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Resolution 047-1981
RESOLUTION NO. 47 -1981 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND APPROVING GRANT FOR TAVERNIER CREEK BOATING IMPROVEMENT FUND PROJECT. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY FLORIDA, as follows: That the Grant Application for the Tavernier Creek Boating Improvement Fund Project is hereby authorized and approved., a copy of same being attached hereto and made a part hereof. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 24th day of February, A.D. 1981. (Seal) Attest: Jerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONRO COUNTY, FLORIDA r4, -4,� 00--c yor/ c f1irman AFWM AS romw S0WlENCY. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION UNITED STATES COAST GUARD n so Mr. Don Schloesser Mayor - Chairman Board of County Commission Monroe County Key West, Florida 33040 OL Dear Mr. Schloesser: Address reply to: COMMANDER (oan) Seventh Coast Guard District 51 S.W. 1st Avenue Miami, Fla. 33130 Phone: (30W 350-5621 16518 Serial: 2457 22 August 1979 I am pleased to enclose Private Aid to Navigation Applications, CG-2554, authorizing the establishment of Tavernier Cr ek Daybeacons 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 and 11. This authorization is issued under the flowing conditions: 1. Compliance with these and other conditions of the application is essential. You must not deviate from this application unless modification is submitted to and approval received from the United States Coast Guard. 2. That you advise the Commander, Seventh Coast Guard District (oan) immediately when the aids are actually established. At that time, the Coast Guard will issue appropriate notices to mariners which will update the Light List and nautical charts. .:.� 3. These private aids to navigation shall be maintained in proper condition at all times. They will be inspected by the Coast Guard after establishment and at any time without prior notice to the maintainer. 4. The applicant agrees to save the Coast Guard harmless with resDect to any claim or claims that may result arising from the alleged negligence of the maintenance or operation of the approved aids. 5. A discrepancy exists whenever an aid is not as described in the approved application. Any discrepancy in the operation of the aids at any time shall be reported to the Commander, Seventh Coast Guard District (oan) by telegram or other rapids means of communication in order that notices to mariners may be issued. Discrepancies are to be corrected at once and reported by the same method. 6. Changes in ownership must be approved by the Coast Guard. Discontinuance and removal procedures should be requested from this office. 16518 Serial: 2457 22 August 1979 ` Subj: Private Aids to Navigation 7. Coast Guard authorization of these private aids to, navigation does not authorize any invasion of private rights, nor grant any exclusive privileges, nor does it obviate the necessity of complying with any other Federal, state or local laws or regulations. 8. Although Tavernier Creek Light (LLNR. 377.10),-Daybeacons 1 and 2 now exist as Coast Guard aids to navigation and are expected to remain, there is a possibility, however slim, that unforseen conditions could arise that would necessitate change. The Coast+ -Guard, therefore, reserves the right to make such changes if warranted. You are invited to review conditions 3 and 5 of this authorization. It must be understood that when any aid to navigation is established, whether federal or private, this information is published immediately and then carried on future editions of appropriate charts and in the Light List. Thereafter, mariners have the right to expect the aid to display the advertised signal and discrepancies left uncorrected may result in marine casualties and resultant litigation. Sincerel , DEMPSEY' Captain, U. S. Coast Guard Chief, Aids to Navigation Branch Seventh Coast Guard District By direction of the District Commander Encl: (1) CG-2554 approved 22 August 1979 Copy: Commander, Coast Guard Group, Miami, FL Officer in Charge, Coast Guard Aids to Navigation Team, Miami, FL Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville, Florida (Vis. Levin) Mr. Thomas J. Murray, County Extension Director, Monroe County - Boating Improvement Liaison DL13AWFNI iN'l' Or PRIVATE AIDS TO NAVIGATION APPLICATION Form Approved budget Elureau ' TRANSPOWMI'ION U. S. GOAS1' GUARD (See attached inst)T+ctions and ropy of Code of Fed. Reg., Title 33, Chap. 1, Part 66) No. 04-113014 C(1-2554 (Rev. S-W)) 1. ACTION HLOULSIf I) 1:014 PRIVATL` 2 DATL ACTION rO STA141 A1115 1014 AV I';A hull -AIDS A JA11''i'I'AIII ISII Atli)MAIN IAN4 I) r1_ 1 I.15C;(IN rINLIF C �_I CIIANGI_ O. E: THANSI-114 OwNE.H'i1111• 3. WIL.1_ ❑L OPE14A rLD A. K_I THROUGHOUT YEAR O. [:] TEMPORARILY UNTIL C. E-1 ANNUALLY FROM �O 4. NE CESStTY FOR Alt. (COmnnuu In block g) 5. GENLRAL LOCALITY 15. CORPS OF ENGINEERS AUTHORIILU 11115 STRUCTURE OR DuaY UY P1 eclu(1e CT oundlugs on Show.$ Tavernier Creels, FL IX] PERMIT OR C-I LCTTER (rilu ❑nd dnro) SAJ-4 FOR DIS110121' COMMANDERS ONLY 7. APPLICANT WILL FILL M AI'PLICAI)LE REMAINING COLUMNS _.._—._�.,__._._._. LIGHT LIST' TAURNIER NUMDER NAML UI OR PACE Alt) NU. -- LIG11'f_--_--—.--_ --• -ULPTII CAI)- H1 5fNUCTUItI OR -- OF ULE AOOvE REMARKS E. TR. POSITION TYPE, COLOR, AND ALIGN 1 (Suv Insrructiuna) fLA511 WAIEkPONCN NAICR PER. LGill. GOLOk ABOVE GROUNU 1 0TZT2FIC IT 'I) (1b) 0C1 00) (7o) (71) (79) 0It) (7 1 ) (71) 81 •-Hay�Tle�tlic-- -•---- 1 - ----- -GR- 44°...59d.....1.9►1-hl...._ ........._..... ...Stmg3Y 'ale-- Odd #SG Daymarks 02-3-1+-2 4-5W-- aJa _LED- ..211° r) __2(,_1N.•_..,_._.__..._... _.. 1L ..r.. , i.� t_ � ti. Even �/TR Daymarks y+ ~6>1g-�E Plle -80�-3.1.t 261>W--.......-....,.._.._... B aymH E=1G------- 3•--- GR ..24 ° ..5 9-L-.2.6/ LtN.. _w ._ . _1_ .. _... l•g.'_—9.1-ng%E'-� i-1 ,, ,, o 11 . n n l 1...� Daybeacon o - 4kt-f4q S•t-1tA 4 .1 24 59' 30"N 1' 2' Single Pile 800 31' 30"W Daybeacon •rlc- :5;3 I I 240 591 27.5"N 11 l2' Single Pile 800 31' 33"W Diag404—aid.- 6 11 240 59' 34.511N 1' Single Pile 80 31' 34.511W IL2' (continued) S. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS Daybeacons to be numbered as follows: 5 to 3, 7 to 5, 9 to 7. Reference telephone conversation of 22 August 1979 between Mr. Thomas J. Murray, Monroe County Extension Director and Mr. John C. Betancourt Jr., Private Aids to Navigation Administrator. Coordinates subject to acceptance by National Ocean Survey, Sheet 1 of 2 90. NAME AND ADDRESS OF PERSON IN DIRECT 1()a. NAME AND ADDRESS OF PERSON OR COR- IOb, THE APPLICANT AGREES TO SAVE THE COAST GUARD HARMLESS CHARGE OF AID PORATION AT WHOSE EXPENSE AID IS WITH RESPECT TO ANY CLAIM OR CLAIMS THAT MAY RESULT ARIS- MAINTAINED ING FROM THE ALLEGED NEGLIGENCE OF THE MAINTENANCE OR Director, Cooperative Extension OPERATION OF THE APPROVED AID(D). Board of Count Commission Service, P. 0. Box 2545 Y Key West, 1_ FL 33040 PIOn rOe COUnty IOC. DATE IOd, SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF FFICIAL SIGNING 9L' TELEPHONE NO. Key West, FL 33040 305/296-9786 6/13/79 Don Schloesser _Mayor -Chairman FOR USE BY DISTRICT COMMANDER RECO. DATE PPROVED SIGNA RE (Dy re io41} SERIAL NO .. CLASSIFICATION OF AIDS CHART _ CI.