Resolution 022-1981 J RESOLUTION NO. 22 -1981 WHEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, has received an application from PETER LAMPASONA, and WHEREAS, in compliance with State Statute, it is necessary as part of the permitting procedure to read the following Biological Assessment into the Record, as follows: The Applicant proposes the construction of vertical concrete bulkhead and the placement of riprap along two sides of a residential lot. All riprap~acement will be at or above MHW, all but 10 lineal feet of which will form the landward limits of an existing limestone rubble beach. This riprap will connect the northeast and southeast corners of the lot. The southeast corner has already been riprapped and will connect to the proposed bulkhead, which will run east/west for 65 feet along a man-made residential canal. The bulkhead will rest on an existing rock ledge. It will have a 4 foot wing wall at each end and a 4 foot wide concrete cap. Total fill below MHW will be 4 cubic yards. Total length of the riprap to be placed will be 110 lineal feet. Riprap fill and concrete will be brought to site over existing roads and applicant's upland by truck. Materials will be placed manually and the entire work area will be enclosed by turbidity curtains until work is com- pleted. The site is located on the eastern side of Cudjoe Key on the Atlantic side of Kemp Channel. The shoreline in this area has been partially filled with the dredge spoil obtained during excavation of the canal network contained within this residential development. Development is estimated at over 75 percent in the northern portion of this residentially platted shoreline development. A peripheral channel parallels the shore in this area, providing boat access to the deeper waters of Kemp Channel. Immediately offshore from the peripheral channel are shallow sea grass-dominated flats. Inshore from this channel is a rocky ledge with well-established biota up to MLW. This ledge drops sharply to the channel depths just offshore. The applicant's lot presently has an existing house, as do the surround- ing lots. Lot 10 has been bulkheaded to MHW. The applicant's shoreline has been partially eroded above MHW, but displays a Miami oolite substrate out to the peripheral channel. This rocky ledge is approximately 15 feet wide, including the intertidal zone. Between the MLW line and the peripheral channel, Halimeda sp is the dominant algae with some brown filamentous algaes and sessile filter feeders attached throughout. No shoreline vegetation was observed. The impact anticipated from this project should be small, with little destruction of the presently established marine benthos. Erosion of the applicant's upland will be somewhat curtailed and runoff retained to a greater extent due to riprap placement. Page 1 of 2 PETER LAMPASONA RESOLUTION NO. 22 -1981 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the above Biological Assessment has been read into the record and duly considered pursuant to Florida Statute 253.124 by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, this 27th day of January , 19 8l at a regularly scheduled meeting. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ~ ~ 't !!~o (Seal) (' Clerk ) ~. ~L~4 ..)". Attest: MMOWDM 70 FORM ~__NCY. BY ',v (/ft,( , ~, 0ffIt:tI Page 2 of 2 I -I /. ~ t7 H~ -- rc~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Curt Blair, District 2 Mayor Protem Jerry Hernandez, Jr., District 3 MA YOR George E. Dolezal, District 4 Ken Sorensen, District 5 ~~ ....",~ \ --"!" ~-~~ _--1 ---:f' : :~.: \tt.-"'''~/ ~ ~"i (~ OFFICE OF: Planning & Zoning Dept. Public Service Center Key West, Fl 33040 (305) 294.4641 .'..... . . '..