Resolution 084-1978RESOLUTION NO. 84 -1978 WHEREAS, the State of Florida Department of Transportation proposes to construct a bridge and approaches at Ohio -Bahia Honda Channel (S.R. 5) Monore County, Florida, Department of Transporta- tion Project No. 90030-3524, and WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Board of County Commis- sioners of Monroe County, Florida, to approve said project, and WHEREAS, the Department of Transportation has provided the Board with sketches describing the proposed construction, and WHEREAS, the State of Florida Department of Transportation has filed an application for a dredge -fill permit from the State of Florida Department of Environmental Regulation, and WHEREAS, a biological survey study has been made by the Department of Environmental Regulation, and a copy of said report has been read into the records and duly conisdered at a public meeting of the Board, and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, has determined that the issuance of a dredge -fill permit will not be contrary to the public interest, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Board endorses the State of Florida Department of Transportation proposal to construct a bridge and approaches at Ohio -Bahia Honda Channel (S.R. 5), Department of Transportation Project No. 90030-3524 as shown in the proposed permit drawing and has entered the biological survey as shown in the attached report into the records of a public meeting. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that certified copies of this Resolution be forwarded to the State of Florida Department of Transportation and State of Florida Department of Environmental Regulations. Page 1 of 2 Pages APPROVED ON ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, this 28th day of March, 1978. Attest- Clerk-' BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA �Vr_ . . r an Chai (Seal) I HEREBY CERTIFY that this document has been reviewed for legal Suffi- ciency and that the same meets with my approval. By Attorney's Office Page 2 of 2 Pages � • 1 f •y l J�� /01�9 M,. .. • a / / N\SS��ikk E� P d VICINITY MAP FROM MONROE COUNTY HIGHWAY MAP PROJECT NO. 90030-3524 PROPOSED FILLING AND DREDGING IN OHIO BAHIA HONDA CHANNEL S. R. 5 MONROE COUNTY FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MARCH 1977 ALTERNATE D-2 SHEET I OF 15 I SHEET NO. 2 OF 15 0 50 100 0 Existing Bridge to remain 0 In Proposed Bridge Lk ------------------ ----ti` Approx. 150 To Key West iA 0 50 100� Scale (Ft.) 20 .11 In Lin. Ft.of Riprap 1,107'± 0 10 20 Scale (Ft.) L.W.-0.3 l`r PLAN roll Bridae Lenath EL EVATION Approx_ 125 Lin. Ft. of Ri prap ( See Sheet # 7 for Riprap Details) To Miom i I ►n I I I I I 111 I I I I N N O TYPICAL SECTION THRU 36"0± Hole for PROPOSED BRIDGE Pile Driving FOUNDATION CONSTRUCTION METHOD 1 FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATINGI PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF \Minimum Vertical Clearance M.H.W. = 9.30� BRIDGE OVER OHIO BAHIA %j N Minimum Vertical Clearance M.L.W.=10.10� Water Reference HONDA CHANNEL LIJ Existing Vertical Clearance = 8.0' Datum N.O.A.A. BRIDGE NO.900105 Of PO Minimum Horizontal Clearance=78.00' Mar. 1977 0 00 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF 2 0' Existing Horizontal Clearance = 16.0' TRANSPORTATION `I SHEET NO.3 OF 15 LEGEND LIMIT OF TRANSITION ZONE M H W MLW TOE OF SLOPE SILT BARRIER PARCEL NUMBER TEMP FILL ( SUBMERGED LAND) DREDGE AREA (SUBMERGED LAND) RUBBLE FILL AREA ( SUBMERGED LAND AND TRANSITION ZONE) �J T T T TTTTTTT vvvvvvvvvv FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING I v PROPOSED FILLING AND Wo M DREDGING IN OHIO BAHIA M HONDA CHANNEL