Resolution 049-1978 RESOLUTION NO, 49 -1978 A P~SOLUTION APPROVING LETTERS OF TEID1INATION OF POST, BUCKLEY, SCHUH & JEm~IGAN, INC., AS CONSULT- ING ENGINEERS FOR MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of rfunroe County, Florida, presently has two contracts with Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc., dated the 1st day of October, 1971, as amended by Supplemental Agreements 1, 2, and 3, and Agreement dated the 27th day of August, 1974, and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, desires to terminate said services in accordance with the terms and conditions of the aforesaid agreements, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COr~1ISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. That in accordance with said termination clauses, the letters attached hereto and made a part hereof are hereby authorized and approved, 2, That the County Attorney is hereby authorized and directed to forward said letters to Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc., terminating said contracts. DATED February 21, 1978, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COu~TY, FLORIDA ?7 ~_ BYL'.z-:;~~~ ,/ :a:~r: v M or and' al rman Attest: (Seal) '-~""'" $;~- '-... I HEREBY CERTIFY that this document has been reviewed for legal suffi- cie!:c:t i.-' T.~ i:i:~ t l. i 2 s~'rnG nlC':'ts with my ()p~!rl~\/;';:. By ~J~.A. Off Attorney S Ice ^ 1 'V ..J i' '..~."" ...u. e;2. ;l\/.Y&-. - "'PfJ.~t')vE:I:J'OI'll-,-,. .. ....... . ((.. .. Cfll":;.~ ""tl._" .. .._...,J.......f".~ ~OOK .. ---.---- __l~ ~ P.O. Box . _:~~=. ~1 "".''''V''''lI<~~ , OFFICE OF: Michael H. Cates, Esq. Legal Advisor 505 Whitehead Street ~~ rt;~r.::::"':'" BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RICHARD A. KERR, District 1 PURIEGTON "PURIE" HOWANITZ, District 2 JERRY HERNANDEZ, JR., District 3 JEROME SHIPLEY, District 4 DON SCHLOESSER, District 5 ..... . -,. . . '+ . :0:- ~"" February 21, 1978 Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc. Consulting Engineers ://:10 Palms Plaza Homestead, Florida 33030 Re: Notice of Termination of Contract dated October 1, 1971 - G~ntlemen: Please be advised, in accordance with the action of the B0ard of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, you are hereby notified, in accordance with clause 3 of that contract dated the lst day of October, 1971, and all three supplemental agreements thereto, that said contract and supplemental agree- ments are hereby terminated as of the 27th day of March, 1978. You are specifically authorized to complete all of your Work Orders Nos~ l, 2, and 3 in their entirety, but you are to cease and desist any. other work or service in accordance with clause 3 of the aforesaid contract. You are hereby requested, in accordancew:i.th said contract, to submit proper invoicing for all work completed as of the date of termination, You are also hereby specifically requested to advise the p~esent status of the Northside Drive Project which you are to complete as well as any other project as well as including esti- mated date as to. when plans, specitications and call for bids can be accomplished.. Sincerely, ~ . MICHAEL H. CATES Legal Advisor MHC/pa .,- .. OFFICE OF: Michael H. Cates, Esq, Legal Advisor 505 Whitehead Street . "" _:':;~; ".~c~ r-~"- ........-." ~.--r' I. '.' ...~' \ ...... ~~'.:':- ~ -.r" :!GJ);-, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RICHARD A. KERR, District 1 PURIEGTON "PURIE" HOWANITZ, District 2 JERRY HERNANDEZ, JR., District 3 JEROME SHIPLEY, District 4 DON SCHLOESSER, District 5 p,O. Box e"". . -. . . ". ':(Il.l'. February 21, 1978 Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc. Consulting Engineers tHO Palms Plaza Homestead, Florida 33030 Re: Contract dated August 27, 1974 Gentlemen: " Please he advised that in accordance with the action of the Board of County'Commissioners of Monroe County,. Florida, you q~e hereby notified, in a~cordance with clause 4 of that con- tract dated August 27, 1974, that said agreement is terminated in its entirety; and such termination shall take effect on the 25th day of April, 1978, at 12 o'clock midnight in accordance with the terms of said contract, except that you are hereby authorized and directed to complete the plans and specifications and call for bids for the incinerator for the Key Largo area and the plans and/or specifications and call for bids for private enterprise to operate the solid waste program of Monroe County, such authorization being subject to the original 60 days notice of termination, You are" hereby reques ted, in accordance with clause 4 of said contract', to provide a detailed invoice for all \vork a~complished up to the date of the notice of such termination for any other work except for that provided for in the paragraph immediately above. . Sincerely, . MICHAEL H. CATES Legal Advisor MHC/pa ...