~_~t'; Monroe County Legal Department Key West, Florida 33040 I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all data and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: 1. Certificate of Complete Enclosures ~ 2. Permi t y-' 3. Application for Permi t Y'" 4. Site Plan V 5. Location Map V 6. County Biologist Report V- 7. DER Assessment /' / 8. Resolution / BY J{;~ q. ~ Adminlstrative Secretary DATE 1/9/f'/ I I . ZONING RU-l. PERMII PLANNING, BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT PEB}IIT FOR EXCAVATION, THE DEPOSIT OF FILL, OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE WATERS OR WETLANDS OF MONROE COUNTY 1) Property owners name & mailing address 2) Date FOR DEPARTMENT MONROE COUNTY PEmUT NO. USE ONLY Peter Lampasona 2201 N.W. 59th Ave. Lauderhill, Fl 33313 Resolution No. 3) Phone number Date: (305) 792-1278 4) Contractor or agent's name, mailing address & phone number Paul C. Kenson, Jr. & Assoc., Inc. P.O. Box 92 Marathon, Fl 33050 5) Legal description of property: Section 34 Key Cudjoe Subdivision Cudioe Ocean Shores Township 66 Lot 11 Block 4 Range ?R Street, road or mile marker Bonito Lane Volume of material: dred~ed/excavated filled deposited c.y. waterward of M.H.H. c.y. landward of H.H.W. rip r.apc. y. waterward of M.H.W. 4 c.y. waterward of H.H.W. Cost of Permit EstiEated cost of Construction ZONING - RU- L PURPOSE - To provide protection from erosion of upland property. Approved by Chairman BOARD OF COUNTY COHMISSIONERS OF HONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Biologist Comments - Restrictions or Special Conditions if any: "Approval" Copy in File Date Building Official "~ ;JLf".\:.:;; ':r;, f)' .. 11\' J ~ J. ,_ J " ~(~ ~;~ilfl.;rT"~~c~~"?" ;~"IC.~~~C '::' =- '-' :'\: -:- y PERMIT ^PPLIC^TIC DEPOSIT OF FIL~. l TN TilE ~::^Tr::RS' .' . - nume'~&' f11i.l"(ITng- (.H.fdn;~; ~;' j ;:) i.',: ll' i EXCAVATION, THE \JtTURAL ~CTIVITrES ------- ANOS OF ~ONROE COUNTY I Ul' ~)cp~ll' ~Il:l\n:~ U~5~-9.n-2.yj .~--:)-V-0[~(: y: ~y o\'dH~rs 305/792-l278 J ~~ PETER LAMPASONA 220l N. W. 59th Avenue LaudeLhi11, r10rida 33313 . lO-24-80 I 3) Phone number . ~) Contractor or agent1s name, mailing address & phone number Paul C. Kenson, Jr. & Associates, Inc. P. O. Box 92 Marathon, Florida 33050 5) ~~gal description of property: Sect~0n, Key, Cudjoe Subdivision,Cuojoe Ocean Shores Townsh-io, 34 66 Lot, II Block, 4 Street, road or mile marker, Bonito Lane Range, 28 (if acreage) 6) Describe the proposed activity, methods of construction & amount of material, (in cubic yards), to be excavated or discharged. SEE BAa< OF THIS S:HEEI' volume of material: dredqed/excavated filled/deposit~d 1\' 'of /, - a-c.y. -Q-C.Y. /1.t./J1tQ.,f) c.y. ,..,. c.y. waterward 1 andward' waterward 1 andward of M.H.W. of M.~.W. of M.H.W. of M.H.W. 7) \lame, address & zi p code of adjoi ni ng prcw~!':ty~;.owners whose property affronts ~; ~ J Lot lO: Fred & Lila Buehl - . . P. O. Box 287 Stmnerland Key, Florida 33042 water way. Lot l2: Joe Henderson, Jr. Rt. 2, Box 44 , Surrmerland Key, Florida 33042 This completed application form will be accompanied by the following, or it will NOT be processed. a) Two (2) sets of drawings, on 8 X'10~ paper, showing location, plot plan, top view and cross section of proposal, drawn to scale. b) Application processing fee as follows: S25.00 for dredge, fill or structures on, or affronting natural bodies of water. $10.00 for seawalls on man-made bodies of water. $25.C~ ~cr any combination of above 0ctivities per site. Application is hereby made for a permit to authorize the activities described herein. I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in this application, and ":0 the best of my knowledge & belief such information is true, 'complete & accurate. : further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the proposed activities. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with, whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any county, state or federal law regulating construction or performance of constructi n of this ty f facility. ate !For Department Use Only Person accepting application It~s.()() 3h902?Y Fee & receipt # Approved by Assistant Director ();:: H Cost of permit Estimated .::ost of construction ~ rFpc{ ~ 7)d ~-, ~ /17ojJ?o @C"'-~A~d /CkJ ('q/~~~~~r __.~~'5/~~~---'~~ ~~ SCOPE OF pROJECT: Construct approxinatel y 10 lineal feet of rip-rap seawall in line with existing bulkhead to the north, thence construct approximately lOa lineal feet of rip-rap retaining wall cc:mrencing at the Mean High Water line, thence going into the upland above Mean High Water and connecting with existing rip-rap at the southerly property line above Mean High Water, as a retaining wall to preclude sheet run-off from the upland property around the existing residence. Construct 65 lineal feet of vertical concrete bulkhead resting on existing rock ledge carrrencing at the existing rip-rap breakwater continuing along the canal to existing shoreline 'egetation. Bulkhead to have 4 ft. wing wall at each end, and 4 ft. wide concrete cap. Rip-rap fill and concrete will be brought to site over existing ~dsand ap?licant' s upland by truck. Materials will be placed manually and the entire area will be enclosed by turbidity curtains until ~rk is carpleted. J. -{:; ~.~ ." .'..1 ,/, .... ~ r ~..'..~~~...l...' '," 't: vJl~ \Nl>.u...@ ._t:.A,~~ CJF INAL'-- \'\-=.7.0\ 4'-011 T~.~' ... II" ,f &;>WfrO LANe V t:- ~ 5~:~' - ,)("~~\"_:i"'\I~ ~E-~noJ '" 4' .:~ \0 ~~*",1\4 Uj...JO'(.::;\"uze=D .. -...I, C 'f. '<A~'- ~AL ~IPnDt--l; l..d\ \\ I e~\(. 4 , IIL.U DJoe a..EAt--l !;T\oR~' RE;.5 -10'1 P.e. OF Mo.J~ CD.) rL.A ~c., 'M J r~i j2.. '2..6 ~ J 4: ,---. I eXlbliu~ I I _ I e~1 De+-!t..ff;:" I ~ I Ji~ ~__--.J 10- ~ VE~. c.oNL. COL W>LL <r t I ' ~ ~\~-~ -CD ~\I-l. \i-JJ>..\J- " !:1.\'!>T. ~ ~ ~ \E..XI~TIIJ~ eUL\(~ ~ i--- 7- ~ ~---------}L- t)~ . (p , '-' ~eMP a.IAW~c:L ~\ L ., ~ \'\ =A..o' - \to''': 1"4.0' \Z.eT~~, ~\.-'- ~'Wt..u.. #~ <t) 1'2." \-l, if". +'1....0' MI-lWtO.9' tv\ LW - 0,'1' ;- M~W +o.q ~D1J GbE:.N--\-\ 5(eJ: llO" " PURPOSE::COi-l?02UG.\, \Z\~-~f' \Csr,6-\\..lIU(", \lJAJ. ~ U;uc.., DA TUM ME.i.--\ /::cA.. LB/E:L ADJACENT PROPERTY O~NERS: CD-F1ZED*- L\\A BLler,k \~D:oO~" 1.b7 ?J M YldZ.\...4.b \{.eYj fl..A... 33.c4 '2.. o Jet:: ~~I<-?Ohl,Ue, e-T, Q. , e:IX 44 ~~M~D Vx:-'-{ ~,:39 Q. PL..~ ~ \4= \1-.0 ~ B-3 ' , ~_ ;SLAL.E> 'Y'Ae.o,:), I I . 0 10<>0 ~ . 'F'eQl-ol\ v ~ c:... t\. ~ :) c:.\oU.. taT U. 8 ~9 ~ (P51 ~ ., 1..' t.?' )( t.; ~, CF.J.D ~ \0" )(10" tb~ ~~ (I. WI Z.-"'~lDI.t:IlTL1DII"~L 't: ......, DCMle~~~ '2:.' \ ~L~ 'JEz::,110~ G WA.LL 3/[)"= 1'.0" lCeT~l-ll~ W~L- IN KeMp c:.\~'l--leL- AT c-uDJQ!:= \Ley COUNTY OF Mc;;,-1~ STATE FlA. APPllCAT ION BY -SHEET' I OF I DATE 0-/5- &:J ) ~ .~~,~~ .fJt "~.j~l'~'nr"f)'">'~"~':'~~'>':>l~(';;;;'l\~f;>:';,...... '..... ~i~,.J ...':'...:.. ,:>' ~". ..... ,..""tc,...~~~j.Pc~;~~.".&~ - . ~. ";;"'~~~~s.:;;,~i"~~~;'T'i'~\,,~!~,p~~'f'"!,~",$%~!'A'(;~~if'~~~,i,f.JIJl/jIlJDI~(.i!!il'l'!'J~irlll/.~~!lfn'l.lll)i'II,Jjl!!ll~.II1:'~ ,Li1~~'/IIliIJiJ""!t:.'. 'I_I ;1f\lt~ ; .~~:(~Y.t~~~~i~~~~~~~~ '.;~~'f1i:~~t.1/;t.;':''''~X~.!1i'''l~.>\;;.rq<"\",ii9:';,,,;~:-:i;'.lr/\f'~jf~~~~.~_,,~1&1i!l.M!I!W!rmr.~ilt'~,.fril(.,)I"ll$i'J!>1l m ;!il;I(_ XIIU''<illI.nn 'i!.(ii:i~~~; ......... '.,,,..:.:~.,.... ,.:--. '''']rl1i~lf_'_'lii.~.J'.i''i,. .. . ',..' ," .".. .' ,.' ." . ." .JlI!. ',' ...... , .....,. ....' lilt ,," . ',".. ,,,.,.' .~ ,('":'$' ,:"~:'~i;#~'~;f~~:~~,~~~:~~~~~'C-4'~'t;~;;(:rq~~~~'l;!;#;i1_*;'!