Resolution 043-1978 43 1978 RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION EXPRESSING APPRECIATION TO BRIAN BUSSEN, P.E., RESIDENT ENGINEER. WHEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA regretably has accepted the Resignation of Brian Bussen, P.E. as Resident Engineer, and WHEREAS, Brian Bussen has furnished invaluable service to the Board as Resident Engineer having been instrumental in conducting the structural inspection of the bridges in Monroe County and providing the engineering for the construction of the Governmental Center to be located at Plantation Key; he has also assisted the County in obtaining Federal funds for said Governmental Center. Brian Bussen has further provided the engineering for the bicycle paths to be constructed in Monroe County and has provided advice to the Board as the Secondary Road Fund to be administered by the County. In short, he has done much for the Board during his time as Resident Engineer and the Board has deep appreciation for his work, now therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA that the Board hereby extends to BRIAN BUSSEN, P.E., its appreciation for the fine service done by BRIAN BUSSEN for Monroe County and wishes him every success in the future. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a Certified Copy of this Resolution be furnished by the Clerk to BRIAN BUSSEN. RESOLVED in Regular Session at Marathon, Monroe County, Florida this 21st day of February, A.D. 1978. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ./ BYi~' ~~p~~' ~ Mayor/Chairman Attest:') (_&/~4:~ C"'-TIFY t~ t ''''.. ,'f'....,~"...' ~1(<: I ura~~y r; \ ;IS: ~~,l" \.'., .'" .....,... , .~ '\I;h...... ... f . -l been r r:viowed lor iegrd ~:,,'Li;~~.n':;~ ;:i:.. content and that the sam2f3!me~t5 w: dl ir.~ approval. ~ Jj I ~ RICHARD G. PAYNE Asst. County Jl.ttl)rn~y APPROVED ON__~~; ~ \:~ 2... ~..... .,'--~_.__..... Q(JQ i'~ _....c~:.~ ~-_-'--'-e..~,,,-, .C..~-iC, __:3..3............., ,... ., ..--