Resolution 031-1981 ] v-'--- ---, '. . 'RF~OT,TTTTON NO. 31-1981 Single Applicants WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA has recognized a need to provide for orderly growth and management as contemplated by the passage of the Florida Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act of 1975, and WHEREAS, the HUD 701 Comprehensive Planning Assistance Program administered by the Department of Community Affairs provides funds to assist localities in meeting requirements of this Act by preparing implementation strategies, programs and mechanisms. NOW THEREFORE, the Board of County Commissioners of MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA requests the Department of Community Affairs to consider including 110NROE COUNTY, FLORIDA in its application to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for local planning assistance funds for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1981, FURTHERMORE, the Board of County Commissioners of MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA indicates its commitment to comply with the appropriate state and local laws, rules, and regulations for the administration of this program, including but not limited to, necessary matching funds, funding only eligible planning activities, etc., which are more fully described in Chapter9B~4, F,A.C. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA this 10th day of February , 1981. Signed: I Member ./ 'v~ .. \. \J." 0 ~- ~ .. r Memoer ,/ Member Attest: ,,/') (, G~~ /~~~ nature Ralph W. White- Clerk Name and Tit.Ie February 10, 1981 Date ~--......... ~ ~ ~ - --'..;... -- ::.. ..... -- .-- - . ....,: '. T-I.PPL':ICA.TION FORN FOR THE 701 COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING PROGRM1 BE POSTMJ..RXEj) BY: February 16, 1981 TO BE ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING . TO BE SUBMITTED TO: Mr, Manny Ponce, 701 Program Coordinator Bureau of Local Government Ass1stance Department of Community Affairs 2571 Executive Center Circle, East Tallahassee, Florida 32301 APPLIC~~T (City, County): CDUSTY OF MONROE, FLORIDA .Z\DDRESS: County Courthouse soo Whitehead Street Key West, FI 33040 TELEPHONE: (305) 294-4641 .. CHIEF ELECTED OFFICIAL: George E. Dolezal TELEPHONE:(305) 294-4641 ext,11 OFFICIAL RESPONSIBLE FOR PREPARATION OF APPLICATION (if different from above): TELEPHONE: Dr. Jeffrey M, Doyle, Senior Planner (305) 294-4641 ext. 128 that, to the best of his/her knowlec.qe, the data true and correct, and the filing of the application has the governing body of the Applicant as confirmed by the J Official February 10, 1980 Date NOTE: Application must be signed by the chief elected official and include all identifying information, fiscal effort information, planning commitment in- formati7n, and a resolution from the governing body. ~ separate application must be sU~Eltted ~ each governmental unit that is included in ~ joint application, FOR JOINT APPLICh~TS ONLY: Please indicate below the designated common planning entity (i.e., the public or private or organization staff that will be responsible for performing work that is funded under the 701 p=ogra~) . COUNTY OF HONP.OE, FLOP IDA Name or Entity 294-4641 Dr, Jeffrey M. Doyle, (305) ext. 128 Contact person and phone number G-/~ .. rdil MONI OUNTY, FLORIDA APPLIC21,..~T LOCAL FISCAL EFFORT INFO~~TION Surplus From Utility Operations The ranking of 701 grant applicants is determined in part by local fiscal effort. This is a positive measure of each community's efforts to raise revenue relative to its wealth. Local revenue is norma~ly generated primarily from various tax sources, but in some cases, it also includes surplus utility funds that are available to su?port other governmental functions. Because surplus utility revenue data is not available from annual financial reports, this information must be included in the 701 application. For each utility operated by your local Government, please report the net amount of surplus funds transferred to olher govern~ental activities that was not specifically related to your utility operation during fiscal year 1979-80. Transfers to be included are: funds for general governmental activities; and funds used to pay the principal and/or interest on bonds for activities not related to your utility operations, (e.g" hospital and airport bonds, and funds used to support othe~,utility operations,) _Such transfers must have been authorized by the governing body. Local governments which operate utilities through dependent special districts or authorities should report transfers to it from these units. UTILITIES Amount of Funds Transferred To: ELECTRIC GAS WATER SEl-'lER General Government Other utilities Other Governmental Activities (airports, hospitals, etc,) TOTAL o N/A o N/A :n:~~"- , . ~ I . _Jil..... LOCAL PLANNING CO~~ITMENT AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Indicate which of the following items have been ado?ted by your governing body: c. Comprehensive Plan (as required by the Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act) Yes X No Capit:al Improvements Program Yes X No X Subdivision Regulations Yes X No Zoning Ordinance Yes X No a, b. d. .. e. Landscape, Sign, or other Tree Clearing Ord. Codes; Please Specify: S hor el i ne ProtectionYelJ Ordinance X No *Planning & Zoning Dept, 2. Indicate the amount budgeted for the employment of a local planning* staff or for a planning consultant on a continuing basis (including public