Resolution 091-1978RESOLUTION NO. 91 -1978 WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, has received an application from the Florida Department of Transportation to construct a concrete bridge; place fill below and above the mean high water line; dredge below and above the mean high water line to facilitate pile driving and provide barge access under proposed bridge at Snake Creek Channel (SJN: 90060-3536), File No. 44-37-3683, Monroe County (a copy of the application is attached hereto and incorporated herein), and WHEREAS, this application has been reviewed and it has been determined that the project entertained would not: 1. violate any statute, zoning law, ordinance or other applicable restriction, nor 2. subject the natural flow of the navigable water as defined in Section 253.12, Florida Statutes, to harmful obstruction or altera- tion, nor 3. create harmful or increased erosion, shoaling of channels or stagnant areas of water, nor 4. cause material injury or monetary damage to accrue to adjoining land, and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, has determined: a. whether the project will interfere with the conservation of fish, marine and wildlife or other natural resources to such an extent as to be contrary to the public interest; and, b. whether the destruction of oyster beds, clam beds, or marine productivity, including but not limited to destruction of natural marine habitats, grass flats suitable as nursery or Page 1 of 2 Pages APPROVED ON Ll ` y • BOOK PAGE , , feeding grounds for marine life, including established marine soils suitable for producing plant growth of a.type useful as nursery or feeding grounds for marine life will result therefrom'to such an extent as to be contrary to.. the public . interest'; And has also considered other factors affecting the public interest; and . WHEREAS; the reports designated .in Section 253.124, Florida Statutes, have been considered and read into the record at the same meeting at'which final action has.been taken on this application, now,'therefore,. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE -BOARD -OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE-COUNTY, FLORIDA, that said Board hereby gives its approval to the construction of the above project subject to the approval of the Department -of Environmental Regulation pursuant to Section 2,53.124(2), Florida Statutes. Resolved -this 4th day of April, 1978, at a regularly scheduled public- meeting. Attest." / Clerk BOARD OF.COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA,- Mayor and Chairman (Seal) I HEREBY CERTIFY that this document has. been . reviewed for legal suffi- ciency. and that t'rie same meets with my approval. By _— "r, �X Attorney's Office STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION 2562 EXECUTIVE CENTER CIRCLE, EAST MONTGOMERY BUILDING TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32301 REUBIN O'D. ASKEW GOVERNOR March 17, 1978 Monroe County Board of County Commissioners c/o Virginia Pinder Monroe County Courthouse Key West, Florida 33040 Dear Ms. Pinder: File No. 44-37-3683, Monroe County Florida Department of Transportation Snake'Creek'Channel;'(SjN: '90060=3536) JOSEPH W. LANDERS, JR. SECRETARY The Department of Environmental Regulation staff has performed a biological survey for the above project and offers the following comments to be considered by the Board of Commissioners as required by Section.253.124(3), Florida 'Statutes. The applicant proposes to,construct a_850-ft. long by:42-ft. 9-in. wide single -leaf