Resolution 012-1978WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Board of County Commis- sioners of Monroe County,' Florida, to make budgeted transfers previously set up in the Monroe County Budget for the year.1977-78,. and to create new items.under.said Budget, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY, THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF ,MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA,, that.:the budgeted transfers previously set up in the Monroe County Budget.. for the_year 1977778, in the amounts hereinafter set forth be- transferred to and from the following accounts: GENERAL REVENUE FUND Transfer.from Item #344100.2050,. Office Supplies, the sum of $.300.00 to Item #344100.3310, Rentals. Transfer from Item #4220.00.33101, Rentals, the sum of ,$280,.00 to Newly.Created Item #522000..3370, Maintenance of Buildings Transfer,from Item #720200.2050, Office Supplies, the sum of $13.05'to Newly Created,Item #720200.3330, Advertising . Transfer from Item #534703.3410, Contractual Ser- vices, the sum of $21.50 to Item#534703.1070, Workman-'-s Compensation.' .Transfer -.from Item #534817.2070, Tools, the sum of $104.80 to Newly Created Item #534817.2010-, Gaso line. Trans.fer'from Item #510500..4020, Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of $500.00 to Item #510500.3380', Maintenance of Equipment. Transfer from Item #278000.3310; Rentals-,_ the sum of .$2,100:.00 to.Item #255700.4020, Capital Outlay Equipment. Transfer from Item #210200.3310, Rentals,the sum of $2,100.00 to..Item #255700..4020, Capital Outlay Equipment,. Transfer from Item #256000.3310, Rentals,. the sum of $2,100.00 to -Item #255700.4020, Capital'.Outlay Equipment Transfer from Item #522300.3310, Rentals, the sum of $2,200.00. to. Item. #255700.4020., Capital - Outlay Equipment. -Transfer from Item #344100 . 3310 ,. Rentals , the sum of-$2,200.00. to Item #255700.4020, Capital Outlay: Equipment.-, Transfer from Item #344000.3310, Rentals, the sum of. $2,200.00 to Item4255700.4020, Capital Outlay Equipment., Transfer from Item #534817.2070, Tools, the sum of $256.40 'to Item #534817.2040, Miscellaneous ,Supplies. Transfer from Item #534817.2070, Tools, the sum of .$155.00 to Item #534817..209.0, Medical and, Surgical 'Supplies. Transfer from Item_#534817:"2070, Tools the sum of $59:9.3'to Newly Created Item.#534817.3240, .Clothing Transfer from Item #522100.3095,'Ambulance, the sum of $1,000.00.to.Newly.Created Item #510501..3410, Contractual Services. Transfer from Item#999000.7010,',Contingency,.,the sum of $9,000.00 to Item #510501.3410; Contractual Services. Transfer from Item #210100.3410,.Contractual Services, the sum of $102..'00_to;Item #210100.3340, -Commissions and -Fees.: Transfer from.Item #210200.:402.0-, Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of .$125':.01 to Newly Created Item #210200.4021,' Capital Outlay Under $100. Transfer" from Item 1�232100.4020 , Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of $242.:88 to Newly Created Item #232100.4021, Capital Outlay,Under $100. Transfer from Item #233200.4020, Capital Outlay 'Equipment, the sum of $205.31.to Newly.Created Item #233200-.4021-, Capital Outlay Equipment Under .$100. Transfer from Item #255700:2040, Miscellaneous Supplies,- the sum of $12.00 to Newly Created Item #25570.0.3310,'Rentals. Transfer from Item #25600.0.3280, Auto Allowance and Travel, the sum of $77.3.9 to. Item #256000-.4020., Capital Outlay Equipment. Transfer from Item #267000.4020,'Capital Outlay Equipment, the s,um of $239.58 to.Item #267000'.4021,' Capital .Outlay Equipment Under..