%I L. N, M. YnCY1V V>• Lul IIVI`I Mq♦ UC V�CU Tavernier Creek -Davbeecon 3 -Daybeacon 4 -Davbeacon5 L-Davbeacon 6 Daybeacon 7 -Da.teacon 8 Davbeacon 10 Daybeacon 11 C. "PZ� V* ADDroximate Position 24-59-27.5N 80-31-33.OW 24-59-30.ON 80-31-30.OW 24-59-32.ON 80-31-36.OW 24-59-34.5N 80-31-34.5W 24-59-38.ON 80-31-40.OW 24-59-39.5N 80-31-37.011 24-59-47.ON 80-31-42.5W 24-59-44.ON 80-31-45.01V OL i 1*RANR'INus IA lO '1'I2ANS1'OI:'fA'1'ION PRIVATE AIDS TO NAVIGATION APPLICATION Form Allpruv.•111GIJ et Bureau a U. S. GuAS'I' GUARD (Sro attarhe(1 in.titrLrc-tion.v and copy of Code of Fed. Reg, T111c 3J, Chap. 1, Part 66) No. 04•R3014 1. AC 11OI) I<I.OUI S 11.1� FOR IVAV A IF r _ j,{ L_I—� 7R AIJ 5('(?rJ OWNC:R SI111- AI I>5 I ON AV I I, AT I ON A ' C_STAIII. IS11 AND MAINTAIN (1 1_ I DIiCONTINUI= C. CIIAN(:E O.S.A. I,A FL' AC LION rD ST AItT A 7� A. S.".[ P. 3. AIDS WILL I)1: OPERA TEE A. LNJ TIIFIOUGHOUF YEAR D. C_.I TEMPORARILY UNTIL_ C. CI ANNUALLY FfJOM TO 4 NL. CE5S1T1 FVH AIP ((:unlun,i` In Ulurk y) D. GLNF 1JAL. LOCALITY 0. CUIIP5 OI' LNGINLEH5 AUTHOI/1[L.0 IHIS SrRUCTUFtL OH BUOY OY 1'TC'.('1T1(IL' (irUU11QI1T1 `, on Shoals ___ -__-• ), _ �� _-�-- j '1'avc,rn i cr Crc(�lc, l L 1XII"`1;liM1T ON 1_.II.1'.TT'ILFT(A,.•an.l,LHr) •.-1 � SAJ I FOR UISTRICT COMMANDERS ONLY _—TAVL1tN11sR 7. AIIPLICANT WILL FILL IN APPLICABLE RE)AAINING COLUMNS IIGI{T LIST NO OR LIt;I1TT -- UIPT)I CAN- HT- -- 51'fTUCTUItL REMARKS PFR. FG, COLOR E.COLD R. AND HEIGHT NUMBER NAME OF A10 OR PAGE LTR. POSITION WATER POWER WATER (Sue FJlstruction e) CREEK (70) (7n) (7(1)1(7h) (7�) (7T) (7e) ABOVE GROUND (71) (7i) D beacon o gl ,Da 7 5 24 59' 32"N L 2 Single Pile Odd -numbered 800 31' 36"W SG Daymarks Daybeacon �1F3jiITtF%li�EI- 8 20' 59' 39.5"N 1'11 2' Single Pile 800 31' 37"W Even -numbered . Daybeacon TR Daymarks �r37'rlea>sie- 77 24° 59' 3811N 1' 2' Single Pile _ 800 31' 40"W Daybeacon -BaTrTTa•r{r 10 4 240 59' 47"N 1' 2' Single Pile 8031' 42.5"W Daybeacon o Deym®r�C--- 11 I 24 59' WIN 1' 2' Single Pile 80° 31' 45"W S. ADDITIONAL CO,AMCNTS Each daybeacon shall display two daymarks. Sheet 2 of 2 90. NAME AND ADDRESS OF PEAISON IN DIRECT CHARGE Or A 10�1, NAMF. AND ADUFJCSS OF PEIJSON OR COR- PDRATlON AT WHOSE EXPENSE' AID IS MAINTAINED 1011. THL APPLICANT AC,Ii L"F5 T'O V Tyj� t' CAA 1,)'rrr; ljy l�[l 1 HIAL L55 WIT11 RESPECT TO ANY CLAIn )li'LeA(` Yr 1.JF ULT ARTS Director, Cooperative Extension ING FROM THE ALLEGED NEG G NCE O T E`,,.A�fl ��r,,,(((Y E" ANCE ON OPERATION OF THE APPROVE AI D(S). Service P. 0. B3qx 2545 Board of County Commission KeyWesL I`L 33040 Monroe County Key West, FL 33040 10C. DATE 6/13/79 101, SIGNATURE D TITLE OF OFFICIAL- GNING •U, 9L, TELEPIIONC NO. 305/296-9786 Don Schloe.., 1A fir an FOR USE BY DISTRICT COMMANDER RECO. _ DATE APPROVED SIGNAT` (Q) r r on SERIAL NO. CLASSIFICATION OF AIDS CHART 1146211463 L. N IA 11451 .._ - cl-,,. II PREVIOUS EDITION MAY BE USED _ _ i�►!1.4 M!11-iF�i Gi�W ,o o ac _ Q� �s, y •r�Tts �� DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY JACKSONVILLE DISTRICT. CORPS OF ENGINEERS P. O. Box 4970 JACKSONVILLE. FLORIDA 32201 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT �. GENERAL PERMIT SAJ-4 Upon the recommendation of the Chief of Engineers, pursuant to Section 10 of the River and Harbor Act of March 3, 1899 (33 U.S.C. 403); general authority is hereby given to place non -Federal fixed and floating aids to navigation in a navigable water of the State of Florida subject to the following conditions: a. That all activities identified and authorized herein shall be consis- tent with the terms and conditions of this permit; and that any activities not specifically identified and authorized herein shall constitute a violation of the terms and conditions of this permit which may -result in the modification, suspension or revocation of this permit, in whole or in part, as set forth more specifically in General Conditions j or k hereto, and in the institution of such legal proceedings as the United States Government may consider appropriate, whether or not this permit has been previously modified, suspended or revoked in whole or in part. b. Not used. c. Not used. d. That the permittee agrees to make every reasonable effort to prosecute the work authorized herein in a manner so as to minimize any adverse impact of the work on fish, wildlife and natural environmental values. e. That the permittee agrees to prosecute the work authorized herein in a manner so as to minimize any degradation of water quality. f. That the permittee shall permit the District Engineer or his authorized representative(s) or designee(s) to make periodic inspections at any time deemed necessary in order to assure that the activity being performed under authority of this permit is in accordance with the terms and condi- tions prescribed herein. g. That the permittee shall maintain the structure or work authorized herein in good condition. t h. That this permit does not convey any property rights, either in real estate or material, or any exclusive privileges; and that it does not authorize ahy injury to property or invasion of rights or any infringe- ment of Federal, State, or local laws or regulations, nor does it obviate the requirement to obtain State or local assent required by law for the activity authorized herein. i. That this permit does not authorize the interference with any existing or proposed Federal project and that the permittee shall not be entitled to compensation for damage or injury to the structures or work authorized herein which may be caused by or result from existing or future operations undertaken by the United States in the public interest. j. That this permit may be summarily suspended, in whole or in part, upon a finding by the District Engineer that immediate suspension of the ` activity authorized herein would be'.n the general o 9 public interest. k. That this permit may be either modified, suspended or revoked in whole or in part if the Secretary of the Army or his authorized repres- entative determines that there has been a violation of any of the terms or conditions of this permit or that such action would otherwise be in the public interest. 1. Not used. M. That any modification, suspension, or revocation of this permit shall not be the basis for any claim for damages against the United States. n. Not used. o. Not used. P. That no attempt shall be made by the permittee to prevent the full and free use by the public of all navigable_ waters at or adjacent to the activity authorized by this -permit. q. That if the display of lights and signals on any structure or work authorized herein is not otherwise provided for by law,.such lights and signals as may be prescribed by the United States Coast Guard shall be installed and maintained by and at the expense of the permittee. r. That this permit does not authorize or approve the construction of particular structures, the authorization or approval of which may require authorization by the Congress or other agencies of the Federal Government. S. That if and when the permittee desires to abandon the activity authorized herein, he must restore the area to a condition satisfactory to the District Engineer. t. That if the recording of this permit is possible under applicable State or local law, the permittee shall take such action as may be neces- sary to record this permit with the Register of Deeds or other appropriate Official charged with the responsibility for maintaining records of title ` to the interests in real property. 