bascule bridge parallal and 70 ft. south of the existing bridge centerline at Snake Creek Channel. Pile caps will be extended 5 feet.on the north side of the bridge to support the Keys Aqueduct 24-in. water main. The existing bridge will be.completely removed, hauled from the project and disposed of by the applicant's contractor. Bridge construction will require the placement of 20,249 cu. yds. of material F "on the Miami end and 176-cu. yds, of material on the Key West end, both landward and waterward 'of the mean high water line, -to create the appropriate road slopes. Approximately 5,784 cu. yds. of material will be dredged from 1.12 acre of submerged and transitional zone land for the install-ation of bridge piles, rest pier, bascule pier, subaqueous -water main and to provide for work barge access. All recoverable dredge material will be deposited on Department of Transportation upland right-of-way or bridge approach embankments. Submerged bottoms in the project area are composed of shell fragments and marl mixed with organic debris. Vegetation in the immediate area consists of turtle. grass and several species of .macroscopic algae. Numerous fish, including grunt, snapper, anglefish, parrotfish and sergeant major, were present at the time of the survey.. In addition, benthic marine invertebrates were prevalent throughout the project area. Monroe County Commissioners Page two March 17, 1978 Upland vegetation was restricted to the southeast side of the project area, and consisted of red, white and black mangroves and buttonwood. The project as proposed, will fi11.0.59 acres of transitional zone land and 0.23 acre of submerged land. The or application proposed a 230-ft. long fixed span bridge that required filling along the Atlantic shoreline of the existing approaches. The revision proposes a longer, higher bascule bridge that will reduce the amount of filling required for the bridge approaches. Therefore, the adverse comments expressed in the department's biological survey (April 9,1976), regarding projecting bulkheads and filling, are no longer relevant. Pursuant to the requirements of Section 253.124(_3), Florida Statutes, the preceding comments should be duly considered and read into the minutes of the meeting at which time a determination of local approval is made. To assist in evaluating the project a copy of the application and a set of project drawings are enclosed (Attachment I,II). A sample resolutlion (Attachment III) prepared by the department's legal staff is also enclosed. This document is provided to assist the Board of Commissioners in preparing a resolution that will meet the requirements of Section 253.124(.3), Florida Statutes. The Board of Commissioners is not obligated to use this format so long as the department is made aware that the requirements of the statute have been fulfilled. Sincerely, J� Thomas L. Hart, Ph.D. Standard Permitting Section cc: Freddy Miller, DOT, Tallahassee Glen Boe, DER, Marathon STATE O." F1,G_ _ DA OF F'I'ViFONk',;,'`J'AL RFG111LATION S11ANDARD LPFLIC'MCI 'N FOR hTEW-111'P/CEI:TlFICATION TO VMFLK Ih/0N - i'HF. ;:A`1'ERS OF THE S` IATE LLirections� to the applicant: FOR OFI'ICE U:IL ONLY Fee Code please lease type or t} � print in F black ink. Fill in all blanks. � '0.