$100. Transfer from Item #2671010'.4020; Capital Outlay . Equipment, the sum of $210.63 to Newly Created Item #267100.4021,.Captial- Outlay Equipment Under :$100. Transfer from.Item #344000,4020;--Capital Outlay Equipment the sum of . '$26.:50 to -Newly Created Item #344000.4021, Capital Outlay Equipment Under $100. Page 2 of 10 Pages Transfer from Item #210100.2050, Office Supplies, the sum of $45.13,to Item #399300.2050, Office Supplies. Transfer from Item #999000.7010, Contingency, the sum of $28.44 to Newly Created Item #534100.3280, Auto Allowance and Travel. Transfer from Item #534201.1030, Salaries Non - Payroll, the sum of $286-.0 to Newly Created Item #534201.3350, Communications. Transfer from Item #534202.2050, Office Supplies, the sum of $92..50 to Item #534202.3260, Food and Dietary. Transfer from Item #630200.4020,.Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of $85.50 to Newly Created Item #630200.4021, Capital Outlay Under $100. Transfer from Item #610200.3370, Maintenance of Buildings, the sum of $108.53 to Item #610200.2040, Miscellaneous Supplies. Transfer from Item #610200.3370, Maintenance of Buildings, the'sum of $13.20 to Item #610200.2050, Office Supplies. Transfer from Item #790000.3411, Contractual Ser- vices, the sum of $8.68 to Newly Created Item #790000.3280, Auto Allowance and Travel. Transfer from Item #999000.7010, Contingency, the sum of $535.00 to Newly Created Item #534704.4020, Capital Outlay Equipment. Transfer from Item #630200.3280, Auto Allowance and Travel,'the sum of $10.00 to Item #630200.3320, Subscriptions. Transfer from Item #999000.7010,- Contingency, the sum of $870.00 to Item #255700.3300, Insurance and Bonds. Transfer from Item #399100.3280, Auto Allowance and Travel, the sum of $332.00 to Item #399100.3300, Insurance and Bonds. Transfer from Item #210100.3300, Insurance and Bonds, the sum of $569.00 to Item #399100.3300, Insurance and Bonds. Transfer from Item #510500.2050, Office Supplies, the sum of $50.00 to Newly Created Item #510500.3390, Transportation. Transfer from Item #510600.3410, Contractual Ser- vices., the sum of $3,000.00 to Newly Created Item #610100.3410, Contractual Services (Lower Keys). Transfer from Item #510600.3410,.Contractual Ser- vices, the sum of.$3,000.00 to Newly Created Item #610101.3410, Contractual.Services (Middle Keys). Transfer -from Item #5.10600..3410, Contractual Ser- vices, the sum of $3', 000". 00 to Newly Created Item #610102.3410, Contractual Services (Upper Keys). Page 3 of 10 Pages. Transfer from Item #720200.3380, Maintenance of Equipment, the sum of $70.00 to Item #522000.4020,. Capital Outlay. Transfer from Item #534803.1060, Group Insurance, the sum of $22.,000.00 to"Item #534803.1030, Salaries'Non-Payroll. Transfer from Item #534804.1030, Salaries, the sum of.$90 00 to Item #5.34864-.2090, Medical and Surgical Supplies.. Transfer from Item 1�534816. 3090 , ' Physician Ser- vices, the sum of $522.00 to Item #534816.2090, Medical and Surgical Supplies. Transfer from -Item #790000.3411, Contractual Ser_-' vices, the sum of $36,960.00 to Newly Created Item #267005.4010, Capital Outlay Building. Transfer from Item #610100 vices, the sum of $196.05 Allowance and Travel. Transfer from Item #630200 the sum of $11.64 to Item of Equipment. .3410, Contractual Ser- to Item #610100.3280, Auto .2050, Office Supplies, #630200.3310, Maintenance Transfer from Item #999000.7010, Contingency,. the sum of $4,378.00 to Item #534705.3280, Auto Allow- ance and Travel. Transfer from Item #999000.7010, Contingency, the sum of $2,000.00 to Item #534705.2000, Medical Supplies and Expenses. Transfer from Item #999000.7010, Contingency, the sum'of $750.00 to Item #534705.3330, Advertising. Transfer from Item #999000.7010, Contingency, the sum of $2,500.00 to Item #534705.3281, Auto Allowance and Travel. Transfer from Item #999000.7010, Contingency, the sum of $600.00 to Item #534705.2050, Office Sup- plies. Transfer from Item #999000.7010, Contingency, the sum of $1,500.00 to.Item #534705.3350; Communica- tions. Transfer from Item #999000.7010, Contingency, the sum of $'350.00 to Item.