2 u. That there shall be no unreasonable interference with navigation by the existence or use of the activity authorized herein. v. Not used. SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. This permit covers only those non -Federal fixed and floating aids to navigation in a navigable water of the United States intended to assist a navigator to determine his position or safe course or warn him of danger or obstruction to navigation. = 2. Mooring buoys, stilt houses, and. advertising signs are not authorized by this permit as well as the marki�g of sunken vessels or bridges, whose markings are covered by other regulations. 3. All installations and characteristics of these private aids to navi- gation will conform to the requirements of the Coast Guard for marking, lighting, signaling, etc. 4. No -discharge of dredged or fills material into navigable water is authorized by this permit. 5. Permittee must obtain authorization from the Corrrnander of the 7th Coast Guard District in which the private aids will be located prior to such installation. 6. The authorization applies to the described works in any of the navi- gable waters of the State of Florida in the Jacksonville District (excluding Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands) excepting the right of way or within 100 feet of the near edge of the channel of the Intracoastal Waterway or other authorized Federal Navigation project. 7. The permittee shall restore the waterway to its former conditions without expense to the United States and in such time and manner as the Secretary of the Army or his authorized representative may direct on notice of revocation of this permit. If the permittee fails to comply with such direction the Secretary of the Army or his designee may restore the waterway to its former conditions by contract or otherwise and recover the cost thereof from the permittee. BY AUTHORITY OF THE SECRETARY OF THE ARMY: 1149 date DONALD A. WISDOM Colonel, Corps of Engineers District Engineer i� 3 DEFENDING OUR FREEDOM -DEVELOPING OUR RESOURCES r a . A FIGHTING AREA MILITARY CONSTRUCTION NAVIGATION, POWER & FLOOD CONTROL RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT RECREATION Ee WATER SUPPLY VTC=GO(l � AMav 3ML jO xm"Lavazo z; V OIVJ 033.1 GNv 3OvliOJ U.S. AR14Y CORPS OF ENGINEERS LL— G THE NE (WORLD Z9 jolmjio o -LON sI siyl oocs •3sn iivA,Y• aoe Ai1v N34 SS3NIsna 1vio1330 loZi£ vaitlold 3111AN�5�'vr ocar xo■ •o • 317IAN0$)47vf 'l:)IUISIC L:133N1^N3 Avi8v 'S n ,kW8V 3H.L JO LN3W-L8vd30 3201 GOLF,tOURSE BOULEVARD PUNTA GORDA, FLORIDA 33950 1. r C� i BOB GRAHAM GOVERNOR JACOB D. VARN SECRETARY STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION SOUTH FLORIDA BRANCH OFFICE Monroe County Board of County Commissioners August 2, 1979 Thomas J. Murray Florida Cooperative Extension Service Post Office Box 2545 Key West, Florida �3040 Gentlemen: .~is is to acknowledge receipt of your application, file number 44-22433-5E , for a permit to: establ i sh a i ds to navigation in Boca Chica Channel (Class III Waters) and Tavernier Creek (Class III Waters), Monroe Creek. This letter constitutes notice that a permit will be' recuired for your project pursuant to Chapter(s) Florida Statutes. Your application for permit is complete as of and processing has begun. You are advised that the department under Chapter 120, Florida Statutes, must take final action on your application within ninety (90) days unless the time is ,tolled by an administrative hearing. Your application for permit is incomplete. Please provide the information listed on the attached sheet promptly. Evaluation of your proposed project will be delayed until all requested information has been received. The additional information received on was reviewed, however, the items listed on the attached sheet remain incomplete. Evaluation of your proposed project will continue to be delayed until we receive all requested information. xxx At this time no permit is required for your project by this department, and there are no objections to your proposal. Any modifications in your plans should be submitted for review, as changes may result in permits being required. This letter does not relieve you from the need to obtain any other permits (local, state or federal) which may be recuired. If you have any questions, please contact Phi 1 i p A. Barbacc i a of this o-"lice. ►-hen referring to this project, _please use the fle num er indicated above. PRE/PAB/ds cc: U.S.A.C.O.E. D_ER - orm 1"-1. 122 ( 57 ) ince- v C �w Philip R. Edwards District Manager i 9 FLORIDA COOFERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE UNIVERSITY OF FL-ORIDA FUR SEA GRANT PF?0GRAM OF STATE_ UfJIVERSITY SYSTE:IA OE PLORIOA MARINE ACDVISORY PROGRAM Rf'. PLY TO, P. 0. Box 2545 Ivey West, Florida 33040 November 3, 1930 Mr. J. E. Betancourt, Jr. Private Aids to Navigation Administrator Aids to Navigation Branch 7th Coast Guard District 51 S.W. 1st Avenue Miami, Florida 33130 Dear Mr. Betancourt: Once again thank you for your guidance in our telephone conversa- tion of 21 October. As discussed, after study it appears that marker 2A in the Monroe County Private Aids to Navigation project --Boca Chica East Channel A -- would direct boat traffic into shoal water! This marker, designated "red even number" if i:ept to the boater's right, appears on the chart ('No. 11441` to place the boater in 2 feet of water. This marker designation was assigned by the previous project coordinators and, if the National Ocean Survey chart is accurate,. might best be changed in the following manner: Chan;e color and number of 2A red to lA and green T^is ch:n?e :could direct boaters to the irynt of the mark (lA positioned to the vessel's port side), thus apparently keeping them in 7-9 feet of water. To allow for possible error in chart No. 11441, the flexibility should be built into the permit addition for the construction firm plac- ing the marker "to find best possible water" in the immediate vicinity of the 2A coordinates. And, of course, to permit renumbering and reco in- 2A to lA green. In addition there is a problem concerning the placement of markers in Boca Chica Channel B COOPERATIVE EXTENSION WORK 1N AGRICULTURE, HOME ECONOMICS AND MARINE SCIENCES, STATE OF FLORIDA. U.5. , DEPARTVENT OF AGRICULTURL, U. S. DEPART%lLNT OF CONVAERCE, AND 130ARDS OF COUNTY C01IAtISS1UNER5, COOPERATING The Institute of Foud and Agricultural Sciences is an Equal Empluyment Opportunity -Affirmative Action Employer authorized to provide research, educauunal information and other scr%iccs only to individuals an,l institutions that function without regard to race, color, sex, or national origin. •"" Y"..,....-sa►-`:ew...�*.".:�:a-•.c-+.w.