Resolution 051-1981 ~- RESOLUTION NO. 51- 1981 RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING FUNDS WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Board of County Cornrnissioners of Monroe County, Florida, to rnake budgeted transfers set up in the Monroe County Budget for the year 1980-81, and to create new iterns under said Budget, now, therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COWqISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the budgeted transfers previously set up in the Monroe County Budget for the year 1980-81 in the arnounts hereinafter set forth be transferred to and frorn the fOllowing accounts: GENERAL REVENUE FUND Transfer frorn Itern #001-100-511-51.00, Office Supplies, the surn of $150.00, into Itern #001-100-511-54.02, Subscripti.ons Transfer frorn Itern #001-1901=564-64.00, Capital Outlay, the surn of $20.00, into Itern #001-1901-564-51.00, Office Supplies Transfer frorn Itern #001-1001-515-40.01, Travel - Board, the surn of $500.00, into Itern #001-1001-515-46.02, Maintenance of Equiprnent Transfer frorn Itern #001-1001-515-40.01, Travel - Board, the surn of $500.00, into Itern #001-1002-524-46.02, Maintenance of Equiprnent Transfer frorn Itern #001-2300-537-41.00, Cornrnunications, the surn of $127.38, into Itern #001-2300-537-24.00, Workrnens Compensation Transfer frorn Itern #001-1401-525-12.00, Salaries, the surn of $2,400.00, into Itern #001-1401-525-64.01, Capital Outlay - Equiprnent Page 1 of 10 Pages Transfer frorn Itern #001-701-519-51.00, Office Supplies, the surn of $46.00, into Itern #001-701-519-54.02, Subscriptions Transfer frorn Itern #001-300-514-12.00, Salaries, the surn of $325.91, into Itern #001-300-514-13.00, Salaries Non-Payroll Transfer from Itern #001-1002-524-12.00, Salaries, the surn of $571.53, into Itern #001-1002-524-13.00, Salaries Non-Payroll Transfer frorn Itern #001-601-516-40.00, Travel, the sum of $200.00, into Itern #001-601-516-64.00, Capital Outlay, Transfer frorn Itern #001-601-516-40.00, Salaries Non-Payroll, the surn of $1,000.00, into Itern #001-601-516-54.02, Subscriptions Transfer frorn Itern #001-1821-564-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $95.00, into Itern #001-1821-564-49.24, Advertisernent Transfer frorn Itern #001-1821-564-12.00, Salaries, the surn of $30.00, into Itern #001-1821-564-31.06, Medical & Surgical Expense Transfer frorn Item #001-912-562-31.06, Medical & Surgical, the surn of $300.00, into Itern #001-912-562-46.02, Maintenance of Equiprnent Transfer frorn Itern #001-1821-564-34.00, Contractual Services, the surn of $349.37, into Itern #001-1821-564-41.00, Cornrnunications Transfer frorn Item #001-1821-564-41.00, Cornrnunications, the surn of $18.22, into Itern #001-1821-564-44.00, Rentals Transfer from Itern #0011902-564-12.00, Salaries & Wages, the surn of $35.93, into Itern #001-1902-564-24.00, Workrnen's Cornpensation Transfer frorn Itern #001-1901-564-12.00, Salaries & Wages, the surn of $85.87, into Itern #001-1901-564-49.00, Miscellaneous Supplies Page 2 of 10 Pages Transfer frorn Itern #001-1822-564-46.02, Maintenance of Equiprnent, the surn of $100.00, into Itern #001-1822-564-13.00, Non-Payroll Respite Care Transfer frorn Itern #001-1822-564-49.25, Fees Consultant, the surn of $300.00, into Itern #001-1822-564-45.00, Insurance & Bonds Transfer frorn Itern #001-1822-564-52.04, Tools & Irnplernent, the surn of $150.00, into Itern #001-1822-564-45.00, Insurance & Bonds Transfer frorn Itern #001-1822-564-49.24, Advertising, the surn of $30.00, into Itern #001-1822-564-45.00, Insurance & Bonds Transfer frorn Itern #001-1822-564-52.01, Gas, Oil & Lube, the surn of $29.00, into Itern #001-1822-564-45.00, Insurance & Bonds Transfer frorn Itern #001-1822-564-52.01, Gas, Oil & Lube, the ~urn of $130.94, into Itern #001-1822-564-22.00, Retirernent Transfer frorn Itern #001-0205-513-24.00, Worker's Cornpensation, the surn of $771.02, into Itern #001-0100-511-24.00, Worker's Cornpensation Transfer frorn Itern #001-0601-516-24.00, Worker's Cornpensation, the surn of $29.00, into Itern #001-0201-513-24.00, Worker's Cornpensation Transfer frorn Itern #001-0702-519-24.00, Worker's Cornpensation, the surn of $8.42, into Itern #001-0701-519-24.00, Worker's Compensation Transfer frorn Itern #001-0901-519-24.00, Worker's Cornpensation, the surn of $370.08, into Itern #001-0903-519-24.00, Worker's Cornpensation Transfer frorn Itern #001-0910-562-24.00, Worker's Cornpensation, the surn of $45.65, into Itern #001-0911-562-24.00, Worker's Cornpensation Page 3 of 10 Pages Transfer frorn Itern #001-601-516-12.00, Salaries & Wages, the surn of $33,384.00, into Itern #001-206-516-12.00, Salaries & Wages Transfer frorn Itern #001-601-516-21.00, FICA, the surn of $2,046.00, into Itern #001-206-516-21.00, FICA Transfer frorn Itern #001-601-516-22.00, Retirernent, the surn of $3,038.00, into Itern #001-206-516-22.00, Retirernent Transfer frorn Itern #001-601-516-23.00, Group Insurance, the surn of $1,466.00, into Itern #001-206-516-23.00, Group Insurance Transfer frorn Itern #001-801-513-44.00, Rentals, the surn of $100.00, into Itern #001-801-513-49.24, Advertisernent Transfer frorn Itern #001-1804-564-12.00, Salaries, the surn of $4,656.25, into Item #001-1804-564-52.11, Food & Dietary Transfer frorn Itern #001-1804-564-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $798.00, into Item #001-1804-564-40.00, Travel Transfer frorn Itern #001-1804-564-12.00, Salaries, the surn of $200.00, into Itern #001-1804-564-46.02, Maintenance of Equipment Transfer frorn Itern #001-1804-564-12.00, Salaries, the surn of $66.63, into Itern #001-1804-564-44.00, Rentals Transfer frorn Itern #001-1804-564-12.00, Salaries, the surn of $14.77, into Item #001-1804-564-43.00, Utilities Transfer frorn Itern #001-1804-564-21.00, FICA, the surn of $161.03, into Itern #001-1804-564-43.00, Utilities Page 4 of 10 Pages Transfer frorn Itern #001-1804-564-21.00, FICA, the surn of $84.49, into Itern #001-1804-564-23.00, GRINS Transfer frorn Item #001-1804-564-22.00, Retirernent, the sum of $144.91, into Item #001-1804-564-23.00, GRINS Transfer frorn Itern #001-564-22.00, Retirernent, the surn of $376.65, into Item #001-1804-564-49.00, Miscellaneous Supplies Transfer frorn Itern #001-1804-564-24.00, Work's Cornpensation, the surn of $23.35, into Itern #001-1804-564-49.00, Miscellaneous Supplies Transfer frorn Itern #001-1804-564-24.00, Work's Cornpensation, the surn of $400.00, into Itern #001-1804-564-32.00, Audit Transfer from Item #001-1804-564-64.00, Capital Outlay, the surn of $100.00, into Itern #001-1804-564-32.00, Audit Transfer from Itern #001-1816-564-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $l,450.l9, into Itern #001-1816-564-46.02, Maintenance of Equiprnent