Resolution 093-1978RESOLUTION NO. 93 -1978 WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, has received an application from the Florida Department of Transportation to construct a concrete pile sup- ported reinforced concrete bridge; place fill (local limerock and rubble) above and below the mean high water line; dredge below the mean high water line to facilitate pile driving; remove the exist- ing concrete bridge at North Pine Channel (SJN: 90020-3533), File No. 44-37-4110, Monroe County (a copy of the application is attached hereto and incorporated herein) and WHEREAS, this application has been reviewed and it has determined that the project entertained would not: 1. violate any statute, zoning law, ordinance or other applicable restriction, nor 2. subject the natural flow of the navigable water as defined in Section 253.12, Florida Statutes, to harmful obstruction or altera- tion, nor 3. create harmful or increased erosion, shoaling of channels or stagnant areas of water, nor 4. cause material injury or monetary damage to accrue to adjoining land, and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, has determined: a. whether the project will interfere with the conservation of fish, marine and wildlife or other natural resources to such an extent as to be contrary to the public interest; and b. whether the destruction of oyster beds, clam beds, or marine productivity, including but not limited to destruction of natural marine habitats, grass flats suitable as nursery or feeding grounds for marine life, including Page 1 of 2 Page APPROVEb 0N____ 7 - established marine soils suitable for producing plant growth of a type useful as nursery or feeding grounds for marine life will result therefrom to such an extent as to be contrary to the public interest; And has also considered other factors affecting the public interest; and, WHEREAS, the reports designated in Section 253.124, Florida Statutes, have been considered and read into the record at the same meeting at which final action has been taken on this application, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that said Board hereby gives its approval to the construction of the above project subject to the approval of the Department of Environmental Regulation pursuant to Section 253.124 (2), Florida Statutes. Resolved this 4th day of April, 1978, at a regularly scheduled public meeting. Attest: c C er BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA yor dnd Cliairman (Seal) HEREBY CERTIFY that this document has been reviewed for legal su;ji- ciency and that the same meet's with My approval. BY ____mil/i'��� _ Attorneys Office Page 2 of 2 Pages -THE $]If �y�v Pam; STATE OF FLORIDA W � DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION • D,811. 2562 EXECUTIVE CENTER CIRCLE, EAST MONTGOMERY BUILDING TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32301 REUBIN O'D. ASKEW GOVERNOR March 23, 1978 Monroe County Board of County Commissioners c/o Virginia Pinder Monroe County Courthouse Key West, Florida 33040 Gentlemen: File No. 44-37-4110, Monroe County Florida Department of Transportation North Pine Channel (SJN: 90020-3533) JOSEPH W. LANDERS, JR. SECRETARY The Department of Environmental Regulation staff has performed a biological survey for the above project and offers the following comments to be considered by the Board of Commissioners as required by Section 253.124(3), Florida Statutes. The applicant proposes to construct a 744 foot long by 46 feet 9 inch wide fixed span concrete bridge parallel and 23 feet north of the existing bridge centerline at North Pine Channel. Pile caps will be extended 5 feet on the north side of the bridge