agencies) during fiscal years: 1978-79 149,566.24 1979-80 182,380,15 1980-81 179,871.20 3. The term "action programll means a program which includes (1) an identification of specific actions that are necessary for imple- menting elements of the comprehensive plani (2} an identifi- cation of the governmental entity responsible for undertaking each action; (3) a timetable ,specifying when each action will be carried out; and (4) to the maximum extent possible, agreements to participate from those governmental entities identified as being responsible for undertaking such actions. a. Describe any such actions your governnment is taking to implement the comprehensive plan. Formulatirg a budgf't for tllP Pl:mn;ng, Building and Zoning Department that more realistically reflects* the need for public service in the Keys, With only one (1) planner and one (1) biologist in the County is currently poorly equipped to implement and enforce the Confprehensive Plan; *(Given the fact that Honroe County is presently growing 18% faster than the average growth rate for the State of Florida), --..,---~l~'",,1 ~ ""-...'-"{.....~~~ i lA I l b. Identify any resulting on-going planning programs. Current planning efforts are directed entirely at monitoring Major Projects and subdivision development, Current budget and staffing levels (coupled with intense development pressure) preclude effective long-range planning. c. List any accomplishments stemming from the program(s) identified above, Major projects are carefully examined in regard to their (individual) . environmental and community impact. .. 4. Please check the item(s) below which describe citizen participation in your government's planning process during the past calendar year. a. No formal citizen participation process. b. A citizen planning committee which meets on a regular basis, in a solely advisory capacity. x c. A planning board or planning commission which meets on a regular basis and has responsibilities and voting capabilities delegated by city or county law. d, Describe any other. citizen participation efforts. Hi~hwav Beautification Committee Recreation Advisory Committee 5. If applicable, describe how your present planning progra~ meets each of the three National Policy Objective: (a) To conservate and improve existing communities, particularly th& improvement cf those communities which are characterized by fiscal, economic or social distress; r 1IlI~ (b) To increase housing and employment opportunities and choices, particularly for lower income, minority pers~ns, women, and persons with special needs such as the elderly and handicapped, and a reduction in the cost of housing; and (c) To promote orderly and efficient growth and development of communities, regions and States, t~king into consideration the necessity of conserving energy, SEE ATTACHED RESPONSE , .. .~ .... . ,i:."',;'m~~~''"'o;':~''':~~~_~M~lftl~. ..-..-. .---.--.--.,.. ""--"_--,,,-,,,_"~,.o-c;.....+ ~ ~ . r ' - ,.,~ .f l I lr _I . r . , 1 iii . . " 5), Currently Monroe County must deal with intense development pressure with an extremely small staff and modest budget, Steps are being taken t~ increase the planning budget to make it consistent with increasing demands for better public service, The fact that the concept of managed growth was accep~d in the Key s i s s i g n i f i can t . The e f f i c i en c y wit h, w hi c h the Comprehensive Plan can be implemented depends greatly upon continued political/financial support, A decision will soon be reached by the County concerning the minimum funding levels that are necessary for effective plan implementation, The current budget is inadequate to provide comprehensive planning for Monroe County, There can be no sustained basis for regulatin~ land use and development without a strong and flexible planning department. At present the primary responsibility of providing information is placed on the developer-e.g., a developer must provide socia-economic and environmental impact data prior to approval of major projects, Such information is too site-specific and too short term in na tur e to add re s s many of the Coun ty' s 'p lanning conc erns . The current planning program addresses the National Policy Objectives in concept only, Funding from both local and external sources are needed to offset the imbalance between demands for personnel time (a function of intense development pressure) and supply of services (a function of the current inadequate budget for planning services). Current planning programs include an effort to update the datal information base, especially the Housing Element. Additionally it is extremely important that the County develop/procure and implement a Development Impact Assessment System which can provide a detailed economic/fiscal impact analysis of develop- ment options, Clearly 'these programs relate directly to objectives (a) and (b). Monroe County recognizes the importance of Objective (c) by programs that propose to 1) establish more scientific (relevant) criteria for assessing the impacts of zoning density requirements 2) make existing development regulations more precise and more consistent with the guidelines established by the Comprehensive Plan 3) develop and implement a scientifically and legally defensible growth management program for the Keys. The energy conservation stipulation can be well integrated into this program because the Senior Planner holds a Ph,D. in Resource and Energy Economics. i -" i li ":1 ",.. .,.