Resolution 085-1978RESOLUTION NO. 85-1978 WHEREAS, the State of Florida Department of Transportation proposes to construct a bridge and approaches at Spanish Harbor Channel (S. R. 5) Monroe County, Florida, Department of Transpor- tation Project No. 90030-3523, and WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Board of County Commis- sioners of Monroe County, Florida, to approve said project, and WHEREAS, the Department of Transportation has provided the Board with sketches describing the proposed construction, and WHEREAS, the State of Florida Department of Transportation has filed an application for a dredge -fill permit from the State of Florida Department of Environmental Regulation, and WHEREAS, a biological survey study has been made by the Department of Environmental Regulation, and a copy of said report has been read into the records and duly considered at a public meeting of the Board, and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, has determined that the issuance of a dredge -fill permit will not be contrary to the public interest, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Board endorses the State of Florida Department of Transportation proposal to construct a bridge and approaches at Spanish Harbor Channel (S. R. 5), Department of Transportation Project No. 90030-3523 as shown in the proposed permit drawing and has entered the biological survey as shown in the attached report into the records of a public meeting. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD, that certified copies of this Resolution be forwarded to the State of Florida Department of Transportation and State of Florida Department of Environmental Regulations. Page 1 of 2 Pages APE�i�t��1.M On ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, this 28th day of March, 1978. Attest: er BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA B• Ma#fo-r and Chairman (Seal) I HEREBY CERTIFY that this documerft has been reviewed for legal suffi- ciency and that the same meets with my approval. Attorney's Office Page 2 of 2 Pages REUBIN O'D. ASKEW GOVERNOR STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATiON 2562 EXECUTIVE CENTER CIRCLE; EAST MONTGOMERY BUILDING TALLAW.SSEE, FLORIDA 32301. JOSERH W.LANDERS,JR_ SECRETARY January 25, 1978 ;Monroe County Board of:Commissioners _ Monroe County Court House, Key West,`Florida 33040 Re: -File No. 44-37-4057, Department of Transportation (Spanish Harbor, Monroe -County - SJN.90030-3523) Our staff has performed a biological survey for this project and offers the. following comments. The applicant proposes to construct a 3,483-ft. long by.an approximate 394t.- wide fixed span. -reinforced concrete bridge parallel and south of the existing .span at,Spanish Harbor. Bridge construction will,require the placement of 20,111 cubic yards of. material on the Key West end and 2,242.cubic yards of: material on the Miami end, both landward and waterward of the .mean high water line, to create the appropriate road slopes. Approximately 1,441 cubic yards of material will be dredged for piling installation.. All recoverable dredge material to be deposited on D.O.T. upland right-of-way. In addition, the existing two-lane road approaching the Key..West end of the bridge will be replaced by a . divided four -lane road... The general area.surrounding the project site is undeveloped with the exception of a marina, trailer park and motel located.south of the road on the Key