Resolution 054-1981 RESOLUTION NO. 54 -1981 '\ffiEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY C0M11ISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, has received an application from EDWARD T. WEBB, and WHEREAS, in compliance with State Statute, it is necessary as part of the permitting procedure to read the following Biological Assessment into the Record, as follows: The Applicant proposes several projects to modify the shoreline and some of the bay bottom. One part of the project is to extend the concrete seawall, presently existing to the north, 50 feet across a slight shoreline catchment area. Perpendicular to the south end of this seawall, the applicant proposes to construct a 40' x 4' wooden dock on concrete pilings and stringers. Height of dock and seawall will match existing seawall to north. Within the area created by the seawall and dock, the applicant wishes to dredge an area to -6.5' MLW (approximately 532 cubic yards) for boat mooring. Along the interior canal, at southwest corner of property, applicant proposes the dredging of a 50' x 30' x -7.5' MLW boat slip. Opening of this boat slip will require the removal of some 30' of semi-complete concrete seawall and approximately 350 cubic yards of material from upland. As the and enhance riprap will property is finger shaped, the the riprap around this point. be used for this purpose. applicant further proposes to repair Approximately 550 cubic yards of This is a dredged and filled area created several years ago. SFR lots to east have been, or are being, developed. All have can21side seawall/docking facilities because the area was considered interior canals. Upland vegetation on this site consists of Australian pine, scattered terrestrial grasses, sandspurs and bay cedar which cover about 5 percent of the land, the remainder is unvegetated. This point has been used by the public for parking and shore fishing in the adjacent access canal along the west side of finger. Across this canal, an old (historic?) lighthouse still stands 2pproximately opposite the proposed boat slip. This canal serves landward SFR's, most of which have perpendicular boat slips similar to that proposed by applicant. The area of the proposed seawall construction is a discontinuity which collects debris and detritus and is nearly devoid of vegetation except for a small amount of green algae. The area just landward of Mh~ is a repository for wrack and flotsam. The bay bottom, waterward of proposed seawall, for approximately 45 feet, is sparsely vegetated with Penicillus sp, Halimeda sp, and green algae. Beyond this, Thalassia testudinum has become well established. Cerinth and nerites were present along this shore and scattered over bay bottom. The shoreline around the finger shows evidence of previous riprap but this is not continuous or has been relocated by strong waves. The shoreline in proposed riprap area is nearly devoid of vegetation and has a thick wrack line. The access canal and seawall where the boat basin is proposed, is 30 to 40 percent vegetated on the submerged rocks with Halimeda sp, Caulerpa sp,and green algae. Chitons were attached to submerged rocks and Sargeant majors were present at time of inspection. Upland in proposed boat slip dredge site is devoid of vegetation except for sandspurs. Wrack line indicates that some tides may flood over the partially completed seawall. Page 1 of 2 EDWARD T. WEBB RESOLUTION NO. 54 -1981 Impact of the proposed seawall will be the elimination of a shoreline discontinuity. Impact of the proposed dock will, of itself, be minimal. The impact of the proposed dredging for the creation of the boat mooring area adjacent to proposed dock will be the destruction of 1000+ square feet of established Thalassia and other attached grasses and algae in the waterward 40 percent of proposed basin. Impact of the proposed riprap repair will be minimal as the area is nearly devoid of vegetation. The impact of the proposed canal boat slip will be the creation of a deep catchment area and removal of marine vegetation. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the above Biological Assessment has been read into the record and duly considered pursuant to Florida Statute 253.124 by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, this 24th day of February 19 81 at a regularly scheduled meeting. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ~ (Seal) Attest: ---:> y //~" ,~~4A~- n APPROVED AS TO FORM .,:[4tb 1IonWI. OHic. Page 2 of 2 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Curt Blair, District 2 Mayor Protem Jerry Hernandez, Jr., District 3 MA YOR George E. Dolezal, District 4 Ken Sorensen, District 5 ------~' ...,,'~ '".. --~-~,.~:. ~-:C'=Lr ~j';f r~ .:'..~ .. . . ...~WI(<ft!.l'. (305) 294-4641 Monroe County Legal Department Key West, Florida 33040 4d.0:" OFFICE OF: Planning & Zoning Dept. Public Service Center Key West, Fl 33040 I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all data and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: 1. Certificate of Complete Enclosures t- 2. Permit i/' 3. Application for Permit t/' 4. Site Plan v 5. Location Map / 6. County Biologist Report J- 7. DER Assessment J-- 8. Resolution ,..-- BY -e. .~ Administrative Secretary DATE 0/ ~ P7 ZONING: RU-l p" , " J' ! I (.7'~ .-: ';'-~ ~~, --.'..'0...'..,"..'.'.. " I' - . n \. . ~} CO;.A'JI'Y J-\rrv. P,', , ,...;" E',.",...... ~..~.."',,. , .. i ~. .',. ~ ~ k '._ - . ~ ., IT. MONROE PLA1~ING, BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT PEnXIT ~OR EXCAV4TION THE DEPOS-~ OF PEID-fIT NO COUNTY \ ~f 1jJ Ki L " ". J. , 1.1. . FILL, OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE \~ - ~ - ~ WATERS OR HETLANDS OF MONROE COUNTY I 11) Property owners name & mailing address 2) Date FOR DEPARTME~T USE mJLY I Edward T. l-lebb Resolution No. 810 Seagate Blvd. 3) Phone number Key Largo, Fl 33037 782-0880 Date: 4) Contractor or agent's name, mailing address & phone number Same as above 5) Legal description of property: Section 33 Key Largo Subdivision Key Largo Beach Township 61 S Lot Block Range 39 E Street, road or mile marker Volume of material: dredged/excavated filled/deposited 550 c.y. waterward of M.H.H. 350 c.y. landward of H.H.W. c . y . 900 c . y . waterward landward of M.H.W. of M.H.W. ZONING: RU-l Intended Use: Private boat dock and protect shoreline from erosion. Cost of Permit Estimated cost of Construction Approved by Chairman BOARD OF COUNTY COHMISSIONERS OF HONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Biologist COIT~ents - Restrictions or Special Conditions if any: "Approval of all proposed work." CoPy in File Date Building Offici3l CPUNTY -4 \\~ dl;1 .....~v name &. mailing 1 r-Prcr;"~:j' O\'1ners .,~~ ""..) Ed\':ard T. \o1ebb .8~a 5eagate_ Blvd. -Key Largo, Florida 33037 \ ' . DEPOSIT OF FILL. OR STRUCTURA[-A~.~..fIES I N T~\\fl.I:\T~K5 OR ~lETLANDS OF l~O:IROE COUNTY addrcss- ~ ~} Date For Department .v **June 20, 1980 3) Phone number , 05-45l-l505-night 05-782-0880-day Use Onlyj ,', .\. 4 Contractor or agent's name, mailing address & phone number SAr.1E AS ABOVE 5) Legal description of property: 33 Section, Tmmshi p, 615 Key, Largo lot, * Subdivision, Key Largo Beach Block, * J( Street road or mile marker, _ Range, 39E Proper!y descri.bed w.ithin attached abstract plus Tract J & K (if acreage) ,a~cordlng to th~ Plqt of Key Largo Beach as recorded in P.B. l ~qreement has oeen e"!t~rp~,( R~~~rJ~~) of }IUlH ue C~un ty, Fl onda & Tract K as a purchase 6) Descrlbe the proposed actlVlty, methods of constructlon & amount of material, (in cubic yards), to be excavated or discharged. a. provide for shoreline protection thru placement of rip rap rock boulders b. Extend existing ~eawall 501+ with wingwall tie-in c. excavate for a shallow water boat basin d. construct a wood deck pier on concrete piling, and excavate adjacent to proposed pier. volume of material: dredqed/excavated ~ 550 c.y. 1f35n c.y. \'Iaten'/ard landlt/ard .of M.H.W. upland code of adjoining property filled/dppositpd .