*.7 `''�•� '`` : �:'; VY Tf i.tif_orrr,ation requested IS not applicable, indicate 'I977 by placing N/A in blank. Complete/submit the exhibits listed in the applicable sub -section. BE SURE THAT THE APPLICATION IS SIGNED AND DATED. Items I-VII to be filled out: all applicants` in Item VIII, complete Sub- :.e.ction AYC or D, as ap,7licai)le. I. Applicant Information: A. Name of Applicant Florida Department of Transportation B. Address of Applicant 605 Suwannee Street (Street or Route) Tallahassee Florida 32304. City (State) (Gip Code) Telephone No.: Day _ Evening_ C. Authorized Agent (if applicable) Freddy G. Miller (If agent is not a member of the Florida }gar or a duly registered engineer or surveyor under- the law: of Florida, the application must be accompanied by a written :eta+-ement signed by the appli- cant, authorizing the agent to act on behalf of the applicant in securing the permit and accepting the permit and its stipulate or-.s . ) Add.-ess of Agent_ (Street or Route) (City) v (State) (Zi.p Cade) Telephone No.: Day_, _ _ Even i-ng _ D. Names and addres ses of abut%ing riparian owners See sketches and attached sheet See sketches and attached sheet II. Location of Project Site: ft. County Monroe Section 23 Town�hi}' 63 range 37F B. If pr.opo_ ect work is witliill city liiili_ts, give name of city Street address of proposed I;r.oject (or_ attach direci.ions if there is no address or if project ntciy be difficult to locate) Snake Creek and SR-5 (US-1)-, Florida Keys __ C. Name of=-afiecicci h�ciy (ic:,) of _:'atcr Atlantic Ocean and' Gulf of Mexico Natural x flan -made F=LP.:i 16--2 (10/75) F,age 1.1 of 16 III, Description and Intenac�d Use of Project: 1':. `,'ype of con truc:ti u r (c`i�2ck applical-le i tQ111S) ( ) 1 . Access chl-,nnel ( ) 12. MC-tr. ina or ,Commercial ( ) 2. Seawall ( ) 13. Boat ramp ( ) 3. Storm senrrei cutfal� ( x) 14. Bridges and/or trostle ( ) 4. Disposal of caste. water { ) 15. Mooring, dolphins, etc. ( ) 5. Maintenance dre:?(Jing ( ) 16. Groins and jetties ( ) 6. Drai.na<;e canal ( x) 17. Filling ( ) 7. Boat basin ( ) 18. Reclamation ( ) 8. Overhead utility ( ) 19. Artificial reef ( ) 9. Subaqueous utility ( ) 20. Other ( )10. Dredging to obtain fill ( )11. Dock (private) _ B.• Brief explanation of project _ Construct a concrete bridge; Place fill below and above MHW; dredge below and above MHW to facilitate pile driving and provide barge access under proposed bridge. _ C. Intended use of project, describe:ED Private; M Commercial; ® Pualic Transportation Purposes. IV. Permit numbers ('including SAI number for federally funded project:) and issue dates of previous Departriient of Army Corps of Engineers, Local., or State permits or Water Quality Certification for work, if applicable (or other applicatio:i, currently being processed) SAI #74,0583; Monroe County Resolution #25-1976_ If any permit or application for certil icy tii on has ever been denied for this project, please explain: — None V. If any dred'i.ng or filling (including backfilling) is proposed, corrrnlete the following: A. Type of fill. material ( ) Native limerock dredge niateri.al { ) Limerock B. Volumc tc� be drr�lc;c�d_/t_;:c_�: �.ted _Volume to be filled _ 1, 570-------cuyards 15,892 cubic yards abo-�'c• I'lliVI*or 011W above MIIV7*or 0I1i1 3,900 cubic yards 4,533 cubic yards I,( -?ow I;11',: or 0"0 _^— _ bel.o;; 1,,1E-7 or OH!.? C. Me-thod of contain.c:c_nt: and Location of spoil:,* See drawinqs _ D. I`;ethod used -Co pr(­,rent s i _I t.rt ion of surrounding waters: Floating silt curtain (in areas adjacent to causeway filling) E. Type o1 equip;i,c:nt used Geneal highway and bridge construction Equipt. i'. How wi 1 ] it be l�rol!tlht. to-t he site? Trucked and barged VI. glean/Ordinary Iligli V:.ter 1i7.e w"tf, di, termined by: x Rc q if;terc.d r•urvc yc:i Historical date: --maps, -- and/or en(l i r:C1er — —photographs , etc. Estir.:atc },r, rrr�.�l; c._,nt: _ _ Other I OTI,: The u};i)l icr,nt rn_ty l.:c rc cl,ai I to hay thc_ Rureau of ^State Lary::;, - Department of Natui-a] 1'.r:.c;urcc f.or. tltc vZ�luc� of dredge material, rtd the 'Mllt; or 01It1 a:; the l.)asi:; for thinformation in V rrav not be acceptable for I>ur } o s�_ f� of deterrr,in _nq tho amount of money owc':9 the st�-:t.e. *t7i.thin the suhi,,,,,r-ced cr tr i:isition runes. "Attach authorization for 1-ise of spoi-1 area if not. on applicant's property. VII . Poi lut ion Cont!—o] Con-'] 6�2rttt _innt7 : A. I`lE ti1C1d cf d; of qny liquid/solid wastes incluL,ii19 wa Ear runoff to }fi(generated at the site Silt barriers, sand bags, hay bales, etc. B. Iiunof L sr c'i� , large .ail }-X) wi i 1 not. ( ) enter_ the acla cent waters as a Iesult o; project censtructi.on or planned use of the area following pre ject ccmpletion. 'III. PLEASE SLLECT THE APPLICNBL! SUB -SECT) ON AND COMPLETE THE REQUIRED EXriIBITS A. Artificial reef; B.- DocYiny facilities, other than dock for single family dwelling; C. Recla nation of land; ( D. ) All other project. A. Artificial Pec:f: *l. What material is being used? Itemize 2. F%hat are the coc;r.d1J1EAes of t11e center? Latitude Longitude 3. _ What is the AntAnce from t.hc nearest- eline? 4. What is the method of stabilization after deposition? 5. At_tach lr ccpics oast etc11 or_ U. S. Coast & Geodetic Survey Chart showing position and dil:Iensions, distance from shoreline, water depths at mean low water, and position of buoys marking location during, construction. 6. Crosf: sect; on of 1:�ro},OSed reef with dimensions and depth of r tag of rep.._ a L lc�•: wzlt_cr. 7. At.tach original Certificate of Good Standing from the Office of secretary of St�te, if app3 i dint is a corporation. G. Attach S200 fue ( 150 for biological survey and water quality assessment and ;50 for appli-cation processing). I (we) jgr.-ee to pro -,.Tide any additio_1L1 information/data that may be - necessary to provdae reanon&ble assurance or evidence to show that the pI_o4>"ped pro jcct: will conply with the applicable State Water Quality KUndards or ogler cnvilon'Tental protection standards both during co ;st.ructi.c- , and after the project is Completed. I (we) also a(.jree to provi6c entry to the P O_jecL site fOl KsPeCtC1?_ s from thE' prC)j('-ct1OI-1 a,,(encins for the purpose of Illii'1:ing prelimi- nary analyses of the Site aNj run l t o i ng P`'rmi tt ed Works, if permit is grantcd. (Date) C1 � 1 SO t 19-11 t•ItC':11I::C mat-e2 is :., h.`.pa in l:(J'1: ti Lift_IC)n car Kod i e , Ulll. 61,14r 1' , 14r Q, ` ill" F ENVIROfjlI,;t i; il.i_ r'; NMITTING Iicant 1 : or i< cnt' s • signature) - _1111vironmen-tal Permit Coordinator (Tittle) of. reef; for example, 50 tires, 25 C. Fill areas with dimensions; d. Location of construction with dimensions; e. All property lines of applicant with dimensions; f. Approximate line of mean or ordinary high water in areas outside tidal influence. g. Insert or map showing project location. 2. Attach 16 copies of cross sectional drawings, (8," by 11" or 8" by 10Y") prepared by a registered engineer or surveyor showing applicable features as listed: a. Dredge or excavation areas with dimensions; b. Line of mean low water in relationship to line of mean high water (if applicable); C. Fill areas with dimensions; d. Construction showing type of construction with dimensions. 3. Attach vertical aertial photograph of project area, scale 1:24,000 (1"=2,OOO ft.) or greater (more detailed). 