Resolution 048-1981RESOLUTION NO. 48 -1981 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND APPROVING GRANT FOR STOCK ISLAND EAST CHANNELS A $ B BOATING IM- PROVEMENT FUND PROJECT. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY FLORIDA, as follows: That the Grant Application for the Stock Island East Channels A & B Boating Improvement Fund Project is hereby authorized and approved, a copy of same being attached hereto and made a part hereof. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 24th day of February, A.D. 1981. (Seal) Attest: Cler BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONWE COUNTY, FLORIDA or/ t_:navlrman APPlROvED AS 7o FY?RM AAV CEQAi S'3d6F7 ATV. By�..„�. .t5C)y 7790 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION UNITED -STATES COAST GUARD Honorable Don Schloesser Mayor - Chairman Board of County Commission Monroe County Key West, Florida 33040 b Dear Mayor Schloesser: Address reply to: COMMANDER (oan) Seventh Coast Guard District 51 S.W. 1st Avenue Miami, Fla. 331�50-5621 Phone: (305) 16518 Serial: 2534 4 September 1979 I am pleased to enclose Private Aid to Navigation Applications, CG-2554, authorizing the establishment of Stock Island East-Channgl A _Daybeacons 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A and Stock Island�_Fa X C" annP1-$..Daybeacons 1B, 2B, 3B, 4B, 5B, 6B. This authorization is issued under the following conditions: 1. Compliance with these and other conditions of the application is essential. You must not deviate from this application unless modification is submitted to and approval received from the United States Coast Guard. 2. That you advise the Commander, Seventh Coast Guard District (oan) . immediately when the aids are actually established. At that time, the Coast Guard will issue appropriate notices to mariners which will update the Light List and nautical charts. 3. These private aids to navigation shall be maintained in proper condition at all times. They will be inspected by the Coast Guard after .,:,establishment and at any time without prior notice to the maintainer. 4. The applicant agrees to save the Coast Guard harmless -with respect to any claim or claims that may result arising from the alleged negligence of the maintenance or operation of the approved aids. 5. A discrepancy exists whenever an aid is not, as described in the approved application. Any discrepancy in the operation of the aids at any time shall be reported to the Commander, Seventh Coast Guard District (oan) by telegram or other rapids means of communication in order that notices to mariners may be issued. Discrepancies are to be corrected at once and reported by the same method. 6. Changes in ownership -must be approved by the Coast Guard. Discontinuance and removal procedures should be requested from this office. R 16518 Serial: 2534 4 September 1979 Subj: Private Aids to Navigation 7. Coast Guard authorization of these private aids to navigation does not authorize any invasion of private rights, nor grant any exclusive privileges, nor does it obviate the necessity of complying with any other Federal, state or local laws or regulations. You are invited to review conditions 3 and 5 of this authorization. It must be understood that when any aid to navigation is established, whether federal or private, this information is published immediately and then carried on future editions of appropriate charts and in t1te Light List. Thereafter, mariners have the right to expect the aid to display the advertised signal and discrepancies left uncorrected may result in marine casualties and resultant litigation. Sincerely,�� A. C. DEMPSEY, Captain, U. S. Coast.Gua� Chief, Aids to Navigation Branch Seventh Coast Guard District By direction of the District Commander Encl: (1) CG-2554 approved 4 September 1979 Copy: Commander, Coast Guard Group, Key West, FL Officer in Charge, Coast Guard Aids to Navigation Team, Key West, FL Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville, Florida (Ms. Levin). Mr. Thomas J. Murray, County Extension Director, Monroe County Boating Improvement Liaison y DEPARTMENTOF PRIVATE AIDS TO NAVIGATION APPLICATION Form No. 0-d EludRtt Eiare�u No. 04•R3014 TRANSPORTATION (Sec attaches! itistruL;tions and copy of Cods of FecL Reg., Title 33, Chap. 1, Part 66) 4 U. S. COAST GUARD CG-2554 (Rev. 5-69) 2. DATE ACTION TO START 1. ACTION REQUESTED FOR PRIVATE r j AND tAAINTAIN B f,1 DISCONTINUE C I 1 CHANCE O. L� TRANSFER OYJNER SHIM A.S.A.P• AIDS TO NAVIGATION A L ESTABLISH -THROUGHOUT YEAR B. I_ I TEMPORARILY UNTIL C. ANNUALLY FROM TO D. A103 WILL BE OPERATED' A. (kJ ' 5. GI-_1J1'. ILAL LOCALITY o. CollinsOF ENGINEERS AUTffOR12LU THIS STRUCTURE OR BUOY BY o 4. NECESSITY FOR AID C�+tl+nuc in !flock R) t Shoals Boca Chica Channel. A C� T vv VV XXPL RMIT OR �_ LETTER (fill• and dnlC) SAJ-4 Preclude Groundings on APPLICANT WILL FILL IN APPLICABLE REMAINING COLUMNS FOR DISTRICT COMMAND[RS ONLY7 N0. !