Resolution 034-1981 ',--" RESOLUTION NO. 34 -1981 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT BY AND BETWEEN THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: That the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida 1S hereby authorized to execute a Contract by and between the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, and the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, a copy of same being attached hereto. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 10th day of February,A.D. 1981. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ~-~ ~1n/ (Seal) Attest:, ~_ -'.. '/ , '~'-.,,{ ,/ / Y ---~~':x/,"' ......./ .1: J:~~ / (,..,,~,.r d' f....//-'~- __ ,,/,,;.>;/ /'''''/'';'//'\ ~" ~/ ]?'5(~~(" /'/ce-~ / l.!._- APPRfJVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL $lJFFlC1ENCY. BY . 2t#~ ;4tfom~.. R-w tf 3' '1- 11'8 I CON : \CT "he Dcpa rtmen t 0 f Heal th ana ii.chab Ll J ta t i ve Service s hereby con t I .t-: ts wi th the Board 0 f Count y Cornrni s:- Loners 0 f Monl'oe COU'1 ty, Florida, to provide commuflity servic.e work program site(s) fOT ~hildren ~hc have, pursuant to law, been made the responsibili:y >f the Depa rtment, r Ileal and R.habilitative Services. On-site superilslCI Jf children involved in this work program Will be the responsibility of MonrGe County 'lhe lJ...parL.~~llt, having the primary responsibilit) will nn;Vlue that horkmen's compensation coverage required by SectIon 39.1ilu), Florida Statutes, ~md further autn( rized by Section 440.~: (1), Floriia St~tutes, and will at all times have acces~ to its juveniles who are pe:-forming in such work program so as to ,.rerify 'tn,,; apFTo- i)ria tenes:, J f the program. lhis Lontract may be terminated by either party by gIvlng ten \10) dell'S written notice to the other party. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 25th day of February A.D. 198]. Department of Health and RchabiJ i- tative Services CL~Af::n.Q .~~~ Notary Public' State of Flor.ida a~ Large Notary Public, State ofrlOnda at Lat'" My C:..mmission Expires Sept. 23. ~981 l:.'-'il...<JQd B)! A.m~ricaa fil~ ~ C.il>l,lelilt'( CQmp'1\1 By: ,ck9:\ :L~ ~ocial & Rehabilitative Services '~'lrervis()T Date: ~i ~ .:l S- d-Xt-,- I r By unty COr.lj~~I' 'Ob1)" Of/;. (J' ounty, FlorId J / A d/M/"" "",. . / v,_,,- Chairman ' (Seal) Date: )'. erk Fe 'nrv AY',/ \()I\<1gj APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY. .2/'-'4 /. / //.''; ./ . ,/ '/' / / f ~~/ ~-" / /, 4- Aaomey-;oHice BY