�4ze+,n* ' Mr: J. E. Betancourt, Jr. November 3, 1980 Pave 2. We wish to amend the permit as follows: i1) Old marker 6B red to be renumbered and recolored to 7B green. This would have the necessary effect of keeping the boater to the right of the marker. If the boater passes to the port of old 6B he will end up on a flat of - one foot dept-. (2) A new marker to be added --designated 6B to mark a shoal area as noted on the enclosed copy of the chart. The new coordinates for 6B appear as follows: 0 24 - 34' _ 24<< NT 81 - 43' - 22" W Do not be alarmed by the chart n tation "submerged iiterests inform me that there are no longer any Piles." Local s a b•iilt up sponge/grass/mud ledge at the site of the lold �piles,1ebut re lthe ledge his at least 4 feet of water at low tide. There are no signs of pilings. Again, the instrurticn for. "best o:,-site flexibility. possible water" would build in some Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, Jeffrey A. Fisher E tension Diractor ?I Marine Agent - NL�P Liaison A"D t - Boatin., Improvement Fund J,V'/bv CC: Kermit Lewin, County administrator Michael Cates, County Attorney Dr. Stephen Ryan, District Extension Agent Dr. Marion Clarke, Marine Advisory Program DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION UNITED STATES COAST GUARD Mr. Jeffrey A. Fisher Extension Director II Monroe County Marine Advisory Program P.O. Box 2545 Key ;Vest, FL 330.10 Dear ?Mr. Fisher: Address reply to: COMMANDE Roan) Seventh Coast Guard District 51 S.W. 1st Avenue Miami, Fla. 33130 Phone: (305) 350-5621 16518 Serial: 2967 r.. 17 November 1980 The requests made in your letter of 3 November 1930 on Stock Island East Channel A and -Channel 3 Daybeacons are approved. Accordingly, enclosed are revised Private Aids to Navi-ration Applications, CG-2554, so authorizing. This authorization is issued under the conditions of Commander, Seventh Coast Guard District(oan) letter 16518 of 4 September 1979, serial 2534. During construction, should it become necessary to make further changes, you may do so. Those modifications to the project are to be made known to this office immediately by submission of new Private Aids to Navigation Applications. Sincerely, A. C. DE:M13SEY l� Captain, U. S. Coast Guard Chief, Aids to Navigation Branch By direction of the District Commander Encl: (1) CG-2554 revised 17 November 1980 (2) (2) Blank Application forms Copy: Commander, Coast Guard Group, TKey Nest, FL Officer in Char-,e, Coast Guard ANT, `Key West, FL Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville, FL (Ibis. Levin) S T • t OF .TRANSPORTATION TRANSPDLPAROTT IO PRIVATE AIDS TO NAVIGATION APPLICATION Farm Approved Dudget Dureou U. S. COAST GUARD (See attached instructions and copy of Code of Fed. Rag., Title 33, Chap. 1, Part 66) No. 04•R3014 CG-2554 (Rev. 5-69) 1. ACTION REQUESTED FOR PRIVATE r __ AIDS TO NAVIGATION' A ESTABLISH AND MAINTAIN B 1 _? DISCONTINUE C f' CHANGE D. �� TRANSFER OWNERSHIP 2. DATE E ACTION TO START A. J.A.C. - a. AIDS WILL BE OPERATED' A. [X1 THROUGHOUT YEAR B. [-1 TEMPORARILY UNTIL C. �� ANNUALLY FROM TO vECESSITY FOR AID Con(inuc 1n Block 8) reclude Groundings on Shoals 5. GENERAL LOCALITY Boca Chica Channel A B. CORPS OF ENGINEERS AUTHORIZED THIS STRUCTURE OR BUOY BY !_I XXPLRMIT oR LLTTFR ((Ilo and dale) $A,j-4 IR DISTRICT COMMANDERS ONLY 7. APPLICANT WILL FILL IN APPLICABLE REMAINING COLUMNS LIGHT LIST NO. OR LIGHT DITT OF CAN- DLE H T. ADO YE STRUCTURE REMARKS PER. FLASH LG1H. COLOR TYPE, COLOR, AND HEIGHT ABOVE GROUND NUMBER OR PACE NAME OF A10 LTR, POSITION WATERPOWER WATER (SeeInslrue(ions) (7a) (11)) (7c) O tl) (7e) (11) Or. (711) (71) (71) STOCK ISLAND EAST CHA NEL A a 83 0 0 93 181tN-- 9' Single Pile Odd # SG Daymarks -Daybeacon 1A 3A LK - 0 51 Single Pile Even # TR Daymarks -Daybeacon 8.1--- 1-3`- 24LLW— �Ba3�m2Zk:- 4A D 4° 33-� 34itN--- 61 Single Pile -Daybeacon 81° 5A K- -24 o '3"- 44-"N— 21 Single Pile -Daybeacon SEE ATTACHED SHEET S. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS 1) Coordinates subject to acceptance by National Ocean Survey. 2) Each Daybeacon to be equipped with two (2) daymarks. 3) Each daymark shall display its appropriate numeral and the letter "A11. 1A . �6,3A,4A,5A. 92. 14AME AND ADDRESS OF PERSON IN DIRECT CHARGE OF AID IOU. tl AM17 AND AUURESS OF PC.IISON OR CDR- POI,uAT1014 AT WHOSE EXPENSE AID IS lob. THE APPLICAN1' ,tGi.ECS '10 iAVI( flit- COAST GUARp HARMLf_SS WITH HI:SPECI TO ANY CLAIM OH CLAI(,IS THAT Y FII.SVLT ARTS- Director, Cooperative Extension MAINTAINGD ING FROM TIIE ALLEGCU N L' G L I G I: N Ctr 'r>t—Z.�4 JAN E OR 'OPERATION OF THE APPROVED AI fA Service, P. 0. Box 2545 ICe West FL 33040 Board of County Commission Monroe County IOC. DATE Sod. SIGNATURE AND P ►y { rfe: { 1110 rk 5,YL �' �N, ' 9b, TELEPHONE NO. 305/296-9786 Key West, FL 33040 6/13/79 Don Schloesse Mayor -Chairman FOR USE BY DISTRICT COMMANDER REco. DATE APPROVLD SIGNAT II i y.0 �— ()jr r �. S R T StR I A L NO. PA-37 CLASSIFICATION OF AIDS CHART 11441,11445 114 L N M ' . cla's II .. ..1�-t, i CCD 4 A. (i,•-NP,t"1111V.Y, ii�-I'T. II,;('(1, 7/ _Hny —Daybeacon 2A changed to 1A, SG daymarks. NO 0 -DER APPROVED: NOV 17 M20 A. C. DEMPSEY. CAPT. U Chief. Aids to Navigation Bra c . S COAST, A. ' REFERcNCE ACTION AND REMARKS Stock Island East Channel A Daybeaconx-t 1A Daybeacon 3A -Daybeacon 4A -Daybeacon 5A Approximate Position 24-33-20.ON 81-43-22.OW 24-33-29.61-4 81-43-23.8W 24-33-34.ON 81-43-19.2W 24-33-41.8N ' 81-43-26.8W DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PRIVATE AIDS TO NAVIGATION APPLICATION Form Approved E3udget 13ureou T]• S. COAST GUARD (See attached instructions and copy of Code of Fed. Reg., Title 33, Chap, 1, Part 66) No. 04-R3014 CG-2554 (Rev. 5-69) 1. ACTION REQUESTED, FOR PRIVATE AIDS TO NAVIGATION A. [X ESTABLISH AND MAINTAIN B f—; DISCONTINUE C f___I CHANGE D. TRANSFER OWNERSHIP 2. DA7-E ACTION TO START A.S•A.P. 3. AIDS WILL BE OPERATED! A.THROUGHOUT YEAR B. I_� TEMPORARILY UNTIL C. ANNUALLY FROM TO a. NECESSITY FOR AID(Continue in mock 8) 3. GCNF_RAL LOCALITY li. CORPS OF ENGINEERS AUTHORIZED THIS STRUCTURE OR BUOY By Preclude Groundings on Shoals Boca Chica Channel B x' PERMIT OR _-' LETTER (h1v and dnte) SAJ /. �i OR DISTRICT COMMANDERS ONLY 7. APPLICANT WILL FILL IN APPLICABLE REMAINING COLUMNS LIGHT LIST 1 NO. OR LIGHT DEPTH OF CAN- DLE H1. AHOVE STRUCTURE REMARKS PER. FLASH LGTH, COL 0A TYPE, COLOR, AND HEIGHT NUMBER OR PAGE NAME OF AID LTR. POSITION WATERPOWER WATER (SeoTnatn+criona) (711) (7h) 0C) (70) (7e) (7f) (7P,) (7h) ABOVE GROUND (71) (7)) STOCK ISLAND EAST CHANNEL B 83 BLK 242 33•'--0'8�'N- 1' Single Pile Odd # SG Daymarks -Daymark 1B -Daybeacon 1 °-431-•4.3-!!W_ --Daymark- 2B RD- o - 2.4� a-V-4-7�r5N• 1' Single Pile Even # TR Daymarks -Daybeacon -8-12-43J--06:5='W- -Day=-rk- 3B ab-2-4° K- --3-4-1-•02-•r•5-UN-- 1' Single Pile -Daybeacon -Dnynrarlc- 4B RD- 2.42-344b 03:5'=N- is Single Pile -Daybeacon -Daymarle 5g BLK -2434'-12UN- 4' Single Pile 8-12-43-L-'"23uW` -Daybeacon (continued) a ADDITIONAL COMMENTS SEE ATTACHED SHEET Sheet 1 of 2 90. NAI/E AND ADDRESS OF PERSON IN DIRECT CHARGE OF AID 10'1 i1AlA I' A141) AUURFaS OF PERSON OR COR- PCINA TIOI-1 AT WHOSE EXPENSE AID IS IOb, THE AI17I,ICANT AGN!'1 S :10 SAVE 1111_ COAST GUARD HA R6IL ESS WITH HL':i PILCT TO ANY CLAIM OH CLAIMS THAT MAY RE6ULT ARTS- Director, Cooperative Extension MAINI-AINED ING FROM THE ALLEGED NEGLIGENCE OF THE MAINTENANCE OR Service, P. 0. Box 2545 Board of County Commission OPERATION OF THE APPROVED AIDISI. Key -West, FL 33040 Monroe County Key West, FL 33040 10C. DATE iod, SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF OFFICIAL SIGNING 9b, TELEPHONE NO. 05 -9786 6/13/79 Don Schlo..ser, Aayor-Chairman FOR U)E BY DISTRICT COMMANDER RECo DATE APPROVED SIGNATUI SERIAL NO CLASSIFICATION OF AIDS ICIj— CHART L N M l+: Stock Island East Channel B Approximate Position Daybeacon 1B 24-33-44.ON 81-43-07.8W -Daybeacon 2B 24-33-47.7N 81-43-05.2W : -Daybeacon 3B - 24-34-02.8N 81-43-13.2W »-Daybeacon 4B 24-34-04.3N 81-43-10.OW • Daybeacon 5B 24-34-13.8N 81-43-23.8W -Daybeacon,:G8= 7B 24-34-21.8N- 81-43-31.OW vEa�nlrr,ELN•r c1r -- - TRANSPORTA'110N PRIVATE AIDS TO NAVIGATION APPLICATION U. S. COAST GUARD (Sec attached instructions and Cupy Of Code of Fu(d. Krti., Title 33, Chap. 1, Part 66) Form Approved Budget Bureau No. 04•R3014 CG-2554 (Rev. 5-69) 1. ACTION REQUESTED FOR PRIVATE: AIDS TO NAVII:A PION• A (_X C57Ai)LISH AND MAINTAIN B r—i _•_ I_� DISCONTINUE. G I (_ I CIIAIJGE: D. TRANSFER OWNERSHIP 2. _ DATE ACTION TO START A. S.A.P. S• AIDS IYILL'UE OPERATEO'' A. (_XJ THROUGHOUT YEAR B. (_I TEMPORARILY UNTIL C. G ANNUALLY FROM A. NECESSITY FOR AID(Centnwe in Mock 8) Preclude Groundings on Shoals r C,c.J1'f7AL LOCALITY B*Chica Channel B TO - YCP�"O'.'RP,"IOF ENGINEERS AUTHORIZED THIS STRUCTURE OR BUOY BY FOR•7DISTRICCOMMANDERS OtILY�Y anT OR i`( LETTER (1, to d dote) SAJ-4 7. APPLICANT WILL FILE. lit APPLICABLE REMAINING COLUMNS LIGHT LIST 110 OR EIGHT OEP 111 CAII• III STRUCTURE NUMBER OR PACE NAME OF A10 L TR• PER. FLASH LCTN. COLOR POSITION AAICR POKER wA01ER REMARKS (See REMARcrions) TYPE, COLOR, AND HEIGHT (1n) Ob) (1c1 17d) (7e) (11) (7C) (711) ABOVE GROUND (71) (7!) �•- 41.AaK,E.4k>+mi.e.hkri;�,Ty�,...I 83 "D ayma r.