Resolution 139-1978139 RESOLUTION NO. - 1978 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING REMOVAL OF SPOIL AT PIGEON KEY. WHEREAS, the University of Miami, Lessee of Pigeon Key, has requested the Board's authorization to move certain spoil resulting from the recent opening of a swimming pool at Pigeon Key, Monroe County, Florida, and WHEREAS, the Department of Environmental Regulation of the State of Florida has approved of the site to which said spoil may be moved, now therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA as follows: 1. That the University of Miami and Paramount Pictures be and they are each or either of them hereby authorized to move said spoil at their own expense from the intertidal zone to the desig- nated spoil disposal area as shown on the sketch attached to the letter of Mr. Langley Adair to Dr. E. H. Man bearing the date May 9, 1978. 2. It is further RESOLVED that a true copy of the foregoing Resolution be forwarded by the Clerk to Dr. E. H. Man, University of Miami, P.O. Box 248293, Coral Gables, Florida 33124. RESOLVED in regular meeting at Plantation Key, Monroe County, Florida this 23rd day of May, A.D. 1978. Attest: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Mayor/Chairma I HERBY CER EFY thlnf been kfferk content i:i&i cui' : CY -a�aS ��. i� i-ay approval. /&-.� RICHAlk'D PAYNE ASSL County Attornoy PAGE O S 1 UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA 33124 May 15, 1978 RESEARCH AND SPONSORED PROGRAMS P.O. BOX 248293 Richard G. Payne, Esq. Assistant County Attorney County of Monroe P. 0. Box 1617 Key West, Florida 33040 REFERENCE: Pigeon Key, Monroe County Dear Mr. Payne: 123 FERRE BUILDING (305) 284-4541 I am enclosing a copy of a letter I have received from Mr. Langley Adair, State of Florida Department of Environmental Regulation, authorizing the movement of spoil resulting from the recent opening of the swimming pool at Pigeon Key. The Department of Environmental Regulation has requested that this movement be accomplished, and the contractor engaged by Para- mount Pictures, Inc., has agreed to comply without cost. The University of Miami is acting as intermediary in this instance in order to achieve the placement of spoil requested by the Department of Environmental Regulation. Written approval is requested from the Board of County Commissioners, Monroe County, to accomplish the movement of spoil as indicated by the Department of Environmental Regulation. Yours truly, E. H. Man, Dean Research & Sponsored Programs EHM:nj Enclosure cc: Hon. Don Schloesser Dr. Clyde J. W.ingfield Mr. Langley Adair A private, independent, international university An equal opportunity/affirmative action employer I • THF5 t�� Z• f o STATE OF FLORIDA � � DEPARTMENT PA •,�„�� RTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION SOUTH FLORIDA DISTRICT 2180 WEST FIRST STREET, SUITE 401 REUBIN O'D. ASKEW FORT MYERS, FLORIDA 33901 GOVERNOR JOSEPH W. LANDERS, JR. SECRETARY PHILIP R. EDWARDS May 9, : 19 7 8 DISTRICT MANAGER Dr. E. H. Man _ t, University of Miami IMY Post Office Box 248293 2 1978 Coral Gables, Florida 33124 p%il�f/p 4! $'V# Ogg[ p Re: Permit No. 44-25-2181E, Pidgeon Key, M6hir �n P unty Dear Dr. Man: Pursuant to our telephone conversation of May 8, 1978, this letter will authorize the movement of the spoil from the intertidal zone to the designated spoil disposal -area as an interim protective measure. I am attaching the sketch that accompanied the permit, delin- eating the spoil disposal site. Your cooperation is appreciated. Sincerely yours, L62-i Langley Adair, Pollution Control Specialist Enforcement Section LA/km Enclosure CC: Silvia Alderman Richard Morgan Glen Boe Pam McVety Tom Provenzano COE - Miami t 9 tt ^ l 111� �,*`�. o'�� }•� �� 7.(7 L %irr-0 ri a \, cv till 7 6 S 9 �1 , 9q S 6 tt �• �Sl A. b 0 L 6 -IV 44 0• i )2 tt t1 ,L Iralp •-, is SCA' ,� e • ICI, rDO • • �! 1.•i � .-��----`j1. ' � --�J� I 3 - 1'.'. '� �i,7 f^C'Jy.t` e ec �ta.y nr h s Cesin��e�, tits �O'!• i i L- }• L• { h s a %vais•er oS -rt ncaticn unrFr ?IL �? 5C3 =on- the con!,..crs irrlpCSed 253, :I,).ida S:at.._s. " : •- I ILA .•.- .. �1 •�C/'.l /'.'7 <� � .•it •r. __ �w t Di P -'N :. PIPE 77 -------------- \, i. :z .= P -T-� Chi �ne1 Coon ty `'� U��_.�it;; of .-'-::j; h"ov 26 4 13 F' 137, N