Resolution 042-1981 23tW01. [t 827PG 305 RESOLUTION NO. 42- 1981 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO ACCEPT THE DEED FROM PINEWOOD CEMETERY ON PROPERTY ON BIG PINE KEY ADJACENT TO THE CEMETERY. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: That the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, is hereby authorized to accept the deed from Pinewood Cemetery on property on Big Pine Key adjacent to the cemetery, copy of same attached hereto. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting held on the 10th day of February, 1981. o COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OE COUNTY, ~RI~~) / /} C. Qd/C//~ airman Attest: ,_U_".__ ..... / .---' ).? / ~/- ( ~cL'/ a/':~/c- ----T rk t ""t) l():) . ' ~ ~ ~VBtI AI 70RJRM AND LEGAL SUMCItNCY. BY .~~~d_.. Arrorl'lYv's Office J L J - - ---,.,-,-' <~'-,:--_ -.._..,;;..'.....::i.. ~:~-:~.,:;--::-:~..-.-::~~~--~~:.:;.;.;..~-'~-....~~~:::::.;:::.; --:;:::::::::~-:::::..:~::~~~;.\;.,::;::":::.;:.';;~~i::.t:~~';:::-<:'{';::::=:;':::::';;;;"Z~:~~~:7,,~~::~~~~;;.y,...-,.~~,.. . - .rC'-'Vt"?l'i"....tii1P">".~~,.-~~~~~::: ~~, ~ If OFF RAMeo FORM A-3 REC 8')70" 300"" ...... , Ii.; \." \r WARRANTY DEED ~arrantp ~etb QI1lt$ ~ltoeltturl', MaJ.e. Ihis ~8~ day of ~dmeeu PINEWOOD MEMORIAL CEMETERY, INC .", '- January , A.D. 1980 , a corporation existi~!j u1/der the laws of Ihe Stale of Florida , havt"lg tis pn'ncipa! place of business In the COU1/ty of Monroe and Stale of Florida and lawfully authorized to trawact business in tlte Stale of F/onda, party of t/Ze first part, and MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA of the County of Monroe and State of Florida part Y of the second part ,ll1itnessetlF That the satd party of the first part, for and i1/ conslJeratir)1l of the sum of ----------------------- ----------------------------------TEN-------------------------------_____LbUa~ to Ii in hand pard by the satd part yof the second parI, Ihe receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged has granted, bargmned and sold to IIle sard part y oflhe second parI, its heirs and assigns forever, the following descn'bed land situale. lying and beill,!{ in Ihe Counly of Monroe and State of F/onda, to,wti: A part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 25, Township 66 South, Range 29 East, on Big Pine Key, Monroe County, Florida and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: COMMENCING at the Northwest Corner of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 25, bear East 50 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the parcel hereinafter described; thence South, 90 feet; thence East, 150 feet; thence_North, 90 feet; thence West, 150 feet, back to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 0.31 acres. SUBJECT to easements, restrictions and limitations of record, if any, and taxes for the year 1980 and subsequent years. \,\lUI. il. '~, 'c' t' ~'rl'.t"~# ,.... ~. .- ~ -:'".. :, I'::' . "." /1n~-:'"":~~-;dld party of tlIe jlrsl part does IIereby /ully war,~",a 111 Ihe I,'/le 10 5t1ld land. and WIll defClld the " .".same-aoal11rtth:: lawful c!a/1/lJ of all persol/s W/lOfIISOCl'Cr. , "0 .." " I "l'~_.:.::,"" c3JlllliIihlc5s ~tHtcrcof, Ihcsatd party of the fIrst "rCorporale d" I h " d'" b ':. : " -, ~ " S. parI has ({lUSt' t lest presenls 10 e slgne, 111 tis name y , ." eal) Us proper o/jir(r.l. and lis corporale scalto he affixed, attest' j /.. ....J-r / . r " ,1. u/ hy lis Jf'lHlary. ,he da)' mu1 year ahoa: wnitm. Allest: &/lA~ u...Je;-r;-t~ KEITH WOODS, Assistant SarL'/ary. _.?IN}~;W09P~MEk1Q!g}\L CEMETERY, INC. I II ~iglt. cU,' settleD UltD OC,lil1CrrU, il,\P, ,rocscltCC Of,llS, :,} LX i7 -;-"~ . //} ~--k1~' P l W-t:Lt ~A1~,{,4L~{:1:J~(d.