Resolution 056-1981 RESOLUTION NO. 56 -1981 WHEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COM}1ISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, has received an application from DAVID S. ARMBRUSTER, and WHEREAS, in compliance with State Statute, it is necessary as part of the permitting procedure to read the following Biological Assessment into the Record, as follows: The Applicant proposes the placement of boulder riprap along a residential shoreline between MLW and }ffiW to prevent erosion and debris collection. This riprap zone will be 6-7 feet wide and restored with mangroves. In all, 75 cubic yards of riprap will be deposited below MHW for a length of approximately 171 ft. The site is on the eastern side of Cudjoe Key, opposite Cudjoe Bay and remotely adjacent to Kemp Channel. This shoreline has been partially filled and as a result, is eroded with a limestone rubble composition. It supports a secondary, athough in some places, a substantial, mangrove fringe. A network of inland canals and peripheral channels have been dredged throughout the entire area. Although this area has not been substantially developed (less than 1 percent development), it is platted and building is anticipated to a degree similar to the residential canal community directly to the north. It is also anticipated that bulkheads, basins and docks will be desired in a residential area such as this, especially along the open water shoreline where deep water access is found 10-15 feet offshore. This access (peripheral channel) is shallow (approximately 4-5 ft. (MSL) and narrow (15-20 ft. wide). Between this peripheral channel and the shoreline is a shallow littoral shelf that supports lush algae and grass beds below MLW. The applicant's shoreline proposed for riprap placement faces south to open water. The offshore benthos drops gradually, but for the most part, maintains 1-5 foot depths until dropping off into Hawk Channel south of Loggerhead Key. This offshore area supports vast seagrass beds and sponge-dominated benthic communities. The shallow peripheral channel just offshore from the applicant's property has revegetated with turtle grass (Thalassia testudinum) and cuban shoalweed (Halodule wrightii). Sediments here are soft calcareous sands and limestone accounting for the gentle side slopes of this peripheral channel. Inshore from this channel, the submergent shelf referred to in 2nd paragraph is found. This shelf supports a healthy growth of turtle grass, shoalweed and Batophora sp. Some pioneering red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) seedlings are found scattered below MLW. Above the MLW line and extending to MEW, the substrate is loose limestone rubble supporting green filamentous algaes. This area may have originally supported red and black (Avicennia germinans) mangroves, based upon adjacent lot observations, but presently contains only two large black mangroves and several seedlings of both species. Riprap has already been placed along the intertidal area for the entire length of the applicant's property. This riprap is near MEW just below the wrack line, which is heavy, due to wind orientation. This riprap was larger and more recently placed on lot 7. Along this loose limestone rubble intertidal zone, nerites and a single blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) were observed. M)ove the wrack line, sea purslane (Sesuvium portulacastrum), was the dominant transition species, although this transitions zone is narrow and in some places, non-existant. The impact anticipated from this project should be minimal. This project would seem to be the least environmentally damaging alternative to shoreline stabilization. By stabilizing the shoreline, substrate and shelter for sessile and mobile marine organisms will be formed. In the process, a suitable area for mangrove repropagation will be lost, although some red mangroves may take hold at the foot of the riprap. Page 1 of 2 DAVID S. ARMBRUSTER RESOLUTION NO. 56 -1981 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA. that the above Biological Assessment has been read into the record and duly considered pursuant to Florida Statute 253.124 by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, this24th day of February 19 81 at a regularly scheduled meeting. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Mayor (Seal) Attest~Aff--- Cler APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAl. SUFFICIENCY. BY .$~~ Attorney'. Office Page 2 of 2 -e~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Curt Blair, District 2 Mayor Protem Jerry Hernandez, Jr., District 3 MA YOR George E. Dolezal, District 4 Ken Sorensen, District 5 ~ OFFICE OF: Planning & Zoning Dept. Public Service Center Key West, Fl 33040 13051 294.4641 .:'.~. . . ....!Pi_ f'l!! Monroe County Legal Department Key West, Florida 33040 I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all data and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: 1. Certificate of Complete Enclosures ~ 2. Permit r- 3. Application for Permi t ~ 4. Site Pl an V- 5. Location Map '-"" 6. County Biologist Report ~ 7. DER Assessment ~ 8. Resolution i--- BY "fi/ d:lT~ ~ Administrative Secretary DATE o/r;/ P( ZONING: RU-l \;;::l.,. ,." \7 n \:11." ~ ~ : -, .., ,! f \ - . "" .;. . j ) ,-...., COUNTY hi r Y. ~~""""'" c..'.... '. R.....'..... -~-..- ,. 1':,' ~' . . t- . p-, L ;X ~}- . .;.~ '..: If.T".'.' .' ,,s L_ :~- ~ . l:: MCNFtCe e PLA11HNG, BUILDI~G & ZONING DEPARTNENT PER..\fIT COUNTY PEfu\fIT FOR EXCAVATION, THE DEPOSIT OF NO. FILL, OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE WATERS OR HETLANDS OF MONROE COUNTY 1) Property owners name & mailing address 2) Date FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY David S. Armbruster 1715 S. E. 14th St. Resolution No. Ft. Lauderdale, Fl 33316 3) Phone number Date: 524-3330 4) Contractor or agent's name, mailing address & phone number Owner 5) Legal description of property: Section 33 Key Clldjof' Kf'Y Subdivision r.l1tt1:u::oa t Tmvnship 66 S Lot 7 & 8 Block 18 Range 28 E Street, road or mile marker Labat Lane .- Volume of material: dredged/excavated filled deposited c.y. waterward of N.H.H. c.y. land~vard of H.H.W. 75, c.y. waterward of M.H.W. c.y. landward of H.H.~~. ZONING: RU-l PURPOSE: Shoreline protection from erosion Cost of Permit Estimated cost of Construction Approved by Chairman BOARD OF COUNTY COHHISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Biologist Comments - Restrictions or Special Conditions if any: "Approval" Copy in File Date Building Official MONROE COUNTY PLANNING, BUILDING & ZONING DEPAF PERMIT APPLICATION FOR EXCAVATION, IHE DEPOSIT OF FILL, OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE WATERS OR WETLANDS OF MONROE COUNTY name & mailing address 2 Date For De artment ~,.,,"", 16s.& .... 1) Property owners Use Onl David S. Arrrbruster 1715 S.E. 14th St. Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33316 3) Phone number 524-3330 4 Contractor or agent's name, mailing address & phone number (Owner) 5 legal description of property: Section, 33 Key, Cud i oe Key Subdivision, Cutthroat Township, 665 Range, 28 E (if acreage) Lot, 7 & 8 Block , 18 Street, road or mile marker, ~~t Lane 6 Describe the proposed activity, methods of construction & amount of material, in cubic yards), to be excavated or discharged. To place coral rock boulders between low water mark and high water mark. volume of material: dredqed/excavated filled/depositf'd c.y. c.y. waterward landward of M.H.W. of M.H.W. Name, address & zip code of adjoining property owners 75 c.y. c.y. waterward landward of M.H.W. of M.H.W. whose property affronts water way. 7 Lot fl9 John Eisenbrey BoxP Rehoboth Beach, Delaware 19971 This completed application form will be accompanied by the following, or it will NOT be processed. a) Two (2) sets of drawings, on" 8~ X 11 paper, showing location, plot plan, top view and ~ros~ section o~ proposal, drawn to scale. (DER Format Included) b) Appllcatlon processlng fee as follows: $25.00 for dredge, fill, docks OR any structures affronting natural water bodies $10.00 for vertical seawalls onJnan-made bodies of water. $25.00 for any combination of the above activities per site. Application is hereby made for a permit to authorize the activities described herein. I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in this application, and to the best of my knowledge & belief such information is true, complete & accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the proposed activities. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with, whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of ny county, state or federal law regulating construction or performance of construe on of is t e 0 facility. artment Use Onl u( a~epting application X Si Person ~.o{) 370007b Fee & receipt # Approved by Assistant Director Cost of permit Estimated cost of construction o ~,",,', ~ PRO.JECT T..!1 ~.... BU-I 23 PURPOSE: ShO~e Sta lli ation OATUM Mean ea fevel AOJACENT PROPERTY C~NERS: CD John Eisenbrey ill North No scale . IN Channel AT CU tthroa t Harbor COUNTY OF Monroe saTE Fla. APPLICATION BY Armbruster SHEET I OF OATE \D..t,.!o . -?:~:.. ~.:--:~ "'1~' ,f.i;':;2:?:; . ,C{::{~i';;o':\::'.::~'::;~:'JT,~,:;~~~~~: ~ .~~~t~~ :--:~:= : .;.;: :~ -. ' · >: <".' . " .",. >.~." ''1'1'>~:'-;. ~. :":~ >~'- ' '.,'" "'"'' "'"'' .. . , ;. . /' ~;"/-..' . ." .- !l.:,.," . "k .. """.':,..- :'-:"" " ". . __ / "'c. ,'~:'~""" ... ".. ,;-'.. .~, .' ~~> . .~,::...:.:.~.~~-~... ~:.-....,., \:I' ,~ .OC:;: ~.I:-:~:.~"-. ~ -~<-~ :., ~ ~ ' . ~.. .-:'-r ." J . ./,... '.. / '. . f- ; - /-- _ -~f ~ ;:-'> , 1-" ~ "1 i ../ - . 1ti:.:- > O' ' .,/ ~~-.~ ~?'. "'-/. . .. j . o . ,. .: - . -,.."- .;. , .- ;;:-~/. . !' ~ . \ , f'. ~ - "t-, ~ ...... . J 9. tr) "<;:" } .' -. ~ ... . -',:'1 - '-i . ~. ~':1 .. -.-- ~ . ....... - . ...... ... . "- - It) ~J :::::: ~.~ . ~ , " '- -.. - . '~" .- . ~- - . . 1 " 7. ..- . /0. . .... ....-. ...; \) . -" /' ,/ ./ ../ . " . " ...... . t\I ~ ...... _ ..~ .R _.~., , u. , . v) . ....- .' .... Typical section See sheet #3 North l"=JO'-O" IN Channel Cutthroat Harbor AT 1 oFMonroe Sl4TE F a. CO~TT Armbruster APPL ICIIT IOH BY 2 Or OATE 10 .tto. to SHEET a ~ \!ill ~ Area to be restored with I'" mangrove s . ~ Shore line above M.L.W. 6'-7' area to be rip-rapped. Shore line below M.L.W. 4' t - Edge of channel M.L.W. Existing condition of shore line. Typical section .J,... - l' 0" 2 - - PURPOSE: Shore line stabilization DATUM Mean sea level ADJACENT PROPERTY O~NERS: <D John Eisenbrey o IN Channel AT Cutthroat Harbor COUNTY orMonroe STATE Fla. APP\.ICAT ION BY Armbruster SHEET OF DATE ~"U.lo TOPS' Fa'RM 3397 LITHO IN U. S. ... DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE DATE February 10. 1981 SUBJECT Armbruster, D.; Rip-rap seawall To Henry Weinkam Director Environmental Robert Dennis, Biologist DEP'T P lann ing. Bu il ding and Zon ing FROM DEP'T Planning. Building and Zonin~ LEGAL TWSP 66s, RGE 28e, SECT 33, Cutthroat Subdivision, Block 18, Lots 7 & 8, Cudjoe Key. Zoning is RU-l. PURPOSE: This project is to be reviewed by the Board of County Commissioners in accordance with Ordinance 13-1980. DISCUSSION: Applicant is applying for an after-the-fact permit to construct a rip-rap seawall 171 ft. in length along his Cudjoe Bay shoreline. Approximately 75 c.y. of rip-rap will be placed waterward of MHW. Red mangroves will be planted amongst the boulders to provide additional stability to the seawall. A listing of flora and fauna found here is presented in the attached DER report. REASON FOR PROJECT: Shoreline protection from erosion. EVALUATION: This project will cause short term impacts by restricting normal ebb and flow tides and so affect the existing inter-tidal species community. In the long term, the rip-rap will provide habitat for benthdcflora and rocky shoreline fauna. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval. ~ -1C)tJ~ NOTE S: DIR. PLNG" ZONING BLDG, DER and Army Corps permits required. RD/-if e e OEPJ\RT.:1ENT OF E:WIRONMENTAL HEGULATION ?ER~lIT APPLICATIO!'>; AP 1) ~\;, IS;\L ~, No.: 4f+-360J!+-5E County: ~1onroc Date: 11-18-80 ~..?P.l..lCc.:1t Name: 0.1vid S.' An,lbrustc:c .'"j.iress: 1715 S.E. 14 Street, Ft. LdUdf'l~dalc, FL 33316 ',.:;,?n t (if applicable): N/ A \Jd ress : L~cation of project: Section(s} 33 Townshit-' 65S Range 28E Section{s) Township Range ;.'Jca 1 Re ference : Labat Lane on Cudj oe Key ~"-i':-er Body: Kemp Channel :h':er Classification of Project J'..rea: ITI ~ Adj<lC8:'t Waters: IT1 Aluatic Preserve: Jltstanding Florida Waters: National Key Deer Refuge ':1 site: inspection by: John A. Heyer ;:'lte of Inspection: ll-2E-80 Or igina 1 APt"' icati In: Y€:s y. " ,,} ~~~ised Application: Yes No X Date: Date of 2nd Insp. Bioloaical and Water Qualitv Assessment ~ - . Description of proposed project and construction techniques.l Quantify area of project which extends into waters of the state (including the submerged lands of those w~ters and the transi- t~on2l zone of the submerged land) as defined in Section 17-4.12 and Section 17-4.28, Florida Adninistrative Code. Biophysical features of general area. Include comments concer~~~g extent of development of adjoining properties as well as relevant historical facts about the area. Biophysical features of specific project site and spoil site ~: applicable. Include identification of bottom typ2S and any rel~vant historical facts about the ar~a of the project. Potential impact of project on biological ~_sources and water quali ty. Address lOT1"!