Resolution 123-1978Resolution Number 123-1978 WHEREAS, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners has received an application from Mr. Werner K. Munzenmayer to construct a seawall of concrete block facing and poured concrete, steel reinforcing rod cap, and tie -back. It will be 100' long, 4' wide, and will have holes augered every 10' and filled with concrete as a tie -back. The seawall will be located waterward of the M. H. W. Line and approximately 50 cubic yards of backfill will be placed to bring the seawall to grade with uplands:,(a copy of the application is attached and incorporated herein) and WHEREAS, this application has been reviewed and it has been determined that the project entertained would not: 1. violate any statute, zoning law, ordinance or other applicable restriction, nor 2. subject the natural flow of the navigable water as defined in Section 253.12, Florida Statutes, to harmful obstruction or alteration, nor 3. create harmful or increased erosion, shoaling of ehannels or stagnant areas of water, nor 4. cause material injury or monetary damage to accrue to adjoining land, and WHEREAS, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners have determined: a. whether the project will interfere with the conservation of fish, marine and wildlife or other natural resources to such an extent as to be contrary to the public interest; and, b. whether the destruction of oyster beds, clam beds, or marine productivity, including but not limited to destruction of natural marine habitates, grass flats suitable as nursery or APPROVED ON '-I - as.7k BOOK RAGE ��•5 feeding grounds for marine life, including established marine soils suitable for producing plant growth of type useful as nursery or feeding grounds for marine life will result therefrom to such an extent as to contrary to the public interest; and has also considered other factors affecting the public interest; and, WHEREAS, the reports designated in Section 253.124, Florida Statutes, have been considered and read into the record at the same meeting at which final action has been taken on this application, then BE IT RESOLVED THAT THIS Monroe County Board of County Commissioners hereby gives its approval to the construction of the above project subject to the approval of the Department of Environmental Regulation pursuant to Section 253.124(2), Florida Statutes. Resolved this 25th day of April, 1978, at a regularly scheduled public meeting. AT 'P-.:> C erk to the Board of County Commissioners Monroe County Board of County Commissioners _Chairman/Mayor - Board of County Commissioners RELIBIN O'D. ASKEW GOVERNOR STATE OF FLORIDA SOUTH FLORIDA DISTRICT BRANCH OFFICE AND LABORATORY 3201 GOLF COURSE BOULEVARD PUNTA GORDA, FLORIDA 33950 JOSEPH W. LANDERS, JR. SECRETARY PHILIP R. EDWARDS DISTRICT MANAGER April 3, 1978 Mr. Werner K. Munzenmayer c/o'Mr. Albert Soto P. 0. Box 57 Sugarloaf Shores, FL 33044 Dear Mr. Munzenmayer: Re: File No. 44-7424-5E, Monroe County A biological assessment has been made of the proposal as follows: The proposed seawall is to have a concrete block fac- ing and poured concrete, steel reinforcing rod cap, and tieback. It will be 100' long, 4' wide, and will have holes augered every 10' and filled with concrete as a tieback. The seawall will be located waterward of the MHW line and approximately 50 cubic yards of backfill will be placed to bring the seawall to grade with the uplands. The proposed project is in a residential development. It is a peninsula surrounded by a man-made access chan- nel. Substrate is limerock fill over caprock. Approx- imately 20% development has occurred. The