Resolution 524-1993 FILED FOR RFCORr: "94 JAN 11 AB :24 :}J,NI, C t,{ ',j ;~, c' ~ ~1QNRn( 'C:6t1N; ~, F i i Planning Department RESOLUTION NO. 524-1993 A RESOLUTION BY THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS GRANTING THE DESIGNATION OF "HISTORIC AND CULTURAL LANDMARK" TO PIGEON KEY. THE PROPERTY IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: A 5.31 ACRE ISLAND AT MILE MARKER 45 ALONG THE OLD SEVEN MILE BRIDGE, LOT 1, SECTION 13, TOWNSHIP 66 SOUTH, RANGE 31 EAST, TALLAHASSEE MERIDIAN, PIGEON KEY, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AS RECORDED IN OR 15, PAGE 374. WHEREAS, Pigeon Key is on the National Register of Historic Places as an Historic District, and is defined on that Register as comprising the entire island, including 15 contributing re- sources and 2 non- contributing buildings. The non- contributing buildings are the CBS Garage Building and the CBS Shed. The contributing resources comprise all other buildings and struc- tures on the island, including the dock, the access ramp, the saltwater pool, and the portion of the Old Seven Mile Bridge that extends over the island; and Page 1 of 4 WHEREAS, Pigeon Key, as defined on the National Register Registration Form and summarized above (hereafter Pigeon Key), meets the criteria for the designation of "Historic and Cultural Landmarks" as specified in Section 9.5 -452 (a) & (c) of the Mon- roe County Code. Amended. in that Pigeon Key is associated with events of historical significance to the cultural, social, and political history of Monroe County. In addition, the buildings and structures on Pigeon Key reflect an architectural style that , is unique, distinct and includes elements of traditional Florida Keys character; and WHEREAS, the procedures for landmark designation set forth in Section 9.5-453 of the Monroe County Code. Amended, have been followed, in that: 1. The proposed designation was initiated by a citizen of Monroe County, Mr. Jerry Wilkinson, in a letter to the County Administrator dated June 11, 1993. 2. The proposed designation includes a boundary description and a narrative description of the site and structures. 3. The proposed designation includes other evidence that sup- ports the designation, namely the National Register of Histor- ic Places Registration Form, which documents the historic, cultural and architectural significance of Pigeon Key. Page 2 of 4 4. The proposed designation has been reviewed by the Historic Florida Keys Preservation Board, which recommends Pigeon Key for local historic designation, as evidenced in a July 7, 1993 letter from the Board's Manager. 5. The proposed designation has been reviewed by ~he Pl~nning Director, who recommends Pigeon Key for landmark designation, as stated in the staff report to the Monroe County Planning Commission dated September 2, 1993. 6. The Monroe County Planning Commission, during a regular ses- sion held on September 16, 1993, conducted a public hearing on the proposed designation, reviewed the request from Mr. Wilkinson and the recommendations of the Historic Florida Keys Preservation Board and the Director of Planning, and heard testimony from the public. 7. The Planning Commission voted at said public hearing to recom- mend to the Monroe County Board of Commissioners that they grant the designation of "Historic and Cultural Landmark" to Pigeon Key, as stated in Planning Commission Resolution No. P37-93; and WHEREAS, the Monroe County Board of Commissioners has consid- ered the proposed designation and the recommendations of the Page 3 of 4 Historic Florida Keys Preservation Board, the Director of Plan- ning and the Planning Commission; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA THAT: Pigeon Key is hereby designated as an Historical and Cultural Landmark, as provided by Article VIII of the Monroe County Code. Amended. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 21st day of December , A.D. 1993. Mayor London yes Mayor Pro Tern Cheal yes Commissioner Freeman yes Commissioner Harvey yes Commissioner Reich yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ~ (Seal) Attest" DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK BY: ~ DEPUTY Page 4 of 4 Bl o~'ml;~