^LIGHT OLPUI CAll- H1, STRUCTURE REMARKS OR POSITION OF DLE ABOVE TYPE, COLOR, AND HEIGHT (Soctnafrurfiuna). - - F1.AstI wARR POWER WATER LISHT LIST NUM3ER PACE NAME OF AID L TR. ABOVE GROUND PER, LGIII. COLOR (]b) (7+(111 ) OR IIa) Ilb) Ilcl Dill Ilc) III) 11C1 — STOCK ISLAND EAST 01A JNEL A RD-• tk� 33-'�'-181'•N-- 9' Single. Pile Odd # SG Daymarks ==�� n�k;� 2A 83 9 -Daybeacon DnyTTrarr} : 3A B-LK:- 2��� 33 t-^z9 N--- 5' Single Pile Even # TR Daymarks -Daybeacon tTRlymaTk- 4A iuDr---24033-t-3.4LLN— 61 Single Pile -8 -Daybeacon :Da7`ma=1a 5A 2' Single Pile -DaybeaconW-- SEE ATTACKED SHUT it A111)I110t1A1 COMtA1.N1 1.) Coordinates subject to acceptance by National. Ocean Survey. 2) Each Daybeacon to be equipped with two (2) daymarks. 3) Each daymakk shall display its appropriate numeral and the letter "A"; 2A,3A,4A,5A. y1. NALt1 AN1• nt 111t1 '.5 !+1 4.1114UN IN DINECT Ili! NO NAA T ANDION AT W14CSS 01" PL N5Pf 00N.014AIU 15 ori• loll. II111 fit i1N1PC''11 A ANYIII f CLAIM I -I DvtlCLtft 'AST '1� t'A i,r.11 AN``r OF HE MAINI nit t. 1tAH 41 ri1 nll Director, Cooperative Extension MAIN FAINL"O tf'4G Fst0M 1111_ At LEGLO NL"GLIGL.I - oI1LR ATIODI OF TfIL APPROVED AIL Service, P. 0. Box 2545 A33040 M—ip—,���}p�^ tT� Board of County Commission TO DATE 10r1, SIGNATURE AND T I.E OF DFFI lL I Key West, FL Monroe County 91'. T I LI I""...1 140 305/296-9786 Key West, hI, 33040 6/13/79 Don Schloesse Ma-Chairman-.or�---C�hairman FOR USE BY DISTRICT COLLAIANDC_R III cn __ 11A fI AI'PIJOV C" SIGNAI 11 (HY ial" U. r+� � —..�—t.L ���D ?IJt1AL HOA ySIh It A f 101/OF AIDS CHART PA-37 t'I.. II I t, M �--- ��3• p'IT. ���' I, I,$ Vr,)US L1). 11I}II MAY III 11•,1 :1 aLr it Stock Island East Channel A Approximate Position —,Daybeacon 2A 24-33-20.QN 81-43-22.011 -Daybeacon 3A 24-33-29.6N 81-43-23.8V -Daybeacon 4A 24-33-34.0N 81-43-19,2W -Daybeacon 5A 24-33-41.8N 81-43-26.8W D PAIZT;lVNT ow r PRIVATE AIDS TO NAVIGATION APPLICATION Form Approved C3udFel Durellu-, TRANSPORTATION (See attached insfruc(ior7s and copy of Code of Fed. Reg., Title 3,?, Chap. 1, Part 66) No. 04•R]014 U. S. COAST GUARD CG-2551 (Rov. 5-69) 2. DATE ACTION TO START 1. ACTION REOUESTED FOR PRIVATE _ F_STAFfLISH AND MAINTAItJ It I_i OISCONTINUF C _I CIJANGE D. �I TRANSFER OWNERSHIP A.S,A,P. AIDS TO NAVIGATION A xi D. AIDS WILL BE OPERATED, A. I. THROUGHOUT YEAR ©. I- I TEMPORARILY UNTIL C. �_� ANNUALLY FROM TO �. NECESSITY FOR AID (Confinve in Block 6) 5. GENERAL LOCALITY �. CORPS OF ENGINEERS AUTHORIZED THIS STRUCTURE OR BUOY BY I_ SAJ-4 Preclude Groundintgs on Shoals Boca Chica Channel B _X r,,lCRl1iT OR L.CT TF_R (fit,! and dalJ) FOR DISTRICT COMMANDERS ONLY 7. APPLICANT WILL PILL IN APPLICABLE REMAINING COLUMNS NB. uc.1t r� DEP u, cAll NT.. sTnucrulzL REMARKS LIGHT LIST OR -- POSITION OF DLC ABDS'E (Soo Insfrurh„ns) II A- RATER POWER RATER TYPI, COLOR, ANB HEIGHT NUMBER NAME OF AID L TR. PCR, LGiH. COLORABOVE GROUND (70 OR PAGE 1h17r1 11111 IIn1 (II) OP.) (Ih) (7,1 r7o) 11 � , yI m-,irk- ..F.E1� -RD--• --No 33�N r._. 1 1 Single Pile TR Daymarks 83 -Daybeacon SEE ATTACHED SHEET 9 ADDITIONAL CrivMFNTS 1) Coordinates subject to acceptance by National Ocean Survey. 2) Each Daybeacon to be equipped with two (2) daymarks. 3) Each daymark shall display its appropriate numeral and the letter 11B11; 1B,2B,3B,4B,5B,6B. Sheet 2 of 2 97, rJ A.•t Ar1I'A1,11I,1 ',i r',i I,l NSON IN DIN ECT 00,7 11AIAC AND ADDRESS OF PERSON Oft CON- PONATION AT WHOSE EXPENSE AIO IS Iol1. Till AVPLICAIIT AGUE LS TO C-AVF. Illl" COAST GIIA`+tt, tIAI;PAI AR,!'.• YVI11/ ItESP C.CT ANY CLAIM. (.j CHA,7GI "I nll Director, Cooperative Extension MAIN I AIHL:O Itlli FlIOM Tilt- Al_I. L.GCI) tJ L' .I.I GIJF •: 1_ UH AL OPERATION OF THE APPROVED )I:II. Service, P. 0. Box 2545 Board of. County Commission 1 M'. UATC IO11, SIGNATURE ANC J L1: F 11 1 I I,, IIJ. �IIM."I 1i E p 3040 Monroe County i 7L, T1.Lr. PI n,UL 1411 305/296-9786 Key Nest, FL 33040 6/13/79 Don Schloes5e I1�}yctr-Chairmal FOR USE BY DISTRICT COMMAI1DEIt' ItI /:u _' DA rr APPHOVI-IN SIGNAIU141 It N•en. �'�s•� 1 ;i���AliUrjt��41t1Lji45�1.1442 ---- ��h �79 1 1, 17L''• CPA-37 1,,, I.1.1 JIf,IJt. 11,- 111111 I.IA / III II•.I II � A. U - c134-tk! 1 rb,".r. A1(113 �o E [{i�grA TitDoh I. DEPARTMENT OF -'--^-- TRANSPORTATION PRIVATE AIDS TO NAVIGATION APPLICATION U. S. COAST GUARD (See attached Form Appro�rA 7luflgel Duraou ; instructions and copy 01 Code o1 Fc 1. Reg., Title 33, Chap, No. 04-R3014 CG-2554 (Rev. 5-69) 1, Part 66) I. ACTION REQUESTED FOR PRIVATE AIDS TO NAVIGATION . A I F_STA DLISH AND MAINTAIN D tDISCOIJTINI/E C I- 1 2. DATE ACTION TO START CF/ANGE O. F—TRANSFER OVINERSFIII" A• S.. A.P 3. AIDS IYILL eE OFERATEO- A. [XI THROUGHOUT