-k— B •RD— O 2 4- 3 4=t--3,31-1,N--M 1`' ', -Daybeacon I —81° [�3-z„3�'itd---.- 4 , Single Pile TR Daymarks -Daybeacon 17B ,a i I B. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS SEE ATTACHED SHEET 1 I I I Single Pile I SG Daymarks 1) Coordinates subject to acceptance;by National Ocean Survey. 2) Each Daybeacon to be equipped with two (2) daymarks. 3) Each daymark shall display its appropriate numeral and the letter "BE'; 1B,2B,3B,4B,5B,6E Sheet 2 of 2 AND 7 B go- NAME AND ADDRESS OF PERSON IN DIRECT CHARGE OF BID IW. NAME AND ADDRESS OF PERSON OR COR• PORATION AT WHOSE EXPENSE AID IS 10 THE APPLICANT AGREES TO $AV Director, Cooperative Extension MAINTAINED WITH RESPECT TO ANY CLAIM O ING FROM THE ALLEGED NEGL LAIMi THAT MAV R55 ONCE OF THE MAINTENAr OR Service, P. 0. Box 2545 OPERATION OF THE APPROVED � IDISI it T Board of County Commission � F P � 0 Y E 0 Gb• TELEPHdNE NO Monroe County 10C, GATE 10d, SIGNATURE AN , TITLE OF OFFICIAL SI tNG 305/296-9786 Key West, FL 33040 6/13/79 FOR USE BY DISTRICT COMMANDER Don Schloess r M ur--Chairmai SERIAL NO CLAbSIFICA TION OF AIDS RECO CHART 11441 11445 11442 DATE APPROVED SIGNATURE 11 r t/r 6 }4 T CU tt1 J , C z SEP 1979 o PREVIOUS EDITION MAY BE USE USED L N M /. ,•. `� A. n . 1-L1 Chief, d8 �o 'RCMA"S -Daybeacon 6B changed to 7B, SG daymarks. R daymarks, to be established. NO OTHER CHANGE. APPROVED: NOV 17 ISO .A. C. DEMPSEY, C )USCG ? P R D Chief, Aids to Navigation r cW U. S. COASTGUARD IL DATE REFERENCE ACTION AND REMARKS - - ! F M A M A NAME OF AIO LIGHT LIST NO PAGE 4 3 I} ��� '3 0 ��� � 3 a a 10a rocis�' r� CI I C nozi c 6 I I oS 2 V 3 \ - jfi,rca 53 - O't7_y 12 3 Q 3 STOCK ISLAND I a - 2N12 4 •15.0/ �I n rR (WKWF) /� 2 4 1 3 I rn E' Y PA \%kf `�^, 7 7 2'A`Y 4G_,Ll/ 2..'16 i J !RIDGES "v r, s Fr ��' _�I II j�' /\ 8 r 5 4 '10 e FT yl 7 oa 2 2AIS 1 u zcrt CU► 311 RTRsYwAurti00�Hr 7 _ IS' 3//.'.12'2 \ r I� 4-. 4 6 2 3�I I/ L6 1J �Cv 11� �F 34 ei'. N tl 1 N 27 �© j� II �' R GP - �U I j�ff rl / ` STACK � •?^ �❑ 5 Q� mangrove f� ` I 21, p � I 1 I 2 � �r FIR 4sec 16ft 3M a 19' �J all i1 �'( Lr cl 4. � � /� TYIC GJ JPE.7 Arnational +• �I� COW f . ... L 6 5- 14.R. I I \7\ 6 /! _07/73/__=rote A) 7 I `//- OVERHEAD POWER CABLE /it 1 I ; y - �? 2 : I i '6 G' // R AUTH. CL. MAIN CH4.4 60 FT + 26 7 �L�.�_ 6. AUTH. CL. ELSEWHERE 25 FT ` 1PA * t. 20_� G y yi a rr 3 O ' R' w'S rA o/'3+ Z.. ..' ��J//� 5 1 19 . \3 2/ 2 s EWER r 3 4 �..�-8�2'.�k 6 6 "5' ///R 3 5 2 3 hrd 6 % 9 s'r a i4 i 2� ;v: �� �'�5 � .,4„7 2 RA 5 3 Rks c m/ 7 '5 5 2 2 � FIR / 2 3 5 / b 10 S2- f?4kf 8 "3^ O/ 5 1 9 6 B 7 // kY \2.2! 7 ' 8 4 4 s— 7 ^_ 9 //R 7 Ay Ip 13Li .12' 14 2 0 2 10; 14 II I3`11 158/ '9k 9 11 2 / hrti 7 7 i ❑13 14sec 16ft 5M „1:r// 14 10 8 14 G t- •� F �1YtT/ a�216 /" 19 9 16 19 Cy 19 hrtd 20 s I 9 `20 20 15 hrC�161) 20 20 8 1 0 �I h� 17:7' 17' �;A 2I 23 IS I 1 IpkF1 0 sry �a 1� 22 14 19 ' 2320 hrd 21 21 14 22 23 22 L 23 v -- /23 I 27 29 24 i J t6r 2" 24 � sft 27 26 25 23 24 j - 27 � 25 23 j 29 v, 31 J 32 25 29 h'd G6 28 ._ 31 29 L 29, . _ 27- 726 3 2' v1 33--- 32 ��A, 30 hrd I 23 hrd ty 26 26 hrd 30 30 28 25 �i' F 32 30 20 y 26 22 32 30 hrd 27 N21 22 32 i 30 1 1 ss' I 17' A Y0 �1 k0 Y /irk V 23 19 hrd 2 3 27 srt 33 33 30 -' ^� 25 27 33 30 31 - r 30 �r � 2 34 H rA �Y 33 i5 y 32i 32 31 19NV �r10. 11y2��'c hrd 34 25`.. 17 srk 3- - 31 30 22 07 _ 32 hrd 29 31 f c6 34 srk 32 32 -_ ?2 - 30 i — --- 8. 16' 61 3 30 30 17, n,d _ 28 19 15 , 17 26 28 +- s 31 31 29 29— rr 19 29 —_33 18' hrd 30 31 27 31 32 30 31 32 16 31 32 3 slr I 33 32 32 _ 29 I J3 20 rky 33 30 31 30hrd i 33 33 29 -32 31 - 0. 30_ \ 27 17'4 IB'_2B, 23 srk 34 30 (3Ul g2 1,30 21 32 23 IG1 32 31 32 �32 33 34 (b,j sff 32 so* 2— 29 16 20 IS 34 �' 1 i��32 - 33 17 / - 26. IS i3 19 , 4 _ 14;.,- 33 33 29 my 31 !r wm- L n �w� - Z Q a LLI i- UJ ! LL �y Zi iC CI - Zi IL = IpN v n W TiL w L! z C) i 1LZW I - v I W d ¢ I OL \I. v J n v V c LL 4. c CCI �:TY. OF MONROE KEY "WEST , FLORIDA SPECIFIC ITIO`;S FOR I\Sl ALLATIO_'i OF DAYBEACONS TO MARK STOCK ISLAND EAST CHANNEL A AND :STOCK ISLAND EAST CIIANNEL B, FLORIDA KEYS, MCNROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Sealed bids will be received by the Board of County Commis- sioners, Monroe County, Key West, Florida until 2:00 P.M. at which time all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud for installation of Daybeacons at Stock Island Fast Channel A and kStock Island East Channel B. Specifications for installation of treated wood piles complete with U.S. Coast Guard approved Daybeacons, in the location in- dicated on the enclosed section. 1. PILES: (A) Piles shall be of timber treated with chro- mated copper arsenate (C.C.A.) (B) Piles shall be of timber which will stand the driving for which they are intended. (C) A straight line drawn from the center of the butt to the center of the tip shall not at any point, face further away from center of the pile than a distance equal to 1% of the length of the pile. (D) Minimum butt diameter = 12" measured 3' from end. Minimum tip diameter = 8".) 2. LENGTH OF PILES: Piles to be of sufficient length to pro- vide a minimum of four feet penetration intofthe existing sea floor and an elevation of 12 feet above mean high water. Mean high water to be determined by adding tWo feet to the chart depth indicated on the proposed location of each pile. 3. DAYBEACONS: Daybeacons to be constructed and erected as in- dicated on the enclosed sketches. 4. CERTIFICATION: Bidders will certify location of pile by latitude and longitude upon completion of work. 5. DEMOLITION: No existing piles. The Board of County Commissioners reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. f z, t . 1---_— -' UAY M/ 4K 1 TEr Z.3 o� PILE I'p I i 3DL7--` PILE I-E TI L=OC IJ h LOMAC;T jr MAT=r?!Ac --� j L5• rPl'_ 10.0) I �o ^�I L :I-3:;AYMInK '/ i COnC �'CES`RE 35E0•LE`IV7./ AS T: [: D� C54 SiANC4f.'U -H •dt4K a.= c. i j eo- nE 4- a_ N e._ s ., �. s : na_ ' - •1 r^m Ncre AL'_ AL�MIh.. �r eo�ry, �./ILr .t t'1,:'j _ ��°'�_._- :1.��s' 53',-e. �'��.� �y- • i AriD Z'0"'I� AS AT t r,Dt7 FOR �:uM AL-7Y .., tz - -' , y J --- ---- 4` ----TOP OF PILES 4; CREOSOTED PILE MEAN FI1GH IWATER� MUD LINE r--01 ELEVATION PORT SIDE .j Q ly U w o= VIUM REQUIRED PENE- 'ION OR REFUSAL ELEVATION STARBOARD SIDE *SEE SECTION B (INSTALLATION'OF DAYBOARDS) Figure 4-6. Single pile wood beacon structure (unlighted). Data Sheet 4-1)(1). (cont'd). 