaint 3) Block #3 - Type of complaint 4) Date of and time of complaint The fifth stage of complaint investigation is the investigation itself and its results. Blocks #5 thru #13 deal with this aspect in general. The information contained in these blocks acts as a thumbnail sketch and is in no way intended to replace a thorough narrative type report. .' 1- _' ~ ( ( SECTIONS VII, VIII ~ VII (. ( CRIMINAL ENFORCEMENT DETERMINING THE CHARGE - . To understand the difference between a crime and a civil infraction, the follcwing definition has been added: A crime is the commission or omission of an act that could result in the perpetrator's im- prisonment should he be found guilty. Criminal laws that the Zoning Department is charged with enforcing are defined in the Monroe County Code. To determine what crime should be charged in a given situation it is necessary to under- stand these basic structural patterns of a law: 1) A criminal law must specifically describe the act or omission which constitutes a violation. This is done through a series of elements which, when placed together, con- stitute a violation. 2) When attempting to determine a charge, a comparison of the inform- ation gained in an investigation and the elements of a law will indicate if a viable charge exists. 3) If the investigation substantially proves the elements of the crime, then the charges should be filed. ~ ._-~ VII ( ( ISSUING CITATIONS When a determination is made that a criminal violation has occurred and the inspector has decided to pursue the criminal avenue vs. the civil, he must further detenmine how to proceed with charges. Two avenues are available, which are described below: 1) The Criminal Citation - The issuance of a citation is governed by Monroe County Code Article V, Sections 1 thru 7. It is a useful and powerful tool that should be used with great care. The Criminal Citation will be the most common tool for criminal enforcement. 2) Filing for Warrant - When the inspector has determined that an alleged offender will not appear in court as required by his signature on the citation, then a warrant must be applied for. Assistance in gaining a warrant can be found at the State Attorney's Office. It is important to note that once a judge issues a warrant, the alleged offender will be arrested and made to post a cash bond. Keep- ing in mind the severe results of Arrest Warrants it is recommended that they serve as a last resort in the enforcement process. .' CITATIONS ( ( Authority to Issue: Article V, Division 3 of Monroe County Code (Laws of Flori Method of Issuance and Return: 1) 2) 3) 4) Obtain list of court dates from County Clerk. Determine code violation and code number. Fill out citation in accordance with insert #1. Issue citation and obtain defendent's identification and signature. Should signature be refused; indicate so on citation. Offender (green copy) goes to defendent. 5) If defendent refuses to sign, 'obtain a detailed description of defendent. '. 6) Complete required information on Ticket Transmittal Log (see insert #11). Make copy of original and file. 7) Original (white copy) and copy (pink) goes to County Clerk's Office. 8) Officer (yellow copy) is attached to case file. ~ -, I ( INSERT I . ;; / ;. .. (1) 77G -' elT A TIO~ \ AOOR,.:SS, IN THf COUtlTY COURT IN AND prOR MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA CASE No,,____(2) ____.(3) (4') ~_._-- ---__J 5) (6) Departmental CaGe # Last name, first, middle Mailing and physical Month, day, year One offense per citation C IT A liON NO' NAME OF AI.LEGED O~""'ENDER _____ UAT,.; UF BIRTH _____ _ t"'tUn..u,".. No. OUenNe(.) J_. 2. ,< .. " LOCATION 01" VIOLATION Numerical-Mo. / day /yr. (8)UATlo: nt" Vlou'rlUIi- (7) As exact 3S possible TnUt A(.9i).. DETAIL 01" VIOLATION (lO)~lements of Violation COUN1'V COURT "HEN& TRlAlllJt (C...ck .ppr"",I.I.. lauh.....: ) Cu....ty COUI'I, L_., IC.,. DI"I.I_ M"nr... Co....t, Courlll_ A_., 500 .hll.....d S"..I, R." Vi.st ) CD"nl, ('owl, lA.dd.. K.,. DI""I... U,.""h Courlhuu"... aIa,.th.. ) C"..nty COllrt, lippe' K.y. DIYI.lon Oreneh Courlhou.... PlantMlIolI K.y Always (11) ) "..nd.t",y Ap~.rall<"e In Cowl. On ___ (monlh)_(Ja.'). 19_8' AM !':II Ycu err l hur"..u with "loll.tion of . M,luroc County Ordin.n~(" .nd :or fJuI!dlna Co.). ~duph'd by Monrt>> County. Floud" dli Ref fvrth liIboyt', As sc.'t forth uhlJn~t It hi, mandato:-y th.t you .,,~~.r in a Monroe CIluntv CC1\!rt Ii\ th,. t'm~ '-nd pt..ce rel..urcJed .buv*". If fuu."t p,u,lty you ,..n h. fln~d up 10 s.~no.OIl (.r iml"I~".n~.t in th(12)If co-defendent ('umllv .161,1 Out to c'X('c.,.d 60 d,ya or h(.th finro:' .f.l; iOlrri'4rlftrcJ It , . . citation It. One tnliF~ I'I':H~lJN(:;)(,lI^H(;RD per citation CCt'!I"frndMnln II) Il.t' ('''''. ___.___u,,_ _____ _____ list his defendenr Print & Sign (13) h."inK Offl<~r,;_, . - "nICr~t.I OC'I)Ilrtnaf."ul (.l"..llfl, HI Bull"'n.) - ,- -':-y;;;;:- I h,.,.b, Itteff'f'O ~q _rpeoar at the lh.. ...cJ ..!at'e- ,f,."t"na...,t .how- to a"'WN 10 llop Urr"Mr rharpd G' 10 pe, the It... .uhllCri....d. f'AIUiRF. TO AI'rl;A" AS folt:I"IUINItD ADOVIE WILL SlIUJECT VOU TO TIf~: ADOlTION.-L PENAI.TY 0.. CONTU'PT 01" CGUHT ANO FINE ANDi UR IUJ>RISONMF.NT IN TilE COUNTY JAIL, (14)Defendent's signature~ 51......... et A llepd 01'.......' ORIGINAL , C.. VIII ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT OF CRIMINAL ENFORCEMENT Due to the serious nature of Criminal Enforcement, it is absolutely necessary to maintain administrative processes that assure the collection, preservation and availability of related documents. The following policies will help assure said collection, preservation and availability of Criminal Enforcement Documents: 1) Criminal Citation Books - issued to the inspector by the Assistant Building Official and receipted for by numbers contained. 2) Upon completion of the last citation, officer copies are attached to the book and turned in to the Assistant Building Official prior to issuance of a new book. 3) As each citation is issued, the information shall be recorded in the citation transmittal log. Also, applicable information shall be filled out on the Case Disposition Form. 4) Case Disposition Forms shall be filed by case number upon completion of each entry or series of entries. ~ ---, ( INSERT #2 c- MONROE COUNTY COVE CRIMINAL CITATION TRANSMITTAL LOG " ". ,. '-IV ,....VL. CUUN I Y CITATION H DEFENDENT DATE ISSUED CODE H ISSUED BY CA.<:,[ .. _. - i 1 I '. I I ! - ! ~ : ! I - . . . - _. - - - .' I , I I I i I .. I I , .. - ! , I - r"-' . I I - I I I i I --- -- ~- - -- ._-_._-- - ( .. SECTIONS IX, X .'