Resolution 131-1978 - I >. / RESOLUTION No;L31 -1978 RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING FUNDS '\THEREAS, it is necessary for the Board of County Corrnnis- sioners of 11onroe County, Florida, to make budgeted transfers previously set up in the Honroe County Budget for the year 1977-78, and to create new items under said Budget, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COHMISSIO!'lERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the budgeted transfers previously set up in the Monroe County Budget for the year 1977-78, in the amounts hereinafter set forth be trans ferred to and from the follm'Jing accounts: GENERAL P~VENUE FUND Transfer from Item #5347.05.000, Senior Community Service Project - Fed., the s~~ of $6.00 to Item #5347.05.328, Auto Allm,7ance and Travel - Fed. Transfer from Item #3990.00.341.0, Contractual Services, the sum of $270.00 to Item #3990.00.402.0, Capital Outlay Equipment. Transfer from Item #5223.00.327.0, Personal Care Items, the sum of $500.00 to Item #5223.00.102.0, Salaries. Transfer from Item #5223.00.327.0, Personal Care Items, the sum of $75.26 to Item #5223.00.105.0, Hatching Costs. Transfer from Item #5347.01.102.0. Salaries and :Jages, the sum of $15.00 to Item #53L;, l1edical Supplies. Transfer from Item #53L~7. 01.102.0, Salaries and vJages, the sum of $774.00 to Item #5347.01.402.0, Capital Outlay Equipment. Transfer from Item #5347.01.102.0, Salaries and Hages, the sum of $178.00 to Item #5347.01.402.0, Capital Outlay Equipment. Transfer from Item #6l02.0Q.337.0, Maintenance of Buildings, the sum of $500.00 to Item #6102.00.402.1, Capital Outlay Equipment Under $100. Transfer from Item #6102.00.203.0, Materials, the sum of $25.00 to Item #6210.00.341.0, Con- tractual Services. ~age 1 of 8 Pages '~auED ON,--~~_S-c;l~,",lL~ ' 'j'" ,. 'r '--"''''''-. '" -~ ...;,.." - -]~ l&O~L~,_~~._._ PI",GE",,_~ll '. ' , -',.....--~.-..~-~-.....::..-~ Transfer from Item #6302.00.402.0, Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of $16.29 to Item #6302.00.338.0, Maintenance of Equipment. Transfer from Item #7201.00.102.0, Salaries and Wages, the sum of $374.00 to Item #7201.00.106.0, Group Insurance. Transfer from Item #7201.00.203.0, Materials, the sum of $9.92 to Item #7201.00.209.0, Medical Supplies. Transfer from Item #7202.01.338.0, Maintenance of Equipment, the sum of $120.00 to Item #7202.00.209.0, Medical Supplies. Transfer from Item #7900.00.341.1, Contractual Services, the sum of $250.00 to Item #7900.00.341.0, Contractual Services. Transfer from Item #5348.17.207.0, Tools and Small Implements, the sum of $76.88 to Item #5348.17.205.0, Office Supplies. Transfer from Item #5223.00.402.0, Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of $5223.00.210.0, Household and Kitchen Supplies. Transfer from Item #6102.00.102.0, Salaries, the sum of $500.00 to Item #6102.00.204.0, tliscellaneous Supplies. Transfer from Item #2101.00.329.0, Dues and Memberships, the sum of $2,000.00 to Item #2101.00.333.0, Advertising. Transfer from Item #2101.00.329.0, Dues and Memberships, the sum of $320.00 to Item #2101.00.334.0, Commissions and Fees. Transfer from Item #2103.00.205.0, Office Supplies, the sum of $1,175.00 to Item #2103.00.103.0, Salaries Non-Pavro11. Transfer from Item #2103.00.402.0, Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of $74.36 to IteM #2103.00.402.1, Capital Outlay Equipment Under $100. Transfer from Item #2104.00.204.0, Miscellaneous Supplies, the sum of $30.00 to Item #2104.00.209.0, Medical Supplies. Transfer from Item #2104.00.204.0, Miscellaneous Supplies, the sum of $20.00 to Item #2104.00.333.0, Advertising. Transfer from Item #2320.00.402.0, Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of $590.00 to Item #2320.00.103.0, Salaries Non-Payroll. Transfer from Item #2320.00.402.0, Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of $58.04 to Item #2320.00.201.0, Gasoline, Oil and Lubricants. Page 2 of 8 Pages Transfer from Item #2322.00.102.0, Salaries and Wages, the sum of $1,375.00 to Item #2322.00.103.0, Salaries Non-Payroll. Transfer from Item #2322.00.102.0, Salaries and Wages, the sum of $60.00 to Item #2322.00.209.0, i'1edical Supplies. Transfer from Item #2323.00.205.0, Office Sup- plies, the sum of $65.00 to Item #2323.00.338.0, Maintenance of Equipment. Transfer from Item #2440.00.341.0, Contractual Services, the sum of $50.00 to Item #2440.00.332.0, Sbuscriptions. Transfer from Item #2557.00.204.0, Miscellaneous Supplies and Expenses, the sum of $1,000.00 to Item #2557.00.402.0, Capital Outlay Equipnent. Transfer from Item #2670.00.102.0, Salaries and "Jages, the sum of $1,919.16 to Item #2670.00.103.0, Salaries Non-Payroll. Transfer from Item #2671.00.328.0, Auto Allow- ance and Travel, the sum of $1,000.00 to Item #2670.00.328.0, Auto Allowance and Travel. Transfer from Item #5221.00.309.71, Inpatient Hospital Services FRS, the sum of $200.00 to Item #2670.01.402.0, Capital Outlay Equipment FRS. Transfer from Item #2671.00.102.0, Salaries and lvages, the sum of $1,378.08 to Item #2671.00.103.0, Salaries Non-Payroll. Transfer from Item #2671.00.328.0, Auto Allowance and Travel, the sum of $1,000.00 to Item #2671.00.402.0, Capital Outlay Equipment. Transfer from Item #2671.00.328.0, Auto Allowance and Travel, the sum of $300.00 to Item #2671.00.402.1, Capital Outlay Equipment lffider $100. Transfer from Item #2780.00.205.0, Office SUD- plies, the sum of $10.00 to Item #2780.00.332.0, Subscriptions. Transfer from Item #2780.00.205.0, Office Sup- plies, the sum of $131.31 to Item #2780.00.333.0, Advertising. Transfer from Item #2991.00.205.0, Office Sup- plies, the sum of $284.58 to Item #2991.00.331.0, Rentals. Transfer from Item #3440.00.102.0, Salaries and \\rages, the sum of $462.54 to Item #3440.00.103.0, Salaries Non-Payroll. Transfer from Item #3440.00.328.0, Auto Allowance and Travel, the sum of $498.00 to Item #3440.00.341.0, Contractual Services. Page 3 of 8 Pages Transfer from Item #3993.00.205.0, Office Supplies, the sum of $6.90 to Item #3993.00.329.0, Dues and ~:Iemberships. Transfer from Item #3993.00.328.0, Auto Allowance and Travel, the sum of $12.25 to Item #3993.00.331.0, Rentals. Transfer from Item 413993.00.402.0, Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of $41.59 to Item #3993.00.338.0, Maintenance of Equipment. Transfer from Item #5106.00.341.0, Contractual Services, the sum of $1,000.00 to Item #5106.00.208.0, Medical Supplies. Transfer from Item #5106.00.341.0, Contractual Services, the sum of $500.00 to Item #5106.00.335.0, Communications. Transfer from Item #5221.00.309.5, Ambulance, the sum of $1,400.00 to Item #5220.00.103.0, Salaries Non-Payroll. Transfer from Item #5221.00.309.5, Ambulance, the sum of $30.00 to Item #5220.00.209.0, Medical Supplies. Transfer from Item #5347.00.102.0, Salaries and Wages, the sum of $500.00 to Item #5347.00.209.0, Nedical Supplies. Transfer from Item #5347.00.328.0, Auto Allow- ance and Travel, the sum of $25.43 to Item #5347.00.328.0. Auto Allowance and Travel. Transfer from Item #5347.00.102.0, Salaries and Wages, the sum of $100.00 to Item #5347.00.205.0, Office Supplies. Transfer from Item #5347.00.333.0, Advertising, the sum of $100.00 to Item #5347.00.335.0, Communi- cations. Transfer from Item #5347.03.335.0, Communications, the SQm of $418.58 to Item #5347.03.328.2, Auto Allowance and Travel. Transfer from Item #3991.00.402.0, Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of $63.60 to Item #3991.00.402.1, Capital Outlay Equipment Under $100. Transfer from Item #5223.00.402.0, Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of $95.80 to Item #5223.00.402.1, Capital Outlay Equipment Under $100. Transfer from Item #5105.01.201, Gasoline, Oil and Lubricants, the sum of $50.00 to Item #5105.01.209.0, Medical and Surgical Supplies. Transfer from Item #5105.00.402.0, Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of $57.00 to Item #5105.00.338.0, Maintenance of Equipment. Page 4 of 8 Pages Transfer from Item #2322.331, Rentals, the sum of $200.00 to Item #2322.332, Subscriptions. Transfer from Item #5347.05.205, Office Supplies, the sum of $350.00 to Item #5347.05.001, Senior Community Service Project - Local. Transfer from Item #5347.05.1030, Salaries Non- Payroll, the sum of $48,380.00 to Newly Created Item #5347.05.0000, Senior Community Service Project - Federal. Transfer from Item #5347.05.1070, Workmens Com- pensation, the sum of $2,998.00 to Newly Created Item #5347.05.0000, Senior Community Service Project - Federal. Transfer from Item #5347.05.3280, Travel, the sum of $128.00 to Newly Created Item #5347.05.0000, Senior Community Service Project - Federal. Transfer from Item #5347.05.0000, Senior Community Service Project - Fed., the sum of $750.00 to Item #5347.05.2090, Medical Supplies and Expenses. Transfer from Item #5347.05.2040, Miscellaneous Supplies, the sum of $50.00 to Newly Created Item #5347.05.0000, Senior Community Service Project - Fed. Transfer from Item #5347.05.0010, Senior Community Service Project - Local, the sum of $350.00 to Item #5347.05.330, Advertising. Transfer from Item #5347.05.3281, Travel, the sum of $1,700.00 to Item #5347.05.0010, Senior Com- munity Service Project - Local. Transfer from Item #5347.05.0010, Senior Community Service Project - Local, the sum of $350.00 to Item #5347.05.2050, Office Supplies. Transfer from Item #5347.05.2051, Postage, the sum of $350.00 to Item #5347.05.0010, Senior Community Service Project - Local. Transfer from Item #5347.05.3350, Telephone, the sum of $1,000.00 to Item #5347.05.0010, Senior Community Service Project - Local. Transfer from Item #5347.05.0010, Senior Community Service Project - Local, the sum of $500.00 to Newly Created Item #5347.05.204.1, Miscellaneous Supplies. Transfer from Item #5347.05.0010, Senior Community Service Project - Local, the sum of $2,800.00 to Newly Created Item #5347.05.4020, Capital Outlay Equipment. Transfer from Item #5347.05.0010, Senior Community Service Project - Local, the sum of $100.00 to Newly Created Item #5347.05.3380, Maintenance of Equipment. Transfer from Item #5347.05.3280, Travel, the sum of $4,378.00 to Item #5347.05.0010, Senior Com- munity Service Project - Local. Page 5 of 8 Pages Transfer from Item #5347.05.2090, ~1edica1 Supplies and Expenses, the sum of $2,000.00 to Item #5347.05.0010, Senior Community Service Project - Local. SUPPLEMENT TO GENERAL REVENUE FUND Transfer from Item #6212.00.102.0, Salaries and Wages, the sum of $803.96 to Item #6212.00.103.0, Salaries Non-Payroll. Transfer from Item #6212.00.402.0, Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of $22.50 to Item #6212.00.402.1., Capital Outlay Equipment Under $100. Transfer from Item #6212.01.102.0, Salaries and Wages, the sum of $229.68 to Ite~ #6212.01.103.0, Salaries Non-Payroll. ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND Transfer from Item #3210.04.201.0, Gasoline, Oil and Lubricant, the sum of $100.00 to Item #3210.04.337.0, Maintenance of Buildings. Transfer from Item #3210.01.402.0, Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of $500.00 to Item #3210.04.3380, Maintenance of Equipment. Transfer from Item #3210.01.402.0, Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of $120.80 to Item #3210.10.402.0, Capital Outlay Equipment. Transfer from Item #3210.01.324.0, Clothing, the sum of $22.20 to Item #3210.10.402.0, Capital Outlay Equipment. Transfer from Item #3210.09.201.0, Gasoline, Oil, and Lubricant, the sum of $400.00 to Item #3210.09.402.0, Capital Outlay Equipment. Transfer from Item #3210.05.201.0, Gasoline, Oil, and Lubricant, the sum of $6.00 to Item #3210.05.324.0, Clothing. Transfer from Item #3210.00.402.0, Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of $500.00 to Item"#3210.04.338.0, ~aintenance of Equipment. Transfer from Item #3210.05.207.0, Tools and Small Implements, the sum of $50.00 to Item #3210.05.324.0, Clothing. Transfer from Item #3210.07.201.0, Gasoline, Oil and Lubricants, the sum of $67.50 to Item #3210.07.331.0, Rentals. Transfer from Item #4102.00.331.0, Rentals, the sum of $2,000.00 to Item #4102.00.335.0, Communi- cations. Transfer from Item #4102.00.331. 0, Rentals, the sum of $45.59 to Item #4102.00.337.1, Maintenance of Building - Insurance Claim. Page 6 of 8 Pages Transfer from Item #4101.00.341.0, Contractual Ser- vices, the sum of $30.00 to Item #4101.00.209.0, Medical Supplies. CARD SOUND BRIDGE INTEREST AND SINKING FUND Transfer from Item #8120.00.341.0, Contractual Ser- vices, the sum of $5,875.80 to Newly Created Item #7991.00.401.0, Capital Outlay Buildings. Transfer from Item #8210.00.341.0, Contractual Ser- vices, the sum of $50,000.00 to Item #8210.00.501.0, Principal Payment Bonded Indebted- ness. AIRPORT DEVELOPHENT AND REPLACEl'1ENT FUND Transfer from Item #7201.00.401.0, Capital Outlay, the sum of $35.00 to Item #7201.00.401.1, Adminis- tration. Transfer from Item #7201.00.401.0, Capital Outlay, the sum of $105.00 to Item #7201.00.401.2, Inspec- tion. Transfer from Item #7201.00.401.0, Capital Outlay, the sum of $3,500.00 to Item #7201.00.401.3, Construction. Transfer from Item #7201.00.401.0, Capital Outlay, the sum of $105.00 to Item #7201.00.401.4, Con- tingency. MUNICIPAL SERVICE DISTRICT FUND Transfer from Item #7992.05.204.0, Miscellaneous Supplies and Expenses, the sum of $239.32 to Item #7992.01.338.0, Maintenance of Equipment. Transfer from Item #7992.05.204.0, Miscellaneous Supplies and Expenses, the sum of $167.50 to Item #7992.02.331.0, Rentals. Transfer from Item #7992.05.203.0, Materials, the sum of $60.00 to Item #7992.02.331.0, Rentals. Transfer from Item #7992.05.201.0, Gasoline, Oil and LlIDricants, the sum of $77.13 to Item #7992.03.335.0, Communications. Transfer from Item #7992.05.207.0, Tools and Small Implements, the sum of $900.00 to Item #7992.05.331.0, Rentals. Transfer from Item #9990.00.701.0, Contingencies the sum of $6,681.08 to Item #7992.01.334.0, Commissions and Fees. Transfer from Item #7992.05.340.0, Utilities, the sum of $635.00 to Item #7992.05.331.0, Rentals. Page 7 of 8 Pages Transfer from Item #7992.05.340.0, Utilities, the sum of $60.00 to Item #7992.06.331.0, Rentals. Transfer from Item #7992.05.102.0, Salaries and Wages Other, the sum of $490.23 to Item ://=7992.06.338.0, Maintenance of Equipment. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the Clerk of said Board be and he is hereby authorized to take the necessary action to effect the transfer of funds hereinabove set forth. DATED May 16, 1978. BOARD OF COUNTY COt1MISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA //"~7 BYLb~'~,~a~~i~~~-;7' Attest: ') ~0a (Seal) I HEREBY CERTIFY that this document has been rev:evved for legai ~uifi- ciency and thO,t the same meets with my appro~~. " / / ,,'" /'. / //<1._::'- .,~ ':, t!/--,;- By //I/~/'c "C/~-.; , Attorney's Office Page 8 of 8 Pages