~ c.y. gOOiC.Y. waterward landward of M.H.W. unland owners whose property affronts . 7) Name. address & zip Chuck Joseph 79 5eagate Blvd. Key Largo, Florida \'/a ter 'i/ay. 33037 This completed application form will be accompanied by the following, or it will. NOT be processed. - a) T\'lO (2) sets of drmvings, on' 8~ X '11 paper, shO\dng location. plot plan, top vie~i and cross section of proposal, drmin to scale. ' b) Application processing fee as follows: $25.00 for dredge, fill, docks OR any structures affronting natural water bodies. $10.00 for vertical sem'lalls on man-made bodies of \mter. ' -$25.00 for any combination of the above acti vi tics per site. Application is hereby made for a permit to auth0rize the activities described herein. ~ I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in this application, and to the best of my knO\</ledge & belief such information is true, complete & accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the proposed activities. All provisions of la'i/s and ordinances governing this type of 1t/ork \'Iill be complied \'lith, \,thether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions~~unty~ate or federal law ;~ 2, U 1 at -;',9 construction or performance of cO~O_7 th~"tYP~ pf f aci 1 ity. ~ ~ffi4 :.. 20, Signature of a licant {I ent Date 1980 LfOl~ Department Use On1.Jj h~rson accepting appl ication "$ d.6'..~~. "2=.~/O Fee & reCeiPj Cost of permit Appt~cived by ^ssistant Director Estimated cost of construction * AS AMENDED JULY 23, 1980 --- '00; ~,.._- ... .~ {(ellt ~e..d DR.Aw 1,(;1 Pl<'oP<',<>eo ;l:w\P"'Ov""" ,-osrs ~CJkJ 'Foe.. .~. 1 '\ f\ ~ \ 'i."~~,\'I\e$ e..1';W~B~ '...'.\\~~' 810 ~e:-~Gt~YC eLvb.C \~~'< \-"''''''''o~~~1 r ~\\;, ~. Nole~ "~.r;'" ""-\\E"-{2/5)r"~~l".;j~k"~ ~ . '8o~T~-&'~ t geA.TGl.'P. ArlD. ~ "-t>o,""O"& "("0 '6"'':.''',\~ CAP. '* . ~ < ~ . III \\If'I'c <~ 0~^' 1, r i : ~.' !-l~, -S~Cla. G4W~}lJ . "11...'J(N . j- -' . ~-t01,~14'?K () ~ . " / /' ~ f,0 ' ~ "'YO . '., < ~l'-t ~.l~ -. j c V,lXot:::. l~. ~,~..b>~..<:'.'-PI - ~o ~\~)~ L'A..itD~) \t-jo-r .,/ :;", /lc~.- ?( 0 ~- " 5i\a.RF:". { \ :>-...~~. '}.~ \ 'Vil ~ " , !e, ~~~::I::~~~~~~ (~? '1" I; 11 ~ lOOtA.'-Oe'RS I ~ ~ ~ / ~ 0 0 . ~ ~ ,6j. v ,; (t \... : ~ ~f. A f ,;~( I ,/; <;0 ~ 5 ~fr: "SliT t.Z'! ~ ~, r1' Y , : ~ ~~ . l'{ ff - II . I L i/! sJCJft , ~ . fi'~ ~~s" ~y \ 1 ~- 1~~.d~ \ ~~ ~;::. ,a . J~~" ,~ fJ.! 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S lOa' ~tJ~L.~ c..AP. . T="~r< el-\~rl~~~.~~___ --.-------- . t'\o sc~\....r 11( 6')t,STIN&" WAu.. < o"''''''fit""c."t''~O t~ AC::t.:OQ.O~""'V WI'T'rl O~Pf' oC:: .ea.ll.~v ?\;'~V'f"\;T t!:: it.-ull' ~~~I)C01"'" C.aSTA, rzelfoJA,",oo APi2.Il. I~ '''''i~ E):U"o-'PTlO~ c::.rl4.";)"C'lilO b}f '1)e~, l..G"r''rC'2. ocr S,; ler7 '-. -(~"rr~c:.."u~()) 3.~?> L __.___..________JA ~ Aw\'e';' !...,4.. JU.\1- "2.3'1 fr ~ .," , ' , ' , .,.'.i, ", ~,~ ,...;.;.;;,.... ...~~.~.,..,,~~~,: ..,.....1. '..<., ... . ..' ~,'~.,....,.'..." ' , ' .~.~ _ "',.~..""".l..~~l/,'{".~~. ''i:'- .,.,'.^ . . -.'" ...:.. "-~'" .,':~:~I~. ;;.l~};~,~:\"'~<-::,~'Ai$~''''~:.; , .;;:~;:;' . ,,,~;i~t~~,.:~ e . TOPS 'Y FORM 3397 LITHO IN U, S, A, DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE DATE September 22, 1980 SUBJECT l-lebb, Dredr,e & Fill To Henry l-leinkam ~f). FROM Robert Dennis DEP'T Director, Planning, Bldg. & Zoning Environmental BioloRist DEP'T Plannin~. Building & Zoning LEr.AL SECT 33, TWSP 615, RGE 3ge, Tracks J & K (Largo Key, Key Largo Beach), Zonin~ RU-l. Applicant proposes to use rip rap rock (approx. 