-term imt:)act as well <13 immediate impa,ct for all aspects of the project. S~lggestions, where appropriate, for modi fications that may reduce 'W ~. "1lnl ' ':he po' e:.tial ir::lXict of project. rEP..""! 16-10 (Rev. 6/79) c., "il<~n~rr " .,,;'~~ ;:1 it'."," ' ""\',~,'",;<! . ~., ,~, "i<~ ,J . . '~.K.l-:;TER, J.;:'ID S. ~44-3603L~-sE fonroe County - Cudj oe Key :"l~e T..lo !\pplicant proposes the placement of boulJc::!l: riprap alon~ a residential shoreline between ML~ and trnW to prevent erosion and debris collection. This ~iprap zone will be 6-7 feet wide ;]"d restored with :TIangroves. In all, 75 cubic yards of rinr-ap \-1i11 be deposited belm." liHH for a len;;t::h of ,~pproximately 171 feet. 1) I.) . Th2 site is on the eastern side of Cudjop Key, opposite CcJjoe Bay and remotely adj acent to Kemp Channel. This shoreline l-,03s been partially filled and, as a result, is eroded with a lime- stone rubble composition. It supports a secondary, although in some places, a substantial, mangrove fringe. A network of inland canals and peripheral channels have been dredg~d through- out the entire area. Although this area has not been substantially developed (less th~n 1 percent development), it is platted and building is anticipated to a degree similar to the residential canal community directly to the north. It is also anticipated that bulkheads, basins, and docks will be desired in a residential area such as this, especially along the open water shoreline where deep water access is found 10-15 feet offshore. This access (peripheral channel) is shallow (approximately 4-5 ft. MSL) and narrow (15-20 ft. wide). Between this peripheral chanpe1 and the shoreline is a shallow littor-a1 shelf that support slush 3lg,le and gr<1SS beds below ~/rLH. The 3nplicant's shoreline proposed for riprap placement faces south to open ~ater. The offshol"e benthos drops gradually, bu~ for ~~e most part, maincains 1-5 foot depths until droppin~ off inte Hmv'k ("'L::c1 .)uth of Lo; -"~'h""lrl :~ev. This offshore are2 support s vast scagl' ass beds and ~; !--,'U..,;L don;_na ted benthic communi tics. . The sh3110~t; periphe!dl \..L10.... . jllst offs] ),-e fr-C:'TI the applicant';-; prop:.:rty has reve~~etated \.lith turtle,")rass (Thalassia testudin:;'1<' and cuban sho.'1 h.,;e~d (Ila lodulE~ wr i.;r ht i i) . Sed imen ts here ar-e so J:t: calc<1reous sands and ITTllestone~ac~untjng for the [;entle side :~lopc3 of thi3 pcriphe,--al channel. Inshore fron~ this channel, the submcr(~c:nt shelf referred to in part B is found. This shelf supports a healthy growth of turtle grass, shoahleel~ .:md Bat9l(hora sp. ~~ome pioneering red r.1aIli~rOve (Rhizophora mangle) sccdl~ngs arc found .scattered beloH MU.I. Above the HU.J line and extending to HHW, the substrate is loose limestone rubble supportinG green filamentous algaes. This area ,)V;;~~' ,", (".v. . "_", ,,-:0.-' e e l\RtfBRUSTER, DAVID S. L 1+ L,- 3 (, 0 J 1,- 5 E ~1onroe County - Cudj oe Key .Jage Three [:lay have originally supported red and black (Avicennia germinans) mangroves, based upon adjacent lot observations, but presently contains only two large black mangroves and several seedlings of both species. Riprap has already been placed along the ir.tertidal area for the entire length of the applicant's property. This riprap is nenr :1Hi.J just below the wrack line. which is heavv, due to wind orientation. This riprap was larger and more recently placed on lot 7. Along this loose limestone rubble int~rtidal zone, nerites and ~ s in(: 1 p blue crab (Call inec tes. sanidus) ,:"ere ob served. Above the ":VT3Ck line, sea p~l~slane (Sesuvium Dortulacastrurn), '...'as the dominant transition species, altbough this transition zone is narrow and, in some places, non-existant. ~. The impact anticipated from chis project should be minimal. This rroject \vould 3eem to be the least environmentally damaging alternative to shoreline stal)i1ization. By stabilizing the shore- line, substrate and shelter ~or sessile and mobile marine organisms tvill be formed. In the process, a suitabJe area for mangrove re- propagation \ViII be lost, although some r "J mangroves may take hol(l at the foot of the riprap.