Resolution 092-1978RESOLUTION NO. 92 -1978 WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, has received an application from the Florida Department of Transportation to construct a concrete bridge; place fill above and below the mean high water line; dredge below the mean high water line to -facilitate pile driving; partial re- moval of existing structure (120 feet of center spans) at Channel No. 5 (SJN: 90050-3512), File No. 44-37-4092, Monroe County (a copy of the application.is.attached hereto and incorpora- ted herein) and WHEREAS, this application has been reviewed and it has been determined that the project entertained would not: 1. violate any statute, zoning law, ordinance or other applicable restriction, nor 2, subject the natural flow of the navigable water as defined in Section 253.12, Florida Statutes, to harmful obstruction or altera- tion, nor. 3. create harmful or increased erosion, shoaling of channels or stagnant areas of water, nor 4. cause material injury or monetary damage to accrue to adjoining land, and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, has determined: a. whether the project will interfere with the conservation of fish, marine- and wildlife or other natural resources to such an extent as to be contrary to the public interest; and b. whether the destruction of oyster beds, clam beds, or marine productivity, including but not limited to destruction of natural marine habitats, grass flats suitable as nursery or feeding grounds for marine life, including Page 1 of.2 Pages. APPROVED dN---� BOOK _ PAGE Ws. established marine soils suitable for producing plant growth of a type useful as nursery or feeding grounds for marine life will result therefrom to such an extent as to be contrary to the public interest; And has also considered other factors affecting the public interest; and WHEREAS, the reports designated in Section 253.124, Florida Statutes, have been considered and read into the record at the same meeting at which final action has been taken on this application, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA that said Board hereby gives its approval to the construction of the above project subject to the approval of the Department of Environmental Regulation pursuant to Section 253.124(2), Florida Statutes. Resolved this 4th day of April, 1978, at a regularly scheduled public meeting. Attest: ---�� / P er BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By,' Mayor' and CKairmarf (Seal) HEREBY CERTIFY that this docLiment I;as been reviewed for cicncy and that the same meets with my approval. By Attorney's Office Page 2 of 2 Pages JOE sr4 STATE OF FLORIDA y, A __- DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION • ~°°°�8"°`• 2562 EXECUTIVE CENTER CIRCLE, EAST MONTGOMERY BUILDING TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32301 RELIBIN O'D. ASKEW JOSEPH W. LANDERS, JR. GOVERNOR March 17, 1978 SECRETARY Monroe County Board of County Commissioners c/o Virginia Pinder Monroe County Courthouse Key West, Florida 33040 Dear Ms. Pinder: File No. 44-37-4092, Monroe County Florida Department of Transportation Channel No. 5, (SJN: 90050-3512) The Department of