450 feet) and approx. 55" cubic yards of fill (below mean high water) to protect shoreline; to extend existing seawall approx. 50 feet with a win~wall tie in; and to excavate 350 cubic yards, landward of mean high water for a boat basin and 200 cubic yards, waterward of mean high water for a wooden pier. The wooden pier is to he constructed on concrete piling and would be 45 feet in length. The location site is a previously filled residential area. Haximum depth of dred~ing is -5 feet (H.U.H.) The pier dredging and construction affronts the Atlantic Ocean as does the rip rap construction area. The boat basin affronts a manmade canal. aacro-flora and -fauna noted ~vere the algae /fa.t-<.me.da, Pe. ft-<'C.-<'.t.tI1..6, the seagrass T!ul.ta-6 -6-i.a.,~Je. ftLta ,M., litoral snails, Oc.~o~U.6 VI1..tnaft-i.-6, and other indigenous fish common to the area. Organic debris was found to accumulate along the shore. The proposed construction and excavation activities will not i~fringe upon the benthic Macroflora, as per verbal agreement. It is not believed that the macrofauna will be adversely affected in the lonr, term. REASON FOR PROJECT: Private boat docI, and protect shoreline from erosion. RECm,EIENDATION: Approval of all proposed ToJork. q{~ .-1~~ COE and DER permits will he required. DIR. ,-:"'NG., ZON!:<C~ GLDG. DER bio-survey enclosed. RD / j f tOo' 3201 GOl;: COURSE BOULEVARD PUNTA GORDA, flORIDA 33950 BOB GRAHAM GOVERNOR JACOB D. VARN SECRETARY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION SOUTH FLORIDA BRANCH OFFICE September 8, 1980 Edward T. Webb 810 Seagate Blvd. Key Largo, Fla. 3~037 Re: Monroe County, Dredging, Private Docking Facilities, Hawk Channel File No. 44-32351-5E Dear Mr. Webb: Enclosed is a site inspection report indicating that your project, as proposed, will have, an adverse impact on the environment. However, with the modifications suggested by the inspector, the impact could be lessened to an extent which would eliminate the justification for the denial recommendation. Please consider these modifications. If you feel that you can modify your proposal as indicated, or in some other manner which would reduce the adverse impact on the environment, please submit a revised sketch/letter of agreement to the changes by 9-23-80 If we have not heard from you by this date or if you do not wish to modify your proposal as suggested, we will continue to process your application as submitted. Dick Dumas of this office will be glad to answer any questions you may have concerning the suggested modifications. Please contact Dick Dumas at the Marathon Office, phone (305)743-5955. ~ Sincerely, r: t~ ~~ P. A. Barbaccia Epvironmental Specialist PAB/ck Enclosure DER Form 17-1.122(52) I ~ \. ~f/~ ,~, ~ '~ ' I X i...,~ 1'~ r I-. "'r .~Ij " :--..: -.....; , " .... o ..... . . HEBB, EDHARD T. 1f44-32351-5E Monroe County - Key Largo Page Two A. Applicant propos2s several projects to modify the shoreline and some of the bay bottom. One part of the project is to extend the concrete seawall, pre~ently existing to the north, 50 feet across a slight shoreline catchment area. Perpendicular to the south end or this seawall, the applicant proposes to construct a 40' x 4' wooden dock on concrete pilings and stringers. Height of dock and seawall will match existing seawall to north. Hith- in the area created by the seawall and dock, the applicant wishes to dredge an area to -6.5' ~~lv (approximately 532 cubic yards) for boat mooring. Along the interior canal, at southwest corner of