YEAR D. 1 _ ) TEMPORARILY UNTIL C. �1 ANNUALLY FROM 4. NECESSITY FOR AID (Continue In 870Ck 8) LOCALITY' TO 6. CORPS OF' ENGINCEF75 AUTHORIZED THIS Preclude Groundiings on Shoals =1AL Chica Channel STpVCTUREOR BUOY BY B �- "EfIM'T OR ��j LCTTrR (7i71• r,n(, 17nte) FOR DISTRICT COMMANDERS ONLY SAJ-4 7. APPLICANT WILL FILL IN APPLICABLE REMAINING COLUMNS ~---�------- ' LIGHT LIST NO• OR LIGHT —•- UEP 7H CAN- Il r. i STUCTL'HE R HUYBER NAME OF A10 OR PAGE LTR. PER. IL ASH POSITION LGTH. COLOR Of DlE ADO YE REMARK WATER POWER WATER TYPE, COLOR, AND HEIGHT (See InsfnoCtinnaI (7a) (71)) (7c) 170 Ile) ABOVE GROUND (71) OR) (lit) (71) STOCK ISLAND EAST CH dNEL B (711 d l�B...,� °83i� -3q -Daybeacon o -_�-4�3 '--4r-3 =1•W'. Single Pile Odd # SG Daymarks s - DnyTTra-k-• 2B R-D--- --•24l--32---47 5N. i , Even () TR Daymarks -Daybeacon o -$ Single Pile -DaymaTk-- 3B BI K -2 0 34 z- 02-, 5'�N--- 1' Single Pile -Daybeacon 4 -Daymzrrk-- 4B RD-•---7!4 .3A,L'f)-3-I5:41- 1' Single Pile -Daybeacon a -'D ymnrlt 5B IibK--*2�)°_ 3��.T.-.] 2."N� 41 c, Single Pile -DaybeaconE-P'3L'td- 1 (con tlnued) a A OD I I I Q IJ A C I M IA f.Nrs SEE ATTACHED SHEET 1 i i -' Sheet 1 of 2 i i I 11, NAI.II AII1r AI'I:111 '�l r.l 1.1 11 •r(71J 1 1 1 A 111. 1 i t A l l Director, Co(, Ile ral:ivc I11 1111// C I ,Irl lix tension Il AI.11 ANTI A171111/'„ fl f III F 1 •117 N O 11 (' 1)14. 1't)IIA II')11 AT WII U'•1 1 AI'I 1!'rl AIII 1•y A/AIN IAIIII IJ ---��-..'--'-' ^-"."'i^'...r-...-.�..�-,..,.� 1111 AI.1 `) If Afll 1. r, 171 I L )r, 5Avl 1141 rOASf (:IIA IIf IIA II111 / W1" 11# '�I I l i ICI /Illi 1 I.AtA 7It t LAIN•'• 111A1 MAY It '.111 1 AIII•.• 1UG I Ir O1,1 i1R'. All Service, Y. 0. Box 2545 Board Al. L1. lr I_1) NL(;LI GI NCC U1 1N1, L,Alil/ I uAIR71, OPERATION OF THE APPROVED AI01S). of County Commission 1 Key( West/,I i•FL 33040 Monroe County lot nATC 10'I, 'SIGNATURE Key West, FL 33040 AND TITLE OI* OF'` ICIA1, SIGNING FOR USE BY DISTRICT COMMANDER 6/13/79 Don Sch)o _. scr, A yor-Chairman IF Ch i_ • t HIAL NO CLASSIF 11.A 71O11 O!� AllJ9 a__ �—^' uATI APw/ov[n SI GNA t 111 - 7y fA 11• It11 7 ' C11A"r _ - PNE V 10U5 CI" I IO/J -AA Y fit •U61 N 1 /' �t • L , Stock Island East Channel B Aoorosimate Position -Daybeacon 1B - 24-33-44.ON 81-43-07.8W • -Daybeacon 2B 24-33-47.7N 81-43-05.2W -Davbeacon 3B 24-34-02.81i 81-43-13:21Y -Daybeacon 4B 24-34-04.3,N 81-43-10.OW -Davbeacon 5B 24-34-13.8N 81-43-23.81V -Daybeacon SB 24-34-21.8N 81-43-31.OW _ a r DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY JACKSONVILLE DISTRICT. CORPS OF ENGINEERS P. O. BOX 4970 JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA 32201 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT GENERAL PERMIT SAJ-4 =` Upon the recommendation of the Chief of Engineers, pursuant to Section 10 of the River and Harbor Act of March 3, 1899 (33 U.S.C. 403); general authority is hereby given to place non -Federal fixed and floating aids => to navigation in a navigable water of the State of Florida subject to the following conditions: a. That all activities identified and authorized herein shall be consis- tent with the terms and conditions of this permit; and that any activities not specifically identified and authorized herein shall constitute a violation of the terms and conditions of this permit which may -result in the modification, suspension or revocation of this permit, in whole or in part, as set forth more specifically in General Conditions j or k hereto, and in the institution of such legal proceedings as the United States Government may consider appropriate, whether or not this permit has been previously modified, suspended or revoked in whole or in part. b. Not used. c. Not used. d. ,That the permittee agrees to make every reasonable effort to prosecute the work authorized herein in a manner so as to minimize any adverse impact of the work on fish, wildlife and natural environmental values. e. That the permittee agrees to prosecute the work authorized herein in a manner so as to minimize any degradation of water quality. - _ f. That the permittee shall permit the District Engineer or his authorized representative(s) or designees) to make periodic inspections at any time deemed necessary in order to.assure that the activity being performed under authority of this permit is in accordance with the terms and condi- tions prescribed herein. g. That the permittee shall.'maintain the structure or work authorized herein in good condition. - :.. rM h. That this permit does not convey any property rights, either in real estate or material, or any exclusive privileges; and that it does not authorize any injury to property or invasion of rights or any infringe- ment of Federal, State, or local laws or regulations, nor does it obviate the requirement to obtain State or local assent required by law for the activity