~f.:\,'!f0;~;L:~:.A'l'~~~~[/~,~fJf#t,iii;l.,;ijQt~~~~'t K,~Jr.';rrjf.~~,~Jj.:!'~.~~,:",~ljj.'.l't. .JllI, ~f(~~<r"~c~,"~_'~)rj ':~t~'~l)l~ <. "'.'~',.,c-',,,~~..<:; \. .,..;,.,.1 ".~ TO,"S , FOR..' SUBJECT To FROM '.', 3397 LITHO IN U. S. A. DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE DATE December 31, 1980 Lampasona; Rip-rap seawall alonR Kemp Channel and concrete seawall on residentai1 canal Henry Weinkam Robert Dennis fl. f). DEP'TDirector. Planning, Bldg. & Zoning Environmental DEP'TBinfngiQ~. Pl"1""iT\F.L J3Jdg. ~ Zoning LEGAL TWSP 66s, RGE 28e, SECT. 34; Cudjoe Ocean Shores Subdivision, Lot 11, Block 4, Cudjoe Key. Zonin~ is ~U-l. PURPOSE: This project requires review by the Board of County Conmissioners in accordance with Monroe County Ordinance 13-1980; placement of fill below mean h~gh water. DISCUSSION: Application is submitted to place 10 linear feet of rip-rap seawall along the mean high water line and adj'oin.: with an existing bulkhead to the north. From this new seawall, another 100 linear feet of rip-rap will be placed, curving ~nland and running along a line 15 feet from the M.R.W. line, and then cur~in8 waterward to connect with existing rip-rap at the southern tip of the property. The height of this seawall will be approximately 2 feet. I Along the southern property line, a 65 linear foot concrete bulkhead (with a 4 ft. cap) is to be constructed along a man-made canal. Total fill to be placed below M.R.W. is 4 cubic yards. Turbidity curtains will be used to enclose the project while under construction. - The purpose of this project is to provide protection from erosion of upland property. No shoreline vegetation was found along the shoreline of Kemp Channel or the canal. Various algae were observed on the canal ledge where the concrete seawall is to be built. EVALUATION: " Very little environmental impact is expected from this project. Effects would primarily be the destruction of algae ~n the canal ledge, but the algae would re-establish themselves ~, . e TOPS 'W FORM . SUBJECT To 3397 LITHO IN U.S. A. DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE DATE ~~cember 31. 1980 LamDasona; ~ip-rap sea~V'a]l :llong 'Vpmp r.h;:!nnpl :'In" concrete "eapa]l on residential canal. P a E ~ t: YO DEP'T FROM DEP'T on the seauall after it is built. RECOMl!ENDATION: Approval. NOTES: DER and Army Corps permits applied for. DER bio-report attached. RD/jf _._._._ .....;.-;'*=.avy.'~-:;~ ..-';-';W;;-~=~~- r n..'--:--~_n___.'''''---''''--__~~~_''''.'!,!!"1'''"."-..o;:::''!r~,-rA''''''''''''~ .J. ""~'"" r :., ~~ --!~ ,,:~,~ !:1 ~". _~~. '\.. " i ~(J' ~"~~,' .:' , '!':.' .,,'l'i,~': ~ ~c ~ft ..... ~ '., ;'~:.... J .,1 t ~.; ~ .~t-J" , +;;.11 , ~._,..,...~ ,~ - ~ ~, ), Don'~ lnou DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGUL;\TION PEID1IT APPLICATION APPPAISAL File No.: 44-36346-5E >'lonroe Date: 12-1-<j0 County: Ap?li~ant Name: Peter Lam~asona Address: 2201 S.W. 59 Ave., Lauderhill, FL 33313 Agent (if applicable): Paul C. Kensan. Jr. ~ ^sscciates. Inc. Address: PO Box 92. .l1arathon. FL 33050 Location of project: Section(s) 3/+ Township 66S Range 28E Section(s) Township Range Local Reference: Bonita Lane on Cudjoe Key Ivater Body: Kemp Channel Water Classification of Project Area: III Adjacent Waters: III ~.'.latic Preserve: Outstanding Florida Waters: . National A~J ~,~r Refuge 0n site inspection by: J. S. Meyer Date of Inspection: 12,..2-80 Original Application: Yes X No c'evised Application: Yes No X Date: Date of 2nd Insp. Biological and Water Quality Assessment ... ~. . Description of proposed project and construction techniques. Quantify area of project which extends into waters of the state (including the submerged lands of those waters and the transi- tional zone of the submeraed land) as defined in Section 17-4.02 and Section 17-4.28, F'lor'.1.ua. .n~_ inistrative Cod0. 