Resolution 142-1978RESOLUTION NO.142 -1978 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING .THE MAYOR AND CHAIRMAN. OF THE -,BOARD OF,COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY.,.FLORIDA, TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT BY AND BE- TWEEN THE DISTRICT SCHOOL.BOARD OF MONROE COUNTY AND THE COUNTY OF.MONROE, STATE OF FLORIDA,'FOR TITLE,I AND TITLE III C.E.T.A. PROGRAMS PROVIDING FOR YOUTH COMMUNITY CONSERVATION AND IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM, YOUTH EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING:. PROGRAM, AND.MONROE SCHOOL'BOARD YOUTH PROJECT FOR THE SUM- MER PROGRAM FOR ECONOMICALLY DISADVANTAGED YOUTH. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD.._OF;COUNTY..COMMISSIONERS OF'. MONROE.-COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: ..That the Mayor and:, Chairman be ;authorized` to execute a . - Contract by and between the.District School Board of Monroe County and the. County of Monroe`, State of.Florida,- a copy of same being attached hereto, for Title I and Title III C.E.T-.A. Programs providing for Youth Community, Con-s.ervation and Improve-. meet Program, Youth Employment and Training Program, and.Monro-e School Board Youth Project for the Summer Program•for Economical- ly Disadvantaged Youth: Passed.and adopted by the,.Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County.,.Florida, at a regular meeting held on the 6th day June, 1978:. BOARD OF.COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF- MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By rti May r an C airman ' (Seal) Attest C 1 erk_ I HEREBY CERTIFY that this documqntt has been reviewed for legal suffi- ciency and that the same . meets with my approval: SY Attorneys Offide APPROVED Ot BOOK PAGE_