authorized herein. i. .That this permit does not authorize the interference with any existing or proposed Federal project and that the permittee shall not be entitled to compensation for damage or injury to the structures or work authorized herein which may be caused by or result from.existing or future operations undertaken by the United States in the public interest. j. That this permit may be summarily suspended, in whole or in part, upon a finding by the District Engin,per that immediate suspension of the activity authorized herein would be in the general public interest. k. That this permit may be either modified, suspended or revoked in whole or in part if the Secretary of the Army or his authorized repres- entative determines that there has been a violation of any of the terms or conditions of this permit or that such action would otherwise be in the public interest. 1. Not used. m. That any modification, suspension, or revocation of this permit shall not be the basis for any claim for damages against the United States. n. .Not used. o. Not"used. p. That no attempt shall be made by the permittee to prevent the -full and free use by the public of all navigable waters at or adjacent to the activity authorized by this permit. q. That if the display of lights and signals on any structure or work authorized herein is not otherwise provided for by law, such -lights -and signals as may be prescribed by the United States Coast Guard shall be installed and maintained by and at the expense of the permittee. r.-- That this permit does not authorize or approve the construction of particular structures, the authorization or approval of which may require authorization by the Congress.or other agencies of the Federal Government. s. 'That if and when the permittee desires to abandon the activity authorized'.. herein, he must restore the area to a condition.satisfactory to the District Engineer. t.. That if the recording of this permit is possible under applicable State or local law, the permittee shall take such action as may be neces- sary to record this permit with the Register of Deeds or other appropriate official charged with the responsibility for maintaining records of. to'the.interests in real property.., _ -2 ,._ m u. That there shall be no unreasonable interference with navigation by the existence or use of the activity authorized herein. v. Not used. - SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. This permit covers only those non -Federal fixed and floating aids to navigation in a navigable water of the United States intended to assist a navigator to determine his position or safe course or warn him of danger or obstruction to navigation. 2. Mooring buoys, stilt houses, anal advertising signs are not authorized by this permit as well as the marking of sunken vessels -or bridges, whose markings are covered by other regulations. 3. All installations and characteristics of these private aids to navi- gation will conform to the requirements of the Coast Guard for marking, lighting, signaling, etc. 4. No'discharge of dredged or fill material into navigable water is authorized by this permit. 5. Permittee must obtain authorization from the Commander of the 7th Coast Guard District in which the private aids will be located prior to such installation. . 6. The authorization applies to'the described works in any of the navi- gable waters of the State of Florida in the Jacksonville District (excluding Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands) excepting the -right of way or.within 100 feet of the near edge of the channel of the Intracoastal Waterway or other authorized Federal Navigation project. 7. The permittee shall restore the waterway to its former conditions without expense to the United States and in such time and manner as the Secretary of the Army or his authorized representative may direct on notice of revocation of this permit. If the permittee fails to comply with such direction the Secretary of the Army or his designee may restore the waterway to its former conditions by contract or otherwise and recover the cost thereof .from the permittee. BY AUTHORITY OF THE SECRETARY OF THE ARMY: DONALD A. WISDOM date Colonel, Corps- Engineers DEFENDING OUR FREEDOM -DEVELOPING OUR RESOURCFS A FIGHTING ARM NAVIGATION, POWER a FLOOD CONTROL L RESEARCH a DEVELOPMENT w .�\ � 'tea._ -- - - - -_ _ -ate _' "_ �_ ram ---ems.• RECREATION a WATER SUPPLY MILITARY CONSTRUCTION U. S. ARMY t CORPS OF ENGINEERS i I MAPPING THE WORLD S .0 o lON SI S'41 �J 1NdlbOavV1 oocs •3ff1 31vAI" 40.0 Ally N3.6 bTEzQOd ss3Nisns iv1O1dd0 llvw'ST 3N1 JO 1N3w4av io IOZZE vQ16101A '3-I'IIAN0SHJvf OIva 13311 ONv 30v1fW OLt• YOf •O J 3-1-IIANOS)I::)vf '101H-LSIQ U33NIDN3 AWMv 'S n AWav 3H1. -40 LN3H.L?A dd3C3 Pft-"*" 3201 GOLF COURSE BOULEVARD - BOB GRAHAM PUNTA GORpA, FLORIDA 33950 GOVERNOR JAC08 D. VARN - �• - - � � � �� SECRETARY jr!