4-19 _ a BOARD OF ,Y COMMISSIONERS OFFICE OF: Florida Coc :� Rr..n..nJ A. KERR, District 1 Exrensiop Service —' - �' '"' ==c PURIEGTON "PURIE" HOWANITZ, District 2 JERRY HERNANDEZ, JR., District 3 ",41A y" JEROMESHIPLEY, District P.O. Box 2545 DON SCHLOESSER, District 5 Key West, Florida 33040 w a `x.y -.ram 294-4641 , ext. 160 k-n� n' pOeG - OUNTY o MO ~* KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 (305) 294-4641 January 9, 1981 Mr. Clarence J. Keevan Frank Keevan and Son General Contractors Key West Branch 2nd Street, Stock Island 6- Key West, Florida 33040 Dear Mr. Keevan: We understand your concerns over increased costs having occurred since you originally submitted bids for the daymarker projects in Tavern- ier Creek and Boca Chica Channels A and B. I have enclosed copies of the appropriate NOS navigation chart segments showing the locations and numbering of the daymarkers. You will note that Tavernier Creek has no changes. Channel A has only a change in the numbering and color of one marker (from 2A triangle to lA green square). Itwas determined after on -site inspection and localadvice that the Channel B project would require an additional marker. The original number was six; there is a need for seven. The position and numbering is clearly shown in the chart. Mr. Lewin and I have discussed this entire matter and would like to ask you for a letter stating an updated bid based on two factors: (1) the altered economic financial situation that has taken place since August 1980 and the present, (2) the placement of one additional marker (as noted in Channel B). We have the associated paper work now complete. If you chose to submit an update, rather than withdraw your bid entirely, we are ready to present this to the County Commission for consideration. Should they approve, we can then forward the project packages to the Boating Improve- ment Fund Grants Program. While I wouldn't hazzard a guess on timing, the BIF response, we feel, will be expeditious. r 91 ,e00 �Cutii„ 7m-rov'"T.'ent l roQram '7 C / Froject ic`ntcOr'i 1. Type of Project. acc1uisi"ion Development X Flannir.; Launch Site ",ew X Docking Facilit-.' Expansion Channel %larkinc X Ror.ovation Other (s:�eci`y) 2. • Project Title: Creek Da markers avernier 3: Project Locaticn : Off of Tavernier Key, Florida to Tavernier Creek entrance 4. Brier Desc.riat;,Dn of Project. recreational boating navigation erect unlighted day -markers to aid 5. Grant Recueste: S 10,300 Source of Other Funds: y .. Estimated Total Project cost $ 10,300 6. Appiicanz Identification: Applicant Count,;: Monroe Located in City of: Liaison Agent : Jeffrey A. Fisher Appointed Representative of of County Commissioners Address: Public Service Building P. 0. Box 2545 Key West, FL 33040 Phone No . 305/294-4641 x 160 or x 159 �7 Date: January 26, 1981 Monroe Of CoURty) Uf: apelicable) County, Board 00 Q 1. Cwnership of S__ 7'edera1 State Local 2. Total Estimated Cost: $ 10,300 3. Type and Stli. _= Ccsz of Propose Leveic-pment (By! Un—, t) Y'• i Facilit• Quantit and Unit of 'leasure Scecif°; No. and/or Feet Estimated Cost unlighted daybeacons 8 10 300 i i i ctal [$10,300 4. Type and Status of Required per-.i ts, Easements or Leases 'pe : U.S. Coast Guard Status approved Private Aids to Navigation 5. Requires. Attachm -nts a. vicinity ma: Coast Guard Chart b. site development plan not applicable C. copies of required per -its, easements or leases or letters stating none are required Coast Guard Aids to Navigation d. proof of county/local o:anership or other form of site control not applicable e. design certification i` applicable enclosed i 5 \ 4 6 i �.� 5 �• �✓ �"� V `� 2 2 7 7 :.. (/6/ \`3RA' r ��', ,,. i' -_ P R �40a'y2 c.,i/ ?"-�\•,f'/.� /ry � sJv »�Ilamml•r l'I 6 sr R" 6 1�/1 5 �� 46 2 0( 4 ell,� �\/...,' FI%ED BRiDG� EFT c- IG T L'J R TP •.�y, '! 7% g I 3 PA si. • 7 S G-74 P J4.5 0 R / 5 Z' PA 2 4 - brd 7 7 \� � 7 3 7 4 c �� 5se= 15� SM I bra / 7 .\\t 1 1 3 \� 9 rky 5 0 9 j r _I I .. (31.f17Nr I 'R,le 0 yl' 2 I 2 hey ................. 2 G II 13 \. 3 7 3' i4 •• .. 2 11 12/ 5 8 s� 10 1 .Y13 10 3 :o / \ ✓ FIR 4sec t6tt 3M 3 16 �� ? rry 7 9 9� 14 ���///•" / 9 ;6 Ord 14.II 12 16 16 /17 , V 14 / 7 4 O 3 13 15 I- 0 •O�i.: t 11 hrd _ 20 19 17 17 16 17 17 r1• r.19 19 20 20 19 17 7 �.�r✓`n/v 20 19 20 i9 Q1 -. 17 ` `� ^ 18 19 20 21 ?1 18 21 16 A5 r 17, ��nnnni 14 Is 20 21 20 ................ 20..... 21 IS Is cl fa H A W '3K c.0 _.-.H;%A 1V N'_' E L " � 13 0 14 ........................14............. U 16 19 16 14 14 .....ly ,. _......_... _.._ ..._...__. 3 t 7 1 q \ 0 I 17 17 i6hrd 14 v i3:1 rk ✓IS II 17 11 5 I 16 17 6 5 i4 14 13 i9 r t3 20 20 22 22 21 21 l/ hrd 20 i7 \ ' 1L :�X23 2< 14 14 16 17 FO I\ 0�, �' 1110.1 16 14/ _ 4 15 16 J" 17 / 1 16 I I y b 3 \J 14 10 1 it 10 ri-v - 16 \ 14 IS 12 V I8 16 17 I1 9 16 10 '5 10 hrd c 16 16 14 13 7 II 11�14 17 Is 10 •g I) S 14 13 �'"�\ /"� O I S I S 17 20 19 II n Project Title Coun-,J STATE OF FLORIDA DER IT OF NnTURAL P.ES0URCES F lor_ua 3oat4nq Improvement Pro r.: cra Pre-Cons_rL CtiCn " A� t1�= lCat_Cn Tavernier Creek Monroe I hereby cert'--, that the plans and specifications for the abo e referenced pr. -_C_ ccm-:IZ, TJith tale project C7 cam,. criter _ _ _ ro_ t e 4,n la eStar_l .: 'e Detia_ �-en_ Cf iVa_::ra1`Res cL i i c rceS� and' W ll, l a_ried out,y--es,,,! * '_n CO liJieted iacil'-ti eS lncOrpOrat' iC acceptable eng'neerinc es_gn St,'-_n"ards, which faCilltleS Wll'_ ''2e structurally sound, safe and suitable for their loca-4Cn and' use. o - rC ] ec Date : October 9. 1980 Mr. Clarence J. Keevan 2. January 9, 1981 We'll be glad to answer any questions you may have. Mr. Lewin and I look forward to your response. Thank you for your continued in- terest and cooperation. JAF/bv Sincerely, frey A. Fisher Extension Director II Marine Agent - MAP Liaison Agent - Boating Improvement Fund 6. cc: K. Lewin, County Administrator County Attorney S. Ryan, District Director, Cooperative Extension Service Imo'\\� S 4 4 0 2 3 i` 6 •` 3 0 3 4 I } } -- 2 >�` _- r, conga 6 I I I t 12 a 3 sToc ISLAND�y S`:._e 2 ' , K 4 M• z G „o ��_ t, , i `I 2 •ts•p �I rs� _1 4 TMNwrwii—tip 2 4 �r.52 3 I O 4 I 1C IF • sir cenAY r (F r 7 .. `-�7 � � I nh, G3-� /f��R..'�6.• s rT `�^'' �! i� r �•� � 9 * , 7 5 4\ 10 '; 2 2 4 J/ 2 i Iwll CA�s CL 26�0 'If • t�s wAr:r1500►Hr �> 1 �uo 2 //I - \� 27 ` 4 6 n., 3-3 31, 25 �r }y STACX mangrove j „1 I•E: I ^`,«.` .�i FI R 4sec 16ft 3M T 4 A GO'N KE rs G 1 : 4r"! ernational +• I I �srt I apt ` } 5 10.9. \66 ..'//,:=J?:73/.,e,.�,oAl I 2 1 1 -s 4 G, \�� OVERHEAD POWER C+8LE •�[' I _ // R AUTH. CL. NAIN CNAN 50 FT A yo +` `�, 28 7�� (�. 4 AUTH. CL. ELSEWHERE :S rT t l" -^ "`CCCIII 5 IA2�� .......... -OWER ^ 4 .19 I_ 3 G •.�/ 2 S _ 'WE 3 4 �, 2Z ��' 6 8 2 3/rro 6 g slr 81@.f \ 55L[�/ .y..7 `I 3 5 5 2 2 3 5 / F, RO Ssoc teb M� �• a�/ 7 5 2 5 aA2 e ❑ 6 I 4 4 �5 9 II e� 7 // �fy e 2;z6 e 19 % i 14 , 9 13 2 /Mf Il 10 L., 12' 14 12' V u 10 9 8 7 7 G .1.C1 Fi5 I 4sec 16tt ?M>�1�� 12, 16 19 1 RN 1 ` . ��' I T 12—`��� 9 -16 19 19 IS10 [20 \ 16 j v V hrd 20 20 s, - IS �12. 10 - 17 20 20 18) S 2, "1 hrd , • ek F a~s;:\ 21 23 I 20 is �_ hi 14 19 \ 22 hrd 21 2i 14 i ' 2 2322 � 23 `3 _ 23 0 t6,- 21 � 24 24 � 27 29 I J 2523 24 I 25 sfr - 27 25 Z3 i 23 v 27 hrd i 25 ,.3i - 32 I . 29 hro hrd . 28 28 i 31 31 29 o J- 29 27 -.-�.,-.. � 31 28 30 hrd 28 25 23 =1 J y hrd lib' 30 hrd L 26 26 32 . 30 3U 20 �J 26 r 32 r irr 30 30 hrd 27 �1 1`I 1 22 22 ly 2 - D `6 ` f 7: a 5' 20 C j 1 19 20 IS i srr 33 ray �rAy . 30 23 hrd 23 27 33 T 30 33 31 --- 25 34 27 H A y � 30 33 1�:J 31 c. _ Nos C1IM4 * II 33 y C 26 25 17 .wr 32 s,k32 30 hrd 3 19 0 22 27 2� • i 26 34 slk 32 32 :12- %T rA32 6 hr 79 r 1 31 17 n,� :8 19 171 2"58 5 ..i 31 r 29_- IS' 19 C� 31 29 � '30; �41' ��- -----29 - \-33 . 18.' hrd �. 27 32 31 30 .0 / ( 1 32 16 32 36 1 t r ,� 32 33 33 31 31 `rk 30 h.d Y 33 20 33 29 %�I 31 30, 30 30 23 33 ?7 17.1; 4 �8 srR 34 3Q s' \ 32 2S 32 31 J2 32 33 34 I 32 k30 is��} 18 24, \ 29 34 i 32 (^�� SH so' a •J rs� 28 •-'� .IS �" Ij'`�- 15'. 