Resolution 152-1978 >;, RESOLUTION N~52 -1978 I I I WHEREAS, it is necessary to increase !items under t~e I : General Revenue Fund of the Monroe County BU~get for the ytar 1977-78, to account for unanticipated funds eceived from 4thet I I governmental agencies, now, therefore, I BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNT~ COMMISSIONER~ OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1, That the General Revenue Fund o~ I I Budget for the year 1977-78, be, and the samel I the Monroe c~unty i is hereby inqreased by the sum of $1,305.00 as follows: (1) There is hereby created General Revenue Fund of i I unlder "Revenue" 1 in the I thle Monroe Coun~y Bud- get for the year 1977-78, Ian item to be Iknown I as Item ::ftl423 , 03 Donationsl - Key West Jtj.nior I I conclain Women's Club, which said iltem shall I I the of $1,305.00. I sum I i I I (2) The following increase is pereby author~zed I under "Expenditures" in th~ General Rev~nue Fund of the Monroe County audget for th~ year 1977-78. Item #6102.01.4020 Capital Outlay Equipmentl I BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD ~hat $1,1305.00 , the Cler~ of said Board be, and that upon receipt of the a~ove unanticiplated funds, he is hereby authorized and directed to place said flunds in said items, as set forth above, DATED June 13, 1978, BOARD OF COUNT~ COMMISSIONE~.S OF HONROE COUNTY, 1 FLORIDA I /;/7 ~' : BU/~'/~~ ~~i' ayor n C airman . Attes~' :!_ ~ I HEREBY CERTI Iy that this dOCU1~::aI) ~ been reviewe for legal suffi- I er ciency and that the same meets w th my approv I. 1 APPRovro CN_ l, BOOK _ 'f-:/ By ~ \. -\ .l) '8 -<il PAGE