#534705.205.1, Office Sup- plies. SUPPLEMENT TO GENERAL REVENUE FUND Transfer from Item Equipment, the sum Item #621200.4021, $100. #621200.4020, Capital Outlay of $148.12 to Newly Created Capital Outlay Equipment Under Page 4 of 10 Pages GENERAL REVENUE FUND Transfer from Item #210100.3410, Contractual Services,. the sum of $700.00 to Item #210100.3330; Advertising. Transfer from Item #232000.3310, Rentals; the sum of $2,100.00 to Item #210200.3310, Rentals. Transfer from Item #210300.3410., Contractual Services, the sum of $61.00 to Item #210300.3350, Maintenance of Equipment Transfer from Item #232000.2050, Office Supplies, the sum of $791.00 to Newly -Created Item #232000.3300, Insurance and Bonds. Transfer from Item #232000.2050, Office Supplies, the sum of $7.01 to Item #232001.2010,. Gasoline. Transfer from Item #232100.2050,- Office Supplies, the sum of $353.43 to Item #232100..3350, Communications. Transfer from Item #344000.1020, Salaires, the sum of $15,.000.00 to Item #233200.3410, Contractual Ser- vices. Transfer from Item #244000.2050, Office Supplies,.the sum'of $25.00 to Item #244000.3290, Dues.and Member- ships. Transfer from Item #255700.3380, Maintenance of Equipment, the sum of $16.95. to Item #255700._3240, Clothing. Transfer.from Item #267001.4010, Capital Outlay Buildings FRS,.the sum of $103.58 to Item #267002.4010, Capital Outlay Buildings FRS., Transfer from Item #267100.4020, Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of $97.84 to Item #26710.0.4021, Capital Outlay Equipment Under $100. Transfer from Item #278000.2050, Office Supplies, the sum of $233.67 to Item #278000.3380,.Maintenance of Equipment. Transfer from Item #344100.2180, Auto Allowance and Travel, the_sum of $98.-77 to.Item #344100.3310, Rentals. Transfer from Item #399100.3370, Maintenance of Buildings, the sum of $155:00.to Item #399100.3300, Insurance and Bonds. Transfer from Item #255200.2050, Office Supplies, the sum of $13.20 to Item #399300.2050, Office Supplies. Transfer from Item #255200.205.0, Office Supplies, the sum of.$10:95 to Item #399300:2070, Tools and Small Implements.. Transfer from Item #510600.2080, Medicine anal Drugs, the sum of $1,000.00 to Item #510600.3280,.Auto Allowance and Travel. Page 5 of 10 Pages Transfer from Item #610200.3280, Auto Allowance and'Travel, the sum of $100.00 to Item #610200.2050, Office Supplies. Transfer from Item #267001,.4010, Capital Outlay. Buildings FRS, the sum of $4,772.50 to Newly Created Item #267001.4010, Capital Outlay Equip- ment FRS., Transfer from Item #534202.1030, Salaries Non - Payroll, the sum -of $25&.00 to Item #534201.3350, Communications Transfer from Item #534202.1030, Salaries.Non- Payroll, the sum .of $245:44 to Newly Created Item #534202.337.0, Maintenance of Buildings. Transfer from Item #534703.3410, Contractual Ser- vices, the sum of $23.60 to. Item #534703.3300, Insurance and Bonds. Transfer from Item #610200.2010, Gasoline,, the sum of $200..00 to Item #6"10200.2040, Miscellaneous Supplies.. Transfer from Item #790000.3411, Contractual Ser vices, the sum of $57.75 to Item #790000.2050., Office Supplies. Transfer from Item #790000.3411; Contractual Ser- ..vices, the sum of $22.68 to Item #790000.3280, Auto Allowance and Travel. Transfer from Item #790000.3411, Contractual Ser- vices, the sum of $54.25 to Item #7.90000.3330, Advertising. Transfer.from Item #534817.3380, Maintenance of Equipment, the sum of $2,.000.*00 to Item #534817.2010, Gasoline. Transfer from Item #53481-7.3380, Maintenance of Equipment, the sum of-$500.00 to Item #534817.2040, Miscallenous Supplies. .Transfer from Item #534817.3380, Maintenance -of Equipment, the sum of .