ON S. R. NO.5 0 o BRIDGE NO. 900105 MARCH 1977 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SHEET NO. 4 OF 15 O cr Z - O QUANTITIES KEY WEST END MIAMI END. EST. FILL AREA SUBMERGED LAND 0.23 AC 0.03 AC ffi26 EST. FILL AREA TRANSITION -ZONE 0.18 AC 1.53 AC 1.71 AC. EST. FILL VOLUME SUBMERGED LAND 842 CY -0- CY 842 CY EST. FILL VOLUME TRANSITION ZONE 1253 CY 18,568 CY .19,821 CY EST. DREDGE VOLUME FOR PI L E S 216 CY FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATINGI PROPOSED FILLING' AND DREDGING IN OHIO BAHIA HONDA CHANNEL ON S. R. NO. 5 BRIDGE NO. 900105 MARCH 1977 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION �-- TO KEY WEST TO MIAMI SHEET NO. 5 OF 15 STA. 240+13.10 (LEXIST. STA. 240+04.900 CONST. SCALE: 1 % 100' FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING PROPOSED FILLING AND DREDGING IN OHIO BAHIA HO_ NDA CHANNEL ON S. R. NO.5 BRIDGE NO. 900105 MARCH 1977 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION �- TO KEY WEST a W _z .J U Q N .10 M • W 00 Ir In Z 0 0 0 rn TO MIAMI o .z --------------- ,r R/W _ _ - - 8 Wto 0 Ln APPROX. END OF '•....o .} TRANSITION ZONE m 0 Z N 250 w H N m Cn ....................., ,EXIST. ROADWAY R N SILT BARRIER ALT..D- CONST. '-#- B APPROX. END OF TRANSITION ZONE SHEET NO. 6 OF 15 B EXIST. WINGWALL & BRIDGE TO REMAIN__ an W Z •'• SILT U r, • BARRIE Q MI O SCALE : I"=100' FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING PROPOSED FILLING AND DREDGING IN OHIO BAHIA HONDA CHANNEL ON S. R. NO. 5 BRIDGE NO.900105 MARCH 1977 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF - TRANSPORTATION .4 TO KEY WEST TO MIAMI --1I SHEET NO. 7 OF 15 -- fR/W -- -- '� 255 260 EXIST: BRIDGE TO REMAIN I (LEXIST. ROADWAY m W W J Z = J V o CL CONST. ALT. D - 2 Q N �R/W 3L O-Nin. — -- Edge of Limits of Proposed Approach Slab Slope Protection -- „ , SCALE I =100 — �_ �� Edge of Shoulder I 6 (StoneaSiurry) I- II. FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING and Slurry) Slope 2:1 PROPOSED FILLING AND DREDGING M Natural I Natural Ground IN OHIO BAHIA HONDA CHANNEL W 0 i Ground This slope to ON S.R. NO.5. W z O match RoadwayIII Lim its of Proposed Fill Slope BRIDGE N0. 900105 _ Slope Protection SECTION THRU SIDE SLOPE MARCH 1977 SECTION THRU FORWARD SLOPE OF (See Sheet#2 for Limits FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF _- PROPOSED BRIDGE RI P RAP DETAILS of Riprap) I TRANSPORTATI ON a M W 00 w- ro 00 20 �--- TO KEY WEST END OF TRANSITION ZONE APPROX. C 265 EXIST. WINGWALL a TO MIAMI SHEET NO. 8 OF 15 0 �R/W 7 D— — BRIDGE TO REMAIN 0 EXIST. ROADWAY L I � "�I I \ � I I ' JCL CONST. ALT. D-2 0 Lo SILT BARRIER " W N C 0+ coo c~n ® c\l z z8 1, l cn to APPROX.END OF TRANSITION ZONE O 2 R/W --7 ® SILT BARRIER SCALE: I°= 100' W z FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING PROPOSED FILLING AND DREDGING IN OHIO BAHIA HONDA CHANNEL ON S. R. NO.5 BRIDGE NO. 900105 MARCH 19T7 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - - TO KEY WEST TO MIAMI SHEET NO., 9 OF 15 L V N M 00 CC. to 00 2m 270 EQ STA. 276+26.55 �_ EXIST. STA. 276+26.55 �.CONST. �R/W _ EXIST. ROADWAY LU rLCONST. ALT. D-2 J 2 V APPROX. END OF RA SILT BARRIER O 275. r•-E 11 LE FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING PROPOSED FILLING AND DREDGING IN OHIO BAHIA HONDA CHANNEL ON S. R. NO. 5 BRIDGE NO. 900105 MARCH 1977 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SHEET NO 10 OF 15 N to M W 1 cr IM 00 ADJACENT Parcel No. O RIPARIAN OWNERS Owners STATE OF FLORIDA BOARD OF PARKS AND HISTORIC MEMORIALS _- TALLAHASSEE , FL. 32301 O2 WILLIAM ATKINSON RT. 1 , BOX 788 BIG PINE KEY, FL. 33034 O3 DIVERSIFIED MORTGAGE INVESTORS INC. 225 FRANKLIN ST. BOSTON , MASS. 10109 u FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING PROPOSED FILLING AND DREDGING IN OHIO BAHIA HONDA CHANNEL ON S.R. NO.5. BRIDGE NO. 900105 MARCH 1977 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECTION THRU ROADWAY AT STA. 243+00 SHEET NO. II OF 15 rr. EXISTING ROADWAY PROPOSED 4 :1 SLOPE I / PROPOSED 4:1 SLOPE 5 M HW t0.B0 E L.0.00 M LW - 0.30 SCALE I" = 5' VERT. SEC. A -A 1" = 20' HORIZ. FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATINGI PROPOSED FILLING AND DREDGING a IN OHIO BAHIA HONDA CHANNEL to w rI ON S.R. NO.5 o MAR. 1977 -- zo BRIDGE NO. 900105 00 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECTION THRU ROADWAY AT STA. 252+00 SHEET NO. 12 OF 15 Ot EXISTING ROADWAY 0 j 5 / MHW +0.80 �------------- SCALE I" = 5' VERT. I" = 20' HORIZ. EL. 0.00 M LW -0.30 SECT. B-B FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATINGI PROPOSED FILLING AND DREDGING IN OHIO BAHIA HONDA CHANNEL N ON S. R. NO. 5 0 o BRIDGE NO. 900105 z o MARCH 1977 00 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECTION THRU ROADWAY AT STA. 268+00 �Q- EXISTING ROADWAY 00 i SCALE I" = 5' VERT. I" 0 20' HORIZ. N U) M W I Ix to00 ". v.vv MLW-0.30 SECT. D- D SHEET NO.14 OF 15 I FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATINGI PROPOSED FILLING AND DREDGING1 IN OHIO BAHIA HONDA CHANNEL ON S. R. NO. 5 BRIDGE NO. 900105 MARCH 1977 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECTION THRU ROADWAY AT STA. 275+00 SHEET NO. 15 OF 15 I , C FYICTlmr. RC)enwAY SCALE I" = 5' VERT. I"= 20' HORIZ. SECT. E- E FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING PROPOSED FILLING AND DREDGING �. IN OHIO BAHIA HONDA CHANNEL U) ON S. R. NO.5 a o M BRIDGE NO. 900105 Z O MFLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF 0� TRANSPORTATION OZHE artt •s t STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION •' 2562 EXECUTIVE CENTER CIRCLE, EAST MONTGOMERY BUILDING TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32301 REUBIN O'D. ASKEW JOSEPH W. LANDERS, JR. GOVERNOR SECRETARY June 28, 1977 Monroe County Board of County ' Commissioners Monroe County Courthouse,� p Key West, Florida 33040 E G E � �' Gentlemen: <ye. Del. File No. 44-37-3989, Conroe County & Department of Transportation Ohio Bahia Honda Channel, (SX4 90030-3524) Our staff has performed a biological survey for this project and offers the following comments: The applicant proposes to construct a 1,107-foot long by approximately 47-foot wide bridge across Ohio Bahia Honda Channel. Approximately 2,095 cubic yards of riaterial will be placed on the Key West approach and 18,558 cubic yards will be placed on the Miami approach, both landward and waterward of the mean high water line, to create the appropriate road sleres. npproxirately 216 cubic yards of r^aterial will be excavated for the piling installation. All recoverable spoil will be deposited on uplands within the Department of Transportation right-of-way. The surrounding area is developed primarily for recreational use. The fill area along the Ohio Key is a low lying transition area which becomes wet only after high tides and/or heavy rains. Vegetation in this area is composed of buttonwood, red, black and white mangrove, railroad vine, sea oxeye and cordgrass. Submerged areas are vegetated with marine grasses and algae. The fill area along Bahia Honda is vegetated with black mangrove, sea oxeye and sea purslane. Widening the roadway approach will eliminate a portion of a small isolated pond. The pond is alternately wet and dry depending on rain and road runoff conditions. The perimeter of the pond sustains a red mangrove fringe and no fish or bottom vegetation were evident. The offshore submert7ed land to be filled at the Bahia Honda bridge abutmnt was characterized by a calcareous sand substate and is in the form of a pocket which tends to entrap floating debris. Monroe County Co.