4. Attach local approval from the Board of County Commissioners. City Council for projects invloving fill below the line of mean high water pursuant to Chapter 253, Florida Statutes. In order to obtain local approval required by Section_ 253, Florida Statutes for filling, a biological survey conducted by the Department may he required. 5. Attach Certificate of Good Standing from the Office of Secretary of State, if applicant is a corporation. 6. Attach affidavit of ownership or control to upland property. where applicable. 7. Attach $200 fee payable to the Department of Environ-mental Regulation ($150 for biological survey and water quality assessment and $50 for application processing). 8. Attach copies of any applicable Board of. Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund deeds. I (we) agree to provide any additional informatics/data that may be necessary to provide reasonable assurance or evidence to show that the proposed project i,,-11 comply with the applicable State Water Quality Standards or other -environmental protection standards both during construction and after the project is completed. I (we) also agree to provide entry to the project site for inspectors from the environmental protection agencies for the purpose of maki.rg prelimi- nary analyses of the site and monitoring permit -ed works, if perrii.t is granted. (Date) pplica tAo�rAge�nts signature) .n -irnnmgntaI t Cnn,-liinatnr (Title PEMM 16-2 (10/75) Page 16 of 16 A: Q 5T . {�wE •kEY;:: .. rLANTATlWf C,,,e+�� JtS µ' _ �t -�A AC llpfa P MCt . P...:: � •;::::.:. •pK,GiNrr� �Je ..... � T �O T O c t . "t3 , �.. �• ti; KEY t P pWNTATiON wit+OLfY •, Section 13 :: ' Gj KEY:- Section .14'. `' - 24 Treasure action ®ct. on . ..-*Harbor `:. , WILSON'. i KEY uarti�' y�ltUlerllarbor • 28 USSEu ft" .• .:.: :ISLAMORADA . ''HOC t ion of Proiet . j Sect' om 23 ;'. '�0 T 63... S H E LL ' � J ;.:. 'SEE Fi..7 .E =: KEY �� � � G ItaSET "P" m . ile 16 \ I mile , VICINITY MAP FROM b OMWE COUNTY HIGHWAY MAP PROJECT NO. 90060 - 3536 PROPOSED FILLING AND DREDGING IN SHAKE CREEK CHANNEL SR 5 MONROE COUNTY FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATIO Alternate D-2 31 sheet df, 12 July. 1977 ':,` Gulf of Mexico Shoreline RNL o SHEET NO, 2 RNL 1� s: FT- Subaqueous Crossing - - - - - - - - Relocated Water Main PP, FJSEL HRICGE v — Existing Bridge To Be Removed -r Fender - --- o (( - - -- - ---- —.� - Chonr.el If. Fender v �+ TO KEY WEST Arlo tic Oc• _ Red Navigation Light PLAN (RNL) RNL TC MIAMI 850`1 Overall I tilriftf Length 0 50 Igo GNL Open 5 Scale in Feet r- RNL Closed Control Single Leaf Bascule Moveable Span 10 Min. Vert. Clearance MHW = 25.4' (closed) House Min. Vert. Clearance MLW : 26.4' (closed) Min. Horix. Clearance Face to Face of Fenders -- 60'-0" +3.0°/ _;3.00 30 2 1 Slope I Riprap) Dredge Area--) EI. 5.0_ J + I uI I `Rest Pier . - 5 42'- 9 Bascule Pier MHW = +0.8 ELEVATION MLW a -0.2 Relocated Water Main 30"or 36" 0 Hole For Pile Driving (Re loco led - Water to Main w ran tr o, ¢ O Typical Section Through* Proposed Bridge O O FOUNDATION CONSTRUCTION m Water Reference Datum N.O. A.A. METHOD 20- 21 - Slope 10 (Riprjp) 0 -10 Ore:;e Area -20 (See Sheet 12 for deta:.$) FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF BRIDGE OVER SNAKE CREEK CHANNEL ON S. R 5 BRIDGE NO. 900077 July, 1977 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1. • SHEET NO. 3 OF 12 65 To Key West R/W Begin Const. Sta 47+00 = �. Existing Roadway E LEGEND Limit of Transition Zone MHW (+0.8) Const. (Alt. D-2) Approximate End of Transition Zone .. .... ' 0 50 100 Scale In Feet MLW (-0.2) """."""""" FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING Toe of Slope ------ PROPOSED FILLING IN Parcel Number ® SNAKE CREEK CHANNEL ON S.R. 5 Dredge Area BRIDGE NO. 900077 LO Fill Area (submerged ® JULY, 1977 WT and transition zone) CrW FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF 0o Rubble TRANSPORTATION 7-rn 66 70 R/W SHEET N0. 4 OF-12,,-- 7TM_... g To Key west t To Miami_r=`. I L Gulf of Mexico � a R/W R/ -- Channel Existing bridge` to be removed [: Existing roadway ,.........- - �.E� End Bridge :a r-T- --- ---- --- -- —r—i Sta 73+96.22 .... Begin Bride L-L - --- -- -----ice ti- Const. (Alt. D-2) j\ �,Sta 65+46,22 LIV i Control House R/W Floating silt barrier '."TP37'T%Y7`i7 Fenders under -- bridge Atlantic I Ocean PROPOSED CONST. QUANTITIES eEndest End 1 Totals Est. Fill Area Submerged Land 0.05 Ac. 0.18 Ac. 0.23Ac. Est. Fill Area Transition Zone 0,01 Ac. 0.58 Ac. 0.59 Ac. Est. Fill Volume Submerged Land' 34 CY 4,499 CY 4,533 CY Est. Fill Volume Transition Zone' 142 CY 15,750 CY 15,892 CY Est. Dredge Area Submerged Land 0.46 Ac. 0.41 Ac, 0.87 Ac. Est. Dredge Area Transition Zone 0.11 Ac. 0.14 Ac. 0.25 Ac. Est. Dredge Volume Submerged Lands 2,362 CY 1,538 CY 3,900CY Est. Dredge Volume Transition Zone 637 CY 933 CY 1570 CY �-Floating silt barrier Note : See sheet 12 for detail of dredge area. nLo wT * Volumn includes dredging 65 C.Y. for Pile Holes, 350 C.Y. for Rest Pier, 1000 C.Y. of(0 fcr Bascule Pier, and-2485 C.Y. for barge access and Water Main relocation. '� *oEstimated volumes include rubble. Water Reference Datum N.O.A-A. a J � L U 0 50 100 2 Scale In Feet FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING PROPOSED FILLING AND DREDGE IN SNAKE CREEK CHANNEL ON S.R. 5 BRIDGE NO.900077 JULY, 1977 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 75 80 1 SHEET NO. 5 OF 12 1 • Dredge material will be utilized in the proposed embankment, subject to the Department of Transportation embankment utilization specification or disposed of in suitable upland areas provided, by the Contractor. To Miami so 0 50 100 Scale In Feet FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING PROPOSED FILLING IN SNAKE CREEK CHANNEL ON S.R. 5 BRIDGE NO. 900077 JULY, 1977 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1 0 In Ln W fn 01 ar O 00 20 ADJACENT RIPARIAN OWNERS Parcel No. Owners O Frank A. Froehling 3323 Poinciana Avenue Miami, Florida 33133 O James E. Shaw 9/o Snake Creek Lodge P.O. Box 740 Islamorada, Florida 33036 O Keytel, Inc. c/o R. E. Bowen 685 Granada Concourse Miami, Florida 33138 ® Snake Creek Development Nelson and Feldman, Esq. 1135 Kane Course Bay Harbor Island Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Water Reference Datum N.O. A . A. SHEET NO. 6 OF 12 FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING PROPOSED FILLING IN SNAKE CREEK CHANNEL ON S . R .5 BRIDGE NO. 900077 JULY, 1977 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1 0. 15 E A U Existing Const. Roadway Proposed 6:1 Slope Existing Slops- +►l\ \\ MHW+0.8 0 MLW -0.: SECTION THRU ROADWAY AT STA. 58+00 SECT. A —A w IM U1 W to 01 irO z Un Oo 20 Water Reference Datum N.O. A. A. 0 ld 20 Horiz. ' Seale FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING PROPOSED FILLING IN SNAKE CREEK CHANNEL ONS.R.5 BRIDGE NO. 90007 7 J ULY. Iy77 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION J 0 0 SHEET OF 12 30 Const. -. 25 Ppose""~` . .5:1 So•. 