$25.00 to Item #534817.3260, Food and Dietary. Transfer from Item #5348.17.'3380, Maintenance' of Equipment, the sum of $700.00 to Item #534817.2090, Medical and Surgical Supplies. MUNICIPAL.SERVICE TAX DISTRICT FUND Transfer. -from Item #799201:3410, Contractual Ser- vices, the sum of $2,289.60` to Item #799201.3310, Rentals. Transfer' from Item #799201.3410, Contractual 'Ser- Vices„ the sum of $112..17 to Newly Created Item #799201.3350' Communications: Page 6 of 10 Pages + i - Transfer from Item #799202..3370, Maintenance of Buildings, the sum of $1,452.96 to.Newly;Created Item #799202.2030,.Materials. Transfer from Item #799202.3370, Maintenance of Buildings., the sum of $922.85 to Item #799202.3310, Rentals. Transfer from Item 4�799203.3370, Maintenance of Buildings, the sum of $176.25 to Newly Created Item #799203.3300, Insurance and Bonds. Transfer from Item #799203.337'0, Maintenance of Buildings, the sum of $180.00 to. Newly Create.d Item #799203.3310, Rentals. Transfer from Item #799205.2040, Miscellaneous Supplies, the sum of-$70.76 to Newly Created Item #799.205.2030, Materials. Transfer'from Item #799205.2010,Gasoline, the sum of $280.00.to Item #799205.3310, Rentals. Transfer from Item #799206.3370, Maintenance of Buildings -,the -sum of $61.25.to Item #799206.3300, Insurance and Bonds. Transfer from Item #799206.3370, Maintenance of Buildings, the sum of $550.00 to Item #799206.3310, Rentals. Transfer from Item #799205.3350,-Maintenance of Equipment, the sum of $1,740.09.to Item.-#799206.3380, Maintenance of Equipment. Transfer from Item #799206.3370, Maintenance of Buildings, the .sum of $7.21 to Newly Created Item IP799206.3400, Utilities. Transfer from Item #799206.3370, Maintenance of Buildings,, the sum of $118.00 to Newly Created Item #799206.4020,.Capital Outlay Equipment. Transfer from Item #799202..2010, Gasoline, the sum of $61.25 to Newly -Created -Item #799202.3300, Insurance and Bonds. Transfer from Item #799205.2010, Gasoline; the sum of $527.00 to. Item #799205.4010,:'Capital-Outlay Buildings Transfer from Item #799201.3410, Contractual Ser- vices, the. sum of $2,801.45.to-Item #799201.3310, Rentals. Transfer from Item 4799201:3410, Contractual Ser- vices, the sum of $202.87 to Item #799201.3350, Communications. Transfer from Item #799207.4020, Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of .$17.057.50 to Item #799201.4020, Capital Outlay Equipment. Transfer from Item #799202.3370, Maintenance of Buildings, the sum of $7,202.88 to.Item #799202.2030, Materials. Page 7 of 10 Pages Transfer:from Item #799202.2010, Gasoline, the sum..of $61.25 to Item #799202.3300, Insurance and Bonds. Transfer from Item #7992.02.3380, Maintenance of Equipment, the sum of $497.00 to Item #799202.3310, Rentals. Transfer.from Item #799207.4020,'Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of 277.-00 to Item #799202.4020, Capital Outlay Equipment. Transfer from Item #799206.3370, Maintenance of Buildings, the sum of $61.25 to Item-#799206.3300, Insurance and Bonds. Transfer from Item #799203.-3370, Maintenance of - Buildings, the sum of $180..00- to Item #799203.3310, Rentals. Transfer from Item #799203.33-70., Maintenance of Buildings, the sum.of $176.25.to Item #799203.3300, Insurance and Bonds. Transfer from Item #799203.3370, Maintenance of Buildings, the sum of $1,000.00. to Item #799203.3400, Utilities. Transfer from Item #7992.04.3370, Maintenance of Buildings,, the sum of $100.00 to Item #79920.4.2030, Materials Transfer from Item #799204:3280, Auto Allowance and Travel' the sum of $100.00 to Item #799204.3260, Food and Dietary. Transfer from Item #799205-.2040, Miscellaneous Supplies, the sum of $200.00 to .Item #799205.2030, Materials. Transfer from Item #799205.