property, applicant proposes the dredging of a 50' x 30' x -7.5' MLW boat slip. Opening of this boat slip will require the removal of some 30' of semi-complete concrete seawall and approximately 350 cubic yards of material from upland. As the property is finger shaped, the applicant further proposes to repair and enhance the riprap around this point. Approximately 550 cubic yards of riprap will be used for this purpose. B. This is a dredged and filled area created several years ago. SFR lots to east have been, or are being, developed. All have canal side sea\vall/docking facilities because the area was considered interior canals. Upland vegetation on this site consists of Australian pine, scat- tered terrestrial grasses, sandspurs and bay cedar which cover about 5 percent of the land, the remainder is unvegetated. This point has been used by the public for parking and shore fishing in the adjacent access canal along the west side of finger. Across this canal, an old (historic?) lighthouse still stands (photos 4 & 7), approximately opposite the proposed boat slip. This canal serves landward SFR's, most of \vhich have perpendicular boat slips similar to that proposed by applicant. C. The area of the proposed seawall construction is a discontinuity which collects debris and detritus (photo 2) and is nearly devoid or vegetation except for a small amount of green algae. The area just landward of Mffiv is a.repository for wrack and flotsam. The bay bottom, watenvard of proposed seawall, for approximately 45 feet, is sparsely vegetated with Penicillus sp, Halimeda sp and green algae (photo 1,2,2A). Beyond this, Thalassia testudinum has become well established. . . . WEBB, EDWARD T. fi44-3235l-5E Honroe County - Key Largo Page Three Cerinth and nerites were present along this shore and scattered over bay bottom. The shoreline around the finger shows evidence of previous ~iprap but this is not continuous (photos 3 & 4) or has been relocated by strong waves. The shoreline in proposed riprap area is nearly devoid of vegetation and has a thick wrack line. The access canal and seawall where the boat basin is proposed, is 30 to 40 percent vegetated on the submerged rocks with Halimeda sp, Caulerpa sp and green algae (photo 5). Chitons were attached to submerged rocks and Sargeant majors were pres~nt at time of inspection. Upland in proposed boat slip dredge site is devoid of vegetation (photos 6 & 7) except for sandspurs. 'vreck line indicates that some tides may flood over the partially completed seawall (photo 6). D. Impact of the proposed seawall will be the elimination of a shore- line discontinuity. Impact of the proposed dock will, of itself, be minimal. The impact of the proposed dredging for the creation of the boat mooring area adjacent to proposed dock will be the destruction of 1000+ square feet of established Thalassia and other attached grasses and algae in the waterward 40 percent of proposed basin. Impact of the proposed riprap repair will be minimal as the area is nearly devoid of vegetation. The impact of the proposed canal boat slip will be the creation of a deep catchment area and removal of marine vegetation. '-~", WEBB. EDHARD T. ;::44- 323 51- 5E Nonroe County - Key Largo Page Four E. Under the prov~s~ons of Chapters 253 and 403 FS and Chapters 17-3 and 17-4 FAC. recommend this application. as proposed, be denied. If applicant would reduce the size of boat mooring basin. shift and shorten the dock as on attached drawings to avoid the Thalassia, and shallow the requested depths to -5' 11LH at edge, sloping upward to -4.5' 11LW dock side; and shallow the depths in canal- side boat slip to -5.5' ML\~ at entrance and -4.5' MLW at interior lim~ts, this application could be reviewed more favorably. .lI Date: Read: RFD/dvo