project site is eroded limerock rubble over caprock. Vegetation was sparse consisting of scrub buttonwood (Conocarpus erecta); Borrichia sp. landward; and sparse, stunted Thalassia testudinum and Batophora sp. waterward of MHW. Due to the small size of the project- the lack of vege- tation; and previously disturbed character of the shore- line, there will be no adverse biological or,water qual- ity impact. Under the provisions of Section- 253.124, Florida Statuteq,-,this report shall be read into the record and duly consideredat the same meeting at which the Board of County Commissioners or other authorized body takes final action on the application for local Mr. Werner K. Munzenmayer Page Two April 3, 1978 approval. Proof of local must be furnished this office before final action can be taken. Sincerely, �homas M. Provenzano Dredge and Fill Supervisor TMP/et oFFic=_ OF: ,; *,= ---- BOARD�'11NTY COMMISSIONEPS Monroe County Bui1'ai'�i® g Dept — ` : J"` _� �CHL oESSER, Chairman ,.,. „ _ RICHARD A. KERB, Vice -Chairman t JERRY NDEZ,JR. P.O. Box 304 HERNA PURIE HO'.':ANITZ m arathon, Florida 33050 JEROME SHIPLEY OUtiTY o M0N R0E f' KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040: (305) 294-4641 BIOLOGICAL FIELD REPORT TO: The Commissioners FROM: -. Lynn H. Kephart, Biologist -- DATE: January 9, 1978 SUBJECT: Werner K. Munzenmayer LEGAL: Lot 34, Subd. Sugarloaf Shores JOB: Seawall RECOMENDATION: Approval The area of lot 34 on Sugarloaf is located on open grater area. This work requires State and Army permits. Since, this wall is located on open water it could have maximum wave energy face, so rip rap should be located at the toe of the seawall. .This will aid the adjacent properties from future erosin. It is most important to line the wall with the closest existing wall. It must follow a continuous straight line. I would recommend Approval -with rip rap at the toe. hifnn H. Kephart Biologist LHK/bk �L :t'iD .�:'�.� ;��r� -. Fnt(Ii.\t P L.l.r\i I�,� 'l0.`iROE (Ou`iTY ?IIILDI':� 1`ID ZONING Di -PART` E."T TYPF nR T," I,;T 0';i Y ER"IT `!UMRFR DATE r NNER' S ';A'1F �. I Wit.'y, : -r )1 ��`.. .� �• n'�/r (_ ,., 13I10NF r r J -"ti`tiER' S 'MAILI?;G ADDRESS (1 4 \ ' t r-`rr PHONE ? ( - (. ,%. :OTvT,� .r1CTOR S lA..1E - �, r T/ / :0'dTRACTOR'S MAILING ADDRESS 1' } �,� r !" �, / ,-'r'/•�;� ;� "� —r PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: KEY �� L ��,f�'� r' LOT )'�Z BLOCK 'SUBDIVISI01 STREET OR ROAD S, r: T,y � 1 .,: ; /)W 1 ?ROPOSED CONSTRUCTION S C' /� Lv i' L�1 — 1061 (Seawall, rip -rap, boat slip, small dock, etc,) ADJACENT PROPERTY O1'1NF.RS - PLEASE LIST TtiEIR COHPLETE 'MAILING ADDRESSES APPLIC 4TIONT PIII L BE AC'COINPA`'IFD BY THE FOL 10,'VTN(, OR IT WILL NOT BE PROCrS.ST?n, 1. APPLICATION FEE OF $25.00 2'. Two (2) sets of drawings or plans 3.. Drawings or plans shall be on a 3 z" x 1.0" piece of paper 4. Drawings will show the following: a. Top view b. Side view - cross section C. Plot plan d. Drawn to scale e. Neat and legible S. Location Map I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied whether specified herein -or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any local, State or Federal Law regulating; construction or the performance of construction of this type of fa�cil/i/tty. signature".• _C- (Owner Contractor Approved for Issuance of Permit Person Accepting;. application assistant Director PLEASE RETURN APPLICATION TO: Cost of Permit ��11 / _ cif//�'fY✓��, ✓ , . 6.. Covc, 3000 Psi. R O.#w,'vA uw S" ,�0 i" 3 y r'i evf s f d SvGAR -10,09 F SA/0AFS ,w4w 0 0 0to AvCA*4 z Ti E IBAtfc rvflir �O .+. 4t s'O A•tK VE1lTicAL wFoitCEd svPpo )tr. _ --