Environmental Regulation staff has performed a biological survey for the above project and offers the following comments to be considered by the Board of Commissioners as required by Section 253.124(3), Florida Statutes. The applicant proposes to construct a 4,933-ft. long by 38-ft. 9-in. wide fixed span concrete bridge parallal and 50 ft. south of the existing bridge center line at Channel No. 5. The existing bridge shall be left in place with the exception of 120 ft. + of the center spans which will be removed, hauled from the project and disposed of by the applicant's contractor. Bridge construction will require the placement of 9,745 cu. yds. of material on the Miami end and 28,754 cu. yds. of material on the Key West end, both landward and waterward of the mean high water line, to create the appropriate road slopes. Approximately 1,360 cu. yds. of material will be dredged for placement of bridge piles and installation of a subaqueous water main. All recoverable dredge material will be deposited on Department of Transportation upland right-of-way or bridge approach embankments. The area surrounding the project site has a substrate comprised of marl overlying limestone while the bridge approaches are comprised of marl and limestone fill. The surrounding submerged lands are shallow and vegetated by turtle grass, Cuban shoalweed and various red and green alga species. The causeways to the proposed bridge are undeveloped except for a public recreation facility on the south side of the Miami end and support typical Keys vegetation. Plants observed on the project site included black, red, and white mangroves, buttonwood, poisonwood, seagrape, sea purslane, sea oxeye daisy and grasses. The project, as proposed, will fill 1.40 acre of transiitonal zone land and 3.01 acres of submerged land. Monroe County Commissioners Page two March 17, 1978 Pursuant to the requirements of Section 253.124(3), Florida Statutes, the preceding comments should be duly considered and read into the minutes of the meeting at which time a determination of local approval is made. To assist in evaluating the project a copy of the application and a set of project drawings are enclosed (Attachment I,II). A sample resolution (Attachment III) prepared by the department's legal staff is also enclosed. This document is provided to assist the Board of Commissioners in preparing a resolution that will meet the requirements of Section 253.124(3), Florida Statutes. The Board of Commissioners is not obligated to use this format so long as the department is made aware that the requirements of the statute have been fulfilled. Sincerely, T omas L. Hart, Ph.D. Standard Permitting Section TLH/kc cc: Freddy Miller, DOT, Tallahassee Glen Boe, DER, Marathon STATE OF F1 ~.ID L DEPA:gTIM ''NT OF F_NVIRON":F.N"J'AL R1•GULATION STANDARI> APPLICATION FOR 1-"EP\�.,I'T'/C:;F:7-'IFICI:TION TO SCOPE: IN/ON • THE ;"ATEi:S OF THE STATE -7 , G Direc Lions to the applicant: T � -3 �� /� Please type or print in black ink. Fill in all blanks. If information requested ins rot applicable, indicate by placing N/A in blank. Complete/submit the exhibits listed in the applicable sub -section. BE SURE THAT THE APPLICATION IS SIGNED AND DATED. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY SEP 7 1971 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITTir' Items I-VII to be filled out by all applicants, In Item_ VIII, complete Suf)- section ABC or D, as applicable_ I. Applicant Information: A. Name of Applicant B. Address of Applicant ZbY Florida Department of Tri Suwannee St., Burns I (Street or ute Tallahassee, Florida 32304 City (State (Gip Code] Telephone No.: Day_8-2911 Evening_ C. Authorized Arent (if applicable) Fredf3y a- Miller (If agent is not a member of the Florida Isar or a duly registered engineer or surveyor under the laws of Florida, the application must be accompanied by a written statement signed by the appli- cant, authorizing the agent to act on behalf of the applicant in securing the I.�ex�lit and accepting the permit and its stipulations.) Address of Agent: Same as above (Street or Route) (City) (State) (Zip Code) Telephone No.: Day _ Evening_ _ D. Names and addresses of abutting riparian owners See sketches and attached ,sheet. Nc�u�E l7 II. Location of Project Site: 36 an q�� A. County Monroe Section own::hip 64S Range 35E --- - ,= - . B. If p -()P, ::c:cd 47Jr.i:4i� w�_thi�� city limits, give Hume of city Florida Keys (See location sketch). Street- address of proposed project (or. attach directions if there is no z.c?dres s or if pzojec:t may be difficult to locate) Channel No. 5 C. Name of affected 1)o6y(i_c:c) of i,,ate.r_ Atlantic ,Ocean & an'if of MgXjrn Natural X Man-macle 16--2 (10/75) Page 11 of 16 1 III. Description and lt,-.,I,cl: Use of Project: A. Type of coil triict t o:l (check ai_'pllc�,Y-Je 1 ti_las) ( ) 1. Access charnel ( ) 12. Mtrina or.Commercial ( } 2. Seawall ( ) 13. Boat ramp ( ) 3. Storm sec:•er outfal, (X) 14. Bridges and/or trestle ( ) 4. Disposal of waste water ( ) 15. Mooring, dolphins, etc. ( ) 5. MainLenance dredging { ) 16. Groins and jetties ( ) 6. Drainage canal (X) 17. Filling ( ) 7. Boat hasin ( ) 18. Reclamation ( ) B. Overhead utility ( ) 19. hrt:ifi cial reef ( ) 9. Subaqueous utility ( ) 20. Other ( ) 1.0. Dredyiri�3 to obtain fill ( )11. Dock (pr.ivate) B. Brief explanation of project Construct concrete bridge; place fill above and below M_HW; dredge below MHW to facilitate File drivincl. Partial removal_ ofexisting-structure (120' of Ctrj spans) _ C. Inte-nded use of project, describe:M Private; = Commercial; ® Public IV. Permit nunwers (incla ng SA:f number fcr federally funded projects) and issue dates of. previous Depar+inent of Army Corps of Engineers, local, or State permits or t'later. Ouality Certification for work, if applicable (or other applicati.o:):; currently being processed) SAI No. 74-0583 If any permit or application for certification has ever been denied for this project, please explain: None V. If any dredging or. filling (including bk-ickfilling) is proposed, complete the following: A. Type of fill material (X) _Nat iup, 1 imer-aCk dredge mztcrial (.X) LimPrnnlc B. Volume to be dreuc.aeci%f_ ;:c « :tecl Vol ume to be fill c.d -- V1. Mean/Ordinary Ili c11t t''. i : r liner t,,r_t r, do t.c_,.rtai r1ed by : X Ruca i stter,:•,1 ` tt _vny(:I' 111 ctorical