�F a Fic�d STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTi'OENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION SOUTH FLORIDA BRANCH OFFICE Monroe County Board of County Commissioners August 2, 1979 b Thomas J. Murray Florida Cooperative Extension Service Post Office Box 2545 Key West, Florida 33040 • Gentlemen: This is to acknowledge receipt of your application, file number 44-22433-5E for a permit to: establish aids to navigation in Boca Chica Channel (Class III Waters) and Tavernier Creek (Class III Waters), Monroe Creek. _ This letter constitutes notice that a permit will bey required for your project pursuant to Chapters) , Florida Statutes. Your application for permit is ccmplete as of and processing has begun. You are advised that the depart -went under Chapter 120,•Flor4da Statutes, must take final action on your application within ninety (90) days unless the time is+tolled by an administrative hearing. _ Your application for permit is incomplete. Please provide the information listed on the attached sheet promptly. Evaluation of your proposed project will be delayed until all requested irfor?ration has been received. _ The additional information received on was reviewed, however, the items listed on the attached sheet remain inccmplete. Evaluation of your proposed project will continue to be delayed until we receive all requested information. XXX At this time no permit is required for your project by this department, and there are no objections to your prcposal. Any modifications in your plans shculd be submitted for review, as changes may result in permits being recuJ ed. This letter does nc= relieve you from the need to obtain any other permits (local, state or federal) which may be recuired. Tf you have any questions, please contact Philip A. Barbacc i a of office. ►-2-.en rererring to this project, please use the f''e number indicated above. i rce-nly 6J �� ,C Philip R. Edwards District Manager PRE/PAB/ds , cc: U.S.A.C.O.E. DER :or -.a 17-1.122 (57) _ JI Bi1CiN. hC7, Z V t bEE GaLclyr- M•. bmeKt�Rounv- SeE GeLOV, 40. Z R NOIfCbIit6 - SEE Gc)Lov, Na. 1 I j yl ( 1 C'L° 1'J0{zDEr® !-- -- --ice.. ---- -I �✓(rYF1GnL) . 1�G (c�r,t? N:1,v,e14 Et7) t t t G0L(��`). 1 x I• - GfTEP-K KeFL.t'_GTIVF- rjGOTGM L.IT-E 77 FLUc?REScErT 4v-fEK yGOTGHGAL fCFE9-22Z I I 0 '5,- REO i;EFL.E;G.TIVlA- yGorGNLI rE �v72 I 1 4.— FLUc'>QEtIt.E,IT Z.ED SGOTGHGAL_ t<FMy-g�9 i i I I I . i 1 I i 50XOE1L- toEE CULpR. V11 C co ZZ CHOH� > c� ^cam PJ n G 1� GI IZ L'' J N - �� E E - - •� \ \ .Rey DATE APPR. DESCRIPTION !Y Go L vlZ N". 4. - \ U.S. COAST GUARD /A I A /A I, F L r-n. > DESIGNED: -t T4 r IhT R 1 G T- ,�ott MUMP�6TL5 - `5LE t DRAWN: t7.E.C. 1 N I GaLoR H•, 3 (/I ') ! \ QATt: 4•G-76- 1 V I L ENGINEERING /ZlCHECKED: �_ �� i REVIEWED BY: L () T E R. C'i L rn is P, \ - caE4ERl1L U5E ERIE5 -7�/-2 Ax,ILE tic •Y,II,r-IL Dar' VI->IDILIrY REVIEWED BY: ---•---------------------.._..� . 2 P�oRrLK (rYPIG(•1L�Q 2t- On APPRgVED: DATE 2 r cz (EveN Nu/tiltiLz.Eo) • CNIEI OI r. t.:l W_ N `� [) T t F n G T U R T TCD n N REVIEWED BY: _ DRAWING NUM6ER� —_ 4 i 4— SCALE: I ,11.° - I'- O'l SHEET 1 Of 1 _ COUNTY OF MONROE ?BEY WEST, FLORIDA SPECIFICATIONS FCR.IN-S'.T'ALLATION OF DAYBEACONS TO MAR''C TAVERNIER CREEK, FLORIDA KEYS, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Sealed bids will be received by the Board of County Commis- sioners, Monroe County, Key West, Florida until 2:00 P.M. , at which time all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud for installation of Daybeacons at Tavernier Creek. Specifications for installation of treated wood piles complete with U.S. Coast Guard approved Daybeacons, in the location in- dicated on the enclosed section. 1. PILES: (A) Piles shall be of timber treated with chro- mated copper arsenate (C.C.A.) (B) Piles shall be of timber which will stand the driving for which they are intended. (C) A straight line drawn from the center of the butt to the center of the tip shall not at any point, face further away from center of the pile than a distance equal of 10 of the length of the pile. (D) Minimum butt diameter = 12" measured 3' from end. Minimum tip diameter = 8". 2. LENGTH OF PILES: Piles to be of sufficient length to pro- vide a minimum of four feet penetration into the existing sea floor and an elevation of 12 feet above mean high water. Mean high water to be determined by adding two feet to the chart depth indicated on the proposed location of each pile. 3. DAYBEACONS: Daybeacons to be constructed and erected as in- dicated on the enclosed sketches. 4. CERTIFICATION: Bidders will certify location of pile by latitude and longitude upon completion of work. 5. DEMOLITION: No existing piles. The Board of County Commissioners reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. r 9_L7, 7tV L f ttt .ij,. is : (crt 00L) \_ i / :o _ il.