West -end. The Key West end is comprised of upland and transitional zone land except for the raised area of'the.highway while the Miami end is upland.on a narrow causeway. The offshore area is'a high energy system and as,a consequence contains sparce seagrass vegetation'. Vegetation on the Key West end i's typical of.wetland and transitional zone areas Buttonwood, sea grapes; black mangrove, red mangrove, white mangrove,.poisonwood, saltwort and thick mats of sea purslane were present throughout the area. The substrate is primarily marl with organicmaterial present in heavy amounts. The Miami end'is sparsely vegetated by.buttonwood, white:mangrove and black - mangrove. In.addition, saltgrass, sea purslane, railroad vine and sea oxeye are present. The substrate is primarily marl and 1imerock fill. The -major environmental impact of this project would occur along the approach to. the Key West: end of the bridge where the.highway.curves north,on Big Pine Key. Although the proposed.bridge alignment is: to the Atlantic side of. the `existing . bridge, the.new..roadway will be a divided 4-lane road and would. cross the old road approximately 300 feet west of the bridge.. _Although the Miami bo.ufid:7ane would remain,on the,existing.alignment around the curve, the'Key.West bound' Monroe County Board of Commissioners Page Two January 25, 1978 lane would "cut the corner" necessitating the placement of large quantities of fill on.the-inside of the present curve in wetland and transitional zone areas. This fill will have an adverse impact on the existing black and buttonwood community. The need for a divided 4-lane road on the Key West end:.:ha n.,j„ctifzed by D.O.T. as necessary to provide separation between various'traffir pttarns due to the commercial facilities located south of this project. D.O.T. has stated During the heavy fishing seasons, this commercial facility. generates large volumes of traffic moving onto and off of the U.S. 1 route. Many of these vehicles include trailers for camping or moving boats.. Such vehicles require'relatively large turning radii and long acceleration/deceleration lanes for safe movement into.or out of the through traffic pattern.' In addition to the traffic characteristics, the al-ignment at this location is not the most desirable for makng.:prouisions for such movements. The curves required to reasonably: approach the structure without -major bottom filling are.not available in this -location. Therefore, the roadway.section.has been.expanded with a median to provide for safe operation of traffic of,this.site.: Pursuant to the requirements of ss. 253.124(3), Florida Statutes,:• the preceding comments should be duly considered by the.council and read into the.minutes of the meeting at which'time determination of local approval is -made: TLH/nb cc:Freddy G. Miller, D.O.T. _ Marathon Office, D.E.R. .ty I or !� ' Friers l KvU Ball k NO NAME • s. ,.....�.�.•...••. •I "`..."� KEY Co t9 •` REFUGE L C } • MISS KEY j• r.�R.Op • � LU& 11 H O ((,,�L K E r BIG ��MANGkOVE �ahla . • 1' ;G E Y CPO ��' bM10 r • P t" DON O''IXOTE • /• 1`� /irMnNn• 3 KEv i 0 Spunish tlurbor e *j I ��SDA-NISH Non�`8' BAHIA HONDA e ^ STATE PARK i pry, Tf6 S j( r y S0anISh Harbor T 6? $ So rneast Pt 4 PROJECT I -LOCATION g Beach to 0 • • 10 Channel VICINITY MAP FROM MONROE CO. HIGHWAY MAP PROJECT NO 90030-3523 PROPOSED FILL _F'OR__SPANISH HARBOR S. R. 5 MONRIOE CO. FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANS PORTAT ALTERNATE D - 2 ION JUNE 1977 SHEET nr • SHEET NO.2 OF 26 LEGEND LIMIT OF TRANSITION ZONE MLW .. TOE OF SLOPE - - - - - - - -- SILT BARRIER -----~ PARCEL NUMBER 0 j TEMP FILL ( SUBMERGED LAND) T T T T T T T T T T DREDGE AREA (SUBMERGED LAND) jvvvvvvv � RUBBLE FILL AREA( SUBMERGED LAND AND A TRANSITION ZONE) FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING PROPOSED FILL o FOR SPANISH HARBOR z o BRIDGE NO.. 900106 .2 rn JllIV,E' 1977 r FLORIDA' DEPARTMENT OF r • TRANSPORTATION ®E 0 100 200 a . O Scale (Ft.) LO To Key West SHEET � a!! 0. 3 OF 26 Euisting Fridge to remain a�I Proposed Bridge. A0-1 o �I( PLAN Existing Bulkhead to remain To Mliorni 20 _I0 0 -10 -20 0 100200. E L E VAT I ON,� / o"cap , Scale(Ft.) Sea I e (Ft.) 38 -J f Extension ..� _ - I for�,Future _ 24 Waxer Main 360± Hays for f f M.H.W.+0.83 M.L.W.-0.2Pile Driving 7 _!� `L _y - 82 TYPICAL. SECTION THRU FOUNDATION CONSTRUCTION. METHOD PROPOSED BRIDGE �Y� -- Minimum Vertical Clearance M.H.W.=16.50FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING Prestr. Concr. � Minimum Vertical Clearance M.L.W. =17.60 Pile 10�� I�� 10�., PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION. OF Precast I `0 Existing Vertical Clearance = 12.0' Concr. Panels BRIDGE OVER SPANI�[H HARBOR CHANNEL Minimum Horizontal Clearance = 82.001. Tremi Concr. _ ::. I -Trench to Fill Voids for BRIDGE N0. 900106 Existing Horizontal Clearance = 35.0 - o Precast April 1977 - > Panels `--� FLORIDA D PAR I"MENT OF TYPICAL SECTION THRU BULKHEAD Water Reference Datum' N.O.A.A. --- TRANSPOR TATI ON 1 m cQ 9) w s 0 0 TO KEY WEST 1250 BEGIN CONS% STA. (L EXO,^aT. RDWY.Z_ R/W LINE 1L TO NIIAMI TSHEET NO. 4 OF 26 ®255 A T. CONS` --\ I LA SCALE: I "=100° [FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING PROPOSED FELL FOR SPANISH HARBOR BRIDGE NO. 900I06 JUNE. 1977 FLORIDA DEPARTM-ENT OF. TRANSPORTATION' go c*i 0 r TO KEY WEST TO MIAMI 1 SHEET N0: 5 OF .26 �--.................. �• 1 126� LEs- I FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING PROPOSED FILL FOR SPANISH HARBOR BRIDGE NO. 900106 JUKE 1977 FLORIDA' DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1 C� • caj rn w 6 0 0 in 0 -.0 0 9 i TO KEY WEST 1267 SILT BARRIER FOLLOWS \`.< ..... .SHORE UN\ 't CO N S1l 1270� O rc E ,IS RDWY. N R/W LINE f TO MIAMI SHEET NO. 6 OF 26 r .. _-... �2 FEDERAL Ai D PARTICIPATING PROPOSED FILL FOR SPANISH HARBOR BRIDGE NO. 900106 JUNE 1977 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TO KEY WEST TO M.IAMI SHEET NO. 7 OF 26 1275 Exist. Bridge G. EXIST ROWY a e� To Remain -0 ° N - "- - EXI$TIIVG ARCHrD ABUTMENT TO REMAIN _ --- "-- _---- 1 PROPOSED BULKHEAD I —� Enz' -- c M- 2 a: z N R/W -LINE ao —w t� 0 a z � 0 (L CONST LE: 1%100' FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING PROPOSED FILL FOR SPANISH HARBOR BRIDGE NO. 900106 DUNE,1977 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION I- 0 N '.TO KEY WEST i 1307 Exist. Bridge To `Remain. EXISTING ARCH ABUTI TO REMAIN,,. M CID t tiZa Off+/. M d W.0 a /3/0 fZ o --- o---------t------7---1-, - --- ---- - - ----- -------- --- t R/W Lane 44 E V, L-CO I A. END BRIDGE STA. 13.1.0 + 22.67 S--0`oMin. Edge of _0 Approach Slab _G (Stone 8k Slurry) Slope 2:1 (Natural 0 TO MIAMI I SHEET NO.8 OF 26 (L EXIST RDW Y Limits of Proposed Sloe Protection Edge. of Shoul. er IL '(Ston and Slurry Natura Ground ThiGrounc _ s slope to 'I' 'I' 111 '1. match Roodway Limits ofProposed Fill: Slope Slope Protection