data —maps., arld/or c`rr_;irc�cr !photographs, etc. -- 1:>tit:�tc h� �r�, lic,a��t Other _ 140`1'E: Tile applic:j,nt rlt :y 1tc rc ci�I>> c :i to pay thc, }tur�au of State Department of Natul-a, I:.r:,ov1(- r:S %or thy:' ValuC of dredge material, and the i�,lt�: or 0111-; lil,c�s� u_,rci a:s thc- hilsis for thc� information in V may not be accept.tbl e for 1 to 1 0:>,_ s of detortnini ng tho amount of money owe" the state . *Within the suhn,c-r-C:(- 1 c,r lr,Insitiorl zone:,. "Attach authorizati0l) fc)I• �_1C;n Of .;i)011 area if not. O1! applicant's }property. None cubi,� }'�_rd,, cubic yards a1)o•�7c i`1HW-`or 011W above . MH►`;*or UHi,,] 1,160 —cubic �•arcl:, ^26,5�§ cubic yards _ _ 1.',c•1O�y 1`ili1'� Cyr n�:l'.' bc�do:•' I`if1:'d Or O11Tn7 C. 1`let}Ioci of colttai na,rr1t anc ]_Deaf ion of: spoil See transmittal_ letter __ D. Method used to _ prcv�-nt :;.i d t�tt ion of ;surrounding waters: Flnati silt barriers (in area adjacent causeway cr _ nT- E. Type oi: c.dtlii):�,c!r; t. u:;r�c7 General__ highway & bridge cone T- ti[]n F . How wi 1. ] it be pQi��nmAnt, h:-ar:., h t t u t e,2 � Trucked_and or barged 0rv,1,1, 1 r,--7 !1 ri /7t:1 vII. pollution Control C'onsidc!rc:tions: A. Methc,d of di and/or treatir.ent of eny liquid/solid wastes lnclu2ing sto*,n water runoff to be generated at the site Hay bales, sand bags, silt barriers, etc. — B. Runoff or discharge •rjill (N will not. ( ) enter the ad cea� n_t waters as a result of project construction or planned use of the area following project ccmpletion. VIII. PLEASE SLLEC`1' THE APPLICABLE SUB -SECTION AND COMPLETE THE REQUIRED EXHIBITS A. Artificial reef; B. Docking facilities, other than dock for single family dwelling; C. Recla;:iation of land; (D.) All other project. A. Artificial Reef: *1. What material is being used? Itemize 2. ;1nat are the coordinates of the center.? Latitude Longitude 3. P.hat is the distance from the nearest shoreline? 4. V.hat is the method of stabilization after deposition? 5. At.tach 16 copies of sketch or. U. S. Coast & Geodetic Survey Chart showing poSi.tion and dimension, distance from shoreline, water depths at mead lo�•r water, and position of buoys marking location during construction. 6. Crosf: section of proposed reef with dimensions and depth of top of reef at near low writer. 7. Attach original Certificate of Good Standing from the Office of. Secretary of St.�,te, if applicant is a corporation. 8. Attach $200 fee ($150 for biological survey and water quality assessment and $50 for appliczition processing). I (we) acgrec to piovide, any additional inforr.iati.on/data that may be necessary to prov]ne reasonz.ble- assurance Or uvidence to show that the proposed pro_ ect. will comply with the applicable :state Irkat.er. Quality Stand,:rds or of ier env ironmenta3. protection standards both during construction an:: after the -project is coiiipl.eted. I (we.) also agree to provide u,try to the project site for inspectors from the environmental protection age-ncies for the purpose of nlaKing prelimi- nary analyses of the site and monitoring permitted works, if pcarlltit is granted. (Dote) y (Applicant's or. Arent's•sigllatule (f'iti^) *Ltcmi.ze materii:ls used in construction of reef; for example, 50 tires, 25 car l c>d ] (': , one llbert�, `;tiip, ctc. I C. Fill areas with dimensions; d. Location of construction with dimensions; e. All property lines of applicant with dimensions; f. Approximate line of mean or ordinary high water in areas outside tidal influence. g. Insert or map showing project location. 2. Attach 16 copies of cross sectional drawings (831" by 11" or 8" by 10�") prepared- by a registered engineer or surveyor showing applicable features as listed: a. Dredge or excavation areas with dimensions; b. Line of mean low water in relationship to line of mean high water (if applicable); C. Fill areas with dimensions; d. Construction showing type of construction with dimensions. • 3. Attach vertical aertial photograph of project area, scale 1:2.4, 000 (1"=2, 000 ft. ) or greater (more detailed) . 4. Attach local approval from the Board of County Commissioners; City Council for projects invloving fill below the line of mean high water pursuant to Chapter 253, Florida Statutes. In order to obtain local approval required by Section 253, Florida Statutes for filling, a biological survey conducted by the Department may be required. 5. Attach Certificate of Good Standing from the Office of Secretary of State, if applicant is a corporation. 6. Attach affidavit of ownership or control to upland property. where applicable. 7. Attach $200 fee payable to the Department of Environmental Regulation ($150 for biological survey and water quality assessment and $50 for application processing). 8. Attach copies of any applicable Board of. Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund deeds. I (we) agree to provide any additional informaticn/data that may be necessary to provide reasonable assurance or evidence to show that the proposed project i�,-ll comply with the applicable State Treater Quality Standards or other environmental prot.ecti.on standards both during construction and after the project is corlpleted. I (we) also agree to provide entry to the project site for inspectors from the environmental protecti.en agencies for the purpose of making prelimi- nary analvses of tale site and raoni.tor_ i ng permitted works, if permit is granted. September 6, 1977 (Date) 11pj�lican s oi. Agent's signaturE, Environmental _Permit Coordinator (Title PERMf 16-2. (10/75) Page 16 of 16 I - s kCD . �� ' h� tEGv �R� • ••: � � 3 N• O • `'�� DNS 2O 'De, 'It 'It• � PROJECT LOCATIOel =• �. e�os�:• ' / SEC 25, 26, 35 & 36 a a��,e• tecumb �A��c • T 64 S M° arbor ' / R 35 E N Chon / ✓ecvfish Bush • ne/ Two. Bonks rho � • � 000 �t •/ 0 NilV / �4 ' 64 S i 5 c Qo D g \ Key 35 6 1��'` O O`y eight LP POP IcEjA l =;33 Key O cn �0 se r �o�A den VICINITY MAP o FROM ('QRoE COUNTY HIGHWAY MAP m z CA PROJECT NO. r-0050-3512 D o ^� �'h?}�'i�S=C PlLL6;C !Pa CHANNEL!'�0.5 z `-� ALIGNt° ENT AL T ER�AT : D— 2 � ° STATE R . 5 1-0-ONROE CO. AUGUST 1977 z �ORIDA DEPARTMENT MENT OF TRANSPORTATION SHEET ! Gt Grs Relrto 1 at SHEET MD. 2 Of ' ....�.. 1 F - �f Mder = _ ad. �e to r ems. L, Existing mod b rerl�in - '�` - - ent (sss si is # RubbFs Rtivstsant�sse sheets 3 a 15) :. ...