-l. —E -- -- --- --- (L' F-'-,ro..�) - i.7= C.�•y - :�5=���. _,,L3�C,-w ♦S T��_I fit. TI. } 7AvY :� - -- `----t .�r��-±r'.D - J o TV�°�` 'y •��.,--'' -_r �V_J -- -_. `- _-t+_may 11 c ___-------------TOPOFPILES a CREOSOTED PILE NhL u MEAN HIGH 6`LATER MUD LINE _ MINIMUM REQUIRED PENE- TRATION OR REFUSAL 1 ELEVATION ELEVATION PORT SIDE STARBOARD SIDE *SEE SECTION B (INSTALLATION'OF DAYBOARDS) Figure 4-6. Single pile wood beacon structure (unlighted). Data Sheet 4-D(1). (cont'd). 4-19 .OFFICE OF: Florida Cooperative Extension Service P.o. sox 2545 Key West, Florida 33040 294-4641 , ext . 160 Mr. Clarence J. Keevan Frank Keevan and Son General Contractors Key West Branch 2nd Street, Stock Island Key West, Florida 33040 Dear Mr. Keevan: l; BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RICHARD A. KERR, District 1 4 " "'' Y' " PURI EGTON "PURIE" HOWANITZ, District2 JERRY HERNANDEZ, JR., District 3 JEROME SHIPLEY, District 4 DON SCHLOESSER, District 5 OUNTY o MONROE _ KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 ' (305) 294.4641 January 9, 1981 We understand your concerns over increased costs having occurred since you originally submitted bids for the daymarker projects in Tavern- ier Creek and Boca Chica Channels A and B. I have enclosed copies of the appropriate NOS navigation chart segments showing the locations and numbering of the daymarkers. You will note that Tavernier Creek has no changes. Channel A has only a change in the numbering and color of one marker (from 2A triangle to 1A green square). 'Itwas determined after on -site inspection and localadvice that the Channel B project would require an additional marker. The original number was six; there is a need for seven. The position and numbering is clearly shown in the chart. Mr. Lewin and I have discussed this entire matter and would like to ask you for a letter stating an updated bid based on two factors: (1) the altered economic financial situation that has taken place since August 198G and the present, (2) the placement of one additional marker (as noted in Channel B). We have the associated paper work now complete. If you chose to submit an update, rather than withdraw your bid entirely, we are ready to present this to the County Commission for consideration. Should they approve, we can then forward the project packages to the Boating Improve- ment Fund Grants Program. While I wouldn't hazzard a guess on timing, the BIF response, we feel, will be expeditious. Mr. Clarence J. heevan 2. January 9, 1981 We'll be glad to answer any questions you may have. Mr. Lewin and I look forward to your response. Thank you for your continued in- terest and cooperation. Sincerely, , dfrey A. Fisher Extension Director II Marine Agent - MAP Liaison Agent - Boating Improvement Fund JAF/bv cc: K. Lewin, County Administrator County Attorney S. Ryan, District Director, Cooperative Extension Service -- 0 z S 4 3 I 4 1 9 TR 3 �j' \ ! 12 fi _ e 3 STOCK ISL/i\i) �� ~� 4_2u12� 2 I 4 5.❑ a , 1 /J 52 •. .+aCs �._t__ t R R iw+wrl—�� 2 4 i ��. 3 1.01 /' IFt� r -:. cuwr, - ' G� 'e1�P.aIV' - `�\ I ^17' G". 1 4 V 9' 2 4/ 2 e rr , �� k», �, /� l 7 10 '%I �// 5 :Len 3 [ 7 2 2 / i owe" CL ze rE .1 es .+la�a�,y - 1 6 y _' IS 3� « 6.. IR.2 --17 CUP e '� (`-1 2 ��- �I 2 vd I 4 (� 4.. 4 4 6 t l 11 J 4 GPI' v `� `C CFI QG ���, I 1 =t i.' �% 0 � elt��ws ( � � �*y mangrove !1 I el,, O ,��• ^�^ ^ ���S7 ca�, ; � ✓/ \ fe15S.' 1 s- : FIR4�c16i3M 6 I CON �7� . 11!.ernational + OYERHEAD nwER CAeLE ort -� y _ 1 I� // R AUTH CL MAIN [HAN Iw FT +1 2 8 �AUTH. CL. ELSE'NH ERE .S FT r * 4 ro= G._. 3 .y. 31A2� a/ / 3 2 / 5 i �I 4 PI9 3 6 1, .2 3 s -O.ER 3 4 22 -r. 6 .5. i, _ 5 �i 2 3 / sY 3 � - '.� ��� 5 .y-7 � 5 hrd 6 9 2 : ''' o AA ?// qA 3 Rks 2 2 3 5 40 sec ,eft art 8 '? �7 5 5 i 4 5 1 2 9 i' 8` 7 // �^FY 8\"2 2 7 g 1 4 ems`:RM 7 i131911J� 12' �9/'.. 8 7 � II 4I g 10 L 2 14 /� -���lp' 13 ,,i5 j hrd 13 7 7 / G .t.Q F1 -sec 16ft 5M "1" .// I � 12, t0 8 14 , %t7'�_f���'119 17: 0 9 g 16 j 19 �� 19 hrd 20 .- �20 20 15 h tilp 16. ' 7 t0 17 1` , t : 20 20 IS) 15 .12 . 12 • t t vl 17' i 21 23 I I Ck F'! Ft s''- 1 IS 12 i' Iv 19 22 23 20 2 22 hi -a 21 21 14 ' 2 23 I �— 23 I 24 27 29 1 z I 24 sft 27 23 24 c5 27 hrd , j 1 25 23 i 23 hrd 31 J 32 I 28 ! 29 26 31 31 27 ; w .•1 29 i 31 23 -i ' 20 a —T.92, 33• ` 32 \ 30 hrd 23 hrd 1 . 26 26 31 -. hM ` 30 30 28 25 �2 32�� 30 20 �1 s� 26 22 32 hrd 27 T1 121 22 �/ �0 30 � lv as' I ":o� i 26. G' 19 hrd `3 27 '. 20 ?I `.1 23 r"y mirky 30 20 r IS srs 33 3 ` 25 27 I}- 33 20 31 _ �J { / 2 r 34 LL L3 �Y 33 i5..i J2i ,10, 33' 30 .31 �OS ��0.