20' 20 1 `=� 32 _ 33 1 :A.�2 30 _ �S.sy 14 31- v 31-,n 33 33 Zs'26.�r 1 3 �. 4*�9 s 2 3 1 } \\ .�TR e�occs�S v ' \. 4— 3 s c. �3 .T 2 f1�j ar-su 6 12 3 STOCK �-=vim- 4 I y2 S«.«`... 2 1 I 3 I/ N`• �� II ISLE\ D 4 4--,�� G • •'J- ij �`��1 R TR FWKWF) alp'f o«earon. jl�"�%,^ , ,6.;u. \I�—'io •yl, 7 2 j a°�,, 3- "oM,DGES A' M _„�v T�°, ,P;Iv 1 1.,7 I � G r�'R,.r�6.r L. ,cFt �e jj'�� 7 Jf � 2 4 ai 2 :wRFc..s ti,�LjLI . a • 7 5"'G 10 2 /r �� '�,R' TRy•wKll.isoo4Mr �� 1 6 ' . --�� R 2 (. �_ 1" I \ 7 o IS ` y j� �6.,12„2 26 :5 Cr-s �'}-./ •.6„ mangrove FI R 4sec 16ft 3M ternational + �� coW 6 ujl A I I 4�•i` 19' 7j "7R/C, c E ` ED F_.4 ort l 5 16.6, 6 ; : 0 / 3rs=^ncre•ii 7 , , 1 ���. OVERHEAD POW" CABLE •Rr. I + 47 1 ,r �.5 G // R AUTH. CL.CHAN 5q iT 1 v (Y.j j # +L 20 2 ,'6 5 �. •` AUTX. CL. ELSEWHERE f� 1 +-- J� ac' 5 3 5 1 �,r19 3 // -yEWER 4 ,4 � I .\ 2 .. 3 9. 2 3 hrd 9 str 2 f`+LI z ,v. \, 5 /7 i 5 o / 2 2 2 3 5 6 P` .\ `IA25sec,a� Mf 8 3'` 7 ,'5 5 RA2 3 Ras - 10 ?- 5 9 Or (�—tee 4 4 s 7 u 8 7.y �2%2; 7 8 2 / 9� �— + RH / 1319 4 1��9/ B 7 14 11I 6, 11 713 1`3r'i 4sec 16ft = M „1,. // 14 �. 16 m 7 Qr v 10 9 8 14 G '� i `2'?�'/ `tip 12: 19 Rh ,,w�l��J'� �. � 12— f�. 9 20 '6 /I9 U 19 hrd 40 IS10\ 16. 20 , ram ' i 1� G0 i5 2, \\ 12; �• 10 IT 1 . ,•. 17' 1, ��1� 20 ( rd `- `CkFIR'•a 21 23 h 1 ~ 20 �7 14 � I9 22 23 a hid 21 21 �� 14 ---22 23 22 ?3 �.23 � 24 24 ^ice 27 29 2 26 16 235 srr r v 27'.. O 25 25 23 29 vv ." 27 hrd I W 2C h d hrd 32 - - = 26 31 31 29 27 w 129 3I 28 -� 33 -"'31�y J 26 18 hrd30 30 hrd 23 ' 30 28 25 hM 1)26 26 32 32 \� 30 20 „�j 26 2232 �' 30 30 hrd 27 1 21 22 off \ 17' Y f A as' '2c. 1��1' L 20 5' s/r 33 r.y rkv �� 30 20 C 23 19 hrd 23 27 ; C 1, i 33 ?31 _ 25 27 � j T -' -_ H A Y 1 30 26 LP 34 '0 33 33 'Jr 32 \ 31 30 3o• I 17., �? i9 hrd stir 30 �(�ar 28 34 25� �' 31 30/V D.5 ff�T1`P7 nit 2 26 34 sr. 32 32 32 — 2 9 1 f 3 31 30. -17 nra 28 J 01 '4?5 29 5 J 31 29 3" 30 i 30 27 31 32 31 32 ,\ 16., 3? 1�7 32 32 33 33 31 I 29 '-. ' j 30 '� _._JI rrd 1, - .:0 rky 33 33 ? , JI 327 17: \^' �9 28 23 srr 34 3a 33 ,J 21 \` 3? 2S- s� 32 131 J2 1 32_l 33 34 io l 32 19' — - -�\ _ 29 19� 5 -c 34 16� 32 ` If' 32 S� 33 so. y 26 M ,5 3 - ,6 20 2; y0 ts� r4 14 Zb 33 33 `6 l 0rAy C o 6 r/2/ 2 2 2 3 6i/ 4 5 �/ F, �� __ _� D i.y �\ sfr E s-; ;\\_> 2 J 6 5 Ilumn er PI e 6 sf. 12 12 5 IN L 0 6C10G\}��'/ jS v �I E�.\- �•o �';..T CR CL 36 :T. J`� PT CL 11 FT R TP 2 r' I �i p r �o�T ,arnier Nb 3 .1. as ti�.6.Pt��G,^, 3 �J3 7% y \` I .\ ">. -ram oP :4iQ / L 3 4. C PA irr GR �Ly�\c e 4 5 -�C 2�., � II , ^ 7 - c 3 16/ \ y 3 ry 0 /................ 2.32�SG.3.10 �IIri3 12i C FIR 4sec i6Y, jn,113 \\ i6 he �� // g 9 „ 14 \ iL u r I' i3 11 16 \ 74 2 16 !tl 1L �- 13 / 13 13 _ IS 20 � 17 � 5 hn! 17 19 20 20 15 �/ 16 17 - _-. n;^. r,IQr. 10 717 v,,nn' 20 7 . 45 r 18 ;? g 20 2J 21 21 IL / �� 15 2' 5 \ \ 2, r �'�<0.. 21 2 _,L....._ ..' i-�_.... 1 F j� r--- ' T 21 I L r 17 r � �, 7/ a ,'� `}1 � 7' hrp 14 15 IL 'L .7 ! 17 15 2^ 11r0 , 114. 2. 21 13 21 16 �� (\ , iy// \23 22 2Q 17Q '-'C' (7 �I v 14 17 4� c v 5 1L o 16 16 J 7 6 14L I I { V 3 IG �� 16 17 It 9 �— -� IL i5 it h.y 16 0l \ �^ 17 5 A 5 16 4 / YYY/_«` L .5 It 3J^\ O 1 10 11 14 15 S FRANK KEEVAN & SON, INC. •NYMECHANICAL & GENERAL ' CONTRACTORS AIN OFFICE E. BOTH STREET January 16, 1981 MIAMI. FLORIDA 33137 7 },TELEPHONE 734-9441 KEY WEST BRANCH ,2ND STREET -STOCK ISLAND KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 TELEPHONE 294-0520 Jeffrey A. Fisher, Ilctension Director 11 P. 0. Box 2545 Key West, Florida ;6 Ret Daymarkers - Tavernier Creek, Stock Island Channels A & B. Dear Mr. Fishers 5' In reply to your letter of January 9, 1981, we have reviewed the two projects in question and have found the following: A. Stock Island, Day Markers for Boca Chica Channels A & B, we would require an increase of $ 2,425.00 to cover the added marker and to increase in our cost for materials, labor, transportation and fuels since August of last �,. year. . B. Tavernier Creek, Daymarkers. In August last year we were mobilized in the Indian Key area with our Marine equipment working on a State project. This work has since been completed and our men, barge and equipment has been returned to Key West. We would have to increase our price by $ 2,900 to cover the added mobilization, food and lodging for this time of year, plus the additional cost mentioned above under the Stock Island project. We would except either or both of the projects subject to the above mentioned increases. Should you have any questions, please call me. ,+ - � ,..��'ri�#`F.!` bh".'��l Jw•.^r•' sS � �Z'�'� �ti n jp;'l-ai a, �` .j i� °�'l �j� � .`•..{c 5��. p 'k�i.`i '`•#*` tw a .r .•r tt '7 .' f {,rn`�"`it { �e 4 7 ` `• f a i .Y a r r qq�..,r �,� n {,y>. t �I' {_ a r l+ s .A.'r t sr 1'yrl�� � r ; y vi"„�y- +� •ytn i I*� y� �� .W' yf"..�..:w' � { a _,.. �t yftk�Lr t. x "�; r*!y�1'1 +.'7" � ♦ •:!'fin[ t .� ts7 { I zt BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Curt glair, District 2 Mayor Protem Jerry Hernandez, Jr., District 3 MAYOR George E. Dolezal, District 4 Ken Sorensen, District 5 x OUNTY o MONROE npj KEY WEST, FLORIDA33040 305) 294 4641 January 26, 1981 M E M O R A N D U M To: Kermit Lewin, County Administrator 4t From: Jeffrey A. Fisher, County Extension Director II Boating Improvement Fund Liaison Agent Subject: BOATING IMPROVEMENT FUND PROJECTS BID UPDATES 0 Florida Cooperative Extension Service P.O. Box 2545 Key West, Florida 33040 The following represents the bid revisions for two Boating Improvement Fund projects, based on the attached letter from Mr. Clarence Keevan, dated 16 January, 1981. JAF/bv Proj ect Proj ect Boca Chica A & B Tavernier bid $ 7,700 $ 7,400 increase 2,425 2,900 total needed $10,125 $10,300 V l v STATE (`F FLORIDA �ricia Doatin Improvement Procram l roaram tintication Project Identification 1. Type of Project: :lcgfaisition Development X Planning Launch Site Mew X Docking Facility Expansion Channel ZMarking X Renovation Other (specify) For Office Use Oniy Date Received Project No. County 2. -Project Title: Stock Island East Channels A and B 3.• Project Location: off Boca Chica Key, Channels A & B 4. brief Description of Project: erect unlighted daymarkers to aid recreational boating navigation. 5. Grant Requester:: Source of Other Funds: $ 10,125 Estimated Total Project 10,125 cost $ 6. Applicant Identification: Applicant County:- Monroe Located in City of: Liaison Agent. Jeffrey A. Fisher Appointed Representative of Monroe (Name of County) of County Commissioners Address: Public Service Building P. 0. Box 2545 Key West, FL 33040 PEone No. 7. Signature: Date: T (if applicable) County, Board Y � 1 ST:1'1'L; OF [LORtD� CiPART !EiIT OF ,IATURAL R:.� SOURCES iora Boating Improvement Program Program Application for Development 1. Ownership of Site: Federal State x Local 2. Total Estimated Cost: $ 10,125 3. Type and Estimated Cost of Proposed Development (By Unit): Facility Quantity and Unit of Measure Specify No. and/or Feet Estimated Cost unlighted daybeacons 11 $105125 1 i I I I Contingency - (100 maximum) Total 10,125 4. Type and Status of Required Permits, Easements or leases Type: U.S. Coast Guard Status approved Private Aids to Navigation 5 Required Attachments a. vicinity map Coast Guard Chart b. site development plan not applicable C. copies of required permits, easements or leases or letters stating none are required Coast Guard Aids to Navigation d. proof of county/local ownership or other form of site control not applicable e. design certification if applicable enclosed 0 ', I 2 s 3 I i 4 3� 3 a _ _a_ —ncto a5 IT �ocfsMlS -4 OTR4 3 ; \ I sAf C/ p p —� �3 nca�consa �6 I I 'yS jai" `{ G •1; 0 2 ✓ G 'v __ _ ° 3 l J ,N i 2 2 G STOCK ISL1\ll 1 4 2 4 a I0 /�%/�✓�9`t— 1 a Ta IwKwF`i—��a 2 4 �� 3 I �I F` ca vy 7 �7qa G I��R 16„ I t BRIDGES �y�~/�' r: N�P. 41 7 s�y` 2 � 4 3�7/ 2,. /'t r�'�v,t'�'A� 3 +r 7 5 4 10 -b': U` �- ♦ /� Lr Wa CAN �..