-2010, Gasoline, the sum of $1,000.00 to Item #799205.3310, Rentals. Transfer from Item #799205.2010, Gasoline, the sum of $527.00 to Item #799205.4010,.Capital Outlay Buildings. Transfer from Item #799206.3370, Maintenance of Buildings, the sum of $75.00 to Item #799206.2040, Miscellaneous Supplies. - Transfer from Item #799206.3370, Maintenance of Buildings, the sum of $100.00 to Item #799206.2070, Tools and Small Implements. Transfer from Item #799206.3370, Maintenance of Buildings, the'sum of $50.00 to -Item #799206.3260, Food and Dietary.. Transfer from Item #799206.3370, Maintenance of Bui.ldings,, the sum of $555.00 to.Item #799206.3310, Rentals..' Transfer:from Item #799206.3370, Maintenance of Buildings,..the sum,of $2,,114.27:to Item #799206.3380, Maintenance of Equipment. Page 8 of,10 Pages Transfer from Item #799206.3370, Maintenance of Buildings, the sum of $100.00 to.Item #799206.3400, Utilities. Transfer.!.from Item #799206.3370, Maintenance of Buildings, the sum of $100.00 to Item #799206.4020, Capital Outlay Equipment. MONROE COUNTY WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION SELF-INSURANCE FUND Transfer from Item.#255500.3410, Contractual Ser- vices, the sum.of $3,567'.00 to Item #255500.3300, Insurance and Bonds. Transfer from Item #255500:1020,'Salaries and Wages, the sum of $9,125.79.to Item #255500.3340, Commissions and Fees Transfer from Item #25550D.3410, Contractual Ser- vices, the sum of $1,216-.:00 to Item #255500.3300, Insurance and -Bonds.' ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND Transfer from Item #321000.4020, Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of $27.05 to Newly Created Item #321000.4021, Capital Outlay Equipment Under $100. Transfer from Item #321009.3380, Maintenance of Equipment, the sum of $31.92 to Item #321009.2040, Miscellaneous Supplies. Transfer from Item #321000..4020, Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of $410.40 to Item #321001.4020, Capital Outlay Equipment. Transfer --from Item #321000.4020, Capital Outlay, the sum of $500.00 to Newly Created Item #321002.4020, Capital Outlay Equipment. Transfer from Item #321000.4020, Capital Outlay, the sum of $200.00 to Item #321004.4020, Capital Outlay Equipment. Transfer from Item #410200.2030, Materials, the sum of $75,000.00 to Item #410200.4020, Capital.0utlay Equipment. Transfer from Item #410200.3310, Rentals, the sum of $10•,000.00 to Item #410200.4020, Capital Outlay Equipment. Transfer from Item #321000.4020, Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of $78.00 to Item #321003.4021, Capital Outlay Under $100. Transfer from -Item #321000.4020, Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of $109.70 to Item #321003.4020, Capital Outlay Equipment: Transfer from Item #321000.4020, Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of $410.40 to Item #321001.4020, Capital Outlay Equipment. Transfer from Item #321009.2010, Gasoline, the sum of $32.00 to Item #321009.3240, Clothing. Page 9 of 10 Pages A 4 A - - i Transfer from Item #410100.2010, Gasoline,, the - sum of $200 .00 to ,Item #410100. 3280 , ': Auto Allow- ance and Travel. AIRPORT OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE FUND Transfer from Item #720100 .-3370., Maintenance of Build- ings., the sum of,$1,300'.0`Q to Item #72010.0.3310, Rentals. Transfer from Item #72-0100.33.70, Maintenance of Build- ings, the sum of $8.35"to Item #720100.3280, Auto Allowance and Travel. Transfer from Item #720100.3370, Maintenance of Build- ings-, the sum of--$400.00.-to Item #720100.2010, Gasoline. CARD SOUND BRIDGE -FUND Trans.fer from Item #799100..4020, Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of $99.95 to Newly Created Item #799100.4021, Capital outlay Equipment Under $100. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the Clerk of said Board be and he is hereby authorized to -take the. necessary action to effect -the -transfer fof,'funds hereinabove set forth. DATED January 17, 1978. Attest: Cler BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS -OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA - r-Mayor and Chairman (Seal). HEREBY CERTIFY that. this docurnen-t has been reviewed for legal suffi- ciency and that the same' meets with my approval:, �itarriy Office Page 10 of 10 Pages