20 =k-- -ro 15Existing Roadway 10 / Rubble protection / �-Existing Slope at toe of slope / (see sht.12 for detail) 0 lo' 2d Horiz. Scale' MHW +0.8 FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING 0 MLW -0.2 0 PROPOSED FLEEING IN SNAKE CREEK CHANNEL SECTION THRU ROADWAY AT STA 65+00 ON S. R .5 0 SE.CT. B— B BRIDGE NO. 90007 7 WM JULY, 1977 0, Z o FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF 00 m TRANSPORTATION beater Reference Datum N.O. A . A. I 0 0 . i 0 ro to W ro 0 1 (to 00Z (D 20 a) 30 25 20 15 F SHEET NO. 9 OF 12 Cont. Proposed 2.5:1 Slope Existing Roadway Existing SIOPO 0 16 Horiz. Scale MHW +0.8 MLW -0.2 O -F SECTION THRU ROADWAY AT STA. 74+00 I PROPOSED FILLING SECT. C-C Water Reference Datum N.O. A. A. Rubble protection at toe of slope (see sht. 12 for detail) kAL AID PARTICIPATING IN SNAKE CREEK CH ANNE L ON S. R. 5 BRIDGE NO. 900077 JULY, 1977 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION L� 1 - m _ nMn W M 01 ir0 0 .0 10 5 �.L Cone t. � Ex1etIAS ExIs tin 9 Slope ��—^--------,��---------------- MLW -0.2 0 SHEET NO. 10 OF IS SECTION THRU ROADWAY AT STA. 79+ 00 SECT. D—D Watet Reference Datum N.O. A.A. Proposed 611 Slop+ 4 19' 20' ftil. Scale FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING PROPOSED FILLING IN SNAKE CREEK CHANNEL ONS.R.5 BRIDGE NO. 90 00 7 T JULY, 197T FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1 U Bridge Deck Pier Column Exlef11 Channel I Blew -24= Elevation 44'= —� T l0'3 l Area of dredge -/ Plan REST PIER Construction Sequence 1 6'3 from face I. Drive sheet piles. of pier El ev. Precast 2. Excavate to bottom of seal. conc. Piles Timber 3. Pour seal. Wales 4. Dewater and pour footing. Galvanized 5. Pour pier in stages. Cables � Concrete _ Depth of Dredge-----,,., Area For Main Piers 16't to Elev. -24 t Spread Footing G Conc. Seal Elev. -243 e Alternate Const. Seauence Ia. Place silt- barrier and to excavate trench. to 2a Place sheeting o �, 3a, 4a a 5a (see 3,4 Ik 5 above) 0:0 , zw 00 m Water Reference Datum N.O. A.A. V Fender Detail Precast pilings to be placed in 30'0 drilled holes. (See detail, sht.2) NQ,IF 12 Control House SHEER ; ,�,..,_... Bridge Deck !S7Ft1--1j Elevation aa'3 I 2e'3 redne iCUI Existing Channel B Spread Footing Conc. Seal FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING PROPOSED FILLING AND DREDGE IN SNAKE CREEK CHANNEL ON S. R. 5 BRIDGE NO. 900077 JUI_Y, 1977 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION '1: •, r- LMIll 0 10 20 30 scab 1n Feet 1-, lli Proposed Bridge . 42'— 9" 100 Existing 'Roadway 0.02%ft.-� Existing Channel Bottom :dge of Pavement Edge atShoulder Elev. ' S Existing Side IS to M.H.W.+0.8 Riprap 2:1 -1 to Slope With ro to 1' 6" Stone SECTION E—_ E w ro and Slurry 01 zw DREDGE DETAILS 00 20 Water Reference Datum N.O. A . A. SHEET N0._I QF 12 Edge of Approach Slab ram-•:, Edge d Shoulder �y ll' 6"Stone LSIgr4jt /This !ppsrMmatic road gay- i1�P-hope `mow _•*^-;_--�--- .0 lope Ae Ex I „w-IP : of 3 I�-6" Stone 6 Slurry 2@1 Slope 3= 0" Elev. 3.0 211 Slop M.".W�0.6 Hobble M.L.W-0.2 Existing Ground ` Section Thru Forward Slope of Proposed Bridge R i prop Details FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING M.L.W.-0.2 PROPOSED FILLING AND DREDGE IN SNAKE CREEK CHANNEL ON S . R.-5 1 Slope BRIDGE NO. 9000TT JULY, 1977 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 05 5 a'° � PpKs R x F f� uR YIR � h u iffi•£u� ' S CR'k ii�R 3,• � � i +tk � � 5' S•� G%�' Y � �c l.f� iF b f k { � o or �Y z ky .2 fy E f, h Q R ' YE dh Y K fte h . c ......E ...... . . .. vn . F%. - — — ie'Wm— — ? 0-/474 al *,IMF W, all- �_�Sl x _4NM "g to ZE 49 t k;31 A V9 vi 115 Uw