•---�-�\ 7 ...\ oar 2 2 6 IR cL 26 VT 1 1aS wAlilliJOAnt \ 1 6 `. T IS' _ 3G * 3//.'r12'2 Cur a 2 _;^ . 2 0 a �.d/ 4 3_0-t_3.,� y �-k 27 2 e Q / o �\LP l ?\ 11 1— 5 G❑/ F G 3^ I I q.. P STACK19 mangrove /r2 � � .�Jr FIR4sec16ft3M � 011 xE{ ` 21 I ul 1 a ,�%� %il PECT4/CTE0 A.4EA COW . (6 G:.r�i _a I I �7. .1 :%% J.'173 /. .ore A/ erI1EationaI `- If +f m�1 ` •5• {/" OVERHEAD POWER CABLE :lrt `I+ _.. +. `" 2,1 1 �' G //R, AUTH CL. MAIN CH.N W FT �* 1 I 2 6 5 (�: AUTH. CL. ELSEWHERE ZS FT ..r�, + \ * } �"'. 20 ,--� . FJ Z 1 /r4: Rk: °. ^� ... .3, 3 .A. __(//� / ,I 5 1 19 3 2 2 s ' EWER r 3 �.` 4 p2^' �.Tkr 6 G // �_ 3 5 5' / R - 2 3 hrd 4 6 9 9 rrz; :� 5 I 2 Re 5 3 2 2 3 5 F0 S-2. r ItaM 8 '3" O// 7 �5 5 /mks 4 9 0. 8` 7 // „tY 8-\\2i2` 7 8 4 ` i 7 .,11 y//a 7 -4� *y 13 2 ` 10, 14 13 1� 7 7 /❑1 FI 4sec 16ft SM "1,,// 14 16 ' Q (2l RA 10 8 14 G t° �tT/ �y�=� �/ 19 17: 9 a1 20 20 9 16 19 G, 19 `-hrd 20 _f\ � 15 h' . to � 16 10 / 17 ! / 1 �� 20 20 �8 15 �) 12' 1 �: \\. 7, 17n22 21 23 okF1 I I �12 14 i hrd I' 23 20 23 hrd 21 21 14 /23 / 221 24 2 2 23 27 29 24 24 sfr 27 26 16/ 23 24 25 I %7 hrd 25 23 23 31 32 25 hrd. - , 29 h.d 28 28 - J 31 31 29 1 i 27 ,•. Jam,: 20 ,8 . v . _ - 29 31 2d .- n 33 --'32 �� 30 hrd 23 hrd 26 26 �1 'v bra 30 30 28 25 j 3� 26 22 32 32 \ 30 30 30 20 hrd 27 1�T 1 '21 22 11 A 20 `1 of .rxy irk \ 30 e0 V 23 19 hrd `3 27 Sir 33 3 ���� 25 27 33 0 31 34 m 3•, ME - H -� A TV:' -IC - 15 '- 30 21 31 �� 4 -�} �2 3� 34 r'30: 33 33 Ar 32 ; Ol T` 2 � hrd 34 2- IT, 32 srk 30 31 19NOS 30 22 27 _6 34 32 32 '2 ";o-"-32 _ 32- hrd 9 16 16' 29 31 3 a.a 30 J7 nrd . - y 28 19 17 , - �0 25 28 �- Is' j� �1 31 31 29 29 _ -- _ 1g . 19 —7Gy� __ -�_29.'�\ 33 10' hrd 30 31 27 I 32 31 32 16. 1 32 33 31 -3 sir 32 1 2 32 30 ' ` 31 hrd 33 ; . 10 ray 33 33 33 29i 32 31 70 — �� �31 27 17'J ._ ;�, z8 23 snr 34 - 30 301 30 3sffl \'� 21 32 25 j&-- --- 32 32 32 33 34 )B J 32 so. 3 I ��-�� _ 18• 24� �, 23 16. 10, 34 16 I� � , 32 33 1 rat' 29 rZ? 15 _ 13 `Sara 20 .13� I4J. -" -34 17 33 33 29 rar �+ % 4 2 4 3 3 1) 3 3 t*-'� T R �T CI3 6 4 lt4 It -If cl -racer consu 6 - 2 -5 G '17"0 12 --y 3 1 -\2 s,b, D 4 2 G / \0 4 15.0 "1 3 4 STOCK ISLA 17� R T 2 3 G F?:' I �l 03—� 6 2 r'y 4 2 7 0 1 caner; ®El, 10 IF iLI, .2 7 5. n � I �.\ \1 2 A B.d� 46L R P** CAIS 6 CL 26FT CUP 10"AS I W K I Z. I Soo k H, 1516 70I ;..c3//." 122 42 43-ft,,-3=-�/ 34' 1 Q J7 777 6 11' , 11 �/, R 27 4 c �l 0 3 �5cl 3 STACK mangrove c• - R J/ FIR 4sec 16ft 3M 41 0 Z, �ES7,71CTED APEA ZZ 6 GzAd, 2()7 CID 's, I A.• 6 A) ternational OVERHEAD POWER CABLE .)rt :;z G: , R AUTH. CL MAIN CHAIN 60 FT. 7 AUTH. CL. ELSEWHERE 25 FT + 4. 20 p 2 /�,4 : G -- . <. ....... + G 1 '4 4 !j P *l"" PA f 3 a 2 2 2 s 19 9 FYWER L 6 G 2Z 6 — R 3 5 3 4 "4,,7 5 2 6 2 PA 3 R*s hrd 6 2 5s.c Ak G 7 "5 5 2 2 74�4m 8 "Y 2 5 10 7 8 5. 8 7 K1-4 I'*y R* 7 //R 8 7 4 9 ----71 "" 14 II 9 /13t 14 � 1-21 /1 L 13 15 10 13 12' 7 7 13. F�l 4stc 16ft SPA F2r;p-'y 1�' ,,,,//14ti �2-� 16 I 8 14 G 'I' 1;, 91/ 1 19 47- 10 9 9 6 N 19 19 -b 'd 20 V) 1 ----------- � 12—, 20 _ 20 ra - 1 7 �D8 b 15 16 120 20 7' 17 -3�' 21 23 III 15 2; hrd VIP `12, 'ON 12 22 23 14 19 20 14 22$ 23 22 hrd 21 21 1 23 23 27 29 24 24 24 sft 25 16 23 24 25 "Ijl�-�--' 27 hrd 75 2310 32 25 nfd 29 bV 26 26 1 31 29 -29 31 31 28 — 27 - 26 — A 32' - . 33 - -Q-� hrd -41 30 23 26 26 hrd 30 30 30 28 25 20 F, 26 22 32 20 hrd 27 21 2 12 32 30 ff A 20 45* rky 30 y C23 19 hrd 27 27 Str 33 - '30 3 33 31 re 25 - ----- 15., 30 1 - -- 26 18/ 31 30 -- 30" 34 33 32 33 17 32 30 19 Cl#o(�F 28 ()6l I hrd 34 st* 31 joA40-5 29 26 - 32 32 12 -- s1k 30 32 6' J. 30 26 28 31 1 1 is 3 , 30 17 23 31 9 15 19 i-), lky- 29 ---3'-- IS' ; hrd "6 -32- 30 -1 27 3 31 2 P-0) 1 31 32 33 31 32 29 -, 32 hrd 33 1 20 rl(y 33 33 - 33 31' 79 30 , 30 jo 31 �7 171 - 23 Sfk 28, 34 ; - '30 Q�01 32 (io 37 '-- 32 ---, 33 31 32 34 s f? 32 0161 9-- ifi 20 34 32 - 33 26,:: 1> y 2i 1 1 13 -1 3/6, 17" 33 33 J9 - r*y S'I'E' 0_ F7 OP7Dy _G'_"_ 3 Cat= C Project Title Stock Island East Channels A and B `O r t Monroe i here-'-,.- that c? ans and sneC4 "ications for ?�? r GV? rere_=^cep Grv��Gt Cc:::"' -I V w-4--h the cooed design ___.. ..r j..__e _.=ss,,:rcesand .ti1, i C= C:._,�res,.it in Cc.—Ip ZaC7_'eS _nco--,:Dc in ena-4--eerinc7 yesil cr scanda=ds, which facilities w�l'_ b� st=.:Ct:.._ =1� T sou nr', sa`e =nd=0_' liiei� OCa�rOi: and i nt-ence ; use. P-o�ect�n5ireer Date : October 9, 1980 i ' . , 1 ! ' r '� .I ! - . r ) :I . a cool� STA"L'E (`:' FLORIDA PEPAiZT"'ENT 'F :;ATURAL RESOU1ZC;ES _orida Boating Improvement Program Program :�pnlication Project Identi. icl-.tion 1. Type of Projlect: Acquisition Development X Planning Launch Site New X Docking Facility Expansion Channel Marking X Renovation Other (specify) For Office Date -Received Project No. County 2. Project Title: Stock Island East Channels A and B 3 : Project Location: off Boca Chica Key, Channels A & B 4. Brief Description of Project: erect unlighted daymarkers to aid recreational boating navigation. 5. Grant Requester'.: Source of Other Funds: $ 10,125 e Oily Estimated Total Project 10,125 cost $ 6. Applicant Identification: Applicant County Monroe Located in City of: (if applicable) Liaison Agent: Jeffrey A. Fisher Appointed Representative of Monroe County, Board (Name of County) of County Commissioners Address: Public Service Building P. 0. Box 2545 Key West, FL 33040 Phone No. 305/294-4641 x 160 or x 159_ 7. Date: January 26, 1981 !37A` E OF FLORIDA DF PART',!EidT OF :•iATUFZ.AL ?, OURCES'�4 ? Florida Boatinc improvement Prc�_am PrcQram Arolication for Development � f 1. Ownership of Site: Federal State x Local 2. Total Estimated Cost: $ 10,125 3. Type and Estimated Cost of Proposed Development (By Unit): Facility Quantity and Unit of Measure Specify No. and/or Feet Estimated Cost unlighted daybeacons 11 I$10,r25 +� I i I Contingency maximum) Total 10,125 4. Type and Status of Required Permits, Easements or Leases Type: U.S. Coast Guard Status approved Private Aids to Navigation 5. Required Attachments a. vicinity map Coast Guard Chart b. site development plan not applicable C. copies of required permits, easements or leases or letters stating none are required Coast Guard Aids to Navigation d. proof of county/local ownership or other form of site control not applicable e. - design certification if applicable enclosed G 4 )`jJ `�9 w I \ 4 rE} � . � 3 3 � 3o eoioccs'bdS C/ - 0 u 21 C0115:[ 6 I _ 2- r s C•I ;� r �.I�ca - _5 _ _ G •�.• a� - 12 a.a3e�Rclo-o�scrt; s iQ�!%�a�'•r%p �;ii�.� �eo"o _'v 1 �2g�S- a _��a I I I G I 3 4 23 �5STOCK ISLAND wI 24 •.❑P: 6r••I e 2 ,5R TR (O"A 4 3r0!u"� "y % 703 IRA �% I s I ^h 4 13' /f�11•. I I: FT �- t`r� °6.Wit,-}�'+ i � � m• /��� 7 4 �1 �9 2 4,0/2e FT I:o ; `• " �'_ 8 r 7 5 10 2CL 2:Fr � rRs.wKlzlt7DIHr �_�/- I 6. \ 15. 3 * 4-4 2 .3�3427 6 !26 i 1 t � I J o I I V' sTACR � . •�• �❑ n „1' I :5'9 F7 g Crz / •,p„ mangrove e 1', 21 ,J �I I e• :�r FI R 4sec 16ft 31A ct1 cow I�EY 6 G�pl I I - Lit /i` FJT4/C-ED ,PE,4 e'rnational sCD, 4 \7� " �/ J.'i73!'en^re Al 'rrt III�•- I t \ \ �h OVERHEAD POWER CABLE �*' I+ i' `I 2 G // R AUTH. CL. MAIN CHIN 60 FT. f A *. t ` 16 28 5 7�. •� AUTH CL. 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