Resolution 070-1978 RESOLUTION NO. 70 - 1978 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CHAIRMAN TO EXECUTE A QUIT-CLAIM DEED TO RICHARD B. STANLEY. WHEREAS, RICHARD B. STANLEY desires to place an accessory building on Lot 43, Block 6, Summer land Key Cove and has quit-claimed to the County, title to Lots 42 and 43 so that the County may place upon his title a deed restriction which would merge Lots 42 and 43 into a single entity until such time as a habitable structure be placed on Lot 43, now therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA as follows: 1. That the Clerk be authorized to record the Quit-Claim Deed from Richard B. Stanley to Monroe County bearing the date 2/18/78. 2. That the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners be and he is hereby authorized to execute in behalf of the County, a Quit-Claim Deed back to the said Richard B. Stanley, a true copy of which is attached hereto, and further 3. That the Clerk be and he is hereby authorized to record the said Quit-Claim Deed executed by the Chairman. RESOLVED in regular session at Marathon, Monroe County, Florida this 21st day of March, A.D. 1978. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ~;7 ~_~ . BYe,/ ~~, ''''~"- Mayor/Chairman --) Attest: . / .' ~_.... ,/'" ," / ~) ~ ~(j,./~/_,'..' , C erk to the Board .. I HE'RnY cmnn that th!s l!or.mr~r,t bas b '''' 4' I i ....(:. ;""" '1; "~'~ een rOVlcwelo.l lor t,?g<.:. f,':,. "; ,'; ,'.1 ." d .',1 ~t tl. ." ~,~,~.. .,i....:'I":' content zr. ~)Q ilG. SDrn" w", .,. t.. ... ...'1 approval. ~~!A.~.~.()? fCA^-j.n...... RIOIARD G. p,nw: AlliSt. County Ab.u:-ne~ . . L ? ~;;t \ ~., ~ . -,.;;,.....,...... ...'N!"J"!'1<f,' ,- tl~tl..~----.....h.~.-,......- 1"rI':I'l.U " .:...0 ~ ~ ... ~ PJ\Gli,_.O L,.uc,' .;;..')~ ~~.,..-