3. Biophysical features of general area. Include comments concerning extent of development of adjoining properties as well as relevant historical facts about the area. ., '... . Biophysical features of specific project site and spoil site if applicable. Include identification of bottom types and any relevant historical facts about the area of the project. tJ. Potential impact of project on biological resources and water quality. Address long-term impact as well as immediate impact for all aspects of the project. Suggestions, where appropriate, for modifications that may reduce or minimize the potential impact of project. PER~ l6-l0(Rev.6/79) E. - ~.'if~'1.-~-.- f'. LAMPASONA. PETER 41'.4- 3 6346- 5E Honroe County - Cudjoe Key Page Two A. Applicant proposes the construction of vertical concrete bulkhead and the placement of riprap along tHO sides of a residential lot. All riprap placement vli11 be at or above lnn.J, all but 10 lineal 'feet of which will form the landward limits of an existing limestone, rubble beach. This riprap will connect the northeast: and southeast corners of the lot. The southeast corner has already been riprapped and will connect to the proposed bulkhead, ~"hich ~l7i11 run east!\'lest for 65 feet along a l:1an-made residential canal. The bulkhead \"i1l rest on an existing rock ledge. It will h~ve a 4 foot wing wall at each end and a 4 foot wide concret~ cap. Total fill below MIm will be 4 cubic yards. Total length of the riprap to be placed will be 1].0 lineal feet. Riprap fill and concrete will be brought to site over existing roads and applicant's upland by truck. Materials will be placed manually and the ent.ire work area will be enclosed by turbidity curtains until work is completed. B. The site is located on the eastern side of Cudjoe Key on the Atlantic side of Kemp Channel. The shoreline in this area has be~r: partially filled with the dredge spoil obtained during excavation of the canal network contained within this residential deve1op- [~ent. )e~e1op~~nt is estimated at over 75 percent in the northern portion of this residentially platted shoreline development. A peripheral channel parallels the shore in this area, providin~ boat access to the deeper waters of Kemp C~...mnel. L rtncd1..:..ti.c.Lj offshore from the peripheral channel are shallow sea f,rass- dominated flats. Inshore from this channel is a rocky ledge with we11-establisheJ biota up to }-ILH. This ledge drops sharu1y to th~ channel depths Just offshore. The applicant's lot presently has an existing house, as do the surrounding lots. Lot 10 has been bulkheaded to MHW. C. The applicant's shoreline has bCI?n partially eroded above :1HH, bu: displays a Miami oolite substrate out to the peripheral channel. This rocky ledge is approximately 15 feet wide," including the intertidal zone. . Between the }~W line and the peripheral channel, Halimeda sp is the dominant algae with some brown filarn~ntous algaes and < . LAMPASONA, PETER #~+-36346-5E Monroe County - Cudjoe Key Page Three sessile filter feeders attached throughout. No shoreline vegetation was observed. D. The impact anticipated from this project should be small, with little d~struction of the presently established marine benthos. Erosion of the applicant's upland will be somewhat curtailed and runoff retained to a greater extend due to riprap placement. t LAMPASONA, PETER 1144-36346- SE Monroe County - Cudjoe Key Page Four E. I recommend approval of this application in accordance with Chapters 253 and 403 of the Florida Statutes based upon biological and water quality considerations. Jpv[/ dvo Date: . Read: ~ ,~