to support the Keys Aqueduct 24-inch water main. The existing bridge will be completely removed, hauled from the project and disposed of by the applicant's contractor. Bridge construction will require the placement of 2,775 cubic yards of material on the Miami end and 16,493 cubic yards of material on the Key West end, both landward and waterward of the mean high water line, to create the appropriate road slopes. Approximately 586 cubic yards of material will be dredged from 0.15 acres of submerged land for piling installation and work barge access. All recoverable dredge material will be deposited on DOT upland right-of-way or bridge approach embankments. The general area surrounding the Miami end of the bridge is developed with residential development to the north and south of the existing highway. A canal system is associated with the northern development and a marina is located south of the bridge approach. The Key West end is an undeveloped causeway. The substrate on both ends of the bridge is comprised of marl and limestone fill. The Key West end is vegetated with red and white mangroves, buttonwood, poisonwood, seagrape and sea daisy. The Miami end is vegetated with red, black and white mangroves, buttonwood and sea oxeye daisy, along the toe Monroe County Board of County Commissioners Page Two March 23, 1978 of the road bed with grasses and forbs on the high portion of the road bed. Submerged land to be filled or dredged adjoining both approaches are vegetated with turtle grass, cuban shoalweed and several species of macro -algae (Acetabularia spp., Batophora spp., Padina spp., Penicillus spp., Halimeda spp. Marine organisms observed in the submerged or transitional zone lands on and adjacent to the project site included corals, anemones, sponges, starfish, octopus, tunicates, mangrove snapper and barracuda. The project, as proposed, will fill 1.07 acres of transitional zone land and 2.17 acres of submerged land. Pursuant to the requirements of Section 253.124(3), Florida Statutes, the preceding comments should be duly considered and read into the minutes of the meeting at which time a determination of local approval is made. To assist in evaluating the project a copy of the application and a set of project drawings are enclosed (Attachment I, II). A sample resolution (Attachment III) prepared by the department's legal staff is also enclosed. This document is provided to assist the Board of Commissioners in preparing a resolution that will meet the requirements of Section 253.124(3), Florida Statutes. The Board of Commissioners is not obligated to use this format so long as the department is made aware that the requirements of the statute have been fulfilled. TLH/nb Enclosures cc: Glen Boe, DER, Marathon Freddy Miller, DOT Sincerely, Thomas L. Hart, Ph.D. Environmental Specialist Standard Permitting Section bG�'rti�S �qtc. 11. mate activi posed tr _ummA January , 9 8 0 Date activity is expected to be completed April, 1981 12. Is any portion of the activity for which authorization is sought now complete? Yes [ ] No (X] If answer is "Yes" give reasons in the remarks section. Month and year the activity was completed . Indicate the existing work on the drawings. 13. List all approvals or certifications required by other Federal interstate, state or local agencies for any structures, con- struction, discharges, deposits or other activities described in this application, including whether the project is a De- velopment of Regional impact. Issuing Agency Type of Approval Identification No. Date of Application Date of Approval U. S. C. G. Permit 10/10/77 Pending Monroe County Resolution 10/10/77 Pending 14. Has any agency denied approval for the activity described herein or for any activity directly related to the activity de- scribed herein? Yes (] No [)d (If "Yes" explain in remarks) 15. Remarks (see Instruction Pamphlet for additional information required for certain activities) See transmittal letter and attached drawings. 