SECTION. THRU SIDE SLOPE SECTION THRU FORWARD' SLOPE OF PROPOSED BRIDGE R I .P RA P flFTO l 1. S . I= a SCALE: 1" =100' ., FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING PROPOSED FILL FOR-SPANISH HARBOR BR)DGE • NO. 900106 JUNE 1977 FLO'R I DA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION • A TO KEY WEST TO MIAMI SHEET NO. 9 OF 26 w z J R/ Y9 L.IIrG FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING PROPOSED FILL ' FOR SPANI SH HARBOR BRIDGE NO. 900106 JUNEI 1977 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TO KEY WEST TO M IAMI SHEET NO. 10 OF 26 25- 30�ol /325 C b (L EXIST RDWY /330a- N > �.........................- (L CO_ T j cw R/W LINE � END PROJECT END CONST: STA. 29 = STA. 1328+40.19 O SCALE: 1 " =100' IL FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING PROPOSED FILL FOR SPANI S H HARBOR BRIDGE NO. 900106 JUNE 1977 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SHEE l NC.11 OF 26re� KEY WEST ILIAM.'TOTAL� EIV`pR®.7C:L1> :. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3YSYJ ,..:a tM .i.Y `!:Mtn•h}�iis.ikY56.srL.L.rL�i.diS.l`-t_.. rN}• ._. $ SST. FILL AREEA SUBMERGED LAID ` 1.09 AC' 0.39 A 1.48 AC EST. FILL AREA TRANSITION ZONE -1.37 AC 0.14 AC 1.51 A EST. FILL VOLUME. SUBMERGED LAND: 9936 CY 15724 CY 11,500, cy EST. FILL ` OLUME TRANSITION ZONE 10,17 s CY S;70 C�' Ill 1145 C`� LSHEET NO.12 OF 26 ADJACENT RIPARIAN OWNERS. Parcel No. Owners Maloney- Knight, et. al. % Florence 11 Spottswood. Key West, Fla. 33040 o2 Big Pine Key Fishing Lodge, Inc. RO. Box 513 Big Pine Key, Fla. 33034 South Florida Council of the O Boy Scouts of America a .� 2960 Coral Way, Miami, Fla. 33100 • FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING, C PROPOSED FILL rn FOR SPANISH HARBOR x . M BRIDGE NO. ' 900106' . o JUNE. 1977 0 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SHEET NO.13 OF 26 10 0 1 N r� w ir IM z,O of 0 SECTION THRU ROADWAY 'AT STA. 1255-t-00 PROPOSED 4:1 SLOPE PROPOSED 4:1 MHW +0.83 -------------— =� f-MLW-0.27 _. - - _ EXISTING SLOPE SEC. A -A SCALE: I"ald VERT. I"=2d HORIZ. 1 FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATINGI PROPOSED FILL FOR SPANISH HARBOR BRIDGE NO. 900106 JUNE 1977 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SHEET NO.14 Of 26 SECTION THRU ROADWAY AT STATION 1265+00 SOD PROPOSED 4.1 SLOPE F0.83 ,; EXISTING SLOPE- ; ---------__-_----.-------- ' �--- MLW-0.27 SEC. B-B SCALE.- 1% 10' VERT rl 1% 30' HORIZ. ® p 7- 4;1 SLOPI FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING PROPOSED FILL FOR SPANISH HARBOR BRIDGE NO. 900106 JUNE. 1977 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SHEET NO. 15 O-F 6 M _ O p 0 Z O 0 O 7- O SECTION THRU ROADWAY AT STA. 1270tOO PROPOSED 31 SLOPE EXISTING SLOPE �• �., MHWt OS3 MLW-0.27 —mac FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING] PROPOSED FILL FOR SEC. C - C SCALE: I%IO' VERT. SPAN ISH. HARBOR 1%30' HORIZ. BRIDGE N6 900106 JUNE - . -.1977 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ' SHEET NO.16 OF 26 SECTION THRU ROADWAY AT STA. 1275+00 f-PROPOSED 2: 1 SLOPE r— — % e e1.-f 5.0 , EXISTING SLAPS a MHW-*0.83 MLW-0.27----,.