Resolution 130A-1978 RESOLUTION NO. 130lt1978 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNrI CO}~ISSION- ERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, RELATING TO THE PAY}lliNT OF LEGAL FEES, COSTS, AND EXPENSES OF PERSONS ~~O ARE INSOLVENT OR INDIGENT; AMENDING SECTION 925.035(6), FLORIDA STATUTES (1977) AND/OR AMENDING SUBSECTION 27.53(2) FLORIDA STATUTES (1977) FOR REASON THAT THE ATTORNEY'S FEES AND COSTS FOR APPOINTIVE ATTORNEYS HA\~ BECOME EXCESSIVE AND AN EXTREME BURDEN ON THE COUNTIES; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. '~EREAS, Florida Statutes 925.035(6) and Florida Statutes 27.53(2) were amended to establish a criteria for the payment of private attorneys appointed to represent insolvent or indigent defendants, and WHEREAS, these amendments have placed an extreme burden on the counties, and HHEREAS, the County recognizes the need for the appoint- ment of such private attorneys in the presentation of the insol- vent or indigent under certain circumstances and conditions, and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Board of County Commis- sioners of Monroe County, Florida, to ask of the Legislature to establish a reasonable cost and fee consideration, and vnIEREAS, in one county it has been determined that there was only a 17% increase in appointments, but an increase of 46% in fees awarded, and that there have been fees ranging from $13,500.00 to $18,000.00 for such representation of the insolvent and indigent defendant, now, therefore, BE IT PESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY CO~1ISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. That the Legislature determine a reasonable set fee or hourly fee for private attorneys representing insolvent or in- digent defendents. 2. That certified copies of this resolution be forwarded to the State Association of County Commissioners, our Legislative delegation, and any other appropriate officals. Page 1 of 2 Pages ~. ON $' - )lo.<)~ ., ~. ",' .,--~ 0""'.. ,~.~ _. _k.:~~ ~_~L_~_i?AGE I t(....~~'"""__..~~.. 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED in open session this 16th day of May, 1978. BOARD OF COUNTY COW1ISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ../--;? B~V~L~~ ~a~? .---- . ayor an C a~rma (Seal) Attest: ,I' ') ~ y'" <, ~//~ ~ ,?- , I ... I HEREBY CERTIFY that this document has been reviewed for legal su ffi- ciency and that the same meets with r:iy approval. . .//,. (' ,. . 7./' ./ _, ,c , /" /"';~4~//'{:/,~..;~., '<j Attorney's Office By Page 2 of 2 Pages