Transfer from Itern #001-1816-564-21.00, FICA, the sum of $45.93, into Item #001-1816-564-46.02, Maintenance of Equiprnent Transfer from Itern #001-1816-564-22.00, Retirernent, the surn of $131.97, into Itern #001-1816-564-46.02, Maintenance of Equiprnent Transfer frorn Itern #001-1816-564-23.00, Ernployrnent Insurance, the surn of $90.00, into Itern #001-1816-564-46.02, Maintenance of Equiprnent Transfer frorn Itern #001-1816-564-24.00, Works Compensation, the surn of $187.91, into Itern #001-1816-564-46.02, Maintenance of Equiprnent Transfer frorn Itern #001-1816-564-41.00, Cornmunication, the surn of $309.00, into Itern #001-1816-564-46.02, Maintenance of Equipment Page 5 of 10 Pages Transfer from Item 1001-1816-564-45.00, Insurance & Bonds, the surn of $1,000.00, into Itern #001-1816-564-46.02, Maintenance of Equiprnent Transfer from Itern #001-1816-564-52.01, Gas, Oil & Lube, the surn of $1,935.00, into Itern #001-1816-564-46.02, Maintenance of Equiprnent Transfer frorn Itern #001-1816-564-64.00, Capital Outlay, the surn of $250.00, into Item #001-1816-564-46.02, Maintenance of Equiprnent Transfer from Itern #001-1817-564-12.00, Salaries, the surn of $60.00, into Itern #001-1817-564-31.06, Medical & Surgical Transfer frorn Item #001-1817-564-12.00, Salaries, the surn of $321.00, into Itern #001-1817-564-40.00, Travel Transfer frorn Itern #001-1817-564-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $600.00, into Itern #001-1817-564-49.25, Fees - Consultant Transfer frorn Itern #001-1817-564-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $8.00, into Itern #001-1817-564-49.24, Advertising Transfer frorn Item #001-1817-564-12.00, Salaries, the surn of $1,828.80, into Itern #001-1817-564-23.00, Group Insurance Transfer frorn Itern #001-1817-564-12.00, Salaries, the surn of $56.56, into Item #001-1817-21.00, Social Secruity Transfer frorn Itern #001-1817-564-12.00, Salaries, the surn of $416.78, into Item #001-1817-564-51.00, Office supplies Transfer frorn Itern #001-1817-564-22.00, Retirernent, the surn of $299.49, into Itern #001-1817-564-51.00, Office Supplies Transfer frorn Itern #001-1817-564-24.00, Works Cornpensation, the surn of $100.42, into Itern #001-1817-564-51.00, Office Supplies Page 6 of 10 Pages Transfer frorn Itern #001-1817-564-24.00, Works Compensation, the surn of $386.42, into Item #001-1817-564-64.00, Capital Outlay Equiprnent Transfer from Item #001-1818-564-21.00, FICA, the surn of $93.40, into Itern #001-1818-564-12.00, Salaries Transfer frorn Itern #001-1818-564-22.00, Retirernent, the surn of $338.40, into Item #001-1818-564-12.00, Salaries Transfer frorn Itern #001-1818-564-24,00, Works Cornpensation, the surn of $245.29, into Itern #001-1818-564-12.00, Salaries Transfer frorn Itern #001-1818-564-31.06, Medical & Surgical, the surn of $60.00, into Itern #001-1818-564-12.00, Salaries Transfer frorn Itern #001-1818-564-32.00, Audit, the surn of $100.00, into Itern #001-1818-564-12.00, Salaries Transfer from Itern #001-1818-564-44.00, Rentals, the surn of $134.22, into Itern #001-1818-564-12.00, Salaries Transfer frorn Itern #001-1818-564-49.00, Miscellaneous Supplies, the surn of $650.00, into Item #001-1818-564-12.00, Salaries Transfer frorn Item #001-1818-564-51.00, Office Supplies, the surn of $120.00, into Item #001-1818-564-12.00, Salaries Transfer frorn Itern #001-1818-564-52.11, Food & Dietary, the