� �1T 17 s:k3 30 19 25 ' , 0 22 27 - h� 79 6 34 :j 32 ?2V-.2�/./��f% Vi�6�i lW►L ,/��il/IJ�g s•k 33 306 17 ,,, B 19 15 11 •`5 }- Is -1 31 31 ' 29---`-�- . r4y- i — - _29 _ ` 33 18' hrd (1j.. 30 31 27 l) j 30: 31 16 1 37 32 33 31 -J 32 i 32 1 33 30 �1 .? rrd 20 rkv 33 33 33 - :11' r 29 t2 - 20"-- �-` 30 3?7 �' i8.28. 23 srw 34 _ c� 1130'1 32 lJ 1 jl \ 32 25 t 32 31 32 32 33 J4 \tu;i < ;� 32 0 q 18• 2- :\ <'3 13-�` ^ 34 32 33 16 20 4 ✓ �j 28 I'2'. ,'S 3 19`5"' 14'.- " 31- 17'. In'. 33 __33 29 r4y 3 �.�9 C,•� i 1�� 2 S o 3 I ! � \�' 3 •o_ �Ut;e r�.a�_.-rro a oets�5� _=-4 ». 12 _6 _ -*fry t 3 I % .7 3 STOCK ISLAND �1 g+. 2 S.o/ 4 2 3 IWRWFIIiP4 ' 7 / 7��4' 01 is R6 7 r./1�1 }a/ 2 L. IT a. V i i'---�-I.�� a +F 7 5 --d ? 2 // 1 •wt casts ��-• ci :art 0 I R s-Kiz.lsoo.rr !' :� I 6 .. IS`. Gfa* V 71R 2 cur (� i' = 7 p � �/ 2,. g rove s'IG t;.-s `•(!/1/ ..a.. man i FIR4sec16ftsM b J `< O I III 9 /F•- TICrEO� a ternational J ! +s GC) K . _ +6 5a.�• I I �7\ 6 '/! _Ji /73i>eensrz i ► j 1 L 6 y�I OVERHEAD GOwICI CABLE o[t s"T cL MA:N HAN sa IT 2 �" AUTN. CL. ELSEWHERE 1: ET ;y rF + u� . a 20 2 / ;/�4 Rk' .. .... .. 2 s S I 19 3 F;// / MWER G 4 �'�_e2z1�` 6��'�, •5 R` 3 5 3 2 3 s a.i� 3 5 4„7 5 Md 6 9 ° Pd �/ 2 Ak 3 R4s t 2 2 3 g /' `' a 55 a%/ 7 g 5 2 c 10 < ❑/ �✓ 9 �I 4 4 5 9 S 8 7 // �7 2 7 19 I, ` 9 R 7 13`., a 14 10 � 1 10 13 IS Y nm hrT! 11 IJ 7 13 7 0, r{ 4sec 16ft :// 14 .t. M "I"16 m IO 8 14'G j' 19 ' �t�'/ ITRA v 9 9 i \ti�,`� 20 16 / 19 19 hrd 20 1: IS hfdjO ^ 16. " IO / 20 17. 20 20 !J v I , IS 12'� w i1 17 Q1ti� 21 23 Imo? 14 hrdI 19 23 22 23 20 hrt1 21 21 14 j "221 22 23 23 I 27 29 = 26 �65 2� 24 24 srr v 27' I o C I 23 24 �� 29 27 hrd I ` 25 AS 23 I hrd v1,31'- ' 32 79 hftf 29-1 26 . 31 29 j �I 'C " 29 31 28 �---�" 27 26 18 32' 31 ", 'r' w'l 33 - 32 \�v 30 30 hrd 26 23 26 hrd t hrd 30 28 25 Y 32 32 30 20 26 22 32 30 hrd 27 N 1 21 22 30 �j j �\ �� 17: A 45• I i j �c 21 r \\ lj 23 19 20 hfd 23 27 IS' sn 33 33 23 �0 rk 3 30 /�_ ZU 25 27 j.v L 30 1 26 19i 34 H 33 15 'Ar 32 31 1 30 sa 33 t7 sfk,223 30 31 19 30/Y�S \:• rTI�Y/ no, i� f'ri Arid 34 25 +' _ - hrj" ?9 1 Y 34 y 32 32 i2 30 2 I� 30 ij � � Z8 � 31 - _29 5 _ "�` 18/ hrd J 31 V1 29 _ rFy �, 29 33 20 27 31 32 — 1 31 32 16 37 31 0 a.r 32 30 --31 3 d 1 J3 y 33 33 V i9 �. �2Q rk 33 33 30 _ 30 30, ' 23 �27sfk 34 32 2S 32 t� 21 �. -s`�. 32 3! J2 72—J 33 34 'Joi ` SfI 3a 19' _ = 16l 32 l IT' so• 19 <4.-\� L9 (tb 20 '520 34 �0 32 33 'Al 25t15 13 �S\ f4 14 .17 "�33 33 `g — rky '.� �0 , tB. -- 3- \ JI .29 1 _.-_u,�e.:..xu:..:-,...-�-;.:.-�.._�.�..-.s:.wamsrw>:.n -,._.,..i.- .i 4-n:.,-.n.;._�ace:>ez- :..-c�...r^.6 _.av, s:�-e<+�; _.�-:...�:...._•�` __...:.�..._r ,_ -.:.: -.:�, '•..s..�_�'�.....:::"..s_"pr :ye<. - w •S' �� �. i 6 'h0A• L/ i 31 (12 G'57' 5, 5�-b R � v S [it P11 6 IIsh lJ.' \\• nr� �r/'j II '� .�\\'.)v � 1��1�``�"Sa' �'''lJ ..;., �,✓� J- -0 5 2''\�?13 64!OGE `l \ 1 ..��ryi�j ``��J '�....�,.r „�`•r J/ %,,� �/• �i n /\ �l aT C: 10 FT r. � �� �I l' �'� f :� -\`V� ' ' �/ f\ \ ,s .,,pro^ H _'-����� � s�� �'�• �� � ]- 1� `, t ��� i ice` ✓ i t! 3PA 2 A,vrn,er Hhr 3 5 5 J 5 �5st w 5M 2 �.arc 6 hrd � 7 -/ L ,3 II s 16 4 � rK, 3 IO p, 1^ Flfl4sec tC.t31 14 '� / 17 i1 12 16 16 \ \j / 15 _� rd IL �� 13 13 13 14 20 3 17 / hrd i° 17 20 ( 20 I a 7 / 16 20 I 20 o 7. 8 �20 tb nr:�.. .•.'�S ^....... - 21 21 21 14 7 \ y H . A l t' 3Ii H �; � L 1- C- . L — I r ' - r- 13 16 L19 I� r 1 14 2G I f 2 13 2 ( 9,, /f / \ 2_ 2 2t 21 23 2< 20 17 v J. 11' o �1 b 3 1� '2 J Ib 16 t6 14 ­7A 5 14 13V I If io 10 ��\ O S ` 0 5 MAIN OFFICE 296 N. E. 60TH STREET MIAMI. FLORIDA 33137 TELEPHONE 754-9441 FRANK KEEV_ N & SON, INC. MECHANICAL & GENERAL CONTRACTORS KEY WEST BRANCH January 16, 1981 .2N0 STREET -STOCK ISLAND KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 TELEPHONE 294-0520 f • Jeffrey A. Fisher, Extension Director 11 P. 0. Box 2545 Key West, Florida Re: Daymarkers - Tavernier Creek, Stock Island Channels A & B. Dear Mr. Fishery tIn reply to your letter of January 9, 1981, we have reviewed the two projects in question and have found the following: A. Stock Island, Day Markers for Boca Chica Channels A & B, we would require an increase of $ 2,425.00 to cover the added marker and to increase in our cost for materials, labor, transportation and fuels since August of last year. B. Tavernier Creek, Daymarkers. In August last year we were mobilized in he Indian �ey'area with our Marine equipment working on a State project. This work has since been completed and our men, barge and equipment has been returned to Key West. We would have to increase our price by $ 2,900 to cover the added mobilization, food and lodging for this time of year, plus the additional cost mentioned above under the Stock Island project. We would except either or both of the projects subject to the above mentioned increases. Should you have any questions, please call me. Very truly yours, FRANK E� &SON, Inc. 1 en Keevan P r sid t . CJK: as ,. T w� i 1 M M.Rg 40, i a_ 71, Ci ,.; ` dP'.