^missioners Page two June 23, 1977 The proposed project will eliminate approximately 2 acres of submerged and transition areas. It is recommended that the fill areas be reduced by,,zhz-, ;: the slopes from 4H:1V. to - 1V.;--'onc,• .,the Bahia Honda bridge approach. Pursuant to the requirements of ss. 253.124(3), Florida Statutes, the preceding torrents should be duly considered by the co .mission and read into the minutes of the meting at which time a determination of local approval is made. Sincerely, - 1 �-ZP -77 A. Jean Tolman Section Administrator Standard Permitting Section AJT/ppc enclosure cc: Department of Transportation South Florida Branch Office, D.E.R. i Of THE S,T` y'V s STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION `°oc.e.•" 2562 EXECUTIVE CENTER CIRCLE, EAST MONTGOMERY BUILDING TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32301 REUBIN O'D. ASKEW JOSEPH W. LANDERS, JR. GOVERNOR SECRETARY June 28, 1977 Monroe County Board of County ' Commissioners -- Monroe County Courthouse Key West, Florida 33040 � D Gentlemen: JUN �y 19� File No. 44-37-3989, H.onroe County ��mn. & R��'s r.a Del Department of Transportation Ohio Bahia Honda Channel, (Sdti 90030-3524) Our staff has performed a biological survey for this project and offers the following comments: : The applicant proposes to construct a 1,107-foot long by approximately 47-foot wide bridge across Ohio Bahia Honda Channel. Approximately 2,095 cubic yards of material will be placed on the Key West approach and 18,558 cubic yards will be placed on the Miami approach, both landward and waterward of the r::ean high water line, to create the appropriate road slopes. Approximately 2160 cubic yards of material will be excavated for the piling installation. All recoverable spoil will be deposited on uplands within the Department of Transportation right -of -gray. The surrounding area is developed primarily for recreational use. The fill area along the Ohio Key is a low lying transition area which becom-es wet only after high tides and/or heavy rains. Vegetation in this area is composed of buttonwood, red, black and white mangrove, railroad vine, sea oxeye and cordgrass. Subirnerged areas are vegetated with marine grasses and algae. The fill area along Bahia Fonda is vegetated with black mangrove, sea oxeye and sea purslane. Widening the roadway approach will eliminate a portion of a small isolated pond. The pond is alternately -- wet and dry depending on rain and road runoff conditions. The perimeter of the pond sustains a ref mangrove fringe and no fish or bottom vegetation were evident. The offshore subm--reed land to be filled at the Bahia Honda bridee abutr)ent was characterized by a calcareous sand substate and is in the form of a pocket which tends to entrap floating debris. d 4 Monroe County Conini ssi oners Page two June 28, 1977 The proposed project will eliminate approximately 2 acres of submerged and transition areas. It is recommended that the fill areas be reduced- by -ciiangi ng the slopes from 411i:1-u t:) 311- l Y .--. -••-,t ,- r.�z;�hia ` Honda bridge approach. Pursuant to the requirements of ss. 253.124(3), Florida Statutes, the preceding torments should be duly considered by the co.m.ission and read into the minutes of the meeting at which time a determination of local approval is made. Sincerely, - A. Jean Tolman Section Administrator Standard Permitting Section AJT/ppc enclosure - - cc: Department of Transportation t� South Florida Branch Office, D.E.R. f a