- - —10 SEC. D—D SCALE: I% I O!VERT FEDERAL AID PARTI CI PATING I"=3O'HORIZ. PROPOSED FILL FOR SPANISH HARBOR BRIDGE NO. 900106 JUNE 1977 FLORIDA D8PARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SHEET NO.17 OF 26 N to 0 O M O p 2 m SECTION THRU ROADWAY AT STA. 11 t 00 \PROIOSED2,1 SLOPE EXISTING SLOPEW +0.83 0 MLW -0.27 r SCALE: I"=10' VERT. 1 % 20 HORIZ . I SEC. E- E RUBBLE FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATINGI PROPOSED FILL FOR SPANISH HARBOR BRIDGE NO. 900106 JUNE 1977 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SHEET NO. 18 OF 26 1 a 1 SECTION THRU ROADWAY AT STA. 16+00 PROPOSED 2:1 SLOPE EXISTING SLOPE - MLW-0.27 �� ��MHW+0.83 SCALE: 1% 10' VERT. _ 3 SEC. F- F FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING PROPOSED FILL FOR SPANISH HARBOR -BRIDGE N0.900106 JUNE 1977 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 4) SHEET NO.19 OF 26 N M w I 0 0 ro O O 2 0) SECTION THRU ROADWAY AT STA. 18450 PROPOSED 4: 1 .SLOPE EXISTING SLOPE;�.:-, *-------- MHW +0.83 MLW-0.27 SCALE I"=10` VERT. I"=20' HORIZ. SEC. G- G FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATINGI PROPOSED FILL FOR SPANISH -HARBOR BRIDGE NO.900106 JUNE . 1977 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SHEET NO.200F_26 N to rlo O .� O z � O O 2 a) SECTION THRU ROADWAY AT STA. 20+00 PROPOSED 4:1 SLOPE ,o EXISTING SLOPE MHW+O.f MLW-0.27----N 0 SCALE: I"=10' VERT 1 "=20' HORIZ. FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING SEC. H—H PROPOSED FILL FOR SPANISH HARBOR BRIDGE NO. 900106 JUNE. 1977 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SHEET NO.21 OF 26 i p SECTION THRU ROADWAY AT STA. 25+00 EXISTING SLOPE-,-" MLW-0.27-� /e-"-MHW40.83 SCALE: I%ld FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING SEC. 1-1 PROPOSED FILL FOR SPANISH HARBOR BRIDGE NO. 900106 JUNE 1977 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF . TRANSPORTATION SHEET NO.22 OF 26 Eli i c\j tO W. I z o 0 o / o \ \ -z_ F L.+2.3 ` DRAINAGE STRUCTURE AT STA. 1262+00 DESIGN DISCHARGE 5.18 CFS. DRAINAGE AREA. 1.25 AC. DRAINS MEDIAN FROM STA. 1258-t60 B. TO STA. 1267+ SCALE. 1% 5.' VERT. 20' HORIZ. FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING] PROPOSED FILL FOR SPANISH HARBOR BRIDGE BRIDGE NO. 900106 JUNE 1977 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION A SHEET NO.23 OF Z6 K'� DRAINAGE STRUCTURE AT STA. 1268+ 50 DESIGN DISCHARGE 1.39 cfs DRAINAGE AREA 0.31, AC. DRAINS MEDIAN FROM STA:1268+00 R TO STA. 1271-r75 B. .FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING PROPOSED FILL FOR SPAN1SH HARBOR BRIDGE BRIDGE NO. 900106 JUNE 1977 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SHEET NO.240F 26 1 5B 10 1 --------i SOD 0 04 w 0 I � o Z. 10 .0 SEC.' J J' AND SEC. ' K K ` (L OF DIT BOTTOM FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATINGI PROPOSED FILL -FOR SPANISH HARBOR BRIDGE BRIDGE NO. 900106 JUNK 1977 FLORIDA. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SHEET NO.250F 26 1 • M ' N M 1 0Ix p EDGE OF PAV'T TOE OF SLO(a PE ' /ice / _ � fit ♦V i. MHW+0.86 i F.L+0.2 ELEVATION VIEW OF OUTFALL DRAINAGE STRUCTURE STA. 1262 +00 PROPOSED FILL i TOE OF SLOPE MLW -027 FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING PROPOSED FILL _ FOR SPANISH HARBOR BRIDGE SCALE: 1% 3' HORIZ. BRIDGE NO. 900106 1 = 5 VERT. JUNE 1977 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1 • TOE OF SLOPE �MHWOB3 SCALE: 1% 3' HORIZ. 1"- 5' VERT EDGE OF PAV'T. SHEET N0.260F 26 I PROPOSED FILL I TOE / OF SLOPE _ MLW —0.27 ELEVATION VIEW OF OUTFALL DRAINAGE STRUCTURE P STA. 1268+50 FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING PROPOSED FILL FOR SPANISH HARBOR BRIDGE BRIDGE NO. 900106 JUNE 1977 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF. TRANSPORTATION