`'` f i. """te • T P '+.s .rp'r .e; t ? 1}� fi.T '.s ,, v'f�� ✓+'i :t; y r t 4 1 r ,,v , , ` i s ,r„. �K- a t, r; 1 vy ? iwaat. • BQARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS — '^fx OFFICE OF: WJhelniina Harvey, District 1 — -� Florida Cooperative Curt Bleir, District 2 -A _= Extension Service Mayor Protem Jerry Hernandez, Jr., District 3 T' MAYOR George E. Dolezal, District 4 ' " `x ,''; P.O. BOX 2545 Ken Sorensen, District 5 Key West, Florida 33040 OUNTY o MONROE F+ � KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 (305) 294 4641 ~ January 26, 1981 M E M O R A N D U M To: Kermit Lewin, County Administrator 4L From: Jeffrey A. Fisher, County Extension Director II Boating Improvement Fund Liaison Agent Subject: BOATING IMPROVEMENT FLND PROJECTS BID UPDATES The following represents the bid revisions for two Boating Improvement Fund projects, based on the attached letter from Mr. Clarence Keevan, dated 16 January, 1981. JAF/bv Project Project Boca Chica A & B Tavernier bid $ 7,700 $ 7,400 increase 2,425 2,900 total needed $10,125 $10,300 v L' ('F FLORIDA OF NATURAL 17,.ESOU:?C;ES %ric.la Doating Improvement Program Program Application Project Identification S 9 1. Type of Project: acquisition Development X Planning Launch Site i'+es1 X For Office Use Only Docking Facility Expansion Date Received Project No. Channel Marking X Renovation . County I.. Other (sr.ecify) 2. Project Title: Tavernier Creek Daymarkers 3. Project Location: Off of Tavernier Key, Florida to' Tavernier Creek entrance 4. Brief Description of Project: erect unlighted daymarkers to aid recreational boating navigation i S. Grant Requested- $ 10,300 ' Source of Other Funds: Estimated Total Project cost $ 10,300 6. Applicant Identification: Applicant County: Monroe. Located in City of: Liaison Agent: Jeffrey A. Fisher Appointed Representative of Monroe (name of County) of County Commissioners Address. Public Service Building P. 0, Box 2545 Key West, FL 33040 Phone No. 305/294-4641 x 160 or x 159 7. Signature:. Date: Janu (if applicable) County, Board r7j -,l!'.7^r :it'J ,,..iL:1O;l (L•r)rr;:.I;III.,rj) OF FLOPIDA OF NATUP?L PESOU C S Florida Boating Improvement Program Program AQolication for Development M 1. Ownership of Site: Federal State Local 2. Total Estimate' Cost: $ 10,300 3. Type and Estimated Cost of Proposed Development (By Unit): Y'. Facilitv Quantity and Unit of Measure Specify No. and/or Feet' Estimated Cost unlighted daybeacons f 8 1$10,300 I . Contingency - � , (10� maximum) Total $10,300 4. Type and Status of Required Permits, Easements or Leases Type: U.S. Coast Guard Status approved 5. Required Attachments a. vicinity map Coast Guard Chart b. site development plan not applicable c. copies of required permits, easements or leases or letters stating none are required Coast Guard Aids to Navigation d. proof of county/local ownership or other form of site control not applicable e. design certification if applicable enclosed 2 7 4 c. , •57 R , _ '•�.'� 12 ,s -� -67Cut Hammer Pt 6 sf, iz, i v, a v 4 �: 71rha,1� ���` 7. FIXED 6RIDGEOL 2 dR .•i>�>� 4a. •,.' I!1 �' '\� / ♦ HOR.CL.36FT. �r���, �•\r <.. may• y, ERT L. 10 FT A ,l/ Ta r•ernerr f(1,r � •6 ! . 3 - P A 6 4 5 G R 5 8 8 -- 17C�-�rA - �4- 6secl _ r. � 7 7 - _� I L \\\ c� 7 8 7 \ 3 y 0 ! _ !i .......... f�D L c \ i4 '.2 rrll�f•h K I \P II —' 2 e �, .... G - �\\ 14 3 ,• 2 II .3, ^ 13 ! 6 4 10 2 3 2 s1 10J;��3;4 9 7 d 16 hrd 9 a 9�� 14 FIR 4sec 1611 3M 3 13 12 16 16 17 le 14 13 13 i3 14 15 20 9 17 hrd 19 v� 19 17 7 20 20 6 7 v w or. 6 19 rs., _ 9 I. 7 17 ^�`r` f 'V 20 20 19 a! rnr.r sN vn^r✓v✓ 19 !—� 16 A5 n r-18 18 19 20 ".21 2 !1'1V1i"� 14 i5 14 21 2 12 7 15 20 1! ! % 13 6 17 _..............--.20....... 21 21 � 20 H A Lt / y K 1, u...�. n, 17 T r 1, , 2! ,d. 11 A N 1 L-/ L ..........................................14........ ....... 14 13 4 ...........6 16 16 15 `%' 4 13 , 3 !I 17 17 ;6 / --� II 7 14 li 18 hrd 14 17 (a \ 131 I0 15 !!� :4 i--�13 19 16 17 �� 16 1 15 rky 17 �- 20 2J \ 20 �\O- 7 nrd 22 22 21 i3 21 14 16 I 23 22 ?0I,QS V 0 4 15 14 14 r �lgL3 14 1 �- is 16 �e 11 O 10 rFy G 16 17 !6 16 17 11 1c Ay 9 16 !0 15 14 \ "j 14 17 15 9 13 IS i0 6 16 0 14 73 S 11 it 14 10 16 ?0 19 t7 7 u 11 IS 17 ! Project Title county STATE OF FLORIDA DE P '.RT.'o1E T .OF NATURAL RESCURCES Florida Boating IoroveTent Procrari Pre -Construction. Certification Tavernier Creek Monroe IL I hereby certify that the plans and specifications for the above referenced prcject comply with the project design criteria estab_i Shed bil —:e �eoar�:�enc ur ' `F? C ce • y O� NaL�.._3i eS -lir S, and Will, if carried ollt, result in completed facilities incorporating acceptable engineering design standards, which facilities will be structurally sound, safe and suitable for their location and intended use. rojec L ,gin . r Date: October 9, 1980