16. Application is hereby made for a permit or permits to authorize the activities described herein. I agree to provide any additional information/data that may be necessary to provide reasonable assurance or evidence to show that the pro- posed project will comply with the applicable State Water Quality Standards or other environmental protection stan- dards both during construction and after the project is completed. I also agree to provide entry to the project site for inspectors from the environmental protection agencies for'the purpose of making preliminary analyses of the site and monitoring permitted works, if permit is granted. I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in this application, and that to the best of my knowledge and belief such information is true, complete, and accurate. I fur- ther certify that I possess the authority to undertake the proposed activities. 10/10/77 ignatur�of plicant Date 18 U.S.C. Section 1001 provides that: Whoever, in any manner within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States knowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals, or covers up by any trick, scheme, or device a material fact cr makes any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or representations or makes or uses any false writing or document knowing same to contain any false, fictitious or fraudulent statement or entry, shall be fined not more than $10,000 or,imprisoned not more than five years, or both. The application must be signed by the person who desires to undertake the proposed activity; however, the dpplica- tion may be signed by a duly authorized agent if accompanied by a statement by that person designating the agent and agreeing to furnish upon request, supplemental information in support of the application. FEE: Attach Checks/Money Orders on front Payable to Department of Environmental Regulation $200 Standard form projects , $20 Short forms and Chaper 403 projects only JOINT APPLICATION DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY/FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION FOR ACTIVITIES IN WATERS OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA Refer to Instruction Pamphlet for explanation of numbered items and attachments required. 1 Application number (To be assigned) 2. Date 3. For official use only 10 10 77 5L7,,V- 9ov Do- 3 53 3 Lf �- Day Mo. Yr. 4. Name, address and zip code of applicant FLORIDA DEPARrZ= OF TRANSPORTATION 605 Suwannee Street Tallahassee, Florida 32304 Telephone Number 904/487-2780 5. Name, address, zip code and title of applicant's authorized agent for permit application coordination FREDDY G. MILLER Enviromental Permit CoordinatorvZl 605 Suwannee Street Tallahassee, Florida 32304 lgll OC 11 Telephone Number 90 /487-2780 p1�JISlON Of TCING 6. Describe the proposed activity, its purpose and intended use, including a ( © AkF pe of structures, if eny, �osition to be erected on fills, or pipe or float -supported platforms, and the type, and quantity of materials to be discharged or dumped and means of conveyance. Construct a oonerete pile supported rein- forced concrete bridge. Plaoe fill (local limerock & rubble) above and below the line of MHW. Dredge below the line of MHW to facilitate pile driving. Renove the existing concrete bridge. See transmittal letter and drawings for details. A public