�._ To- I PLAN To N+iUM11 4 93 {-0' Orerell BHd go Long*} �. Existing 6oscute Spon -Grodt - -17oposed i - Grote >t. a E IT 290 t t t 1 1 1 1 I Existing Grade water Moin Subattueous Crossing o. 15 - 30F. that r wain ELEVATION. Fasetro�t: (T I . 38 - 9". 38 9" - Water reference Datum N.O. A.A. FEDERAL AID .PARTICIPATING N PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF HOW_ -- BRIDGE OVER CHANNEL N0.5 W. 1 BRIDGE NO. 900098 O O- M3nitrtt as Hhrist> Cloorance= 9(ld r zo Existing: Hori B#t Ciw *[M = 34t}' AUG. 197T 0 _ Minimum verticat clowance. 1i1 RS sue' T`i�AL. SECTIOt�iS Via) Mini vti,�l_ FLORIDA DEPARTMENT 4F P`R ALTERNATE) Eta • -- TRANSPORTATI 4N MONROE 90050 - 3512 ►- .. 0 CP �0 U N CP M 0 - O 006 c O —{ O .n 0fis 'V 0 3 OC v m m 3" cn O -o -* M 0 W m -i �a o Cl)� a Z G7 C m a a A m Cl) 7 N p. 0 Zl O C V m C � p Q p W Z a irl � � o m 0 O o --� a G7 � O X —0 rTi D m` z D z �-- fTl r _° = pOVar O�� O � p O Z D [�1 0 Z � �.� ao �� Oar r c"a cn c� Z G7 —�{ —i rn O m cn O CMD o Z Z Z Z� w N) D z ; 0 0 .n z J C) CD a U) 0 m a to to 0 -w D v v 0 p V) c o- e MON ROE 90050 —3512 -� -n v -� v m Ar m w z 0 :n m r cn �' m�� mrn ,� r ZD r z c m r. OC c m M9 Cl) K ... m C a) om ;a m G) v r ' p o r- Z s a w p v 1 t C c u m 0 X "Cl ;u r o v > 0 z o'it ` A b in r%-, v� D O -� , + C OD -i _z Y j < �y © ) i{ z N 1" <.n G m D O � r rn 0 m v CD z 4 m 7 G) m z rn MONROE 90050 - 3512 Tt f. CO �7 n S -U �u n min co " �x S> zo 0 o u 2> m > D t� r M r .� u, o a U z > o o 4 J X (o z A v Z z o z > z G) 0 , i i Nth j� t ZOO' is Fill 200 j� IL 1111A rc// L//V& A 0 MONROE 90050- 3512 z o o u, �O o m m O 70 cn c-) I I n _ ao 0 -0 X -r ;a -n m r O O A z O -U 0 m b I- ` A0 mO Dm z > li z O r 0 0 r U) o C z D v m 0 -�� 0 0 �v tZ o D -� nipo o m U) n 1 z z -� 0 Z 0 A d �� z c� A19,470,'/ L11V/f- 8 0 x m MONROE 90050-3512 MA TCH L NE A 0 .n r CD C� T3 T rn (n X � ?- 0 �o 0 rn r- D m r m z �, � r m 0_D _ (n o O Z a o rn ` (D O "TI c� D� �' O 00 U1 v 0 J ILO zG-) � -1 0 rn CO Cn C ) z Z -i Z A 0 z o �n z U7 G> 0 O rn rn MONROE 90050 - 3512 UA TCH LINE C 0 BFG/�V B�QlOGE srA.s7o-�-C3.5o m n r O O -p o m D r z A O r r 0� -• D if A� V OO (D z zt i z G-) -i O m U) — C7 z Z i z — D z MONROE 90050 -3512 ENO 6RID6E STA 619 f 36.50 0 _o r 2 _<` m z '� 4� � O r :1 Z m m 01> c� o cA0 x 0 z D m 0 f of U) r 0 D r .. D Z7 � .� CO O —_rl 0 O I m D -'X v 0 CA r-- v > O J v O co O 2 Z G) --� I �rn U) n Z �z- 0 0 m o O o; MONROE 90050-3512 rn o , (D ,- ^7 °o .� � TCy t •1r lilt, tt `- !V/ t t 1 11 t� 1 Ir al Ca 0 -n -n Wi O Oh0 z —v o m D r— z�i o m M o > rn zD zt- � r -- O -° n O 0 `~ r -o o _ O O D 0 - G) --i C) � o 0 U� G) k Ui G 0 D F MONROE 90050 -3512 yi.or�,y vNE Ali III G) w = X f7l C) --- > O o r O O z _ rn r- -+ rn z 0 ;o rn o z D �' r (fir 0 O 0 Z _b ss rn O '�1 c7 X D 0 al `p O D V O O Z 03 p rn C) Z Z Z O O -1 w 0 0 x rn m in C3� MONROE 90050-3512 (5) m z 0 con -Ti I— Co (n 0 ,,0 *E- z -V z 0 0 m x > r- m > 0C rT, z M U) m > z cn 0 0 rT, p (-00 z > lo 0 -u > o" 0 (n 0 o (D o z J 0 m 00 C) Z 2 :4j -0 z > 01 G) MA 7'0/-/ /- IlVe j9' 10 y � � I goo, 9 200, 8 MONROE 90050- 3512 co CD o. c(n Q: o o 0m CD DVA CD CD N 0) cn ,� o + _ r o CA 0 - 0 0 00 0 �+ m 4) O O -n .Y 0 G) ;o z > 0 O - r cno C O Z o D� A. �o o D -�� kc) O O r D m -D+ V r -ii Q z z O m 00 cn n Z Z O Z Z A 3 n O Z (31 G� , 0 0 N m -q O MONROE 90050-3512 U) r- 0 m 0) + 0 in al --j CP 0 z mo -n EX) 0 -0 := 7J -n rn z 0 z -5 m0 o G) Z 0 x m M U) > Cn z> > z r- m 0 r- >0 Cf) 0 C 0 * z > v M 0 0 m u > 0 r -a > N o o 0 Z > x 0 Z G) --I 0 m CO Z z z 0 > t G) P-A Ut O Ut CD 0 coO 0 cn CD U) —N CL NW p ID CD (n -n 0 Hx cr CD Ao 7 A� 73 co 7-P m m -T) MONROE 90050-3512 m x o fl 0 m 1 CD o / "' CD CIOCD as 0 O o vi -it w CD o a -- CD .��� m ' N �• � A N�rn — ," CD:t cn ; CD << k N �%� � �.•v1 rt'r .. .Fr O O O C) # %� W LTI -1- o 0 CD --' O vim' / 4 CO i Q. co n -D 't1 d:l � oM rn rn z D Z r 0 cn o C O z _> c� ► pU r� 1 (31 z z �} z p c t p l n C F MONROE 90050 - 3512 -i - O rn m ---1 ri ,`- Q) 0 0) O O rig n n n rn rn m C v M rn M � m O -D cn F O C- 0 D m m 0 c � o C: D m -n 0 ;u 0 _ TJ ;u -n m 0 0 Z 'OD m D i p 0 rn Z rn O (n x D Z Z D 1, Z O r m v r D n (!> �rn o z O X O t_ D - i V .00 v cD Z � j G) 0 k m GD to _ C-) Z Z ;u Z -p O 0 D -1 C31 G7 M 0 r c 'm Z C) r C: 0 m V) X• c am am r m �rn -1 .(n 7-1 (n --1 � . I rn --i r -n -n -n M Z r- m 0 0 � m OT c c D D n g ic M m m c c -4 (A co y Z co r Co r D Z (n � in -I m � rn --r m ;o o rn o z m Z C)m < o N r- -� O D Z rn D 0 z m z v �k Y OD N O y rn N v � O 0 N iZrn � U, O w O O) -P cD (D - cn p rn n n D D (n W N O O .Q U1 -P 7 m D O C) C) D D , N = W O O -A 0 O -i C) 0 D D ' r MONROE 90050 - 3512 11>1 m om z O -n �D u' rnm�� i r >;-i o rn rn w D rnm C n O O rn m o r z rn D �- J "T, h d rn r D cv z' as r D � 0 -a G) D D m z (� O (n D f _ O O Lz r 0 D —n UM ` 0z 0 N O o r D 4 N o O r z z zz D O zTi z O rn U O m x rn m —i z Q v O cu MONROE 90050 - 3512 W -0 -I„ 0 o f 0 0 --i � G) o X D z> z m r m r �� p b 0-0 U' '-- -� x D v o r > ��`'0z Z 0 m CO Cn N _ n_ z "Q 0 p —i -n U, z Cl) y O 91, co 10 TA m3 MONROE 90050 — 3512 U z n SEC riOH MR& R0,4DA1A Y A T' ST,4. 558 f 00 S I -I E E T N 0. 20 OF 2t� I� I ,' PROF-'OSE� ¢ i EX/ST/�l/G � ' SLOPE —' RUv'SLE AilL.JI/. -092 - � O SCALE: /"= 5' 1/'rer !'= 20 ' HORlZ SEC. C -C N W Oo Lo O 00 1 SEP DIVIS/o rNV1R0 N of - NMENT , -/0 FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING PROPOSED FILLING IN CHANNEL NO. 5 ON S. R. NO., BRIDGE NO. 900098 4416, /977 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 0 1 .IN Lo r W 1 00 Cr- Lr) z 0 0a) � +SHEET N0.01 OF 2> SECT/OrV 7AW41 iPOADW,4 Y AT STA 5,03 -A Oa /��PoPosE� ¢./ SLOPE io SLOPE — `\ /rr — I _--\ it??l�l�l�f 0�33 A11L W O. 32 I 0 SCALE . !/E,QT /I= Zo'/1ORIZ SEG. D - D - - - - - Ig%i ISION 0 FEDERAL AID PARTIG.IPATING PROPOSED FILLING IN CHANNEL NO.5 ON S.R. NO.5 BRIDGE NO. 9OOOa80 AZI , /977 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MONROE 90050 - 3512 MONROE 90050 - 3512 c, N o a � z rrrl y co / i '' np := zl rn O o 0 0 Z (� O D n r O o�z0 Tj 7 o m -o I o -D _ �D N11 O > -D-I V Q Z z -xi j Q m (D n CD O 0 � -�t 1 • M LLJ 1 00 z0 00 u SHEET N0.22 O 9 \� EX/S T/NG PROPOSED 3 SLOPE SLOPE /O MHGI�� 0.88 All- W-032 Cc 11I D �P µX ;, DIVISION OF ENV7RONMENTAL PERMITTING \ SCALE: /°s5'1/E�PT 20 `HOR/Z . SEC. E - E SEC T/O/V TgR41' R0,40W,,4 Y AT 5r4. 