surn of $1,437.25, into Itern #001-1818-564-12.00, Salaries SUPPLEMENT TO GENERAL REVENUE FUND Transfer frorn Itern #002-2603-571-66.00, Subscriptions, the sum of $2,358.04, into Itern #002-2603-571-12.00, Salaries Page 7 of 10 Pages AIRPORT DEV. & REPL. FUND Transfer from Itern #005-2402-542-62.00, Capital Outlay, the surn of $82.00, into Itern #005-2403-542-62.01, Adrninistrative Transfer frorn Itern #005-2402-542-62.00, Capital Outlay, the surn of $1,428.00, into Itern #005-2403-542-62.02, A & E (Basic) Transfer from Itern #005-2402-542-62.00, Capital Outlay, the surn of $46.00, into Itern #005-2403-542-62.03, Other A & E Transfer frorn Item #005-2402-542-62.00, Capital Outlay, the surn of $687.00, into Itern #005-2403-542-62.04, Project Inspection Transfer frorn Itern #005-2402-542-62.00, Capital Outlay, the surn of $15,979.00, into Item #005-2403-542-62.05, Construction Transfer frorn Itern #005-2402-542-62.00, Capital Outlay, the sum of $12,928.00, into Itern #005-2403-542-64.00, Equiprnent Transfer frorn Itern #005-2402-542-62.00, Capital Outlay, the surn of $484.00, into Itern #005-2403-542-62.06, Contingency Transfer frorn Itern #005-2402-542-62.00, Capital Outlay, the surn of $2,650.00, into Itern #005-2402-542-49.25, Cornrnissions & Fees ROAD & BRIDGE FUND Transfer frorn Itern #102-940-541-64.00, Capital Outlay, the surn of $3,200.00, into Itern #102-3000-541-64.00, Capital Outlay Transfer frorn Itern #102-940-541-52.09, Clothing, the surn of $79.00, into Itern #102-940-541-49.24, Advertisernent Transfer from Itern #102-950-541-34.00, Contractual Service, the surn of $10,687.00, into Itern #102-950-541-63.03, 2nd Avenue Stock Island Page 8 of 10 Pages Transfer frorn Itern #102-943-541-24.00, Workrnen's Compensation, the surn of $860.20, into Item #102-940-541-24.00, Workrnen's Cornpensation Transfer frorn Item #102-940-541-51.00, Office Supplies, the surn of $192.35, into Itern #102-3000-541-64.00, Capital Outlay MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAX DISTRICT Transfer frorn Itern #104-975-534-46.02, (Reg) Maintenance of Equiprnent, the surn of $6,000.00, into Itern #104-975-534-46.02, (FRS) Maintenance of Equiprnent Transfer frorn Itern #104-980-534-34.00, Contractual Services, the surn of $1,254.40, into Item #104-980-534-62.00, Incinerator Project Transfer frorn Itern #104-978-534-24.00, Workrnen's Cornpensation, the surn of $1,758.08, into Itern #104-970-534-24.00, Workrnen's Cornpensation Transfer frorn Itern #104-975-534-44.00, Rentals (Reg) the sum of $100.00, into Itern #104-975-534-45.00, Insurance & Bonds Transfer frorn Itern #104-975-534-44.00, Rentals (Reg) the surn of $200.00, into Itern #104-975-534-52.11, Food & Dietary Supplies WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION FUND Transfer from Itern #501-3300-590-34.00, Contractual Service, the surn of $200.00, into Itern #501-3300-590-54.02, Subscriptions BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the Clerk of said Board be, and he is hereby authorized to take the necessary action to effect the transfer of funds hereinabove set forth. DATED February 24, 1981. (SEAL) Page 9 of 10 pages Attest: ,.~ ) ..- - ' - -.:::::---- '. '~'_."." .. .-/- )') / 1f~/c7/: "?-.) \.......,r 1. .. \.._ . Page 10 of 10 Pages APPRJ:)VED .~$ TO FORM IWD ~ StJHlCIENCV BY ~-- 'f'!' 1\ -, "'-:-'''q .1' ...~.~.........-. . 'Atttlmllfl/ OHks