transportation facility and a National Defense Highway. Dredged/Excavated Filled/ Deposited Volume of Material: 586 CY 0 _Cy 14.786 Cy 4,481 CY Waterward of Landward of Waterward of Landward of O.H.W. or M.H.W. O.H.W. or M.H:W. O.H.W. or M.H.W. O.H.W. or M.H.W. 7. Proposed use Private [ ] Public [X] Commercial [ ] Other [ ] (Explain in remarks) B. Name and address including zip code of adjoining property owners whose property atso adjoins the waterway. SEE ATTACHED DRAWINGS 9. Location where proposed activity exists or will occur Street address Longitude Latitude Of known) Sec. 27 Twp, 66S Rge 29E Fl_ori cia Mmrc-a _ Fla. Keys Stata County In City or Town NearCity or Town 10. Name of waterway at location of the activity North Pine Channel & SR-5 (US-1) 21 Jul 77 r 's, ' ,a yd y 40 ^Siii.fuERtAhD tZ \i \\EE If.. j TOPTREE 9` " .1 /. usz HAMMOCK Yet;'' 940 L 1 1 3 l •p t8� 17 . 16 11,17 - t 5 IF OCKEMOOWN� O h L- J P IVF n"i-11 cERt �,.v� Jtiv KEY - � J DHC WELL 21 22 LE 1f -,23 "� K.E �~ KNOCKE'"E:UwN �, f r �C1C� -t t SEE INSET H' �g�, ,i ,1 � "ry %. ' +�JS 1.1 {'. �.` ••`�t O •. ��. tFF - -ate✓"" _ ' (. , ,.<•t..�, -�'v /i / SEE INSET '1 :_�".----�• ; r .............LITTLE .1 .. d'' N4:` �.!_ "" • /�'� Jill c! A 1 ' 7 U H C H KEY t �1 �. SUM!4ERLAM1�~iy ; RAti,ROD i ���' t 54 f• KEY COVE.\�, �'v+: 1 KEYS _3?{ o • 34; AIRPORT (PVT},',. 6 31 ""1 c 1\33 1! \ ,,•� _t t 33 SJW".ERLAND ''.i �. 1 _ � \: LL// +✓ ^. KEY \4i t SEE INSET C� �'7 9��' .,Jo � •rna `� s PYE !.IF Y t . OCATION F PIR1 w Lo S 27 a;""TGvSMUNSON ,, - .I MILE zrR 2S E ISLAND rfW/CJ cL � � �" ae� fO Est. Poo 3 •�.���c. v..E..J KEY VICINITY MAP ��/�j FROM MONROE COUNTY HIGHWAY MAP PROJECT NO.90020•-3533 PROPOSED FILUNG AND DREDGING IN NORTH PINE CHANNEL ON S.R. 5 -- MONROE -3 COUNTY FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION! ALTERNATE 8-2 MONROE 90020- 3 X X97 X • � '7 7 cnm3-33 S << < O CD ca C) o C-) o o 0 C-) o cs C7 p O t7 p al c � O a 5 O ,fl O ro m (D m C)33Q �3 • r 2 11 T— _ SOD 0 - O tO V1 0 c0 O z D Co 0 Co -0 T -r, D C f 0" a - a (nmmr,.�co z r- o co o, r T} (D - O rn n ti -0 z cn o O z > N 1 1 o x ---A o _ 001 � z O M m � > z`ACT U 'rl > i� O F 20 10 0 O co a o • N O JL 0 05 0 I. 1 1 1 (O V 0 0 co Fl/ I I I 1 0 N O O O 8 -p 0 O M �0 x — 0 3 or N' Co 'a CD -► ro CD90 E3 �1 0 1 I 0 .O CD p m F x I I N CD CDi (D �or , n 9 a i cs CL r z 1 1 Tidal i 1T Flow I 1 1 II x 1 0 N. ro �. O X CD ro cn m M 0 N O n 1067 1070 r SHEET NO.. 3 of 13 Gulf of Mexico To Key West To 4lliomi R/W r1,4101 L.F Rubble Slope Protection 2 R/W N 0 50 100— , �+ Scale In Feet LEGEND FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING Limit of Transition Zone `"''"" Parcel Number ® �-- PROPOSED FILLING IN + MHW.( 0,75) � ,,,,,,,,,, Dredge Area """"" ° r NORTH PINE CHANNEL ON S.R. 5 MLW (-0.I5) ............ Fill Area (submerged ® BRIDGE NO. 90OHO and transition zone) .; Toe of Slope -- ---- AUGUST, 1977 00 Rubble Ir 000 00 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF �. °' Water Reference Datum N.O.A.A. TRANSPORTATION 1075 1080 SHEET NO. 4 13 a Gulf of . Mexi co c -J To Key West 1 To Miami ;c r R/W 1 410¢ L.F Rubble Sloe Protection B i Floating silt barrier Proposed Bridge Const (Alt. B-2) _ Existing bridge �7 Existing roadway to be removed Begin Bridge B Existing wingwall Sta .1080+18.31. to remain Atlantic Ocean m R/W -- -- -' � r a U e.. FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING.. o so.' , ioo PROPOSED. FILLING IN Qredge material will be utilized in the proposed LScale. in. Feet) NORTH PINE CHANNEL ON B.R..5 embankment, subject to the Department of M Transportation embankment utilization specification BRIDGE NO. 900110 LO or disposed of in suitable upland areas provided T by the Contractor. AUGUST, 1977 0 cYCJ . 