56 9 -A 00 FEDERAL AID PARTIGIPATINC 'ROPOSED FILLING IN CHANNEL NO. 5 ON S.R. NO. BRIDGE NO. 900098 AaO, /977 FLORI DA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION I SHEET NO.23OF?9 l�l PROPOSED 3 . / SLOPE ,�\ ►�' • ` �l LL RL155L E 0//W D. 88 \ cr . 1 ,SCALE: 6'YER7 CEP 7 197.. I ENVIRONMENTAL OF PERMIT71W, FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING N PROPOSED FILLING IN u) CHANNEL NO.5 ON S.R. N0.5 w BRIDGE NO. 900093 0 o SECT/ON THf2U ROAOkY,4Y AT STA. 6/9 � 50 AMG, /9 77 pO O FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION N O0 MU) z0 ern SECT/Ord/ THiPU RoAow.4y,4r STA. 62/ f 00 SHEET N0.2,-; OF 29 SLOPE EX/ST/�t/G � rr A3 /2 MLW-092 m j�co .rjvvm plv-r4 1V of �\ SEC. G-G AC $CALF : /'. G'V6'Rr /'- 9011-HOR/Z. FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING' PROPOSED FILLING IN CHANNEL NO. 5 ON S. R. NO. 5 j BRIDGE NO. 900098 AM0, /977 j FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1 n u i SHEET NO.Z50F �� S EX�sri�vG SLOPE SL OPE- rr All L.ly 0 32PF- ,9CA L 6: /ate 5 VE77, MENTAL p)' FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATli PROPOSED FILLING IN Lo CHANNEL NO.5 ON S.R. NO to W BRIDGE NO. 900093 00 z o 5E-Cr/0Ao1 7hW4/ R0,40WAK AT 6rA . (924 f 00 AEG, i9 77 00 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT 0i :-5: 0) TRANSPORTATION SHEET NO.26 OF 21 SEC RON ' T11R47 ROADLVA Y AT STA 627 �- DO /5 —EXISTING /0 SLOPE IN r1&PV—O92 0 va SCALE: / 5, YE1,?T 20'1-10R/L ;7� 1 LV ro 0 Lo zp 00 o SEP �Y — �rAMROiVN; N� IO NOP FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING ��.rr,n, PROPOSED FILLING IN SE'C. ✓-✓ CHANNEL NO. 5 ON S.R. NO.5 BRIDGE NO. 900098 AL/G, 1077 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SHEET NO.27OF2 SECT/O/V THRIJ ROAOG!/AY AT STIR. 690 f 00 • �iPOPO.SEO � .'/ ______----,--- SLO.lE Exl5r /0 G $L.ORE - SCALE: / 5' ! ,=-A7 • a _ /0If//047/Z.- � +r R �+ `>qfl�� d --- `L' UI' ENV1R0 V N1�SloN OF EN7gL ,pFRf� 1fi '...�...�..� F�6ERAL AID PARTICIPATING SEC. K- K . - - PROPOS-ED----FI L-L--I NG--- IN---- - CHANNEL NO.5 ON S.R. NO.5 BRIDGE N0. 900095 ALI6, 1977 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SHEET NO. 29 OF?J Ll SECT/ON MRV R040111.4Y AT STfl. 633 f 00 AlLW —032 r � ��� Pi�OGOSEO 5'.�/ SLOPE EX/S7ZA16 sL oPE /L1/-IW f O.88 E SPY �` ' rt SCALE /''a 5' MRT. DiviSroN o,p 20 ,110RIZ l t r ,545C. L -L FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING C\j PROPOSED FILLING IN 0 CHANNEL NO.5 ON S.R. NO, 5 tag BRIDGE NO. 900098 00 0 0 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION -- SHEET N0.290FZ9 SECT/ON 7//A74/ RDAVWA Y AT LSTA. 6.37 4 50 �,-- �------------=---� �;, SLOP" /D AID 5 EluvinoN�°Ivls/o/v or /I-ffiL1/ 7t 0.88 ENT,4L �n�r MLW —O.32 0 `SEC U_M FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING -N` - - SCALE / "= 5`YE,PT - -- -= - - - -- PROPOSED -FILLING IN -- /" a /O'HOR/Z. CHANNEL NO.5 ON S.P. NO.5 �► BRIDGE NO. 900098 00 w U-) A116, /9 77 Z 5 0 00 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1 14 0 j7v /01 Sle-7, 54�5 7e- T = 54, o95 ENVI 5E6VNCR0-1ECr 67-A 6ara 4 00. p CG 7' TQ ExIsr 4w 40- a IF N 7 1.977 DIVISION OF IONMENTAL PERMITTIN(-, 146. 46 5,51 T+ . Y� .'�� ! � �' v..q: f.�oA A«. .. ^S-^'r's :•,.:" z"1' 'Za-,. cong ' CY Cons : " Pc 14� ' P