-L-1'; - FRANK CLAWSON 1. t\:.Uss ~ ,', Wi t(~~~ r 1 y.J() ~J 'l.A W OFFICES - F!J15 Imlnllllm~ pnpaml /:-y: Frigola & DeVane, P. A. P. O. Box 177 /LldmJ Marathon, Florida 33050 ~Ot1-1 .. Presidenl ......- -"~-A"""Ir""rr'- ..-- ~ . .. il I ~tt 82'7 PC 307 ~httc of Jl11orioa, <aOUltt!! of MONROE } ". I i' -i-h ,~ 1"-Icrrh!! QIcrtif~ Ihal Oil tlm J.~- day oj January A. D. 19 80 , hl/orc II/{' pmoll{[I(~' {[ppt'aml FRANK C. LAWSON Assistant tllId KEITH WOODS Pres/denl and !leae/ary respecl1"vely of PINEWOOD MEMORIAL CEMETERY, INC. . a corpora/ion under Ihe laws of tilt' Sltllt' oj Florida 10 lilt' known 10 he Ihe persons who s//;ned the fore,~oin,~ iWlnll/lCllI {[j 511(!I oj/ion {[lid s(}~'}'al(v i1(/.:IIO)r!t'{~:;((1 till' r.'\nlll/on thaeof to he their free ael and deed as such o((I((n fN rill' IISl'S alld p/llp(ISiJ tlllTt'l1l !Ili/l!to/f(d alld l!Iill Illty a(F'<.cd Ihereto the official seal of sard corpora- tl(III, (I11i1,llal Ihc stlld iWll"lJ//lI'lI1 I:, IIJi" iI(1 illId deal 4stlld corporat/oll. lUitnc55 fIIY Jl;!;lIalllrC ilnd OJ/ILI{II sazl al Iii lilt' Coun~l' oj Monroe tlie day ilnd year last ajorrstlld jl,,1y COfl/miSSiOIl exp/in: Marathon and State of Florida ':\ ~ \; t~, t' f,. "J ,,' '.:l (). ,:,> ~~J:/f .... ..\..... , b /" , ~J ~ -. {I. I J' ICnAlT PUIlIC STAll a flOlID.\ M IAIl:8 MY CO,..,..ISSIO'f txPtlU ocr. 27 1911 ~ lieu (INIAl. 116. ~_ olary Pdhlic] ~Slale of Floritfti. " c"'\>'"'~? ;: .','. ~ . . \ ~- .i\ ' \if it ;g ..... ~ "'"'"' ~ ...., ~ >'J a ~ ~ ~ :u )> ~ ~ C'"') 0 a 0 ""3 = a >'J ... "'i:l fI"It- 0 a :u ~ ~ ;;:;:, )> ~ . t.I >-...: W .....:: a ~ " '---' " ef {~ ~ ~~' . ~' , ..!!:-~""~'."""':':':'-"'~'--"",~"'_Pr". .......-::---_ . ;.'=..,:' ,...... ' - ',." ,.- ~,' . .-r....-,-.., _ . ",' ,. .;i":';.. -~--~ ,,r'- ""iV"~"""~~""'~''''''~~~~'"'''7,!""":"'~~'''~';''~-:-;:':'T''''''';~~~~_'.r_.....:oo;._,,,~-I;=-~~'. :"'1' I' . ... ~-' ~ .. ,. /_. .:-, \I ":' \~j 1 ~' 0', -t-.) t It. :~ (. ; :!~ \ ~ ...~ 1 ~ '"7, ~: ,< \9 ~q , ',J ~ .~: >.:' J <'~..:,.>.. .-.....'.~." -.' ,:;,; - - '.~. ... {.~ .",:;,::: ~.......' OFF 8 REC >.2'?P8 308 r-~ . I C. G. BAILE'f<5r7\"S'SOCIATES v+ COMPo BY C.G. ,5 LAND SURVEYORS POST OFFICE BOX 728. MARATHON. FlORIDA 33050 TELEPHONE 289.0888 SUBJECT ~ ~~ \.. . '-i uJ ,~ ~ l.-:. '" ~-'? U C, Ii W V. /II l/. / - r , \.{\ t, '-' '.1)1 \ ,; r . .... " ~ ~:) ~ l ~ . - {. w., 330 - ~ F IJIl J~ ~ O.1/A:, do; <), ~ . i:::: '\ \ 15(J ( "':1- ...' r::: t. (::;:. ; ~ )- ~ I.071k - \i ~ r'J ~ -..: ~ 'i) ("J J. Ul (>.~ l', ., C\", I. INc. , ,~ , " ('.~ "- l~, S 10 ',.l ('-.J F, ~ 'c- ., ll- ~ \,.r ~ oj j ~ .......: \.1. ~ ~ - .. <:::l C. '%'. ~, .J I.t, 0.9(, Ac. ~ " ~ , tJ. , ~ tl4k. 1'\ ..., ~~ l't\ l 5i1 28() ~ - f W., .no - . , . ~ <: r:- v < C'o,j \, 1<") , r/} ~ ~ .~ W 07r ~l U _, K~oWLE- SIJ~'t< P/5./-C! I . ' .5cole/,200 CHK 8Y DATE 1Z/::.8/79 SHEET No. / .Jf 2 J08No L,~I-v:50N F ~ PLAT Of THE WEST 330 FBET OF THE N.~.~ CF THE s.w.i OF SEC~lON 25. T.663., R.29E., ON BIG PINE KEY, MONROE COUNTY, FLOR1DA. I HEREBY CERTIFY:-That the attached "PLAT OF SURVr."Y" is true and correct to the bent of my knowledge and belief as surveyed and platted by me. .,~ I - C,L.] C.G. B 8Y, Reg- Fla. Land Surveyor No. 620 ~ECO~OEO IN omCIAl UCORM IIOOll OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORID'" RECORD VERIFIED R"1Dll ,.' ""lTTE -i .' ." ,. '. ...~ , -: \ .,. : "... ,. ....'. 'I ,~ , . . , '