00 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF '-0) Water Reference Datum N.o.A.A. TRANSPORTATION MONROE -90020- a a m c nE< � CD G O � �C) < 0 E c ati a Ln CD N CrCL Gi a. CL O CD -� t Q G) 0 CD Q 7 O. CL c� n m CD 0 Cr Q to CD Q CD LO 0 mm rn m rnm mm N 70 ov op -n_n -n-_n 0 CD M CD CD -- — — — 0 CL a. IM 90 a Q .o 4 « 3� D CD CD cD CD .� v 0 <0 < T> D -, -, 3 CD CD M En 3 J o � Cn Cr Z (D CD _4(n oQW C -��u'n -.74 to 3 (DD O to Q a . CL N � 0 Cl) -a O r 0 ?- 8 Gl D .� m CD CL a WW O_ 00 00 WO) O(Di� (A O D D I� ti n p N <Q 0 —— 00 � O 0) Cn 0iy N --J CD �M o .0 -< D nn Dn� 0 rP4)- Cn O 0) O —u 0 -- -f A CO Co — 0) D D N c Co 2-0 rn o O 00 O Uri —I — TO z o s m A r� �! �� z D CD C/) O -D rn 0 m r- © C3 = y G) -� r rn z �7 0 m 00 z x-a —! m cr, o T, O G) _ `l r Cn X Io cr � � O rn +� f 1 Cr CaO n x, rn I ' Dtb I a Q I I -► rn � x . I CD I -• o m D Co L I = I I n Cn m 0 0. 0 0 O 0 CD n CL O Co CA CL D m =. l N Match Line 'B' -n • o • C O A m -► I ID or I I III c O 2 k to CD O =o v CD o o O o (0 I I 3 O s m 1 I;v o t m Cn i o o O -n Match Line 'C' d . Project 3 1098+00 o 0 50 : 100 Scale In Feat FEDERAL. AID PARTICIPATING PROPOSED FILLING IN' :.NORTH. PINE CHANNEL ON S.R. 5 BRIDGE NO. 90.0110 ."AUGUST, 1977 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF. TRANSPORTATION MONROE 9 020-3533 o D C- o m z -u-v c o'OD Z:O a) ^ � -v os o o (p-n v(DC QQ CD ? In-0(D '(D" O C 0w O =(D (D(D O O � N m OOOLai (D (D D x W c-y p p p ' N �. N O N 'n� p ZN p CD 3 on n 0D. m W ? n o � W W W W Mn? Wm m U) W -► W O W O 0 0 ., C71 OD 3 utii o 0 O • N D CD OO-o 'n -� � :� z o m m cn M PDz0 _0 c7 z cn o o D r > D (D o (I1 C7 0 -v z D to Om0 O m O D _ Dz m� D -ice C) zo o m z zz m � -� r -n -n O _ern_ � V Z CA 0 C) ' N 1 = a Color 1 3 i = (D 0 1 0 -_* c N W-1 C o 1 F V \• . o \ x o \ \ o m C) 0 C m x CD n 'n N D m z -0 -n -n c A 0 Q s r O G Z C) D D o �3 -I m cn w< rn --I — --0 0 _ z o v m z 0 D �- D A> ZD m — C 0 n -n A 'U m O A0-0 r D A o z z O 'U � -� m r D cD >� Oz + C) Fri z z OF). 0 0 N 13 SHEET NO. 9 OF Const. Existing roadway ' Proposed . 3 : 1 slope 10 / / \ Bubble berm - Existing slope \ (see sht I" or de#nil) / 5 MHW +0.75 el 0 MLW — -- :' SECTION THRU ROADWAY AT STA 1080 OO i Sect. B - B . . FEDERAL AID PAP, T ICI'r��I'!NG PROPOSED FILLING IN NORTH PINE CHANNEL ON S.R. 5 - BRIDGE NO. 900110 rq Lo Lo w -10 0 Io' 20' AUGUST, 1977 , Horiz.. Scale za FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF 00 1iater Reference Datum NA+A:A. TRANSPORTATION SHEET NO. 10 OF 13 -5- A 01 "W slope o 10 20' Horiz. Scale FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING PROPOSED FILLING, -IN NORTH PINE CHANNEL ON S,R. 5 BRIDGE NO. 900110 AUQUST.1977 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION us i 100, E Dredge Limits Proposed Bridge E PLAN 46'-9 15 -- j Existing l0 2:1 slope i Channel 5 MHW+0.75 Elev. -5 ± i i Bottom 0 — i I MLW -0.15 -5 0 I1 0 0 UAl� 1 SECTION E-E Water Reference Datum, N.O.A.A. Revised 10- 28-77 3._ SHEET N0. 12 OF 13 Min. 3" C-6" Stone & _Slurry �- 2:1 Slope Height 1 Varies Varies �Elev. 5.0 Rubble M.H.W. +0.75 2:1 Slc 0.15 Existing Wingwall Natural To Remain Ground Section Thru Forward Slope of Proposed Bridge Edge of Approach Slab Edge of Shoulder V-6" Stone 8 Slurry This slope to match roadway fill slope 2'-0' 2'-0" Elev. �or+I M.L.W. -0.15 M.H.W. 40.75 Rubbl( Existing ground Section Thru Side Slopes RIPRAP DETAILS FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING PROPOSED FILLING AND DREDGE IN NORTH PINE CHANNEL ON SR 5 BRIDGE NO. 900110 AUGUST, 1977- FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION t: