Resolution 138-1978 PESOLUTION NO.138 -1978 RESOLUTION SUPPORTING HOUSE BILL NO. 304 AND SENATE BILL 540 PROVIDING FOR RESTORATION OF INDIAN KEY, MONROE COUNr[, FLORIDA. lVHEREAS, there is now pending before the State Legislature House Bill 304 and Senate Bill 540 which provide for restoration of Indian Key, Monroe County, Florida, and t..JHEREAS, said bills provide for an important program in regards to the saving of the history of the State of Florida, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. That said Board of County Commissioners does who1e- hearted1y support and endorse House Bill 304 and its companion Senate Bill 540 which provide for the restoration of Indian Key, Monroe County, Florida, and it does hereby request that the Florida State Legislature adopt said bills in order to assure that the history of Indian Key, Monroe County, Florida, be retain- ed. 2. That certified copies of this resolution be forwarded to the t1onroe County Legislative delegation and other appropriate officials as is necessary. DATED May 16, 1978. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ~ ' By/-::. .. ~ ~~~ ~.. v ~ and C. airman Attest,:'.._/ . / .-- 'q; ~~... I ~d.?/;;--'l. -. .::' '----7 ' Clerk (Seal) By APPROVED ON ...'J - \ ~ -~ i ' ._.~^'~-~ , r K_~_. PAGE---1~---- BOOK _----------.' I HEREBY CERTIFY that this document has been reviewed for legal suffi. ciency and that the Si.1me meets w:th my approval. ~'\""!1~'/;." /'~..'.I/ /.' /1 " / ,~',/'l" 1<-- ./ .' ........( / w{.C'o/.;.) /' ' - Attorney's Office